Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Had a great workout this morning... hit my squat goals for the day and am feeling good. I got on the scale and FINALLY the weight I put on over vacation in August is gone...such a pain. I want to make tomorrow a rest day so I might just go for a short jog in the morning before I start getting ready for coaching BOTH Gorilla boys football games.

    My fellas

    Skinny and Laurie... if there is one thing NYC has is TONS of hotels! Personaly I would stay downtown, but if you plan to come let me know and I can get you some places.

    Robin... keep workin!!! Even if it is no money... doh
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys I am just doing a quick drive by. Things have been going pretty well and been Having fun with the hubby. He is off helping a co worker put on a new roof today so I am having a little me time. My eating has been touch and go and exercise has been horrible but I havent done to much damage and am trying to get it turned back around. It sounds lie most of your are doing pretty good. For those of you struggling know I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. Have a great day everyone.:heart::drinker:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ Laurie – I wish you could just teach one grade too. My sister in law had to teach Junior Kindergarten in the morning and Kindergarten in the afternoon every day for two years. She was finally able to move into Kindergarten full time and feels so much relief.

    @Helena – love your new picture!

    @Gorilla – is your new profile picture pointing at me – a North Dakotan???  Just giving some ribbing!!! The Tunnel Towers Race sounds very moving and what a great way to use the money raised! Good luck – I’m sure you’ll do great. And great pictures of your boys…cuties.

    @Karen – I think that’s a great idea for everyone who wants to participate to do that run. My goal is to be doing a 5K by next year, but I won’t be able to travel that far. Between a Vegas trip in November, Bahamas/Disney in February (although I don’t have to pay for the cruise, food or hotel for that one) and a week at a lake cabin next July, I don’t believe I’ll have enough money to get to NY too – but it would be fun!!

    @Tom – how’d the CPAP turn out? My brother loves his new one – so much quieter.

    @TOPS – the recipe is pretty easy:

    2 pound loin
    1 envelope dry onion soup mix
    1 c water
    ¾ c red wine (I used cranberry juice since we don’t keep wine in the house)
    3 T minced garlic (I didn’t have that much, I used about 1 ½ T)
    3 T soy sauce
    Pepper to taste
    Put loin in crock pot and put soup mix on top. Then pour water, wine and soy sauce over the top. Turn loin to coat. Spread garlic over the pork and try to keep it on top of the loin during the cooking process. Sprinkle with pepper. Low for 4 hours. Use the drippings as an au juis.

    @ Charlotte – WOW – busy day outside…that should have burned a lot of calories!

    @ Tina – glad you are having fun with the hubby. Enjoy!

    AFM: Yesterday was a mess…didn’t get to Zumba yesterday either. Jacob had a follow up visit for his foot. It hasn’t gotten any better so the doctor wanted to put a cast on it – right then! My day was not planned for that. :cry: He said he could write a prescription for crutches but that if it was him, he’d just go to Walmart since they are cheaper. Cool right? WRONG.

    It was already after 5 by the time we got to Walmart – they don’t sell crutches!!! Called Kmart – they don’t either. Doctor’s office is closed by now so I can’t even buy the more expensive one. Called my ex-brother-in-law who broke his ankle last year. Unfortunately, his crutches only go as low as 5’10” and Jacob is only 5’3”. Sat in my car for a while trying to figure out what’s next and then remembered we had a CVS so I called them and yes, they had them! It was after 6 by the time I got that fiasco sorted out. UGH! Normally I do pretty good with these types of things, but I was mentally drained after this thing. :frown:

    Went home since my husband had to go to work. I was over my calorie goal, but inside maintenance so I’m going to chalk that up to a win. Got Jacob packed for his trip to Kansas City today (he should have fun climbing to the nose bleed section on his crutches!! :devil: ). He did get a red cast so at least he matches his KC Chief's for the game. Then I watched the season premier of Grey’s Anatomy and off to bed.

    Tonight I start lifting. Since it was postponed by a week, my other sister is able to join us and it makes me feel a little better. We are going after 7:00 since my sister says that section is pretty abandoned on a Friday night. Kristen has never lifted weights before so I take some comfort in the fact that we can learn together. Wish me luck!

    Sorry…long winded but thanks for letting me ramble!! Have a great Friday!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen & Laurie~I would love to do the 5k in NYC next year, not sure I can swing it though – that is really close to my October cruise, which coincidentally leaves out of Manhattan. But if I can make it work, count me in!

    @Laurie~I’m so sorry you have to deal with unruly 7th graders, I hope you can get some resolution and peace in your class. I think you have prepared well for your run on Sunday and you have an excellent goal, just pace yourself and you’ll do great. I wish I could run it with you, but I’ll be there in spririt. :wink:

    @Karen~I’m sorry you’ve had a difficult week, hope your meetings go well today and you reach your grading goals.

    @Helena~Deputy looks adorable!

    @Tom~Hooray for the 260s!

    @Tracy~Wow, what a night – take that frustration out on the weights tonight! Good luck and have fun.

    AFM~What a night! My insomnia got the better of me last night, been awake since 3am. Since I never fell back asleep I went ahead and got up at 4:30 and got on my elliptical at home – may as well do something constructive if I can’t sleep. I figured it was better than playing Candy Crush on my phone! Positive spin is that my workout is out of the way for today. :bigsmile:

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest day (although I clocked nearly 5 miles on my Fitbit) DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE!
    Friday~Gym, ellip/row (Elliptical at home before work) DONE!
    Saturday~In honor of Gorilla’s and Laurie’s 5k’s on Sunday, I will do a 5k also – gym or outside
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPers!

    Helena- Amy (Mrs. Morgori) has the perfect costume to walk Deputy in.:laugh:


    TOPSmarca- I am proof that eating better is good for diabetes. That is what got me started on this getting healthy journey. I was told I have diabetes 10/11/2011 when my hbA1C was 9.1%. I was put on Metformin and had a bad time with it. It really bothered my stomach and at 4000 lbs. There was a lot of stomach. I cut out sugar and worked on lower carbs. My next hbA1C was 5.7% and my last one was 5.8% without the Metformin. Best wishes for your girl’s eating better and keeping the blood glucose down!

    Kaye- O&D!

    Karen- Glad you have started moving back in the right direction.

    tlh0407- I hear you on the medical issues and getting jerked around by them. I still do not have my new CPAP machine because of these people cannot do anything quickly and it pisses my off. 9/10 my machine died and I still do not have one. Day 17 without it.:explode: Glad you got his crutches.:drinker:

    Kelley- Hope you get some better sleep! I’m on level 80 of Candy Crush.:blushing:

    Quote of the day:- “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Off to spend the weekend at the lake!!! I have my plan in place so that I have a healthy weekend and don't just blow it because it is easier.... especially since I had a good loss at TOPS last night!!! I lost what I gained last week plus .75 so I was happy with that!!! So, everyone have a healthy, AWESOME weekend... and those doing 5Ks. I will be cheering you on in spirit!!! "See" you all Sunday night!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen and Laurie - I think its great you're trying to plan to run with Gorilla in NY in 2014 but I don't think I can come watch - I'm just realizing I will probably have a paying job by then and not much chance of getting time off or being able to afford such a trip from Omaha - but heck I'll be cheering you, and whomever goes, on in spirit. Gorilla, again, that was the most moving account of a race I have ever read!

    I am going to dip back to Weds and ask for my wish - I wish I had a personal Drill Instructor living with me right now - I am sorely lacking in the motivation dept. - I have a list of things to do but my anxiety and all my other tics and fears are keeping me from leaving the house and doing them. If there were just someone to yell at me, I'd get going I know it!

    Gotta laugh, the terrors of the electronic age - I am on a Senior Dating match website. And someone hacked my account this morning :angry: and the lil darling did something quite unexpected, he pranked me. He sent flirts to 100's of men all around the United States and I'm getting responses back - most of them saying 'thank you - not interested!' So rejection by the hundreds! :laugh:
    Oh Ho - I just figured out more on this - the prankster took my profile and changed my sex to "MALE" and flirted with a bunch of men on a gay web site! Since I was using the same picture I use here, no wonder they are rejecting me! :frown: :wink:
  • Helenavee42
    Friday fitness: I am going to take a walk today whether my friend goes or not. I may not take the trail but I will walk on the grass. I think I could have more success running on the grass than I did on the pavement. I plan to go to the dog park this weekend and I always get exercise int here. Walking around it so many times.

    Morgori: I love it!

    Robin: SO sorry your account got hacked. People are so ridiculous sometimes.

    Marca: Have fun at the lake!!

    Tlh: Thank you. I'm sorry that all sound exhausting! Glad CVS had the crutches though. He should have written you a prescription for a just in case thing. My walmart actually has crutches.\

    Have a great day,

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Gorilla- that Tunnel Towers run sounds FANTASTIC!! ....although i would be crying the entire way.... And your boys are so handsome!

    Robin- hard to beleive someone would hack your dating website!!! obviously they had more time on their hands than most people

    Susan- what great pictures! My boys are also tall....both are 6 ft 4 and my daughter is 6 feet. I was 6 feet at one point but have apparently lost some inches and their dad is 6 ft 4 so they come by it honestly!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--I was thinking the same thing--if I get to do the Tunnel Tower race, I will probably be crying the whole time. :blushing:

    @robin--I'm sorry about all of the rejection, but at least the rejection is probably out of confusion more than anything else. I'm sure they're wondering how on earth a "man" looks so much like a lovely woman.

    @marca--have fun at the lake!

    @tom--thanks, the scale nudged down a bit more today--I think this is the first time in weeks I've had 2 days in a row moving down. Love the pic of Amy!

    @kelley--the meetings went okay, but as expected I had very little time to grade--only got one paper done today. :ohwell:

    @tracy--have fun lifting--it's nice that you and your sister can learn together. I've been on my own--I don't like working out with others, but it's still a bit intimidating at times.

    @tammy--good luck with getting into a good routine while the hubby is home--I know you can figure it out! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--cute boys!! Yes, I'm definitely going to ask for some hotel suggestions when we determine if we can swing the trip.

    @charlotte--yes, those moments happen on a small scale almost every day--I try to hold onto them to get through the rough patches. Glad you got some yard work done.

    Friday Fitness:
    I'm enjoying my new lifting routine--I can tell I'm pushing myself more at the gym which is good. I've also done the HIIT twice this week. I can't say I love it--I would much rather run or bike at a steady pace, but I know it's good for me so I will continue. I'm definitely looking forward to a nice leisurely run this weekend though, so I hope I get enough grading done to make time.

    I have 59 papers left to grade, so my goal is 25 saturday, 25 sunday, and 9 on monday. DH and I have an Octoberfest party tomorrow night, so I will try to get up early enough to grade, workout, and then get ready for the party. I really could use some extra sleep too, so we'll see what happens.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)
    Sun--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/73 AP essays
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @kah – ah Candy Crush – stuck on level 165…should have never started the darn game! :blushing:

    @Tom – cute picture!!!

    @TOPS – enjoy the lake. Great loss.

    @Robin – workout buddies/diet buddies are always good. I had my sister bug me for a week last time I was in a rut. She texted or emailed or called me every day to make sure I was going. OMG – giggled out loud when I heard about your situation. Funny! :laugh:

    @KarenLeona – wish we had some of that. I’m the tallest of all the females in my family and I top out at 5’5 ½” (although my one sister only admits it when she sees us standing next to each other in a picture!!)

    @Karen – hope your HIIT is a bit like everything else…eventually you’ll learn to love it. Good luck with your grading and your part.

    AFM – got my first lifting “training” session done. My biggest fear was that just the bar would be too heavy but I shouldn’t have worried, I was able to handle it. I am doing the 5X5 Powerlift program and we did Group A. She’s going to show us Group B tomorrow (without squats) and then we are going to officially start on Monday. After we get going, my one sister and I will be able to lifting partners for the most part as we have similar schedules and she just joined the gym.

    I squatted deeper than I ever have before (and with the 45 pound bar) and while my legs feel like jello, I’m proud of myself.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    tlh - congrats on your gym workout - that's amazing what you did with the squats :bigsmile:

    The folks at the dating website had to close my account and reopen it and all-in-all it took me about 2 hours to figure it all out and stop it and re-start it and change passwords on that account, on my email accounts, and on my pertinent other accounts, such as banking and stuff - they were insistent I do those password changes because of the compromise! I was mildly surprised at that! But I followed their suggestions, rather be safe than sorry....:noway:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Happy Friday to those who aren't working this w/e. Me, I'm working nights, 3 x 12 hour shifts starting tonight. I went and did my grocery shopping today and stocked up on salad stuff and low cal treats. I've been treating myself with Jello, refridgerated cups (no added sugar) and jello no added sugar pudding cups. Very satisfying for the sweet tooth in me and very low in calories. The jello's are around 10 and the puddings are around 50. Also using the new Sillouette Greek yogurt cups - 50 calories.
    I grew up with a mother who always gave us a desert with our dinner meals and I can't break the habit so try to use low cal sweets to satisfy the need.

    I've gotten right back on track with my foods this week and am happy with my progress. I haven't gotten on a scale yet but am really hoping for a loss when I get on the scale next Tuesday. Hope everyone has a great w/e.

    Robin - what a pain to have to change all of your codes just because some *kitten* h*!# hacked your dating site. Grrrrrr.

    Tom - Love, love, love the photo of Amy with all the kids in their costumes. Are they all grandkids??

    Gorilla - You must be so proud of your boys. They look great in their football gear. I remember when you started and one of your wishes was to be able to do more with your boys and to keep up with them. You're living the dream my friend. Keep it up!

    Sorry I don't have more personals tonight. I'm at work and just taking a couple of minutes before doing my next round. Got my bottle of water beside me and pushing to hit my 8-10 glasses tonight. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Very pleased with my exercise this week. Wednesday was over 19,000 steps and 9.5 miles. Stupid me worked out at the gym and totally forgot I had a convention to walk around that afternoon. Needless to say, I did a lot. Yesterday was just under 10,000 steps and today I'm over 13,000. The scale also moved FINALLY and I'm down 2 lbs. Woo Hoo!!!

    @ Gorilla - Thanks for sharing the boys with us. Great smiles! They're lucky to have you as a dad and to be so involved. I wish Cyrus had such a good male role model in his life.

    @ Laurie/Gorilla/Karen - I would love to try and make it next year. This is one place Cyrus has been wanting to visit for a long time is NYC. He has this thing about big cities and skyscrapers. If we plan ahead, I could probably swing it and what a wonderful event to share with him. I know I will never forget 9/11.

    @KarenLeona - I think the hardest part was when Cyrus was younger. Everyone treated him like he should be older and he was still a little boy. Other kids are starting to catch up, but he's normally one of the taller boys in his class.

    @ Marca - Have fun this weekend on the lake!!! I'm sure you'll watch your food intake, but enjoy a little bit too.

    @ Laurie - I know for teachers having a tough classroom can make for a very long school year. I hope these behavioral issues can get under control immediately for you and other students. Disruption effects them too.

    @ Robin - Serious? I can't believe someone would hack even a dating site. What a mess!! I tried it one time, but was just too overwhelmed by the process. I think I'm destined to be single for a very long time and that's OK too. I wouldn't mind a male friend to do fun stuff with, but I've got too much going on in my life including keeping my little man focused.

    @ Helena - Loved seeing Deputy. I don't think Izzy would be too happy in a costume. She does keep the bows in after the groomer is done. We're so lucky to have our four legged family members. Did you get your walk in?

    @ Tom - Thanks for sharing the cute costume picture. So sweet! Did the new CPAP arrive? I had all those crazy doctor appointments to set-up my new doctor and totally forgot to mention the sleep apnea or CPAP. I'm afraid they may make me do another sleep study. Yuck!! I still haven't checked out those places you mentioned, but I'm definitely going to very soon.

    @ Karen - Sorry it's been such a tough week. I had some technology issues myself earlier in the week and I was about to go postal. I'm just in awe how much my day shuts down when technology is not working. Enjoy the Octoberfest party with your hubby. I know you've got a lot of papers to grade. Park yourself at Starbucks, get your drink on and grade away. I know you'll get them done.

    @ Tlh0407 - I think any time we start a new program there will always be a little excitement, but apprehension too. I just think it's great you're getting some guidance from your sister. I can't wait to see how things go. Also, if I'm not traveling and we can find the time, I would love to meet you in Vegas. I can meet you on the Strip or wherever you want to go. It would be so much fun to chat face-to-face. Perhaps we can hike Red Rock Canyon. Weather will be perfect that time of year.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday Success. Lifted yesterday -- did bench press, bent over rows and squats. My sister put a platform behind us and we had to go down low enough to touch it with our butts. She said we would feel it on Sunday -- BULL! Last night my legs felt like jello and today they are so sore. :noway: Standing is okay, but sitting down, getting up and taking stairs is terrible. :sad: Going to the bathroom was painful because we have a low toilet seat. My daughter just laughs at me. Any suggestions for minimizing the pain wold be appreciated.

    I did take measurements yesterday so I have a starting point from the time I started lifting heavy.

    @Robin...yes, it's a pain, but way better to deal with that then identity theft. I work in life insurance and I've had customers call and just cry because of everything that is going on. Glad you were able to catch it right away and take some safety measures. You like to hope that they were just hacking to mess with your status, but who knows if they got deeper. :grumble:

    @kinnurse...I might have to try those jello/pudding cups. Normally I don't have a sweet tooth, but that seems to be changing lately.

    @Susan.. thats a lot of steps!! Good for you. Yes, we'll have to see if we can get together. :flowerforyou: I've heard Red Rock Canyon is just beautiful but have never been there.

    AFM.. Got my bountiful basket and two new things appeared...parsnip and pomegranets (sp?). We'll see what I can dig up for recipes on those (my favorite pomegranet thing is a martini but not sure I want to "juice" it...:heart: )

    With the boys gone, Emma and I are planning on spending the day with a dear friend of mine and her daughter. We're going to be a bit limited on what we can do...her daughter just broke her arm this week and is in a cast and I can't comprehend doing too much walking today. We'll see what we come up with. I did notice in the paper today that a new yogurt shop has opened up so we might check that out.

    I do know on my agenda this weekend is doing a major sweep through my bedroom. I think I'm going to "hide" some t-shirts of my husband's and see if he even notices they are gone. :devil: He has over 40 t-shirts and seems to wear the same ones over and over.

    Have a great day everybody!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning!

    @tracy--my husband also has way too many t-shirts considering he wears the same ratty ones over and over. He likes to use the excuse that he needs the old ones for work (he's an automotive tech) b/c he doesn't want to get newer ones all greasy, but it's really kind of ridiculous. I've reached the point where I just pile his t-shirts on top of his dresser b/c the drawers are so stuffed I can't get them opened. :grumble: Glad you enjoyed the lifting, and the soreness will dissipate as your body gets used to the activity. When you increase your weights, you will still get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) which is what your sister was talking about. However, the severe immediate and next-day soreness will lessen. You want to rest the muscles today, but an easy walk is actually a good idea b/c it will keep you from stiffening up. Also, I'm sure you did, but make sure you are stretching really well after you lift while your muscles are warm.

    @susan--good for you for that double workout day on Wed.--even if it was unintentional, it still counts, right? :drinker: Yes, I will be parking at Starbucks today--I've already logged my venti mocha light frap. :laugh: It would be great if you and Cyrus could join us next year. I've only been to NYC once and wouldn't mind adding in some sight-seeing activities. My last trip there was business and the woman I was touring with was from some tiny town in PA. All she cared about was going to stores like Macy's and FAO Schwartz--not a big thrill for this Chicago girl. :ohwell: I did get up the Empire State Building, saw Times Square, and part of Central Park, but there's so much more I would like to do.

    @charlotte--I used to buy the sugar-free jello pudding cups to quell my chocolate cravings--thanks for the reminder. :flowerforyou: I don't envy your schedule--hope it's a relatively quiet weekend for you.

    @robin--I'm glad you got your hacking issues sorted out--and yes, definitely a good idea to change your passwords. I'm glad they gave you that advice. Sorry it was such a hassle to sort out, but as tracy said, at least it wasn't identity theft. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I'm headed to walk gunner and then grading at starbucks. I would really like to finish with enough time to go to the gym today, but it's unlikely. My goal is a minimum of 25 essays which means about 5 hours, but perhaps I will be pleasantly surprised and they will go more quickly. On a good day, I have been known to manage 6/hour. I will probably need to take a break after 15 or so, so I will check back with you in a few hours and let you all know my progress. I know you will all be waiting on the edge of your seats to hear about my exciting day of grading. :laugh: :wink:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)
    Sun--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/73 AP essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT! :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT! :laugh:

    Glad I decided to check in sooner rather than later--I wouldn't want Robin to fall off her seat! :laugh:

    Finished 8 essays in about an hour and a half, so not a terrible pace. Need to get through 17 more today. :sad:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 22/73 AP essays
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~You're making progress! :wink:

    @Tracy~Hooray for the lifting, glad you enjoyed it and that you'll have a regular lifting partner. Like Karen said, the soreness will lesson as your body gets used to new activity - you'll run into soreness on occasion but a little soreness is good from time to time. I actually like to be a little sore the next day, its a reminder of how hard I worked. :wink:

    Yesterday after work I went out and found a room darkening shade for my bedroom that fits behind the blinds (don't want to hide my beautiful blinds) - it did help some last night. I was reading about how the bedroom should be super dark for better sleeping conditions, so giving that a whirl. The shade was super cheap, I did sleep a little better and was able to fall right back asleep after my 3am wake-up. So money well spent so far.

    I just heard thunder so guess the much anticipated storms are on their way. They moved the Rangers game up to this morning because of it and I did my grocery shopping early. I hope it cools things down, its really hot and muggy here today. I didn't sleep well a lot this week and think it caught up with me, I feel exhausted so skipping the gym today - have training session tomorrow and will follow that up with a 5k walk/run afterwards (as promised in my support of Gorilla and Laurie).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--yes, but it's slow and painful. :ohwell:

    I am going to try to run my 5k tomorrow to support laurie and gorilla as well. I should have time since I have nothing else planned for tomorrow other than more grading.

    Got 5 more done, so only 12 left to meet my minumum today. I have to stop at 4:30 or so to get ready for my party tonight.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/73 AP essays