Women over 40 looking for support



  • junoja
    junoja Posts: 25 Member
    Also looking for new friends to help me along the way. 41 almost 42. Seems like I promise myself every year that this will be the last birthday that I will obese. So far my fairy godmother has not shown up to wave her wand and "Make it so", so I guess I have to do it myself! :smile:
  • jewlzie
    jewlzie Posts: 5 Member
    Would love some support and Friends in the over 40. I would love to have other who can relate and not keep feeling like I am going crazy with the pounds just not coming off. I love to exercise - best feeling after accomplishing and even better to beat previous goals... but its discouraging when the scale doesn't go down. I recently decided I could give up or try again, I am back on mfp and I need to try again.... :):smile:
  • Hi all. Deb here who is pushing the "new 30"...56 young! Would love some motivation and hearing about snack ideas and recipies. Love MFP...and know it works, but I'm an old athlete who never had to battle the weight until menopause set in 6 years ago. Lots of hormone fluc in my life. Hit MFP 4 days ago and am utilizing Personal Chef to Go for dinner meals only. Wasnin the restaurant business for 30 years, so don't enjoy cooking for two...love my ice cold beer in the early pm...so now you know a bit about me. Have 30 more to lose...or until I feel better and have better habits again. Thanks for your ears...eyes!:smile:
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    About to be 46 next week! Love to encourage and receive a bit too! You can do it girl! I started in May down 17 lbs and from size 14 to size 8. Still working at whacking the fat one day at a time for life!
  • Deborah100660
    Deborah100660 Posts: 45 Member
    I am 52, turning 53 on October 6. I am looking to lose about 25 to 30 pounds. I have been looking for support. So far I don't have any replies.

  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Hi I'm way over 40. My son signed me up in June 2013 only end of August did I take this on seriously. I've lost 3 lbs but need to lose 20 - 25 pounds by January 2014. I am a good support buddy and will welcome one too.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Hi Deborah,

    Will gladly lend support. And need some too. Good luck to us all :)
  • Hi all, I'm 44 and getting back into an exercise/fitness routine. I have always been fairly fit over the years. I had my 1st child at 40 and my weight went up when she was around 6 months old (when I went back to work and stopped walking and couldn't find time to exercise). I have managed to lose a stone in the last year but need to lose another stone to get to my target weight/shape.

    I used to cycle and use a cross-trainer. Find the cross-trainer a bit boring and can't find anyone to cycle with me and the evenings are drawing in. So now I have started running. I am currently on week 7 of the 'couch to 5k' running app and enjoying the running. I have just invested in a treadmill so I can continue running in the bad weather over the winter.

    Look forward to getting to know you all.
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    Anyone notice this post is 6 months old....
  • JakiDee
    JakiDee Posts: 43 Member
    42 here!! I am down 126 since mid December 2012. Feel free to add me.
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 42 and this is my 2nd time on MFP! I need the support of MFP friends, would welcome the old and anyone new! I need to make a complete lifestyle change when it comes to exercise and eating. I love encouraging others and need encouragement too! Friend me!!!
  • sheilatush
    sheilatush Posts: 58 Member
    I am 51 and joined in February...40 pounds lost so far. .Anyone is free to add me
  • Does 40 1/2 count?! I'm looking for the same thing! Anyone in or around the Nashville, TN area? I would like a walking buddy on Tuesdays, Thursdays & maybe 1 day on the weekend. EAT WELL, EXERCISE, STAY FOCUSED & ENJOY LIFE~Laura :~)
  • nikmack
    nikmack Posts: 2 Member
    :happy: Hi
    I have been on and off MFP for awhile but never actually followed it through. I have got 2 stone 9 pounds to lose and would love some like minded friends over 40 for the journey. I have also joined scottish slimmers but I am going to record my food/exercise on MFP. I am 47, married with 2 teenagers. I am not that keen on exercise but enjoy walking my dog. I am going on a cruise next year and would love to be at target weight for this. If you can provide support and encouragement and would like some back please feel free to join me.
  • Nearly 41, been on a diet for over 20 years. Finally decided I needed to do this properly to set an example to my children. I want to lose 4.5 stone and have given myself a sensible goal of 9 months to do it. Working on a steady half a stone a month loss. I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago and he prescribed me Xenical and advised I used this app. 2kg down in 2 weeks and I am very happy but would love the support from any of you wonderful ladies on the same journey xx
  • I am 43 years old and need to lose 40 pounds. I have absolutely no willpower. The more I think about losing weight the more I eat. It is a viscous cycle. I am trying MFP again. Could really use some friends in the same boat to offer support.
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Soon to be 56. Joined MFP early this year. Would love to have some friends for mutual encouragement.
  • cheer4you
    cheer4you Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Way over 40 and starting today with myfitnesspal. Hope to get my eating under control and start eating healthier. Know it will be hard with the holidays coming up. Need a friend for encouragement and someone to be accountable to
  • Hello,

    I too am over 40 and have just started as of two days ago. I dont know if I have lost any weight yet. I would like support as well in this journey.

    I started Weight Watchers, but was not seeing any results with it. I have been working out a lot more lately, but was only seeing the scale dip 1/2 lb. a week, (if I was lucky).

    With My fitness pal, I can see where I am eating a lot of hidden sugar. I have yet to stay at or under my calories, and the other things yet.

    I need HELP!!!
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Michele,

    I'll send you a friend request.