Husband not supportive



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You have been married for less than a month. Why did you marry someone who is so controlling that he won't let you leave the house?

    Get counselling. This isn't what marriage is supposed to be like.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    listen sweetie when I first got married I was young and my husband ruled me in this way too. people who have never experienced it think its so easy to just say "don't put up with it" or "do what you want to anyway". its is NOT that simple in real life but I can tell you this.... after years of this I got sick of it and stood up for myself. I tried to stay in the marriage and just be as mean as he was to me ( note there were several other issues as well even bigger than the meaness in him). I finally left. I divorced him. He didn't think I would. He begged me for 5 yrs to come back. He got his life straightened out and we got remarried. Been remarried for 2 years. He is a different man now and knows I love him but won't put up with that mess anymore. These two yrs have been the best of my life. you gotta stand up to him. when you do it will get worse before it gets better but you gotta be able to decide what goes in your own mouth and if you can leave the house and what kind of groceries you want to buy just like he does. he may think he owns you but he doesn't and only you can prove that to him. it may not turn out like my story but you're better off without him if it doesn't.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member

    You do not have to sucumb to his yelling /berating/bull crap...........When he yells.. put your sneakers on, get your ear buds in, put the baby in a stroller and go Power Walking... block him out completely........ Just Go do your thing... He will get the point eventually...or he wont...whichever... Right now, You need to work on YOU!

    Absolutely this.

    When I was still an Army wife, our FRG (Family Readiness Group) did a great job of supporting each other. We even organized walks through post, with our kids in strollers or on bikes. The post I work for now has that, too. MWR (Morale, WElfare & Recreation) does a great job of organizing 5Ks every month. The hospital has a great wellness program, and most of them have clinical dieticians, too. The gyms on post have daycares, too. Utilize the resources that are available to you. Tune out the noise and tune in to what you really want. Either the hubby will come with you or he won't, ultimately you decide what is and is not a deal breaker.

    You've also got counselors, chaplains and his chain of command's spouses at your fingertips...those are some hefty resources, too.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    This is a trainwreck of a thread that just keeps getting worse. I hope it's a troll, yet I'm sad that it might not be. :(
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    This is a trainwreck of a thread that just keeps getting worse. I hope it's a troll, yet I'm sad that it might not be. :(

    I agree. If it's not, all I can say is that you have to want it badly enough for yourself and your child before you will make things happen. You can if you want.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Unfortunately you have to take control of you and not let the outside distraction deter youfrom your goals. Seek approval from within and maybe try to go to counseling.
  • MickeyCastello
    Did you really need us to tell you this is a bad relationship? Go back and read your own post. Unless I missed it, I haven't read one post supporting your husband, even from the guys. This goes beyond what counseling can fix. You can and should do better than this. If not for yourself, do it for your child. If you can't take the first step to get out of it, ask a friend or relative to make the call for you. I promise you, after the clouds clear, you, and your child, will feel much more alive. Do it right now!!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    You may not want to hear this but you need to cleanse your life. The first thing I would get rid of is your bully of a husband! You sound so lovely but he sounds like a pig. Good luck darling :flowerforyou:

    ^ Agree! Do what's best for you and your child. Your husband sounds controlling. Like some of the other posters said, you guys need counseling. And if he won't, then you need to figure out if this is how you want to live your life.
  • d4ley1
    d4ley1 Posts: 73
    you will lose the baby fat no doubt! sorry to hear about the relationship problems dont know what to suggest but you are the master of your destiny no one else so dont accept abuse
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I'm at a loss as to what fun, healthy activities I could suggest for you to do with an abusive *kitten*.

    You really should be contacting the multitude of assistance the military provides and getting out of there.
  • michellechawner
    Hon, don't get me wrong and I'm not trying to be mean, but everyone needs a bit of tough love sometimes.

    Everything you said was an excuse. Weight loss is something that takes A LOT of life changes. Like when you eat, how you eat, what you eat, planning, making time, etc. It's a huge adjustment. But blaming it on your husband, or any other object is just making excuses. I live with my BF. He likes beer (so do I), he drinks about 2-3 a night of high calorie/high % beer a night. I got to the point where I had to tell myself, who cares what HE's doing, it's about what I'M doing. When I lost a large chunk of my weight, I lived alone. But I still had excuses, like everyone. But I WANTED it. And I still want it, but it's harder. You have other reasons not to eat well, not exercise, etc. But hon, you have to find the strength, the power, the motivation, the WANT for yourself. Support from the outside is like 10%, everything else has to come from yourself.

    So, ways around the excuses. Get up early, go out and take a 30 minute walk/day. Plan YOUR menu ahead of time and stick to the plan. Just because your husband makes dinner, doesn't mean you have to eat it. Just because your husband wants Pizza, doesn't mean you can't order a salad. See the pattern?

    Now, either you WANT this or you don't. That's for you to decide.

    ^^ this is what I was thinking. Yes your knee, your asthma... I tore my MCL twice, and I still play tennis, just like the 2 times i tore it I was playing tennis...

    You need to WANT this. My family wasn't on board with my weight loss... I did it for ME. My doctors were all pretty upset, they couldn't figure out why, I was 144, and now i'm 125. I feel FABULOUS. This is where I WANTED to be... You need to learn to do things for yourself, and if all you can do is bad mouth your husband, do yourself and all of us a favor, get the hell out of there. Plain and simple. I'm sure your husband could say a crap load of mean things about you too, but I don't see a post on here from him. You need to talk to him, not vent on the interwebs about how horrible your husband is because he doesn't agree with you.

    Tough love sister. Do this for you, and only you. You're all you have in the end.
  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a lot of trouble getting motivated. I hate eating healthy, I hate working out. I suffer from a lot of issues that limit my workouts. My shoulder, my knee, asthma, etc. I'll be honest, I don't work out. I want to, I know I need to and I know I'm the only one who can make myself do it. My biggest problem is my husband. I'm willing to eat healthy and workout so I can get into shape, but I want to spend more time with him and my son. I get home and he usually makes dinner and it's never healthy. I try to make dinner and he always says it's disgusting, I feel like I get yelled at for everything. If I try to make my own healthy alternative, I get yelled at. He turns on the TV as soon as he gets home and usually just sits on the couch watching it unless he is cooking. I get home and I want to clean or workout or take our son to the park but he complains. He complains if I go alone, he complains if I ask him to go, he complains when I don't go. I just can't win. He's in the Army and needs to lose weight and get in shape as well. I want us to lead a healthier lifestyle but he seems to be totally against it. I hate seeing out family like this, and I don't want our son to grow up like fat lazy slobs like us. Anyone have any ideas of activities that we can do as a family that can promote a healthy life in a fun way? Preferably something my 1 1/2 son can do or that he can be around for so we aren't leaving him out.

    I'm calling BS on this. Sorry but you conflict your own excuses.....start off with I this and that (probably true) then head into the problem is actually your husband ...sounds like you want a scape goat. Own your own issues first. work on a plan then execute it.
  • pollypocket3
    pollypocket3 Posts: 51 Member
    Sorry, this isn't an excuse. I don't get to go grocery shopping, I can't buy healthy food, I can't leave the house without him threatening to call the cops. I do want it, I have done it. If he makes dinner and it's not healthy and I decide to eat something else, he yells at me. Clearly you didn't read the first post. I DO want it. They aren't excuses.

    You NEED to get out. Go to a women's shelter and call the cops on him YOURSELF. He's abusing you THIS IS ABUSE!

    Stop with the non-action! Your son needs a strong mother who is willing to protect him and herself.

    I second this. Seriously. For the safety of you and your son.
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    WAIT WAIT WAIT, your profile say you were getting married in Sept. 2013? So you are just married. His way of treating you is NOT new is it? Seriously you are putting yourself and your son in danger! You say you can't go to the grocery store yourself? You can leave the house without him calling the police. This not normal or acceptable behavior something is terribly WRONG! You need professional help, nothing will improve on its own it will only get worse! If you succeed in losing weight then he will feel threatened and jealous! Where is your family or friends you need to scream for help for the sake of your child. Husbands don't control wives with shouting and rules in marriage. Marriage is a loving supportive partnership that takes hard work and respect. Honey, I don't know what your home life was like growing up but this is not anywhere close to being how life should be. ESPECIALLY if you are newly married! He is verbally abusing and bullying you! Would you allow him to speak your baby like this? Well that is next! Get some help soon! Losing weight is the least of your problems right now, seek help and the weight thing will come more easily! .
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    This is my husband without the yelling at me for everything. He doesn't want to eat healthy. or go do anything. He has lost weight just getting up and working after 2 years of doing nothing. He lost 50 pounds in 3 months. He still has more to go but he doesn't do anything to try to lose weight.

    I want to do all the things you say but can't because it is not safe for my children and I to go out to the park.


    What I do is get on Youtube and find things that I enjoy doing like Dance workouts or Zumba. I walk up and down the stairs to our deck in the back, I jog in the back yard with the kids in the grass racing back and forth and giggling the whole time. I will walk on my street during daylight with my kids and we have fun doing it.

    You have to just do what makes you happy and what you can get away with. I would try to get him to start taking some vitamins and see if you can get him to start feeling better about himself. Make sure you show him the love and affection that you want.

    as far as the food goes. everything in moderation. keep track of your calories and exercise as much as you can. I know its hard with bad food in the house and being depressed.

    I don't have all the answers either but if it is really bad and you don't love him anymore and there is no compromise and you feel defeated and you know there is no way to get the love back then I would say it may be time to give up on him and move on. This is something you have to decide for your self and don't let anything anyone here says sway your mind. You know your heart. you have to go with it and live with the choice you made not only for you but your son as well. Think hard about if it.

    Good luck my dear.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Sorry, this isn't an excuse. I don't get to go grocery shopping, I can't buy healthy food, I can't leave the house without him threatening to call the cops. I do want it, I have done it. If he makes dinner and it's not healthy and I decide to eat something else, he yells at me. Clearly you didn't read the first post. I DO want it. They aren't excuses.
    Here is something Carolyn Hax wrote that might apply to your situation "It is not your responsibility to be exactly the person he wants you to be. Your responsibility is to be yourself, honestly, and his is to be himself, at which point both of you have the right to decide whether these are people you want to spend your life with. That's it. You don't have the right to insist upon changes. You have the right to ask for them, and the right to decide whether to stay or go once you see whether and how your request for change has been answered. Boundaries 101.

    Obviously you have made the decision to spend your lives together and have built a family on that decision, but that doesn't mean you signed up to be anyone's personality renovation project. Make the call, get the counseling, please. If you don't know where to find it, call here to ask for a local referral: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)."
  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    This is a conversation you need to have with your divorce attorney, not a bunch of armchair internet psychologists.

    Only other option is to build a time machine and prevent yourself from marrying a ****.

    Edit: Seriously, asterisks? Come on.
  • latoywri
    Drop this loser. This is for you ma! This is for your health and your well being. He don't like it!? Tell him don't let his fat get stuck in the door on the way out. Men like this is lazy, and they dwell in their own sloth and drag you down with them. Get out! Get fit! Get another man that has more respect for you and your kids and your health. I bet if you ask him to do couseling... He will reject it and make everything about him. Fck dis guy! Don't waste your health on this guy.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    have a calm conversation with him about it. not going to fix it posting on here
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    You mention wanting to be a good example for your son. Getting out of that relationship would probably be a good start so he doesn't grow up thinking that's how women are supposed to be treated.

    Call Military One Source to get some help with either counselling or to get yourself out of there.
