Is your stomach shaped like a "B"?



  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    I think the people saying this shape is created by wearing your pants too tight either A) don't REALLY have a "B" shape or B) are smokin somethin funny. :noway:

    I have had the dreaded B shape since before I was even fat. I mean, well, I was considered fat in 4th grade and on up, but I recall hating the way my stomach looked in my Catholic school uniform (a dress, totally unflattering, not at all gathered on the waist) in 3rd grade and up when I really started to become more aware of my body. I didn't even own a single pair of jeans when I was that young and rarely ever wore pants as Monday-Friday during the school year we had to be in our uniform.

    I hate it when people... friends, family, strangers... comment that I have a muffin top. *B* please. I can take my pants off and stand nude in front of you and show you a true B shape. No pants needed. No pants pushing fat up and creating that dreaded muffin top. Unfortunately, if you have a TRUE B shape like me, you're always running around looking like you've got muffin top... oh, but only in the front. :grumble:

    I'd love to see some before/during/after pictures if anyone has any.
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    This thread makes me wanna laugh and crya t the same time... for the longest time i was wondering why on earth was my belly so weirdly shaped, but now at least i know there are others who're jsut like me..

    trying hard to change my diet and workout more but it is a painstakingly slow process, and the shape still maintains as a flabby "B" even as it grows smaller.

    hmmm... im guessing if i reach below a certain body fat percentage, there wont be any fats to form any flabby "B's" anymore =P
  • JazzleRazzleDazzle
    JazzleRazzleDazzle Posts: 3 Member
    OMG! This topic title made me laugh. lol. I totally can relate to this. I hate it.
  • michi201
    michi201 Posts: 1 Member
    wow I thought I was the only one.... glad to see other people hate it as much as I do. I do believe it is genetics, as my mother, aunts and grandmother has it. I desperately want to get rid of it... im not fat and lost weight but it just wont look flat no matter what i do!
    Has anyone found anything that works to make it look "l" shape? specific foods or exercises?
    I hate wearing a bikini because of this B shape.. i look bigger than i actually am.
  • Mine is too. Unfortunately, it's caused by a surgery scar, and might never go away. :(
  • I have the same issue. Most of the time you don't see it just because I tend to wear clothes to hide it...but look at the plus side. A tummy this shape makes corsets sooo comfortable to wear
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    you are not alone! bump for later
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Zombie thread!!!
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Lol guys you notice lots of things...mine is like that too.
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 95 Member
    I have to wear looser trousers becuase of this dratted B shape. If I pull a pair of trousers up to my waist and manage to fasten the button, the zip will not close over the lower part of the B, there is too much flesh to get inside a regular pair of trousers so I have to wear roomy trousers with an elasticated waist or plenty of material at the front which ends up looking stupid on me, all my tops have to cover my stomach, preferrably tunic style, I am hoping that if i lose enough weight it will get significantly better.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I started getting the B stomach when pregnant so I thought it was my stomach being pushed up because I am short. But my baby is almost 11 months and I still have it so there goes that theory, lol. At least I am not alone and some seem to lose it when they lose weight.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Yep, I'm a B too! Even when I was very skinny - about 10 years ago... - I had the B. It was slightly smaller, but it was there, nevertheless. It's a pain when you sit down and it makes that awful roll. Even when I was very skinny, I used to feel fat in a bikini, because of the roll... But, I'm absolutely sure it is hereditary, because my mom has it and both my sisters have it too. And yeah, I'm so glad that the OP posted this thread, because I always thought I was the only one with this little dilemma. I'm sooooo jealous of all those lucky women who post their "after" pics and they have l tummies!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    SOO happy I saw this! mine is def a "B" in more ways than one I might add. I lost some weight but it doesn't seem to look smaller...just a different font.

    Got a long way to go and glad I'm not the only one with this kind of belly!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have it, too. Mine appears to be because of connective tissue making a crease in the middle, and the upper section has never gotten really large. The lower belly is the first place I gain weight. That's my b that gets bigger. Then I'll gain in the top for a B! The middle stays creased, lol.

    When I lose, I get a 2 pack at top and still have a tummy pooch at the bottom (much smaller, naturally). My obliques are very visible. I don't know if I'll ever see my lower abs. Also, my hipbones get visible and my hip flexors/tendons in that area show like a body builder, lol. Not 5 inches from a fat pad tummy pooch!

    I'm also an hourglass and also have a hernia (umbilical).

    If it helps anyone, I think they look great when small enough. Mine's been there. It's not a totally flat stomach, but it's still sexy. Check out pin-up drawings and you see a lot of them. The totally flat stomach look is just what they like modern models to have, imho. They are both normal and sexy for women!
  • ntatbeeq
    ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
    i am also facing this problem and actually i have irregular menstruation problem so my doc told me its because of that. but it really irritated me alot and i really feel so ashamed of it....can't wear skin tights :(

    Ladies plzzzzzzzzzzz share the way /your experience to get rid of this ugly shape :(
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Lots of upper ab work and ab leg lifts help. It doesn't get rid of the fat, of course, but it does tighten the muscles to suck in as much as they can.

    I do weighted (double) leg lifts and weighted reverse crunches to keep my lower abs tight! My upper abs are the ones I like to use more in daily life, apparently, and they get toned fine without weights.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Yea, thus the over-sized longer tops. The cute tops are short, to the waist. The body fat I could deal with when I finish losing, but I got the real bad bottom B before I even gained weight when I had surgery in 1993. Six weeks after surgery I learned I could have had it tucked while I was still under. Some freaking doctor.
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I just have a D :(
  • aggieanne04
    aggieanne04 Posts: 71 Member
    From the side view, my stomach reminds me of the letter "B". Although I have lost lots of inches in my midsection and my stomach continues to get smaller, the shape won't change. There's the extra fat that pokes out above the navel and then there's the pooch below it and then it just indents in the middle.

    Me!!! It's unnerving. I'm pretty much proportionate with my chest/hips head on- I'm hourglass shape. But my middle... oh goodness. I don't have much of a booty at all, and I usually wish I could put the fat from my belly above my navel into my butt to give it some shape. I'm almost a P shape from the side because the top of navel protrudes more. I'm flatter below my belly button, go figure.

    ETA: It's NOT from your pants being tight. LMAO That is the silliest thing I've ever heard. I actually look a lot better in lower waist styles because anything at the waist just makes it look worse.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Yea, thus the over-sized longer tops. The cute tops are short, to the waist. The body fat I could deal with when I finish losing, but I got the real bad bottom B before I even gained weight when I had surgery in 1993. Six weeks after surgery I learned I could have had it tucked while I was still under. Some freaking doctor.

    Aw, man! That's the lipo I'd get... that bottom b!