Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Merc - I was just checking to see that you were using someone's guidelines. By your current weight loss, I could tell you were doing it right! Now to work on that activity level. When I started here (so very long ago) I HATED to exercise and I still do :laugh: I have to push myself each and every day. Right now I have set a timer and when it goes off I have to get up and do my exercise - ugh. But I know that after I do it, I will be burning more calories even as I sit still and that's a wonderful reward!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well the darn timer went off so I went for another walk in this beautiful weather - today I walked 1.2 miles and it went a bit easier. It took 25 minutes and I was sweaty and my face was beet-red when I finished. I realize I need to do more cardio!!!!!

    Speaking of doing MORE cardio - here's an interesting thread by a woman who is pushing weights over cardio - but she does say on page 3 or 4 that she did cardio for 25 years before she got into weights (and remained "fluffy) and is in excellent cardiac condition so don't abandon cardio completely to take up weights alone! But her pictures of her body transformation - she got rid of the "fluffy" - are amazing!
  • mercuriocs
    Thank Robin. I'm actually under my GP's care as well as my cardiologist. He had wanted me to go to cardio rehab, but they only offered it twice a week at 11 am and well, I work. I go the the gym right next to the cardio rehap. They are both located in the hospital and I'm able to go as much as I want. I went tonight for the first time in a month and did much better than I thought I would. Yay!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    karen-What a nice surprise from your students and the cookies as well. Hope you have a great birthday.

    Mercuriocs and Frua Hass-Welcome to the new people. This experience is about figuring out what works for you and making changes little by little. You can do this.

    Robin- Great idea about the timer and then getting up to exercise. Nice job with the 1.2 mile walk.

    Tonight, my trainer took me through a post race session. It was very interesting and I was able to stretch some very sore muscles especially hamstrings. Yoga is very important for stretching the muscles as I learned tonight. My new challenge for the week is to replace one protein with carbs--fruits or veggies. We are working on getting my macros down to the appropriate levels and that means reducing proteins and upping carbs. This is very hard for me since I lost most of my weight by going high protein and low carb. I am slowly making the changes but will see how it is working. Wednesday is back to a stress busting workout high cardio.

    I actually got the official results of the 5K and I did in 37.15 from timer to timer, the 37.46 was gun to finish line.

    October challenges-
    Halloween candy will be a huge challenge for many of us this month, I know my downfall is Reese's Peanut Butter cups. Let's try pairing the candy with something good for us. For example- one piece of snack size candy = 20 minutes of exercise (Your choice) to burn it off. That way we can enjoy but also remind ourselves that we need to keep the treats in moderation and that we can work it off again.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!!! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I love the idea for the october challenge--it's the personal commitment I just made to myself (with robin's gentle nudging :laugh: ). Case in point, DH bought me some candy for my b-day (from a fancy chocolate shop in town). I just logged the 2 chocolate covered strawberries and small piece of dark chocolate covered toffee and I'm over by a little bit for the day. However, I will be doing some core work tonight to put my numbers back in the green. I haven't done my push ups and planks in a long time so it will be interesting to see how I do now that I've started lifting.

    @robin--thanks for the link to that woman's post--THAT is exactly why I'm moving to heavy lifting. I won't ever give up my cardio--I love running way too much--but the lifting is definitely taking on a bigger role in my workouts. No, I don't have any big plans tonight. Running from zombies was my b-day treat to myself, and the octoberfest party saturday night extended the celebration. Tonight it's really just another school night.

    @kaye--I have "slivered to death" all kinds of treats. I used to do that when people brought donuts to work. I've learned that I'm better off just taking a whole donut--at least that way I stop at just one.

    @meister--to add to what kelley said, Nutrisystem isn't even that convenient. I tried it years ago b/c I thought it would make eating the right amount of calories easy, but I actually found it to be a lot of work. You have to buy and portion out your own fruits, veggies, and often even meats and cheeses to supplement the prepackaged meals they send you. If you are going to do all of that work, it makes more sense to just buy and prepare all of your own food. And as kaye mentioned, you eventually have to learn to do that anyways, so why waste the money like I did? Ultimately, you will have to figure out what works for you since we're all different, but if I had it to do over--well, I wouldn't.

    @tom--I will try to remember your t-shirt story the next time I have the urge to clean out my husband's dresser. :laugh:

    @gorilla--love the pictures--the race looks so incredible!!

    Monday Check-in:
    Finished all but 2 papers and that's only b/c those 2 students didn't give me their papers in the right format (I won't grade it until they do so). Also, had a nice day at work with lots of nice b-day wishes from you folks and friends on fb as well as folks in the real world.

    As I mentioned above, my husband bought me some yummy chocolates, so now I will do some more exercise to make up for the indulgence. The good news is that even with some sugary treats, I still managed to eat over 100g of protein and am still under on carbs for the day.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 71/73 AP essays
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    lots of rain and wind the last two days. My driveway dips down at the house and my sump pump is not working so now i have lake-front property :laugh:
    managed a walk yesterday between the storms but did not want to do anything today so concentrating on eating and drinking lots of water
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Meister – I tried NutriSystem (along with so many other trends) in the past and the food was so nasty to my taste buds that I quit it pretty early. I agree with others, it would be hard to sustain (and expensive). I’ve done better by eating what I like and just watching my calories in.

    @Gorilla – I’m with your sister…that is too darn early!!:noway: Sounds like a successful day and what a great cause!

    @Tom – I didn’t get rid of any of the t-shirts because my husband would have the same reaction. :angry: The problem is he doesn’t have just 2 Dale Earnhardt shirts – he has 5. And then he has 7-8 Saints shirts. I guess I have to love him t-shirts and all, but it’s terrible that he takes up more hangers/space than I do.

    @FrauHaas – slow and steady does win the race. I use those types of shows as motivation, but not as an expectation.

    @Robin – love the timer idea. Everybody has to start somewhere and 1.2 miles is a good walk.

    @Laurie – sounds like you are learning so much from your trainer. Glad you got one you like. Great job on the 5K. I also really like your challenge.

    Monday Check In. I’ve had a successful September (after a summer of no success). I made the 4 pound challenge for September (7.2 pounds to be exact). :flowerforyou: I was a bit over in my calories today but still under maintenance. My thighs still hurt just a bit, but I was able to lift through it today. We are going to stick with just the 45 pound bar for the remainder of this week and then start adding weight next Monday.

    Jacob and Michael got back from their trip. Jacob loved it but is so tired that he’s pretty crabby. :ohwell: Tomorrow, we can visit more about the game/his thoughts. He was excited that his team won. :glasses:

    Exercise Goals:
    Monday – 5X5 DONE
    Tuesday – rest
    Wednesday – 5X5
    Thursday – Walk
    Friday – 5X5
    Saturday – Swim
    Sunday – rest

    October goal for me is to make sure I drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day. :drinker: :drinker: This has always been a struggle for me and I get better and then worse. Right now, I know it’s super important with lifting heavy so my goal is to have the 8 done by the time I lift. Anything after that is going to be considered bonus. Along with that, pop (soda for some of you) is a downfall. I’m going to work on making it a once a week treat. :sad:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Happy Monday and a very happy birthday to our friend Karen, Hey Skinny, hope it was a great day for you. I'm glad you explained how much you enjoy your class and teaching your students. Now I get it, you feel the same way about your students that I do about my patients.

    I'm cutting it short tonight as I'm beat. My daughter arrived and we went shopping then out to dinner. We have to be up at 4 to get her to the airport by 5:30. She's been in bed for an hour and I'm heading there now. Will do a longer post tomorrow. Night all. Charlotte
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm just plain tired. I just read through the posts, but just can't pull personals out tonight. I need to still help Cyrus get a bit reorganized with his school notebooks, then we need to read a bit before bed. I'm going to try and get up at 4:30 to hit the gym in the AM. I really need to do it then because the afternoons wipe me out. I will say one personal:

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Beautiful Karen aka Skinny,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Thank you for your continued support. It means so much to me.

    For the rest of you, I'll try to respond tomorrow. Have a peaceful rest especially Tom without his CPAP.
  • necolong1014
    I can fit into a size 16 at the start of my weight loss I was over 300lbs and a size 26! This week I can wear my new jeans and be proud!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, (NOT YET) we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi, I've been on MFP for almost 2 months now and I'm looking to join a closer knit group to motivate and support each other.
    My calorie intake is at 1650 right now... I tried lower and stalled for 2 weeks. Lots of reasons to be here but I'm dedicated that this will be the last time I need to drop this weight. I'm already feeling stronger and energetic.
    Everyone seems to be a great bunch and hopes this turn out to be as fun as it looks! :)
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well after a day of total and complete lazyness yesterday, brought on by several too many post race pitchers of beer I was back at the gym this morning before work doing my Over Head Press lifting day... Shoulders feeling good and exhausted now! Should be pretty busy at work today after not even checking email yesterday...

    p1- Welcome to one of the most supportive groups on MFP!

    Neco- congrats on the new jeans!!! Rock those things with pride!

    Lauriek70- A day after race workout... what I a nice thought. LOL I'll try that nexttime perhaps! Although my next 5k is through a vineyard and ending at a winery... so we will see how that works out for me! Congrats on the 37:15 time!

    Skinny- Hope you enjoyed the birthday! I did not even get you anything... :smokin:

    TLH- Great loss for Sept!! Hope that October is every bit as good for you!

    Susan- Did you get that early workout in???
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome - Nico and P1 - you've found a great community to support you!

    Gorilla - sounds like a hefty shoulder workout this AM.

    I got on the scale and I am down to 210.4. This is exciting for me because I caught a glimpse of ONDERLAND in the distance this morning for the first time since 1968. :love: This makes for a six pound loss this month!

    Also I am moving much better this morning and in so much less pain - the increased dose of prednisone is helping - HOORAYI feel like a new woman.

    This new woman is royally angry however, because her online dating account has been hacked a second time - this time the account will be closed at my request and a refund demanded - I'm fed up with this mess - passwords were stolen again!

    Laurie - I like your idea of making the Holloween candy an exercise reward for the October challenge - I think that's great - will add that to the list. I forget who is going to make adding water to their daily regimen - but a personal challenge is great too.
  • mercuriocs
    Good Morning Everyone! I'm a little excited to have gotten through yesterday (first day back on plan & exercising) with little anxiety! Yay! I'm in my BIL's wedding in December. The dress came yesterday. Actually, I purchased 2 dresses - different sizes, just to make sure I got the best fitting one. Happy to report that the smaller one fit! Oh and I stepped on the scale this morning... first time in a month as I had fallen off plan and there was no weight gain. Whew! I know I'm not going to rock that gown as there is no way to lose 100 lbs in 3 months, but I'm going to feel so much better in it than I would have! Also, we are going to Disneyland in December and I'm looking forward to walking around with less weight = less discomfort. *feeling hopeful*

    @Robin - Yay for Onderland! I'm excited for you! When I get down under 300, I plan never to see that number again! Glad you are feeling better and sorry about the password issue. :(

    @necolong - CONGRATULATIONS!!! You should be so proud! Wow! Good for you! Amazing job!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning my friends. As usual it has been busy busy here with the hubby home. Nice difference though instead of gaining I have lost 2 of the ten pounds I gained in the last two months.
    So real quick before I forget:
    Happy b-day Skinny. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and this year brings you everything you could wish for.
    Gorilla congrats on the race. I am actually thinking about trying on of the shorter ones over here next summer.
    Robin I am very happy to hear you have the prednisone worked out better.
    Welcome to the new faces I saw as I was reading along. You have found a great group.
    AFM: We got a new family member yesterday. He is a little 6 and a half week old puppy. He is a cross between saint bernard and blue heeler. He was in a bad situation and was rescued from it when he was four weeks. His rescuers got him healthy agian and then posted to find him a home yesterday and my son saw the picture and fell in love.
    Anyway gtg and take hubby to the dentist.Have a great day everyone.:heart::drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hey everyone! Recovering from some horrifying lung plague. Mostly I'm up and around but I'm still hacking stuff us all the time. (Why thank you for sharing, welcome back Toots!) But I started tracking my food again today and everything so yay.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    I got a call from the CPAP people and I have an appointment for 1:00pm today to go get the new one! I hope they are not bull#$%@&amp; me like the last time with the other company that said come get it then would give it to me. I might get some good sleep tonight!

    Beth- I hit 270.0 again yesterday but was 267.4 this morning.

    RobinsEgg- ONEDERLAND here you come!:drinker: (cheers!)

    Toots- Good to see you!

    Quote of the day:- “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.” ~Unknown

  • erint886
    erint886 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am new to this group. However I am very excited and am getting very motivated by everyone's posts. GorillaNJ refered me.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Yay--toots is back!!

    Welcome newlings!!

    @gorilla--I can't believe you didn't get me anything! :angry: :laugh:

    @robin--sounds like that company has poor security. There are plenty of online dating sites--find one that doesn't put your info at such a risk.

    Hi to everyone else! Gotta get back to work!