Sugar is scary..



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Omg love waking up to read what goodies this thread has come up with. It's like Christmas in October.
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    I'm more concerned about where my sugar comes from.
    If it's in my fruits and veggies, fine.
    If it's been refined, processed, or created, I will pass
    My feelings exactly.
    But yes, a calorie is a calorie as long as you don't mind having the liver of an alcoholic. Most of those claiming there are no drawbacks are very young and have yet to experience to the long-term side effects of unclean eating. They think if it hasn't hurt them, it must not be dangerous.

    Agree. And watch out: here come all the cute little (or just obnoxious) gifs and testaments and condescension from people who lost 50 lbs eating doughnuts and have never been healthier.

    I have a mom who was pre-diabetic. She always made all our food, ate very low-fat, but ate a ton of fruit in her typical 1970s-80s women’s low-fat, high carb diet….and that wasn’t even the highly processed nastiness that is consumed without a thought now and helping the US out with the incredible levels of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity for which it’s becoming known. So, no thanks on the sugar. My health has improved vastly since cutting almost all of it.

    Do what feels right for you, but it’s always good to look at both sides of the argument and to research the hell out of the research.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Big food.

  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    "Terrifying"? Oh please. Sugar is just sugar, nothing scary about it. Cancer and Alzheimer's are scary. A-hole Rebublicans shutting down the government because they didn't get their way is scary. Diabetes is scary ( ask my husband...)

    I find this interesting (and am not being snide) that you just said "sugar is sugar, nothing scary about it" and then "Diabetes is scary." Assuming we're talking about Type 2 diabetes, the two are at least somewhat linked. If you were referring to Type 1 diabetes, then I misunderstood, and apologize for even bringing it up.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    And for the record, eating large amounts of most things isn't going to be good for you, so why is the fact that eating large amounts of sugar isn't great for you such a focus? It doesn't need to be blown out of proportion and demonised.

    Completely agree! Everything is bad in large amounts, it's not that serious! As for the conspiracy theorist... WOW... just wow.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Big food.

    Is that in the same league as Big Pharma?
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Big food.


    Where can I get a slice of Big Food's pie?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    "Terrifying"? Oh please. Sugar is just sugar, nothing scary about it. Cancer and Alzheimer's are scary. A-hole Rebublicans shutting down the government because they didn't get their way is scary. Diabetes is scary ( ask my husband...)

    I find this interesting (and am not being snide) that you just said "sugar is sugar, nothing scary about it" and then "Diabetes is scary." Assuming we're talking about Type 2 diabetes, the two are at least somewhat linked. If you were referring to Type 1 diabetes, then I misunderstood, and apologize for even bringing it up.

    Water and drowning are linked
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I just don't know what to think. :\ I mean I know sugars in fruit are good but like, the high fructose corn syrup stuff? Idk man. :c It's hard to know with all these different sources saying different things.
    For the record, the sugar in fruit and the sugar in HFCS are the EXACT SAME SUGARS. If one is good, then both are good, if one is bad, then both are bad. You're creating a dilemma where none exists. Sugar is just a carbohydrate, it's used for energy by your brain, organs, and muscles in the form of glycogen. Very, very rarely is sugar ever stored as fat.

    As for the poster talking about Lustig; Lustig has been completely debunked. His entire argument is based on cherry picked science, and even blatant lies (eg: Japan doesn't consume fructose, which is completely false.) He bases his conclusions on old research on children (he's a pediatrician) that has no relevance to grown adults (even though he preaches this toward adults) while completely ignoring both older and newer research that directly refutes his claims.

    Edited for typos.

    Sugar is very rarely stored as fat? What? I'm sure I'm misreading this.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    You should take everything you watch with a grain of salt. Sugar just like everything else is good for you.. in moderation. For goodness sake, no food is evil. All food is fuel, some you get better more sustainable fuel from and others you do not. Take a little from each food group even oils, fats, sugars and you'll be a-okay! And you can get type 2 diabetes without a diet full of sugar and carbs.. fyi!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    You should take everything you watch with a grain of salt. Sugar just like everything else is good for you.. in moderation. For goodness sake, no food is evil. All food is fuel, some you get better more sustainable fuel from and others you do not. Take a little from each food group even oils, fats, sugars and you'll be a-okay! And you can get type 2 diabetes without a diet full of sugar and carbs.. fyi!

    And you can get cancer without smoking. What are you trying to say?
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    You should take everything you watch with a grain of salt. Sugar just like everything else is good for you.. in moderation. For goodness sake, no food is evil. All food is fuel, some you get better more sustainable fuel from and others you do not. Take a little from each food group even oils, fats, sugars and you'll be a-okay! And you can get type 2 diabetes without a diet full of sugar and carbs.. fyi!
    Why'd you have to bring salt into this?!?!?! Isn't sugar bad enough? :laugh:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I just don't know what to think. :\ I mean I know sugars in fruit are good but like, the high fructose corn syrup stuff? Idk man. :c It's hard to know with all these different sources saying different things.
    For the record, the sugar in fruit and the sugar in HFCS are the EXACT SAME SUGARS. If one is good, then both are good, if one is bad, then both are bad. You're creating a dilemma where none exists. Sugar is just a carbohydrate, it's used for energy by your brain, organs, and muscles in the form of glycogen. Very, very rarely is sugar ever stored as fat.

    As for the poster talking about Lustig; Lustig has been completely debunked. His entire argument is based on cherry picked science, and even blatant lies (eg: Japan doesn't consume fructose, which is completely false.) He bases his conclusions on old research on children (he's a pediatrician) that has no relevance to grown adults (even though he preaches this toward adults) while completely ignoring both older and newer research that directly refutes his claims.

    Edited for typos.

    Sugar is very rarely stored as fat? What? I'm sure I'm misreading this.
    No, not misreading. Sugar is almost never stored as fat. It is burned directly for energy, and extra is converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles. When the muscles are full, more glycogen is stored in the liver. Only when all of that is completely full (which is extremely rare because your muscles use glycogen for just about every movement) will sugar be converted to fat for storage. The body will store anywhere from 1300-1800 grams of glycogen when full, depending on individual need.

    The vast majority of fat in a stored fat cell is from dietary fatty acids, which is where the misguided "eating fat makes you fat" myth came from.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Well this thread really brought out the crazy

    Sugar is fine. Sugar is good. Sugar from fruits, sugar from cake, sugar cane - its all good. Too much of it will lead to weight gain, but too much of anything will lead to weight gain. If you eat 3000 calories of lettuce every day, you'll gain weight (and probably vomit and want to kill yourself because you ate a metric ton of lettuce). If you inject HFCS straight into your blood stream 24/7, yeah, you'll have some ill effects.

    I have found that the most successful people on this site do not rant against sugar, or carbs, or fat. They hit their macros, they don't restrict, and they exercise.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I have found that the most successful people on this site do not rant against sugar, or carbs, or fat. They hit their macros, they don't restrict, and they exercise.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well this thread really brought out the crazy

    Sugar is fine. Sugar is good. Sugar from fruits, sugar from cake, sugar cane - its all good. Too much of it will lead to weight gain, but too much of anything will lead to weight gain. If you eat 3000 calories of lettuce every day, you'll gain weight (and probably vomit and want to kill yourself because you ate a metric ton of lettuce). If you inject HFCS straight into your blood stream 24/7, yeah, you'll have some ill effects.

    I have found that the most successful people on this site do not rant against sugar, or carbs, or fat. They hit their macros, they don't restrict, and they exercise.

    And have the livers of alcoholics apparently.
  • i agree with the science behind how sugar is a poison. But its most dangerous in the form of refined sugars and excess consumption of fructose which puts pressure on the liver etc. but yea, its hard to cut sugar out completely from ones diet, itll cause bad withdrawal symptoms for the first week, and its just not practical in every day life. Also, it would be difficult to achieve fibre goals and vitamins minerals etc :) i love finding info about food, but its just so hard to figure whats true and whats just an exaggeration of the truth
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I just don't know what to think. :\ I mean I know sugars in fruit are good but like, the high fructose corn syrup stuff? Idk man. :c It's hard to know with all these different sources saying different things.
    For the record, the sugar in fruit and the sugar in HFCS are the EXACT SAME SUGARS. If one is good, then both are good, if one is bad, then both are bad. You're creating a dilemma where none exists. Sugar is just a carbohydrate, it's used for energy by your brain, organs, and muscles in the form of glycogen. Very, very rarely is sugar ever stored as fat.

    As for the poster talking about Lustig; Lustig has been completely debunked. His entire argument is based on cherry picked science, and even blatant lies (eg: Japan doesn't consume fructose, which is completely false.) He bases his conclusions on old research on children (he's a pediatrician) that has no relevance to grown adults (even though he preaches this toward adults) while completely ignoring both older and newer research that directly refutes his claims.

    Edited for typos.

    Sugar is very rarely stored as fat? What? I'm sure I'm misreading this.
    No, not misreading. Sugar is almost never stored as fat. It is burned directly for energy, and extra is converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles. When the muscles are full, more glycogen is stored in the liver. Only when all of that is completely full (which is extremely rare because your muscles use glycogen for just about every movement) will sugar be converted to fat for storage. The body will store anywhere from 1300-1800 grams of glycogen when full, depending on individual need.

    The vast majority of fat in a stored fat cell is from dietary fatty acids, which is where the misguided "eating fat makes you fat" myth came from.

    Would you be willing to send some supporting information with this? I'm not finding what you're finding. I'll go first: 2012.pdf
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Well this thread really brought out the crazy

    Sugar is fine. Sugar is good. Sugar from fruits, sugar from cake, sugar cane - its all good. Too much of it will lead to weight gain, but too much of anything will lead to weight gain. If you eat 3000 calories of lettuce every day, you'll gain weight (and probably vomit and want to kill yourself because you ate a metric ton of lettuce). If you inject HFCS straight into your blood stream 24/7, yeah, you'll have some ill effects.

    I have found that the most successful people on this site do not rant against sugar, or carbs, or fat. They hit their macros, they don't restrict, and they exercise.

    And have the livers of alcoholics apparently.

    I guess the joke will be on us when the alarmists are proven right and we all drop dead in 2 weeks.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Well this thread really brought out the crazy

    Sugar is fine. Sugar is good. Sugar from fruits, sugar from cake, sugar cane - its all good. Too much of it will lead to weight gain, but too much of anything will lead to weight gain. If you eat 3000 calories of lettuce every day, you'll gain weight (and probably vomit and want to kill yourself because you ate a metric ton of lettuce). If you inject HFCS straight into your blood stream 24/7, yeah, you'll have some ill effects.

    I have found that the most successful people on this site do not rant against sugar, or carbs, or fat. They hit their macros, they don't restrict, and they exercise.

    And have the livers of alcoholics apparently.

    I guess the joke will be on us when the alarmists are proven right and we all drop dead in 2 weeks.

    I just chalk it up to my obviously superior genetic makeup . . .