What are the top 5 things you recomend to do to lose weight?



  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Bump for the awesomesauce
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    1. Be consistent.

    2. Get enough sleep.

    3. Don't diet.

    4. Learn how to portion.

    5. Be happy and enjoy life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    1. Never refer to your weight loss as a "journey".

    2. Measure and account for everything that you put in your mouth.

    3. Adopt a strength training routine that incorporates progressive overload training with heavy lifting to preserve muscle during weight loss.

    4. Don't adopt a nutrition plan that has you eliminating foods because you've been told they're not good for you. Do your research about nutrition and understand that what really matters is the macronutrient breakdown of your total daily intake as well as your fiber, and micronutrient intake.

    5. Eat the foods you love, without going over your calorie goal, make sure you reach your protein, fat, and fiber minimums every day
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    1. Keep trying.
    2. Weigh and measure everything.
    3. Don't "diet" because when you go back to your 'regular' eating habits, your body will not be pleased. IIFYM
    4. Don't be afraid of talking to everyone in your life (and strangers) about your healthy accomplishments. Over and over. You will be surprised how many others are motivated by what you're doing even if no one says so.
    5. Learn portions.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    1> Set your environment up for success. Shop with a list, have the right kitchen tools, keep healthy snacks on hand.

    2. Weigh and measure/know the calories of what you are eating. It is a drag, but is more of a drag to put in effort, become frustrated and then realize that morning latte is actually 400 calories and not 150.

    3. Move. It doesn't have to be a gym. My mother lost 100 lbs using free weights, reducing her calories and marching around her basement for 30 minutes each night.

    4. Accept that it won't be easy. Easy is eating what you want when you want it in however great a quantity you want.

    5. Be kind to yourself. Failure is a step in learning, and there is no such thing as "failure" unless you give up trying.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Just three things as far as I'm concerned:

    1. Be honest about what you're eating and how much-- if you can't do that, you aren't ready to start losing weight.

    2. Knock off the fad diets; work on constructing a balanced and nutritious diet rather than just cutting out all the "bad" foods that are so totally bad because er... reasons.

    3. Lift weights and get your cardio in.
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    1. want to lose the weight
    2. be proactive / organized
    3. download MFP app
    4. log the food
    5. get under their TDEE and fit their macros
  • Pamelaniamh
    Pamelaniamh Posts: 611 Member
    Bump for later.
  • red0202
    red0202 Posts: 37 Member
    1) Drink lot of water
    2) Eat within the calorie guidance
    3) walk/workout atleast 30min a day (7 days a week)
    4) Never let the scale overcome you.
    5) patience
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks for all of the great advice here.
  • dvdadie
    dvdadie Posts: 193 Member
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    :smile: eat less
    :blushing: move (your body & your bowels)
    :happy: lift
    :smokin: measure:
    :heart: be grateful
  • YsanneIniss
    Been here since April 2013. Down 20 kg or 44 pounds, my goal is 62kg or 136 pounds. I'm 172cm = 5.7.

    1. Calm down, don't stress. = The most important thing, in my opinion, is the right frame of mind. Freaking out won't get you anywhere. Do your stuff calmly.
    2. Be patient, but consistent. = Think about what you want, then DO it, no excuses. Don't ever stop.
    3. Find an activity/exercise you think is FUN. = Extremely important. Seriously, find a hobby. Don't let other people pressure you into doing miraculous exercises you genuinely despise. If ten people tell you that lifting heavy is the best thing you can do for your body, but you seriously don't like going to the gym, then don't go. Find something else, something that will become a passion, something where exceeding your own limits will actually become something to look forward to. I can't stress this one enough. Find something you enjoy. Seriously. Becoming active is the best advice I personally could give to anyone. It relaxes your mind, keeps you happy, takes care of your body, allows you to eat more, makes you look better. There are zillions of sports out there. No way you won't find at least one to love.
    4. Find food you like, then eat it in reasonable amounts. = Don't deprive yourself. Don't eat miraculous crap you hate. Yes, there really are people who really don't like broccoli or Greek yoghurt. If you're one of them, find something else instead. A few takeouts won't kill you. Just find your balance.
    5. Enjoy your body and your successes. = PRAISE YOURSELF OFTEN. Look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you've achieved. Don't bring yourself down, chances are most of the people you know are nowhere near as educated about being fit as you are. And you're only going to get better. You are proficient at something, and that always counts.
  • clownofpink
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    1. Meal plan. Figure out what you're going to eat on a daily basis, always have it in the house, and cook the basics ahead of time if you're rushed for time. Pack a lunch and snacks for work/school/travel the night before.

    2. Eat before you go to social events so you aren't hungry, then eat something small as slowly as possible.

    3. Steamed leafy greens are low calorie, high in nutrients, and keep you full for hours.

    4. Drink water. Buy a good water bottle and carry it around with you, Put lemon or other fruit in it if you don't like plain water. Some hunger is actually thirst.

    5. Exercise!!! Do what you can when you can. Something is better than nothing. Find an exercise you like so you'll stick with it, Find ways to work exercise into your daily routine -- walk or bike to work, walk to the store for small items, mow your own lawn.
  • maddy_smiles
    maddy_smiles Posts: 36 Member
    Great stuff. Love this thread. Thanks for all of the great advice here.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. Buy a digital food scale
    2. Weigh and log everything you eat (there are no free foods) and be honest, if you drink alcohol then log it, if you eat chocolates log them
    3. Set a realistic weight loss goal
    4. Meet your Net MFP calorie goal, you don't need to eat under it because it is a deficit
    5. Eat what you want (processed foods, carby foods, fatty foods etc) just in moderation so they fit in with your calorie goals

    Thats it really, exercise is not really needed to lose weight but is fantastic for fitness