Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone hope your day is ging well. I am up got the house piclked up and laundry started. Now I have to motivate to the start the real cleaning :noway: I have to say Tom I loved your quote at he end of your post.
    So the negative part of me is feeling like the whole month of march was a bust. My weight hasnt moved since February. I am trying to counter that by reminding myself that I have developed some great healthy habits in the last month like consistent exercise. I know this is a journey and there will be stalls and I just have to keep working and it will come right but I swear if that scale doesnt move soon I am going to blow it up :explode: I am not asking for instant success I just want out of the threes sooooooo bad. This is the closest I have been in over 5 years. Ok enough pity party. I am not going to give up so i will just keep going and trying small tweaks and hopefully something will work soon. As long as I am not gaining I guess I am still ahead of the game.
    I am not sure yet what I am going to do for Aprils challenge so I will be thinking on that this week and will come up with something.
    Have a great day everyone and dont forget your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @TOm - I *LOVE* boxing! I had so much fun with it that i found a punching bag on craigslist and got myself a set of boxing gloves (PINK!). Seriously though, it's a real blast. I found a boxing 'workout' that shows you how to do each move and then they build on it from there. (Jabx10 then Jab and Cross X10 then Jab, Cross, Hook X10... repeat leading with opposite side)....stuff like that. I'm always sweating like crazy within 15 minutes. For balance you should try light Yoga. Just My Size with Megan Garcia is a GREAT starter yoga program. It helped a LOT with my balance after my stroke.

    I'm angry and frustrated with myself. I've put on almost 10lbs in the past month. UGH! That's the first time I've written that. My new smaller clothes are ALL getting tighter and this morning I had to change into about 3 different shirts to find one that didn't make me feel like a pregnant hippo. I finished my happy, healthy breakfast this morning and my first thought was "Still hungry, I should hit the vending machine" which my very angry self responded "Are you FREAKING kidding me? You can barely fit into the clothes you have now and you want to eat MORE FOOD?"..... that shamed me into waiting patiently for my 10 AM banana. /sigh

    I wish I could figure out why I'm struggling so much with this. I KNOW how to do this, I've gotten more than halfway there... this last half is driving me BATTY though.

    Oh, vent/rant over. Going to wait the 1/2 hour until I can eat a banana and then deal with the rest of my day :)

    Have a loverly day all!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, everyone! Impossible to catch up on everything, so I'll just pick up here :)

    My April goal is walking at least 7500 steps a day. It's a challenge they're doing at work, and it's more than double what I normally do! Yesterday was the first day and I did it. I don't remember the exact number, but I know it's over 7600 because that's the last number I saw when I checked. I have a Fitbit, so I can go to the website and look it up. I went for a nice long walk around the neighborhood and realized what a really beautiful neighborhood I live in.

    I am seriously hungry today, and I don't know why. Nothing has really changed, except for the extra walking yesterday, but I ate back the exercise calories. But I woke up hungry and am still hungry, in spite of eating like I normally do. Going to go get some water so I don't eat junk.

    I spent a lot of the weekend cleaning the house and getting it in good enough shape that I won't be embarrassed to have someone come over. The first floor anyway. The second floor will take a lot more work.

    I promise to try and visit more often!
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    Tuesday - Goals
    1.) get back on track with exercise.

    2.) keep up with my diet on the weekends
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I wrote on my newsfeed but I am so incredibly happy I'm posting on all the threads I normally follow as well..........

    I'm so excited my friends. I just returned from my doctor's appt. and obesity, high blood pressure and acid reflux have all been marked as RESOLVED in my records. He's totally pleased with my BMI and only agreed to my wish to be under BMI 25 to shop for insurance. So 3 - 5 lbs. more and then stop! No recommendations for improvement. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???? I could not. He said he was going to be using me as an example so I should expect my ears to burn a lot in the next few weeks. Sorry to go on and on but I am sooooooooooooo pleased.

    This is my first visit to the doctor *ever* where I wasn't told to lose weight.

    Lin (living in the clouds this afternoon!)

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    That is the most awesome news Lin. I am super super super happy for you. You deserve to be totally giddy happy for the entire day and beyond after something as excellent as that:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Congratulations LIn! What a remarkable accommplishment you have achieved. You deserve to be over the top today and every day forward. You are a great inspiration to all of us.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Just keep it real and don't beat yourself up. Give yourself small 10 pound goals so that you can reward yourself. When you lose weight remember that you are extending your life expectancy.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    LIn this is amazing,fabulous, wonderful, and EXCITING news! How freaking wonderful to hear that the hard work pays off SO well!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Lin~BEST.NEWS.EVER!!! :flowerforyou: You should be so very proud of yourself, I know we are all proud of you!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Way to go, Lin. I know that you have achieved what we all want to. You will be our shining star.

  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Lin, that's amazing! You totally rock! You can bet that if/when I ever see that day, I'll be taking out an ad in the newspaper, making a video on YouTube, shouting it from the mountaintops!

    ***happy dance***
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ RobinsEgg -- ever try vanilla almond milk in your coffee? I've switched to it in my cereal. In the past, I would have added milk and sugar to my cheerios, raisin bran or rice krispies, but with the vanilla almond, it has enough sweetness without all the added calories.

    @ Lynn -- My Best Friend (who now lives 6 hours away) is coming to visit for the weekend. We haven't seen each other since October, so I am very excited. That plus dinner and drinks with friends and family to celebrate.

    @MNwalkingQueen -- Happy belated birthday -- we are just about the same age.

    @ MyMOwMOw -- We've all been there (some of us more than once). YOU CAN DO THIS!! What were some of the things you did for distraction before? I know that when I worked in the office, I never kept anything less than a $10 bill in my purse because the vending machine wouldn't accept it. :ohwell:

    @Lin -- WOW!!! Congrats, that is wonderful news. Great job!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Way to go Lin i am so proud of you !
    My goals for this week - Get back on track with my weight loss my 40th birthday is at the end of September and i hope to loose 40 pounds by then do you think that is possible ? I am so motivated right now i weighed myself this morning and i had gained some weight back but i know what it takes to loose it and thats what i am going to do !
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lin- Shouting for Joy over your accomplishments today. That is an awesome victory.

    Kris- It is possible to lose 40 pounds in 6 months. Just make sure you eat a balanced diet and incorporate exercise into your routines. That is roughly 6 pounds a month.

    Morgori- Step ups, the half ball and yoga all help with balance. Step ups are easy just pick a height that is comfortable for you and step up on it and back down. The half ball you can balance on both feet, one foot etc- this really helped me to get started and you can use both sides (round, flat side with the ball side down) hold for as along as you can building gradually. I tend to place the ball near a wall where I can hold onto something when my balance starts to go.

    Vickie- good luck with the new project. Take it one day at a time.

    Mymowmow- I understand your frustration with the scale not moving and then going up 10 lbs and not coming down. The same thing has been happening to me but for the past year. My measurements are changing but the weight loss has slowed to hardly anything. I do know that I am getting healthier and I refuse to give up this battle. My body will catch up with the changes that I am making.

    Karen- I think quitting smoking is a perfect April's challenge for you as that will help you to get healthier and to be smoke free by your trip.

    Today, I did not feel great especially while working. I am starting to feel better but I am still tired- oh how I hate that TOM. Needless to say I came home and took a nap so I could go out tonight and socialize. It was great evening and I ended with ice cream from my favorite place downtown. Next week, I decided I am going to eat dinner before I go out that way I will eat healthier and protein rich food. Tonight's place did not have a great selection without costing a small fortune. At least I avoided the crab dip and settled for crab ball only. Problem is I am now hungry but I will deal with it before I go to bed.

    Goal- I think I am going to do a Beer Run- It is a 5K race that some of the people where talking about doing. Most will be walking with a little running thrown in, which is a method that I can handle. The funny thing is that the water breaks are actually beer breaks and I don't do beer (it is to bitter for me) so that will make it easier for me. Hopefully, they will have water at some of the stations. This race is later this month but I should be ready. I will keep you posted on what I decide to do.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Lin--Fantastic!! You are an example and inspiration to us all.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Congratulations, Lin! You must be over the moon!!!!
    @Tammy - our journeys have been similar, I think. My stall was in February, but the scale's moving again. :happy: Yours will too.
    @Tom - WII Fit was my saving grace this winter. I LOVE the boxing, and the balance games.

    To those of you who do planks -- when you say "planks," what do you mean? I added core work to my routine for March challenge (lost 1.25 inches from the waist and 7 overall in three weeks - hooray!) but can only do one plank, for 60 seconds, before collapsing out of breath. Should I lower the time and try to do more than one? I also do some other core exercises, which I do in reps.

    I'm super-excited that spring is upon us!!!! My goal for winter had been to just maintain, but I actually managed to lose 25 pounds (thanks in large part to the inspiration I continue to draw from all of you). I dusted off the kayaks this weekend and was out on the river three times! Plus, I'm going for daily hikes with my dogs! The things I love to do are so much easier this year than last, when I was 72 pounds heavier (though I still did them then, I enjoy them even more now)! :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lin--WOOHOO!!! So happy for you--that's incredible news! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    @beth--I only do one standard plank and am also up to 60 seconds and also collapse exhausted afterwards. I do one of those and I do one side plank on each side as part of a larger core routine that includes push ups, crunches, some different yoga/balance moves, and some arm work with light weights.

    I am way too tired to do more personals, but welcome to the newlings and welcome back to some of the regulars who've been MIA like gerrit, des, and kvan.

    I stayed up way too late watching Bates Motel last night (my favorite new show!), so I'm going to take susan's lead and try to get a decent amount of sleep tonight.

    Thanks for all of the feedback about the April challenge. I will focus primarily on quitting smoking. If I also manage to cut back on the starbucks, great, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. Today, I avoided going after my workout, but that was b/c I had already eaten my exercise calories in donuts at work. :blushing:

    Tuesday Goal:
    Well, I finished all of my papers and handed them back today--that was a huge weight off my shoulders. My goal going forward is to keep up with grading as it comes in so I don't get behind and end up with piles and piles to grade all at once.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Lin - What an awesome post!! Thank you for sharing your excitement with us as we've been sharing this journey with you. I know there are so many of us that can't wait to get similar kudos from our doctors. I can't remember since the age of 10 when I was told NOT to lose weight. I know in the 7 months I've been on here you've been a huge encouragement to me. Thank you!!

    @MyMowMow - Same thing. You're already over that 100+ lbs lost and you've been such an encouragement to me. Even in my flunk lately you still find a way to encourage me. You just have to figure out how to get past this and I know you will. Pull out those old "before" pictures or some of your old clothes. You've come so far making such positive changes in your life. Keep going!!!!!!
  • MissJess13
    Hi, I was wondering if anyone can join this forum, this looks like such a wonderful place and I would love to get involved!