How on earth do I stop the after dinner snacking?!



  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    I get up at 7am and dont eat breakfast until 10am (300 calories), then I dont eat until my dinner time with the family at 6pm (300 calories), Im so busy in the day that although i sometimes register im hungry around 2pm theres no time to stop and think about it. Then at 9pm I have my supper which really is my missing lunch, so I have a sandwich (300 calories) fruit (100 calories), yogurt (60 calories),hot chocolate (40 calories) and a biscuit bar (100 calories) 1200 in total approx , as you can see from schedule from 6pm onwards I eat 900 calories ...300 at 6pm and a whopping 600 at 9pm, I also have a hugeeee glass of water after that and then get ready fro bed, I read in bed fro a while but make sure its lights out before I get a chance to get hungry again
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 292 Member
    I make sure I leave enough calories for my after dinner snack, which is usually a bowl of cereal and a piece of dark chocolate :)
  • madaleingericke
    madaleingericke Posts: 49 Member
    Simple: don't have any of those snacks near...
  • Mekatluvr
    Mekatluvr Posts: 34 Member
    First and foremost, you have to stop. Seriously. You know it's not good for you, you know it's not good for you to eat so much close to bed time, depending on what time you eat your dinner, and you know that by doing this, you'll get into the self-loathing talk. (I know this because I went through it.)

    What I did to help me with the snacking immediately after eating my dinner, is I developed a schedule of when and what I'll eat through out the day. Once I've done that for a week, I started implelmenting another habit, I set a time of when will be the absolute last hour I will snack after dinner. For me, it was two hours before bed time. (If you're a diabetic, or have other medical issues, this may not be ideal. You'll probably have to snack 30 mintues to an hour before bedtime.) After two weeks of implementing the first step, and a week implenting the second step, I added another. I had to stop and think why I was snacking. Was I bored? Have I been craving for something through out the day, but denied myself of whatever it is I've been craving for? Am I stressed? You get the idea. Once you've figured out what's causing it, address it. You can't change what you don't acknowledge, right? For me, it was all of the above. Maybe not all at once, but definitely at one point or another, all of them. lol

    If you're bored, occupy your time with something more constructive and fun. If you're stress, working out always works best for me even if it's just a walk around the neighborhood, and if you're craving, satiate your cravings early in the day so you'll have plenty of time to burn the calories consumed. Satisfying these cravings in the evening is too risky for me. And if all else fails.. chomp on some crushed ice. =)

    Hope this helps.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Lots of good ideas here.

    I have a different time that makes me want to snack. It is usually caused by boredom and lack of imagination or watching too much TV or streaming movies :)

    I cope by recoding everything I eat, thinking about having to do that distracts me from the eating.
    I come online and read blogs, write on mine, or read the recent wall and forum posts.
    I do some yoga.
    Workout to a Walk a Way the Pounds video.
    Get on my Kindle and shop for new free books.
    And if all that fails me, I sit down and think about what I really want to eat: something hot, something cold, or whatever.
    If I still want to snack, then I choose what it is and I measure it out, take it to the table and sit down and pay attention to what I am eating and then I log it into MFP.

    It really helps to have only healthy things to snack on, lots of good suggestions on here.
    My go tos are
    Celery (or jicama) with salsa.
    Individual serving sized hummus with either counted out tortilla chips, celery, or jicama for dipping
    Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey or with berries.
    Greek yogurt blended with 1 tbs of unsweetened cocoa
    Celery stuffed with almond butter or low fat laughing cow cheese.
    A romain lettuce salad with some nuts on top with balsamic vinegar
    Sunflower seeds.
    Single serving dark chocolate squares.

    Oh and don't use your family likes the other stuff as an excuse, find healthy snacks all of you can eat and get rid of the high calorie, no nutrients food. Your kids and spouse don't need that crap any more than you do. If the kids whine remember you are the parent/adult and should make food decisions not them, they can have input but your decision has to be the final word.
    And if the spouse complains tell them to eat their junk while at work, you and the kids don't need it.

    Find what works for you.
    You can get back in control.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    I used to snack like a mad woman at night and finally changed up my dinner time to anywhere between 7-10. I workout in the evenings and then eat dinner after I shower. Im full til bedtime usually, but if I need some more calories to fill in my day I will have a light snack before bed, string cheese, protein bar, fruit, yogurt. If portion control is something you struggle with, make sure you are measuring out your snacks/weighing them before you sit down to enjoy.
  • Bubblywendy
    Bubblywendy Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for all of your suggestions,
    I plan to change my post dinner routine from watching tv to reading in my room,since I do think my mindless eating when watching the tele evokes me to eat more.

    Thanks again everybody, please feel free to post more advice on this thread as ill keep reading them :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Thank you for all of your suggestions,
    I plan to change my post dinner routine from watching tv to reading in my room,since I do think my mindless eating when watching the tele evokes me to eat more.

    Thanks again everybody, please feel free to post more advice on this thread as ill keep reading them :)

    Mindless snacking - means having too much excess energy and makes you go a little crazy - answer - work off that fidgetyness - get a pet! THAT will give you something to do :) you wont even think about snacking while taking care of Fido or Fifi ;)
  • AutumnBreeze07
    AutumnBreeze07 Posts: 49 Member
    I have the same problem. For whatever reason, my body is hungry in the late day/early evening. I choose to eat a very light breakfast (200 cals), a light lunch (200 cals), and I might have a light snack in the afternoon, but otherwise I save most of my calories for dinner and 2nd dinner (haha!) at about 7pm - 8pm.

  • When you are feeling the urge to snack, drink water. A large glass. Many times we confuse hunger with thirst and this might help curb your evening cravings!
  • rkcampbell
    rkcampbell Posts: 188 Member
    I leave at LEAST 200-300 calories for evening snacking. I also find that a cup of tea with some sweetener in it helps to fill my belly and curb cravings.
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    Maybe it is a Meg issue, I do the same thing. Trying to break the habit. A nutritionist told me today it may be because I'm not getting enough calories and fat during the day. Worth seeing if you are doing the same thing.
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    I like reading the helpful suggestions. I do the same thing and think brushing your teeth would work (I'll try it tonight)... I think throwing away bad foods helps obviously... but people seem to forget it's just as easy to go over (way over sometimes) your calorie limits even by snacking on healthy foods. I have a gigantic tea cup and I just bought a bunch of awesome teas... add some stevia and almond milk and drink a couple cups and it fills me up more. If it doesn't work I'm going to try to eat dinner later as well. It kills a whole day's worth of eating right, so I understand the situation you are in.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    One obvious (to me) solution is to get rid of the unhealthy snacks and replace with things that are better for you such as celery sticks.

    This is what I do. I go thru 8 celery hearts a week. If I feel like eating something after supper (and I regularly do), I just make sure it is something that won't have me blow my whole day.

    Celery is a good choice .. and what I have been doing. Sometimes if I want a change I will have some fruit instead.
    I just don't buy junk food anymore .. so if it isn't in my house then I cannot eat it.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    eat some more fiber, or eat veggies. Those are really filling. Make sure you don't eat anything too high in sugar (even natural sugar) because it causes your glucose levels to rise and then crash, which makes you hungry again!
  • Thats my worst time also I've stopped buying myself treats and really step up my exercise to give me a few extra cal. but i write down what i eat and boy with it staring at you in the face, all those sneaking extra cals, well thats how it was gained, denial is not just a river.
  • EllenKay63
    EllenKay63 Posts: 516 Member
    I can't help eating snacks straight after dinner! Crackers, peanut butter, crisps, yoghurt, just whatever I have in my house. Calories wise its like a eat 2 meals at once, my normal dinner (550 cals) then snacks (400)... This is really bad for my diet but I can't take my hands... I already tried drinking tea and chewing gum.. It doesn't work...

    Any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom?! :)
    I know what you mean. When I first started MFP in January I was doing great at having one candy bar a day as my treat and eat better the rest of the day. I lost weight and was happy. However, lately I don't have the self control that I had before. Granted I've got a lot going on, my husband started his new job, I started my new job, and we are thinking of buying a bigger house. I can't blame it all on stress. The best things that seems to work for me is either go outside and walk or bike to clear my head. The change of scenery helps. Or write. It keeps my mind and fingers busy. If I write in my diary I can work through some stuff,or work on my novel where I work out ways to kill former co-workers. If only I could figure out the rest of the novel and solve the who-done-it. Sometimes visualize eating it. How does it smell, how does it taste, how does it feel in your mouth. The pleasure of eating it without the calories. Self control is great, but sometimes it doesn't work. I know eating the chocolate isn't going to make me happy in the long run. Sorry I can't help more but you are not alone.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I am the same way, it's a habit, or more like an addiction!!! I allow myself to have something, but I don't let myself have 5 different snacks before bed like I used to. Lol. It seemed like even if I did allow for it in my calories, I just wouldn't lose weight by doing all that snacking. Brush your teeth after dinner, drink lots of water, like your mad at it! Lol. Do something to occupy your mind, hit the treadmill, go for a walk, read a book, whatever. I also have had to treat myself like a little kid, and just say no! :) Some of the snacks I do let myself have are a bowl of MEASURED out cereal, a protein shake, or a serving of whatever chocolate or caramels, if I feel like I have to have it. Good luck! :)
  • EllenKay63
    EllenKay63 Posts: 516 Member

    Get some self control.

    ^^ this.. put on your grown-up pants and "just do it"
    Brilliant advice from the 22 and 24 year old... Please...
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't care for these comments
  • belgd
    belgd Posts: 26 Member
    I like to snack too so I plan it out so that I can snack and not go over my cals. Also, try not to buy any bad snacks in the first place. If you don't bring em home and they aren't in your home.. you obviously won't eat them. (: