Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    I just finished my 24 day challenge yesterday. I found it super easy to follow and the food I was making was yummy. I was never hungry and felt better on a daily basis. Considering I normally have aches and pains due to a bad back and a bad hip. I lost 11 pounds and 15 inches and I'm moving onto to the 72 day challenge as of today. I did find it a bit pricey but when I broke it down and took a look at my grocery bill (which drastically decreased) I found that it was worth it.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I just finished my 24 day challenge yesterday. I found it super easy to follow and the food I was making was yummy. I was never hungry and felt better on a daily basis. Considering I normally have aches and pains due to a bad back and a bad hip. I lost 11 pounds and 15 inches and I'm moving onto to the 72 day challenge as of today. I did find it a bit pricey but when I broke it down and took a look at my grocery bill (which drastically decreased) I found that it was worth it.

    Love hearing these stories!
  • GREAT JOB SIR!!! I love Advocare and I have never felt better (age 35).
  • I've been contemplating only doing the 10 day cleanse - but I dont know if I really need to drink the Spark energy drinks. I don't drink coffee or soda and on the rare occasion that I drink tea, it's always decaf. I am highly sensitive to caffeine so I just stay away from it. So, do I really even need to drink it during the 10 day cleanse? I feel like I could honestly do without it... but if it's something I HAVE to have as part of the cleanse, I will do it.
  • I started going to a yoga/weights studio, which offers a variety of classes. They promote the Advocare 24-day challenge a few times a year. My boyfriend and I have just started it today and am excited to rid my body of toxins and jump start our new eating lifestyle. We've always eaten well, but want to continue to do so. Here's to Day 1!

    Happy to read all the positive feedback on here. :)
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    I've been contemplating only doing the 10 day cleanse - but I dont know if I really need to drink the Spark energy drinks. I don't drink coffee or soda and on the rare occasion that I drink tea, it's always decaf. I am highly sensitive to caffeine so I just stay away from it. So, do I really even need to drink it during the 10 day cleanse? I feel like I could honestly do without it... but if it's something I HAVE to have as part of the cleanse, I will do it.

    No you dont have to do the Spark to do the 10 day cleanse. I did it, even without a soda/coffee problem myself, only because the lack of carbs (energy) caused me to crash during workouts. So, day 3 I gave in and ordered some. Its completely up to you, and it will not make or break the 10 day cleanse by any means.
  • SunnyMoss
    SunnyMoss Posts: 4 Member
    Advocare strongly recommends the Spark drink as a major part of both the cleanse and the weight management portion of the program. It's primarily to promote mental focus. They've found that most people tend to overeat or make poor choices when they're mentally drained. Spark is more so recommended to help maintain mental focus in a minimum amount of calories. It's a plus if you're looking for a coffee alternative.

    I'm 18 days into the challenge, don't drink coffee either, and have lost 11 pounds as of this morning. Even if I weren't considering maintaining the weight management portion of the challenge, I'd continue to buy Spark. It really does help improve mental alertness without the jittery-effect of most caffeine products and its sugar free. Plus, if you purchase the bundle, you're already paying for it, so I'd recommend trying it out.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I just started Round 2 yesterday. Anyone else in the first week?
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I had posted a while back when I said my husband was on it, but I was doing well enough on my own, I didn't need it. Well, time has passed and I completed my own challenge! I saw how much energy and how good he was feeling and how much weight he was dropping, I wanted that too! I ended up losing 12.5 lbs and 13.5 inches. It is the inches that get you hooked! I had lost 50 lbs from April - Aug on MFP but NO inches in my waist at all. Then, I did the Challenge and lost 3in in my waist in 24 days. Yep, I'm a believer in the Advocare. Big time. Spark, Catalyst, Leptilean, Thermoplus, Vitachews, MNS....Some may say waste of money, I say I am finally not feeling weak and nauseated all the time on my weight loss journey. Whatever works. They are GOOD products. So, if what you are doing is working for you, GREAT! If it isn't, then check out the Challenge, so WORTH IT! Oh and edited to add, I 2nd the person who said they SAVED money. We ended up saving money on our Grocery bill. GOODBYE $400-500 a month in food cost. We go to the store now and stock up on veggies/fruits and lean meat for about $100 every couple weeks. Cha-Ching! I called that savings for my SPARK fund!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am a distributor for Advocare ... and YES the products do work ! The results may vary depending how committed the person is to losing weight.

    If interested here is my link ... I can help you every step of the way.... We will not leave you alone

    You join today and this is your first post. Shame on you. You give us all a bad name.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Today is Day 11 and I have lost 10 pounds so far. I would have lost more, but the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur was last weekend. The problem with this is you have a large meal the night before the holiday and then fast the day of the holiday. Then you break the fast with a large meal. So prior the holiday I had already lost 10 pounds, I just got back down to that 10 pounds lost today. Now I enter the burn phase. So let's see how it goes.
  • I just finished up day 2 of the 24 day challenge, so I'm still on the 10-day cleanse phase. I have to admit I was skeptical about the products, but omg i really can feel a difference in myself after only 2 days! My biggest concern was whether I would have headaches without caffeine, (I work 12 hour night shifts at two different jobs and I am constantly drinking coffee, red bull, monster,etc..) but I have not cheated, and the spark actually keeps me energetic! Even if I lost no weight from this, it would be worth it just to wean myself down from my super high stimulant tolerance lol.

    It is a bit overpriced; after comparing some of their products with similar things that you can buy from GNC, my friend (who I'm doing the challenge with) and I have decided that we will follow the cleanse plan again in the future, but with more affordable products. We'll see what results I get, but so far I'm happy with everything except the price lol

    One thing: Today I had the fiber drink and shake as usual and was too full to eat for several hours. I skipped the am snack as well as lunch, and just ate dinner. Has anyone else experienced this? The advocare coach said I should force myself to eat even if I'm not hungry, but i don't know.
  • I'm a very skeptical person, and I think something's up with this thread. There are way too many "newbie" posters on this thread. Nothing wrong with newbies, bc we've all been there. But, seeing profile after profile with only one post makes me feel like this is a group of individuals that got together and said, "hey, let's go to various diet websites and talk about advocare to promote it." :noway:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I'm a very skeptical person, and I think something's up with this thread. There are way too many "newbie" posters on this thread. Nothing wrong with newbies, bc we've all been there. But, seeing profile after profile with only one post makes me feel like this is a group of individuals that got together and said, "hey, let's go to various diet websites and talk about advocare to promote it." :noway:
    Yeah. I'll say. I feel like I just stumbled into a 4am infommercial. Eat at a deficit for weight loss, exercise for fitness. Save your money. Your body does not need to be cleansed of any toxins.

    Edited to add link for people to read BEFORE they part with their hard earned money.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm a very skeptical person, and I think something's up with this thread. There are way too many "newbie" posters on this thread. Nothing wrong with newbies, bc we've all been there. But, seeing profile after profile with only one post makes me feel like this is a group of individuals that got together and said, "hey, let's go to various diet websites and talk about advocare to promote it." :noway:

    I guess I throw a monkey wrench into that theory. Why did you even bother to come in here?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Save your money, eat real food.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Anyone notice that all of these are the users very first or second post and there is not profile picture. Not saying all of them are fake but it smells a little fishy to me.
    At this point, if I were a fish... I'd take offense.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Someone I know sells it. Before, she was fit. Now, her latest pictures, she looks gaunt. She doesn't get enough calories for the amount of exercise she does. She claims she feels fabulous but she isn't looking really good.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Haven't pitched once. But whatever.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Save your money, eat real food.
    And This!!