Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, sorry to disappear like that. I was on call on Saturday, Sunday was busy, and Monday was TV time with the hubby (who is not working at all hours for the first time in 2 months).

    @ lin: congratulations!! That's amazing news! You've worked hard, you deserve to crow about the results!

    @ Karen: late to the party, but quitting smoking is quite enough to tackle for one month. Good for you! It won't take long before you notice the change in your breathing when you run, I suspect.

    @ Vicki: OMG is right. We're still only partway through EMR implmentation, and it is a gargantuan task. You cannot possibly communicate enough with the folks who will use it. Advice: make sure there are local experts in each work area who get trained early and can help others. (SuperUsers help a lot!)

    I overate like crazy on Sunday (sigh) but am back on the wagon yesterday and today. I do think I'll reach for my gratitude journal, or a cup of peppermint tea, when I'm craving something bad for me.

    I went ahead and signed up for the half-hour boot camp membership, and I think it'll work because that is a HARD workout, every day. HR was 155-171 for a half-hour solid, even though it was mostly pushups. (Well, and some running.) Yesterday was squats and burpees. Need to do measurements, though!

    All righty, time for bed. 'Night, all!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Lin, that's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you. You are an inspiration to me.
    Robin, just wanted to commiserate with you. Hope your mouth is healing from the surgery. I can only eat on one side of my mouth due to having oral surgery a few weeks just takes me longer to eat, .it sure doesn't stop me from overeating!
    Wed. wish: that my little, grandson would get well...he turned 2 years old on Easter and is very ill today.(probably a bug)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- Is that this journey would be as easy as it was to put on the weight that I have gained over the years. I am starting over again and changing my ticker to reflect smaller goals.

    I know my personals are a little late but better late than never:smile:

    @Lin – doctor results are awesome
    @Karen- good luck with quitting smoking
    @Vickimieth- Hope work gets better and when I am stressed I don’t eat either
    @Susan- I love your positive attitude hope your kids game goes well
    @Kaye- What a great NSV with the dresses good luck hope some can be altered
    @Gorilla- Good luck with adding baseball to the mix hope you find a good balance of everything that will help you achieve your sprint goal
    @Tina- I know you will find a routine that works for you
    @Tlh0407- Your mini spa experience sounds so nice. I like your goal of cross stitching that is always something I wanted to learn how to do
    @Robin- What an accomplishment to give up some coffee, my dad use to drink a whole pot before work each morning. I am sure it was a little hard for you.
    @Tom- Wii boxing is really fun. I hope you try it. I really like your quote of the day.
    @MyM0wM0w- Sorry you are struggling right now but try not to be so hard on yourself we all go through ups and downs. The ironic thing is my angry self would have said the same thing to me
    @Des- I love walking neighborhoods you find so much out about the people, houses and just what is around that you don’t see driving
    @Laurie– Love the new profile pic and beer run sounds fun
    Skrinkrapt- good luck with the boot camp
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Jess - yep, anyone can join! Welcome!

    I didn't make my step goal yesterday because a new video game that I've been looking forward to came out, so of course, I rushed home to install it and played until midnight! But that's just because it was the first day (it's an MMO) and from now on, I don't get to play until I get my 7500 steps in! :)

    I took a new progress picture yesterday because I was having a skinny day :) I'll link it once I post it somewhere.

    Sorry for the drive-by post, more later!
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    @lindwer -- Congratulations , that is awesome.

    @Laureik70 -- the beer run sounds cool.

    @skinnyjeanzbo -- good luck in your efforts to quit smoking,

    Wednesday wish -- That i will stop craving coke.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome to the newlings! Jump right on in, the water is fine!

    @Robin - I think Golf with the bf sounds like fun! A great way to get outside and get some walking done while you get to spend time with him. Win Win! I learned some basic crochet stitches from my Gran when I was younger and I've made a couple of simple throws. My problem has always been stopping a blanket. I get going and I just keep going....until I have something that resembles a house cozy.... One thing you could try is puzzles if you enjoy them. I can see my living room TV perfectly from my dining room table so I have a big felt puzzle holder and I'll unroll it onto the dining room table (or sit on the floor right in front of the TV) and puzzle. Then I can just roll it back up when I'm tired of it.

    @Skinny - Good for you on quitting smoking. I'd say if you HAVE to pick one, stay with Starbuck's and get rid of the smokes. You can always run off the Starbucks Also, I've been watching Bates Motel as well.... Vera Farmiga (the woman who plays Norma), I went to high school with her. She was an amazingly sweet, friendly, and talented young lady back then as well. We were in the same graduating class.

    @GrandmaKaye - Wow, that's a full house you've got going on! Such fun and so exhausting all at the same time! I also love cross stitch, it's one of my favorite 'keeping from eating while I watch TV' things. I don't like to touch any kind of food because I'm BOUND to get it on the white Xstich fabric. I'm doing a series of cute little brightly colored bathtubs to frame and hang in my bathroom.

    @MN Walking Queen - Happy 40th. I'm down to my final countdown to that as well!

    @Susan - Boy can I relate to the sleep thing. If I don't get 8 I feel like a zombie.. 9 is perfect though. That wakes me up before the alarm feeling refreshed. Of course that means I've got to be in bed by like 9 pm....

    @Des - What new MMO did you get? I think I'll b e in the market here soon. WoW is just boring and full of adolescents these days, RIFT is OK and I COULD do that again but.....meh, and Guild Wars didn't really do it for me....

    Wednesday wish - that i DIDN'T have to update my ticker to show my 10lb gain. BLECH! OH well, it is what it is.

    Thanks all for the support and encouraging words. I'm trying really hard to be philosophical about this. I do feel I have one NSV in this whole mess. The old me would have said "screw it, I'll get back to it after my birthday/bankruptcy hearing. I can't deal with that stress and doing this at the same time." The new me wants to at least keep TRYING to eat properly even if I keep falling down.

    Just remember all, "It's not about how many times you fall down, but how many times you get back up." Abraham Lincoln

    That's the motto I'm going to live by until I get through this!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I have two. I had a doctors appt for my 40th and had all the lab work, Pap etc done. My wish is that the Pap comes back clear (which will mean that I don't have to do it again until I'm 45!!) and that my blood work is good too (both parents have a history that includes diabetes, high blood pressue and high cholesterol). When I was 35, all my bloodwork was in good range, so I hope I get that again. My second wish is that I can get through the C25K today. I was only able to get through about half my running on Day 1. I got cramps so bad that I just walked half the time. Tonight, more stretching. :blushing:

    @skinnyjeans -- congrats on getting caught up on grading.

    @Shrinkrapt -- boot camp scares me. It is on my goal list but I feel like I need to get in better shape so hopefully down the line.

    @Meloncholy -- poor guy. Hope its a speedy recovery for him.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I wrote on my newsfeed but I am so incredibly happy I'm posting on all the threads I normally follow as well..........

    I'm so excited my friends. I just returned from my doctor's appt. and obesity, high blood pressure and acid reflux have all been marked as RESOLVED in my records. He's totally pleased with my BMI and only agreed to my wish to be under BMI 25 to shop for insurance. So 3 - 5 lbs. more and then stop! No recommendations for improvement. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???? I could not. He said he was going to be using me as an example so I should expect my ears to burn a lot in the next few weeks. Sorry to go on and on but I am sooooooooooooo pleased.

    This is my first visit to the doctor *ever* where I wasn't told to lose weight.

    Lin (living in the clouds this afternoon!)


    wow!!! soooooo excited an happy for you :happy: :happy: you have worked very hard to get to this point !!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wed wish- that i could find a way to get back on track and stay there. I am so stressed and depressed i can barely function these days. I need to get some control back
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    My boss just made a comment about how much weight I've lost. I haven't really talked about my dieting at work, so it was really rewarding to have her notice. Of course, it only took 40 pounds before anyone commented! LOL!

    karenleona - just take one little step. One of the things I love about dieting is the sense of control I get from it. No one else is putting food in my mouth. Those are MY hands choosing what to pick up. I may not have a lot of control over other things in my life, but that's one thing I CAN do! Set yourself a small goal. TODAY, I will not eat fast food or TODAY I will pack my lunch instead of eating at the vending machine or whatever your triggers are. Or for me, I'm trying TODAY I will walk around the block before going into the house after work. One small success can lead to motivation to take on a bigger one.

    Mowmow - It's Defiance. It's a tie in with the new TV show on Sci Fi that starts in a couple of weeks. The game and the show will be interrelated, so that as things develop in the show, it will affect the game. And they say that things that happen in the game, which can be influenced by players, will affect the scripts for season 2. It's a sort of post apocalyptic Earth, with a few different alien races who have come to Earth.

    I'm still playing WoW, but this is a different kind of game. It's a third person shooter, which I've never really played before, unless you consider WoW to be one. What I really like about it is that you can solo if you don't want to join a group or guild (they're not guilds in Defiance, but I can't remember what they're called). But there's cooperative play, so that other players who happen to be around the same area benefit each other. So for example, if the goal (equivalent of quest) is to clear a building of mutants, then all players who are in and around the building can work together to kill the mutants without having to officially form a group. If all the mutants are killed while you are in the building, you get credit, even if you didn't hit any of them. Of course, you don't get XP or loot if you don't participate, but I like not having to find a group to join in order to quest. There are some goals that are difficult to do without a group, but it's enough of an open world that you don't have to do those if you prefer to solo. There's the option to PvP if you want to, but you don't have to. And of course, there are benefits to joining a guild, but it's nice to not feel like you have to. As you can tell, I tend to solo or just quest with my boyfriend in WoW. I don't like playing with people I don't know, or the pressure of guild requirements.

    There's a learning curve in Defiance, I still can't drive my stupid car without running it off the road into a river, but it's because you have to drive with the WASD keys, not the mouse, which I'm used to doing in WoW. But I'm loving it.

    The nice thing about Defiance, too, is that there's no monthly fee. You just buy the game. You can spend real world money to buy in game money if you want to, but I don't think it's like you're at a huge disadvantage if you don't spend real world money. And there will be expansion packs to buy down the road, just like WoW. But I like not committing to another $15 a month to play another game.

    If you decide to play, my user name there is Desdemina, too. Look me up, maybe we can form our own guild or find a good one together.

    Sorry for the rambling for those of you who don't care about gaming! But I'm looking forward to going home, getting the rest of my 7500 steps in, and playing again tonight!
  • Jsnuggles
    Jsnuggles Posts: 33
    Hi everyone :) New to the thread and think it is such a good idea! I have lost 29 pounds so far using MFP, but have a lot more to lose. I would love to keep up with this thread.

    Wed- I really wish this old pair of jeans that I am able to zip would fit well enough to actually wear in a week or so. I need to start exercising again for that to happen, though. I know I can do it, and I will do a Zumba video either this evening or tomorrow evening. Easter weekend threw me off a bit. I have a mini-vacation at the beginning of May, so fitting into anything old would be a very good thing, especially monetarily!

    Des- You play WoW too? What server are you on? If you would rather pm it to me I understand. I am on the Illidan server, and have a toon on Killrog, too.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Des - I've kicked around the idea of going back to WoW but, I came from a pretty cohesive and tight guild. We all became buddies and I LOVED logging on everyday to spend time with them and to listen to them all chatter (and argue) on vent while I did boring stuff like farm and quest solo. I'm worried it would be just too depressing to log on by myself and run around watching obnoxious gen chat....

    I might give RIFT another go. I can switch servers and get a new start and meet some new people. I've also got a lifetime sub to LoTRO, they've actually released a Mac client now so I don't have to use bootcamp (blech) to play. I should see if any of our old Kinship is still around and kicking. I enjoyed nesting and picking up stuff for my little hobbit hole.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Jsnuggles - I'm on Duskwood Alliance and I have some alts on Earthen Ring Horde, but haven't played them in ages.

    @mowmow I guess I'm not the typical MMO player because I really don't care about the social aspect of it. My boyfriend lives in California (I'm in Kentucky), so we log in and play together as a way to spend time together. We're usually on the phone talking while we play, catching up on our days in between yelling "Can you heal me! Look out behind you! Argh! Sorry, I didn't mean to aggro him!" My couple of attempts at joining a guild just resulted in tons of drama I don't need. Even the so-called social guilds got too political and annoying. So we formed our own guild called "The Soloists" and let anyone who wants to avoid getting guild spammed join. We brag "No vent, no web site, no guild bank, no help leveling or doing dungeons. But if you want people to stop begging you to join their guild, we're the guild for you!"

    I think TOM is threatening to visit any minute now. I was fine this morning, and now I'm all crampy and lower back ache and all that. Since I've only had one visit since going off the depo, I'm not regular yet and don't know when it's going to hit. And am I smart and have supplies ready just in case? No, of course not! Why would I be so prepared! ARGH!

    Hour and a half until I can go home... *sigh*
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    My boyfriend lives in California (I'm in Kentucky), so we log in and play together as a way to spend time together. We're usually on the phone talking while we play, catching up on our days in between yelling "Can you heal me! Look out behind you! Argh! Sorry, I didn't mean to aggro him!"
    Yeah, the guy that broke my heart 6 months ago... WoW is how we met (he was my Guild Leader) and lived three states away. 4 years of spending most of our times together just like that makes me REALLY hesitant to go back to WoW. NOt to mention I'm worried that gaming is going to make me want to munch like crazy. I USED to sit down with a big bag of chips, a BIG bottle of soda, and a LOT of candy and gorge while I ran around.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in to say "hey"--I will come back later to do personals and post.:smile:
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone. I guess I am really slow to catch on lol. Can someone tell me how to get to this board without using the search button? Thanks for akk the inspiration.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi everyone. I guess I am really slow to catch on lol. Can someone tell me how to get to this board without using the search button? Thanks for akk the inspiration.

    Up along the tabs click on "Community" then click on "My Topics"... that will show all the topics you've responded to, then you can just chose this one :) That's why you see people typing in "BUMP" into the thread. THis pulls it to the top of the My Topics page.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lin - Congrats on your Drs. visit - so excited for you to have made such amazing progress. AND YOU DID IT ALL YOURSELF, GIRL!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Queen - I LOVE your new photo - lovely!

    I am happy to hear all the exercise ideas being bandied about. MowMow, I didn't realize you loved boxing so much. I remember when yu got your boxing kit, and I'm so happy its become such a big part of your exercise routine.

    I Went to a Broadway production of The Lion King last night - wow was it fantastic - almost as much fun as the stage production was the expression of the little kids in the audience around me. (And on my face too, I'll bet!) Just awestruck all the time.