

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,980 Member
    This is going to be a hectic month for me. I am only going to hope to maintain this month with the move and new job, I'll be happy to stay where I am. If I lose weight, then all the better. Called the doctor yesterday and got antibiotics. The cold turned into a sinus infection with swollen glands and the whole bit. I have to work because of the trip to CT (need the money) so working sick. Glad it hasn't been too busy here at work. Well, it is break time here at work but I am not going for a walk. I need to get over this 'crud' I have so just relaxing. This is a promising and exciting month coming up!

    Hugs to all.

    Rita from TN (soon to be CT)
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! I am back from my trip to California. It was lots of fun, lots of traffic and lots of laughs! :laugh:

    I only went back to the last page of September because I knew I would get very confused if I went all the way back to my last post, so here are the notes from what I did cover:

    Michele- Just wanted to say Good Morning because it feels as though I haven't talked to you forever and a day! :flowerforyou:

    Critter Sue- I am so sorry about your loss of Ryder. Pets are such a huge part of our lives, and I am sad for you and the other dogs, too.

    Sandy- Oh, I am sorry that I have been out of touch over the last few days. The loss of your Mother is very sad, but the relationship you had with her sounds very destructive. I know that wishing things could have been different will be/has been part of your life, but those wishes never come true. You have a good life, your children know how loved they are, and I think you have handled this situation well. I am sending prayers of friendship, love and support. Take care, my friend.

    Katla- I missed many posts, but people are glad you got home 'safely', did something exciting happen while I was gone? Everything OK?

    Amanda- A new red-headed baby! Oh, how fun! Glad you are feeling well and recovering quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia- You are right, hubby did miss the point, maybe you should let him chase that soccer ball! :laugh: I met two whippets while I was on my trip. They were handsome devils! Reichel was an older dog whose black and white muzzle was mixed with grey; he was wonderful! I can see why they are such fun dogs to have around.

    Robin- Congratulations on a new granddaughter. :flowerforyou: How long do you have to wait before the cuddles begin?

    YannieJannie- Lifting my cup right back at you! :drinker: Happy October!

    I had a wonderful time on my little vacation. Food schedules were all mess up, but I managed to lose 1.4 lbs, which puts me back where I was before. I am happy with that. I did come home with some type of eye infection. It is not pink eye, but something is making my eye water and burn. I will check in with the Dr later today.
    My kitty-sitter brought my PeeVee home to me yesterday afternoon, and I was very happy to have my cuddle-buddy back last night! It is amazing how important my pets are to me. However, not everyone takes care of their animals well, and I saw an example of that while I was gone. Sometimes I just want to slap people.
    We ate at two wonderful sea food restaurants (The Catch and The Fish Market) and I tried two fish that I have never had before. I had Chilean sea bass and Pacific Ono. They were both wonderful! On Sunday we went to a place called Slater's 50/50, and I had one of their burgers. They are 'famous" for these half beef/ half bacon burgers. I was not impressed. I think plain old beef with just a slice of bacon would have been much better.
    I took my cane along and used it through the whole trip. I do not want to become dependent on it, but I also do not want my ankle to wobble. I really don't like this arthritis crap! Ok, done grousing.

    For October: Continue to log daily and honestly
    Get my butt up and moving!
    Be kind to my friends, my fellow humans, and myself
    Organize my craft room
    Start working on Christmas gifts

    It's good to be home. It's good to 'see' you all again. Have a wonderful day!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,899 Member
    Hello to all and happy October. I agree with the rest of you this is the best time of the year.

    Went to the orthopedist today and I have been cleared to go back to work at the pools on October 14. Yeah!:happy: He says I am much further ahead that he thought I might be. I attribute that to a really good PT and water therapy. Between the two I have been working the shoulder five days a week. Just have to watch the next two months for any increased weakness or loss of motion. I am looking forward to riding my horse during this lovely fall weather and being much more independent. I think all this time at home was a test to see if I can really retire next spring and not kill my DH. I have come close a couple of times.:laugh:

    Have done well with my September goals:
    1. I made it PT every time I was scheduled.
    2. Been doing much better on the water, at least six glasses per day.
    3. Have also done well with the protein. I don't always get 30 grams at each meal but have been able to do snacks to make up the difference.
    4. I have definitely finished the month stronger but not lighter, in fact I am one pound heavier but now that I have no exercise restrictions anymore I am hoping that will change for October.

    October goals:
    1. Continue PT and water therapy.
    2. Get a minimum of 4000 steps on my fitbit per day and try for 5000.
    3. Keep working on getting at least 90 grams of protein per day and see if I can cut some of the carbs especially sweets.
    4. Finish October stronger and lighter.

    Sue in SD
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy October My Friends;
    I just love this time of year..we have a beautiful view from our apart deck..cannot wait till the leaves turn...it will be majestic....I have no plans this month..my fibro flare is kicking my butt..so just to get feeling better would be nice...oh and I went outside for a 10 min walk around our parking lot..it was so hard but I finally did it...starting to do some more exercising with my exercise tape.....too much a few day's last week...in bed for a few days :sick: ....still trying to stretch what my body cannot do....

    Critter Sue I am so sorry about your loss..the last pet we had to get put down did me in.....from my heart to yours I understand how you are hurting.....:cry:

    October Goals: I am just going to do as I did last month..be happy with any lbs I can lose

    Take Care All!!
    Liz, fr Rainy Halifax NS
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Bump for later!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    bump - hoping to catch up when I'm back in town!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump for later!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy oct 1st.
    Just heard from a good friend,her hubby passed away,he had cancer.
    A cool oct day,suppose to get to 80.it`s 60 now and cloudy.
    Goals-keep exercising and recording steps.What the night eating.
    HUGS to you all
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy October!!! Bump for later.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I can't believe that it's noon and already we are halfway down page two! This is really an awesome group of ladies.

    My goals for October:
    Lose another 5 pounds (more would be a bonus)
    Work in my studio at least an hour each day.
    Continue with weights and increase some.
    Continue with cardio and swimming.
    Longer walks with the puppy now that the weather is cooler.
    Try one new recipe each week from the Heart Association cookbook.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Bump and and I'll be back after supper!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Hope October adds colour to our goals too.
    Just the 1st and already into page 2. What awesome peeps here.
    Thanks Barbie!
    Goals for Oct
    Weight training, yoga and weekend run.
    Stick to meal plan and say no to sweets.... there now I have said it:laugh:
    Have a great day!
    Tomorrow is Mahatma Gandhi's birthday....... the father of our nation
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Here I am again.
    I accomplished all my goals for September apart from losing 2 lbs. I only lost 1.5. Never mind.
    I did 26 push ups, 26 squats with a 16 lb weight, 100 crunches, plank for 2 mins 45, 10 bicep curls with 16 lbs each arm. Tricep exercises × 25 each side.
    Cardio the same as always, rowing, elliptical and cycle for 60 mins - 400 cals.
    I bought a new swimsuit, but haven't used it yet.

    Goals for October
    Use my swimsuit!
    Carry on increasing my strength training, I really enjoy it and love seeing my body change! Aiming for 30 push ups and 2 mins 55 on the plank.(Hate it!)
    Lose another 1.5 lbs. That will take me within 2 lbs of a British 4 stone loss.

    Had a brilliant day today. Started with walking up the Janiculine Hill, from where you get a great view of Rome, then down to St Peter's and a long sit in a cafe before going to the Vatican Museum. We had booked on line and planned exactly what we wanted to see so it all went swimmingly. We dashed past the hords of tourist groups and found the few things that we had marked out. Raphael's School of Athens, the Belveder Torso, Laocoon, the Sistine Chapel and some Giottos, Raphaels and Caravaggios in the Pinoteca. Phew! I did cry in the Sistine Chapel and loved the Raphael. So that's another lot knocked off my bucket list!
    Came back and rang a restaurant (in Italian!) to book for my birthday tomorrow. It's called La Fata Ignorante, which means The Ignorant Fairy. That apparently means a stroke of fate, which could be good or bad, but something out of the blue. A bit like we all share about so often! I hope it will be good. It's not far, just across the Tiber from here so we can walk.
    We had SUCH a delicious meal tonight that I cooked, that it always feels like a waste of money and calories when we go out! DH said tonight's effort was "inspired"!!!! It was lovely and only 250 calories! We nearly always eat better in than out, not to mention the cost, which is why we like an apartment rather than a hotel. Tomorrow I will try NOT to count calories as it's my birthday, but it's a bit of an ingrained habit, I'm afraid.
    This morning we were woken up with building work. Around 8 am though. Tomorrow we will do the Forum and the Colosseum. It will be very warm. Must remember to take my drinking water.
    Love to all. Soon to finish my dinner with figs and goats cheese. Yum!
    Heather in warm Rome, Italy
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Ande getting her dose of sun for jaundice.

    October 12th cannot get here quick enough. I need to kiss those cheeks,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,


    PS Sorry it is so big.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy October 1st!! Sorry I have been MIA for so long!!! September has been a month of many changes for me, some good, some not so good. I'm almost down 60 lbs. since last June but if I had to do it all over again, I'm not sure I would. Only because, in the end, it may cost me my marriage. I knew my DH never really wanted me to lose weight but now, without getting too personal, let's just say, the spark is gone and there is a lot of negativity at home. I have been very blessed though because I have recently made two really great friends that have stood me during some difficult times! I'm going to make this month about recommitting to MFP, logging my food again and reconnecting with all of you! I start school next week and although I'm excited, I'm having huge anxiety about my math class! :noway:

    Goals for October-Get back into logging my food and making healthier choices
    Focus only on the positive-this is my biggest challenge right now
    Do at least one random act of kindness daily
    Continue counting my blessings every day!

    Hugs to all! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in sunny IL :drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather :flowerforyou: :heart: I love the way you take us along on your travel. I feel like I am smelling everything and seeing it as you are walking. That's one reason why I love to watch the HGTV shows I do. I feel like I am doing the traveling. Sounds like you and hubby are having a wonderful time

  • Skinnynana61
    Hello everyone. I didn't really have any goals for September since I just started this journey 2 weeks ago. I am very excited about October though since we are now into the fall season...............my favorite time of year :happy: :happy: ...............Football and all that but also fall brings with it cooler weather and with the cooler weather I have committed myself to walking with my dog for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. I may do more but that is the minimum I have set for myself. I am trying very hard to not give in to my biggest temptation...........chips and onion dip.............while watching football on Sunday. I have opted to substitute veggies with ranch dip instead. Not the best but better than chips. Wish me luck all. :wink:

    Like I told my daughter this morning........."Nothing in life worth having is easy........that is why conquering the difficult stuff makes the victory that much sweeter." I totally believe that because if it was easy then we wouldn't appreciate it nearly as much as we do when we have to work for it.

    Sandi Lake Havasu Arizona
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Afternoon,I know I posted this morning here, I am not sure if you can just post or have to be invited. If someone might explain how all of this works, I could really use friends on this journey for the encouragement. And what does Bump mean? Thank you
  • laotte
    laotte Posts: 7 Member
    I hope that I can stick with this and continue on my journey.

    My goals are:

    Work out 2 x a week
    Ride my horse 2 x a week
    eat one veggie a day

    Wish me luck, I need it. :smile:
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon all:-) Cheers to the new month ahead!! And many ((hugs)) to those in need...and CritterSue,,,.your sweet 4 -legged kid will be waiting for you are the Rainbow Bridge..(hugs)
    I managed to make it through my goals for Sept. with walking 10,000 steps a day, strength training for my core and planting my flower beds with beautiful Fall mums.
    October goals: lose the last 1.6 pounds I have left
    continue the 10,000 steps daily or more, continue core strengthening
    serve more in my community
    actually watch the news and stay current
    only eat 25 pcs of Halloween candy:-) LOL

    Have a October to remember!!
    Leslie from outside Mobile... Alabama