
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Made it thru the week and to the weekend (YEAH). Now comes the really hard part, home all weekend with junk food in the house, (Hubby is junk food junkie, but never gains a pound :grumble: ). I will be busy sewing for Christmas, and getting things ready for the October Fest at Church, but the food will be calling my name. Any suggestions? :smile:

    Tina in Fla.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,472 Member
    Amanda - I am so so sorry about your MIL. You are such a wonderful person, your dh is lucky to have you

    grandmalle - happy birthday to your dad. Wow! 85!

    Did an hour of HIIT today. This time I varied the time, I sprinted for 30 sec and then recovered for 30 sec. Then went to one store to see if I can get a pipe for dh's outfit, but all they had were the corncob pipes, and I was looking for a "sherlock Holmes-type" Then we took my car for new tires and struts, came home and made Vince a salad for dinner, then we took Lexi to the vet. Vince thought he felt some oozing from the ear where she'd had the polyp removed 3 years ago and her ear really smells. The vet said that she has an infection, he gave us drops to put in her ear twice a day. I also made some cream of mushroom soup to take with me tomorrow night to the dinner. Oh, back to Lexi, we are to go back to the vet in 2 weeks. Assuming this antibiotic works, we'll have to wait a few more weeks to be sure the infection doesn't come back. We came home from the vet, I got dinner ready to just heat up, and then we went and upgraded our cell phones. Came home to have dinner. You know something? I had spaghetti squash and now I'm so so full. In between all this, I did a load of laundry. Just finished making this apple glazed carrots that I'll take tomorrow night. I'm also going to take my crepe maker and make the crepes there, but I'll make the toppings (chocolate and strawberry) at home.

    Vicki - what a bargain you got on those clothes. I stopped at Kohl's and found a shirt that was 80% off and I had a coupon for another 30% off, so it came to a little over $2. I guess I can live with that price.

    Robin - how adorable (the baby). Thanks for posting

    Deb - welcome, you'll get lots of motivation and good ideas here.

    jane - that's terrible about your friend

    joyce - congrats on wearing those pants

    lf - I do have some yoga DVD's but I also take classes. I think what Katla was referring to was if a person ONLY uses yoga DVD's. But I think they can be a good compliment. Especially so you can do things on days when you can't get to the gym for one reason or another. Congrats on the great loss. I used to have really thick hair, but I have noticed it thinnning since I was pg. Fortunately, I don't have a bad problem right now, but I'm going to be curious about what responses you get.

    Heather - that's awesome that you lost on your vacation! It can be so frustrating that men can lose so much so quickly and women have to work at it.

    hinarai - welcome, this is a great place for motivation

    Well, it's now Sat. morning. Last night I made the apple glazed carrots and decided the recipe didn't make enough so here I was at 10:00 making another batch. Which is why I didn't post this earlier. Got up this morning and put the feathers in my "hat". Don't worry, DeeDee, I'm going to try my hardest to post a pic. I just don't have shoes. There was this one pair at Kohl' but there was no way on this green earth that I was going to spend $70 on shoes that I will never wear again. Guess I'm just going to wear the silver shoes that I have.

    Off to yoga. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll do any formal exercise. Probably will because Vince talked about cutting the lawn and then we'll be putting up (or at lest starting to) the Halloween decorations.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday turned out to be dry and sunny, so we put another coat of decking on our upper deck. This was the first coat that has the little texture pellets in it. We hope to get another coat on today. The weather forecast is good, and I have my fingers crossed that it is accurate and the actual weather is good enough for us to get it done. I want the railings back in place and out of my bedroom! I have taken my first dose of the additional medicine. We’ll see if it helps. Knowing that the problem is stress related gives me the motivation to tell DH to back off with his criticism. That may help even more than the medicine.:laugh:

    LF in Salem: I would make a visit to my doctor to see if there is a medical reason for the hair loss. With your family history, it could be genetics, but what if it is something that is treatable and your mom and grandmother didn’t know it could be helped? I wonder if it is related to menopause or peri-menopause. I found several articles on line that discuss hair loss in peri-menopause. This is one, but I have no idea who sponsors it. http://www.34-menopause-symptoms.com/hair-loss-treatments.htm On another subject, Michele is right. I don’t think yoga dvds are evil, I just think that a beginner needs a real instructor to learn how to do the exercises safely and correctly. The companionship offered in a class environment is also nice.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on your weight loss. You must have learned how to handle travel since you were able to enjoy your trip and lose weight, too. I appreciated hearing about your experience with overcoming walking problems. I’m sure this will benefit many who have pain when they walk. I have a weak knee, and it was causing a lot of pain last fall, which was the trigger that put me on this weight loss path. I had an “aha” and realized that I was too heavy for my knees and it was keeping me from enjoying the horseback riding lessons DH gave me as a gift. I went to a specialist who took x-rays and recommended a particular set of leg strengthening exercises. Between the exercises he prescribed, weight loss, and yoga, I’m doing much better. It wasn't an instant fix but things are so much better now, nearly a year later. :bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: Good luck with all your issues. I would be reluctant to walk outdoors in the dark of early morning, too. Is your dog big enough to be a protector? Walking with my dog and cell phone handy gives me some sense of security but I like waking with another person best. My number one exercise option for dark or bad weather is to ride my recumbent trike on its trainer in the garage. I had the trike anyway, and got the trainer as a Christmas gift last year. I had a different trainer for my previous two-wheeled bike. I sold that one back to the bike shop when we switched to the trikes. The trainer is a device that you mount your bike on. It holds up the bike in a stationary situation and allows the rider to pedal against enough resistance to enable a good work out.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • Hi everyone,

    Been a month or so since I visited this thread. Sorry for stepping out on you ladies; I know I missed good stories and successes. I FINALLY nudged off a long plateau, and crossed the milestone of losing more than 100 pounds. I had been stuck around 93 pounds for nearly a month. I changed my exercise (added kettle bell training), and increased my calories. Not clear on how eating 400 cals more per day is helping, but someone suggested it, and I listened.

    Goals for Oct include dusting off and using my elliptical machine when it's too crummy outside to enjoy a walk.

    Wishing everyone a great autumn day!

    Sandy from Mpls, MN
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Its my middle son`s birthday,won`t see him today as he is celebrating with his wife and baby.
    My friend,Thelma is waiting for them to schedule surgery.
    My good friend melody,found out she has more nodules on the lung.Don`t think chemo is working.
    Wow and it`s not noon yet.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I don't know what I would do without my orthotics. My husband doesn't like how much I have to pay for my shoes but they all have to be extra depth so I can take the liner out and put my orthotic in. When I was going ti church, I did wear some small heels for a very short time and then very quickly get my good supportive shoes on. He buys his tennis shoes at Walmart, will pay $20 and says his feet and legs hurt. I pay close to $100 for my walkers. I don't buy generic tennis shoes. I buy good supportive walkers only and live in them. For MIL funeral last week I put some dress flats on and put my good shoes in my wheel chair in the lounge so that everytime I took a break I could put them on. Even a short 10 minute break can make a huge difference in how my legs and back feel.

    I need to hypnotize myself to make me get up and go to the Y. I don't know what happened to get me out of the habit, it used to be an obsession for me to get there 6 days a week. Now it's 6 days a week I stay home. I know I should, I'm an adult and can rationalize that. I just can't make myself go. I just now watched my husband go out the door to take his daily walk. He does it without fail. Why can't I?????? I think that's a question that only I can answer.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I went, went to my comfort zone, the recumbent bike and rode 10 miles. I am proud of myself that I was able to ride that long but yet still very frustrated with myself that I am still so reluctant to go over to the other side of the wellness area (what I would call a gym) and approach those machines:embarassed: :frown: :brokenheart: :cry: :sad: :angry: :mad: I know waht would be best for me is to get a trainer, one who understands MS. I know that they are used to working with reluctant people but they also have to understand MS. I hope I am not letting my MS be a crutch in doing it. I have seen the Y trainers in action and they aren't anything at all like the trainers I am used to seeing on Extreme makeover and Biggest loser. They don't seem to put any umph in their encouragement. I also know that I am reluctant to exercise that muscle that reaches into my purse and get my money out.

    One thing I have learned through this forum and the wisdom so many of you have is the soul searching I have made and realizing why I am the way I am. But you can't hold my hand and make me go out the door.

    Oh, I was looking through my closet wondering what to wear today. My old workout pants are really unflattering on me now. Well they never were. So I found a pair of capris that I had bought on a whim a couple of months ago and they are size large and they fit not fine but OK. They still do show my belly so much. But the legs look better!!!! Yeah!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,988 Member
    Joyce, I joined the gym last January, and I started out on the recumbent bike, because I was to big for anything else...
    after about 4 months I finally got the nerve up to try other things and the machines, now i either do cardio first , then the strength training or visa versa.. but hey I do it..
    under calorie count and over 12,000 steps..
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello all my friends. I am having a tough time keeping up with you! We got the furniture all moved around yesterday (DD#1’s furniture dismantled and put in garage, guest room furniture up in her room) and got our front storm door put back on and today we watched the Huskers win and are putting our dining room back together.

    DD#1 was supposed to come get all her furniture tonight but she texted DH to say she couldn’t make it today. This is about the 4th time she has done this so he said to get it tomorrow or we are donating it.

    The last two nights we had bad weather in NE. Tornadoes both nights ….last night there was one about 60 miles away that was described as “massive” and “multi-vortex”. It was 2 miles wide. Glad that missed us!

    Jane: happy birthday Jessie!

    Grandmallie: pecan pie bars? Yum!!! I’m sorry about the job situation for DH

    Eviejoy: welcome back and this time you’ll do it!

    Mom2cba; welcome to our little group!

    Jenn: very reasonable goals!

    Tina: so nice to hear such a positive attitude about the furlough! Good for you to need new pants!

    Sue: hope you get some cool, refreshing weather!

    Michele: you are quite the shopper!

    Amanda: thoughts and prayers to you. I hope all goes well and that peacefulness prevails.

    Tina: great week!

    Vicki: your girls fell out the bottom of your bra because they are too big? Mine do that too. I guess I’d better lose these last 2.1 pounds soon because my 30# goal is new lingerie! Hope you were safe in last night’s storms

    Robin what a sweet picture!

    Sylvia: that sounds like quite a struggle. I don’t have any words of wisdom for you except to say it’s a great thing that you are recognizing some of these issues. That is always the first step.

    Deb: welcome to the group!

    Heather; glad you had a fun trip and glad you are back home safe and sound. Getting back home is always my favorite part of trips!

    Katla: hope the change in your medications provides some relief for you!

    Jane: oh my gosh…sending prayers for your Thelma and Melody

    Joyce: size 14!!!! Hooray!

    Texasgal: I keep thinking I’m going to do photo albums for the girls on their first year in America, but it never gets off the ground

    Kathy: keeping my fingers crossed for you and DH

    LF: I have some thinning hair my doctor attributes to peri-menopause. My thyroid was fine, so that’s not it but it could be for you. I don’t have any suggestions for you though. I am hoping it doesn’t get too much worse or I may have to do something about it, but I don’t really know what it would be.

    DeeDee: good for you to get that flu shot. I love to decorate for Halloween but have to wait til next week so I can get the house put back together!

    Tina: you might not like my suggestion….don’t buy junk food! Don’t allow it in your house. I don’t. If DH or the kids wants something junky they buy it and eat it before coming in. If you turn it into a health issue (“you can really help me be healthier”) he might be more likely to buy into it.

    Katla: I may check out that website!
    rishSandy: welcome back!

    OK girls…time to get back to work! Enjoy this beautiful Saturday evening! Meg from Omaha where the skies are clear!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. I've not had much to say, more just thinking a lot. I have been going to the Y, going to work and praying that I could sleep through the night :laugh: yea like that's gonna happen.

    My sister has posted on facebook that she is looking for me & my kids. She has a bunch of crap on there about me again. Does she really think that I have forgotten that she abused my son? :noway:

    I had coffee this morning with an old friend that I haven't seen in years. It was nice to catch up.

    I'm trying to stay within my calorie goals but have slipped a few times. This morning was aquafit and swam some lengths.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Stay strong Sandy. You have a lot to deal with and you are doing so well.:heart:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    Hello sisters,

    Feels like a blink and there are already so many wonderful life stories to catch up on!

    Joyce - What a fabulous book you created for your daughter!

    Grandmallie - Best wishes exercising! Hope you can do it in the daytime again soon. Sorry your time is so taxed.

    Michelle - Glazed carrots & spaghetti squash sound so exciting! Am definitely going to make some for next week!!

    Heather - Congratulations on your Roman weight loss. Any loss on vacation is worth extra. Don't let your husband's total make it seem any less - it is great!

    JH - I think that hair loss can also be caused by low protein and weight loss. I started taking GNC "be-Beautiful" for hair skin & nails (which has biotin in it) a few weeks ago, because people said I was going to lose hair during this weight loss. Don't know if it's working yet or not.

    My September goals are:
    - Stop eating before I'm too full and keep eating "clean" meals (no junk food).
    - Get caught up at work ( we hired a temp to help during the crunch - yay.)
    - Ride in a single airplane seat next week and not ooze under the armrest into my neighbor's space.
    - Decide to improve our house or move, to find peace and quiet for my DH.
    - Toss or file piles of paperwork and finish de-cluttering the house.

    Edited this to add the "o" to hello. Oops!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    I FINALLY nudged off a long plateau, and crossed the milestone of losing more than 100 pounds.
    Sandy from Mpls, MN

    Sandy, Congratulations on reaching Onederland!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Tonight I made corn chips! Low sodium, too. I just cut 6 soft white corn tortillas into strips, sprayed them with cooking spray, and baked them on a cookie sheet. They aren't Fritos, but they were tasty. They went well with my low sodium chili. I plan on making them again.

    We're out at the lake cabin tonight, and it's not going to be pleasant. The neighbors kids are having a party. Music is throbbing, kids (20somethings) are outside laughing ( and drinking) and playing frisbee. Molly is upset because all frisbees legally belong to HER, so she's barking. Bruno is joining in because he's learning from her. Bill has gone upstairs to try to " work", which usually means he's napping. So I'm alone with two yapping, whining, unhappy dogs. The neighbor kids have a very big pit bull out there that is barking too, so it makes going outside to do doggie business a little tricky. We just got back from walking across the dam and in the woods below the dam. That was fun. But if it were up to me we would be packing up to go back home. The silver lining is that I have ear plugs to sleep with tonight. Bill can sleep through anything, so it won't bother him.

    Sandy, you don't need that sister, you have all of US for sisters now.

    I hope everybody is having a great weekend.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Orientation at school was very informative and feeling a little less overwhelmed and stressed about starting classes on Monday. :smile: Maybe if I focus on this chapter of my life, other things will fall into place. But, with that being said, I ate horribly today and I really have to force myself to start logging my food again and eat MUCH healthier. I figure that if I share my shortcomings here, I will hold myself more accountable!! Hoping to still get my hall closet cleaned tomorrow.

    Hugs and encouragement to all! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in still rainy and dreary IL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    oh happy days, I did get my activity/exercise in for the first partial week of October; now to keep the momentum going!

    LF, you can adjust your calorie intake if you feel 1,200 is too low. Only 1 iron supplement that I have taken and tolerated well came from foodforce. As for the alopecia I really don't know much about this; sorry.

    Heather, interesting how you have overcome your obstacles to walking; and congrats on the weight loss!

    grandmallie, you truly have a lot on your plate - I sure hope you find some much needed rest this evening.

    oh dear, the storm is back! time to get off the pc...

    Meg, somewhere over the rainbow perhaps we will get those photo books made :)

    all have a good night! and keep dry.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well we've gone from the 90's to the 50's. What a change but I love it. We were hoping for more rain but just got a little bit. Had some guys out hunting feral hogs and about 12:00 last night we heard lots of shots. Found out today they got 2 or 3. Unfortunately, there are lots more. The biggest problem was I coudn't go back to sleep so today was a fog.
    Katia - my diary will let me compete it today. I think it was just rusty because it's been so long since I actually got everything posted. Thanks for your input.
    Robin - what a beautiful picture. Love those cheeks and know you're anxious to get her in your arms.
    Have a golf lesson tomorrow afternoon so today is a rest day for exercise.
    I'll be back tomorrow.
    Sue in TX
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi ladies, I am in NYC visiting my DDs and as I sit typing this I heard a pack of motorcycles zoom down 1st avenue. Those motorcycle swarms are really scary. We have th in St. Louis and I was once driving down hwy 40 and they zoomed by me on both sides. I heard this loud engine noise and then they were on both sides. Very alarming. It's midnight here and I heard them barreling down the avenue. Knew exactly what they were but they outrun the police on their super fast cycles. They terrorize the roads.
    10,000 steps today. That's easy to do in NYC Eating out here has great choices so no problem finding delicious food within 1200 calories for the day No hotdogs anymore. No magnolia bakery cupcakes anymore. Just kept walkin and clicking my pedometer. Went to the Whitney to see an Edward hopper exhibit and the fee was 20$ per person. Eh, we decided we were not gonna pay 60$ to see sketches and not even the oils, so we bagged that and went to a free gallery exhibiting hot pink and blue feathered polar bears! Crazy funny stuff and life sized!
    Hope all are well!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,472 Member
    Katla and LF - so many times when I'm in Warrior II stance (in yoga), my knee is soft and I don't even realize it. It certainly helps to have someone adjust me the right way and then I'm conscious of it.

    Went to yoga this morning, then a food store just for three things, bought gas, and then we went to the Hallmark Holiday ornament preview. Came home and started some cooking for tonight. I made the chocolate filling for the crepes, the brandied strawberries and the crepe batter. The batter has to sit for an hour anyway. I showed Vince what needs to go and he just said "my god". There are two containers of the soup, two containers for the carrots, two containers for the chocolate filling for the crepes, one of the strawberry, and another container of the crepe batter. I'm excited about this event.

    Vince is talking about trimming the bushes tomorrow and then cutting at least the front lawn if there's time. So I don't think I'll be doing any "formal" exercise, but lots of bending, etc.

    jane - happy birthday to your son. Good wishes for your friends

    meg - so glad that tornado missed you

    PaulaKro - the glazed carrots were for tonight at the murder mystery dinner. I had the spaghetti squash Friday night, and I'm surprised how filling it was for me

    Sylvia - sounds like wonderful corn chips

    Well, went to the Myrder Mystery Dinner. It was very nice, especially since there were only 6 of us, more intimate. Vince took a pic of me in my outfit, I put it on right before I got ready for church. I was doing fairly well until I got home, then (and I don't know what this is about me, but I have a hard time throwing out food) I felt I had to finish the crepes that I'd made. I made quite a few, most everyone had at least two. Gave the other couples some of them. They are so thin! We forgot to put out the whipped cream for the strawberry ones, honestly, I don't think it was really necessary. So when we got home I tried mixing the leftover chocolate cream for the crepes and the whipped cream. Not bad, but, of course, I had to try them out.

    The dinner is held in three parts, the first part we had appetizers (cheese, crackers, grapes, almonds, pate <which I found out that I really don't care for>), then we had dinner (the host made chicken, I brought the carrots, the other couple brought a salad), then we played part 2, then we had dessert (I made crepes, I'd brought the batter with me along with chocolate filling and strawberry filling) while we did part 3. I think we did something wrong because during part 3 one of the participants confessed. There is a recording that goes along with the question and answer parts and it confirmed that he was the killer. But it was fun all around. I'm sorry that no one took any pictures. I remember that I thought of my camera but forgot to bring it.

    Had too much of the glazed carrots. Well, a friend who used to work for Vince is going to be here on the 14th, so I just froze them and we'll have them then.

    Pretty dead tired right now, so going to sign off. Love to everyone.

    Michele in NC
    who will post the pic when she can