Weight loss help



  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    I set this my goal because I think im too nice to myself and might go over the goal. On some days I do.. Like today

    Anybody else still think the OP doesn't have a problem?

    Yeah, I was going to popcorn.gif at this thread until I read that. Now, I just feel bad for her.

    In it for the popcorn...although OP, please, please get yourself some help. 600 cals a day is not enough. Not unless you're being closely supervised by a doctor who knows exactly what you're doing. If you're afraid you'll be too nice to yourself, set your goal to 1200. That's still a healthy, if low, amount of calories, and you will still lose weight even if you go over by 200.
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    OP's one line responses really says volumes about how much she's actually absorbing here.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP's one line responses really says volumes about how much she's actually absorbing here.

    I did wonder if a troll but the responses may help someone lurking that needs it. If a troll, eh. I like to think karma will come for them sooner or later.
  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    I Completely agree. Couldn't have said it better myself
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    OP's one line responses really says volumes about how much she's actually absorbing here.

    Sadly, yes. OP, either listen to the advice or don't ask the question. Every single person in this thread cannot be intentionally sabotaging you. And what's the worst that can happen? Give it a good go (like a month or so), and if it doesn't work, adjust your tactics.
  • if you are only eating 60 calories a day you are putting your body in starvation mode.so your body is shutting down and it is placing your metabolism at a stand still so you are not burning calories,like you would be if you were eating the proper amount of calories.also as insane as it must seem,but you have to eat to lose weight.you don't have to be insane with your eating.but eat enough to keep your body happy and satisfy.nourish it with plenty fruits and vegetables.bake or broil your meats.i hope this helps you out a lot.good luck to you:bigsmile:
  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    It's times like times like this that I wish there was a like button for mfp
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    You dont like the lenght of my responses? You read this just for your entertainment? "Popcorn.gif". I didnt ask for people to be rude, or anything... I asked for the reason to why I stopped losing weight. I didnt ask to be referred to a therapist Or a nutritionist. If I had that option I wouldve taken it. Most of you are just plain rude and do not sound like youre trying to help. And how can you judge what Im learning from all the comments? I learnt alot but so many of you have contradicting opinions its sort of hard to know which one is right. Anyways If I had an ED I'd have to be UNDERWEIGHT to be diagnosed with one. And I'm not near underweight so please dont worry wether I have an ED or not... Please dont forget that people have emotions and things you say can affect them ....
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Im not eating 60 a day...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You dont like the lenght of my responses? You read this just for your entertainment? "Popcorn.gif". I didnt ask for people to be rude, or anything... I asked for the reason to why I stopped losing weight. I didnt ask to be referred to a therapist Or a nutritionist. If I had that option I wouldve taken it. Most of you are just plain rude and do not sound like youre trying to help. And how can you judge what Im learning from all the comments? I learnt alot but so many of you have contradicting opinions its sort of hard to know which one is right. Anyways If I had an ED I'd have to be UNDERWEIGHT to be diagnosed with one. And I'm not near underweight so please dont worry wether I have an ED or not... Please dont forget that people have emotions and things you say can affect them ....

    And you were offered advice that you decided to ignore, and now you are butthurt over what exactly? No one here is rude, people here are actually showing real concern and help.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you.... I tried eating more for like a week but as I said I gained a kg if i eat more for a longer period of time I will probably gain even more kg!!!
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    I didnt ignore it... Ignoring would mean not reading or thinking about it.. I do think about the advices posted. I just dont think that they can possibly work if when I tried upping my calorie intake by 200 I gained a kg while working out.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Thank you.... I tried eating more for like a week but as I said I gained a kg if i eat more for a longer period of time I will probably gain even more kg!!!
    Look, here's the bottom line. You have to feed your body. Right now, you aren't eating enough. There is no adult on earth who can be healthy eating 600 calories a day. It just isn't possible. Like I said, that's how much my 6 week old baby eats. Yes, she is growing but by the end of her first year she'll still weigh less than 25 pounds. She won't even be 3 feet tall. Your adult body needs much more than 600 calories a day. Every single person here is telling you that. If you don't want to listen, that's your business. But this many people losing weight while 2-3 times what do are not wrong.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Thank you.... I tried eating more for like a week but as I said I gained a kg if i eat more for a longer period of time I will probably gain even more kg!!!
    Look, here's the bottom line. You have to feed your body. Right now, you aren't eating enough. There is no adult on earth who can be healthy eating 600 calories a day. It just isn't possible. Like I said, that's how much my 6 week old baby eats. Yes, she is growing but by the end of her first year she'll still weigh less than 25 pounds. She won't even be 3 feet tall. Your adult body needs much more than 600 calories a day. Every single person here is telling you that. If you don't want to listen, that's your business. But this many people losing weight while 2-3 times what do are not wrong.

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Thank you.... I tried eating more for like a week but as I said I gained a kg if i eat more for a longer period of time I will probably gain even more kg!!!

    Do you not listen? I'm going to say this again. When you start eating more after starving yourself you MAY gain WATER WEIGHT. WATER WEIGHT is not the same as fat. It's water retention and if you either reduce sodium OR up your water intake it will go away.

    Look at my ticker. I'm 5ft8 and I eat 1600 calories a day. I've lost almost 24 lbs in two months. I'm also eating keto style, but I don't suggest that for you personally.

    Honestly, you sound like someone who is under the age of 18. You got great advice on this post and instead of thanking people and considering their advice, you've been making excuses and throwing fits. Typical child behavior. Please get help before you really hurt yourself more than you may already have.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Thank you.... I tried eating more for like a week but as I said I gained a kg if i eat more for a longer period of time I will probably gain even more kg!!!

    Don't worry. Yes, you're gaining more weight initially, because your body is confused. But the human body is a wonderful thing; it adjusts easily. Once it gets used to the proper amount of food, it will thank you. Gaining one kg won't kill you. Gaining a couple won't kill you. Gaining several consistently over a long period of time shows that you need to adjust, not a period of one week.

    You can have an eating disorder and not be underweight. Eating disorders refer to how you psychologically deal with food, not how big you are. Those who chronically binge can be diagnosed with an ED even though they're overweight.

    Talk to your doctor. Really. Tell him/her what you are doing. Listen to an expert, if you won't listen to us.

    Oh yeah, and I like popcorn. :happy:
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Once you start eating more, your body weight can rebound a bit til it evens out. It's not like if you ate 1200 calories a day you would swell up to 300lbs or anything.

    Start using common sense, you couldn't have thought people were going to pat you on the back for eating so poorly and offer suggestions on how to eat less.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks I'll reduce sodium....
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    You wanted to know why you're not losing weight. The answer is because you're not eating enough. Full stop.

    Figure out your TDEE and subtract 20% from it. I used this one, but there are others: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    I'm 5' and I eat anywhere from 1600 to 2000 calories a day, depending on how hard I work out. I've still lost weight and continue to lose, as well as building muscle. The answer is not always eat less and less. It can be done (and done a lot easier) eating more than you think.

    And trust me, I tried the 1200 or less thing when I first started and I got stuck, just like you are. When I started eating more, I started losing again.
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    You dont like the lenght of my responses? You read this just for your entertainment? "Popcorn.gif". I didnt ask for people to be rude, or anything... I asked for the reason to why I stopped losing weight. I didnt ask to be referred to a therapist Or a nutritionist. If I had that option I wouldve taken it. Most of you are just plain rude and do not sound like youre trying to help. And how can you judge what Im learning from all the comments? I learnt alot but so many of you have contradicting opinions its sort of hard to know which one is right. Anyways If I had an ED I'd have to be UNDERWEIGHT to be diagnosed with one. And I'm not near underweight so please dont worry wether I have an ED or not... Please dont forget that people have emotions and things you say can affect them ....

    It has nothing to do with like. People on here showing genuine interest in your problem and you're talking about not putting sauces on your food. That doesn't exactly exude interest. Meanwhile, the people talking about disordered eating and telling you to double your calorie intake (at least), are being ignored. It's the Internet, people are going to have different opinions, however, if you look at all the responses, I'm sure you'll see they all have something in common (hint: it has to do with how little you're eating)