
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We went to the Apple store yesterday to sort out my computer issues and didn’t get it all done, so we went back to a different Apple store today and now everything is great. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My second genius really was a GENIUS and it didn’t take long at all for her to sort things out for me. YAY.:wink:

    Molly from WV: My son was stationed in Colorado Springs for a few years, and visiting him was a real challenge for me. I live at 51 feet above sea level (when I’m upstairs). The altitude there is a big factor. He had a two-story condo and was I ever huffing and puffing whenever I went upstairs. The Garden of the Gods is an amazing place. I’m sure that saying farewell to Brogan was very hard for your daughter and also for you. Dogs are such a gift. It is good that she didn’t have to face it alone. Congratulations on your weight loss!:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I hope you feel better very quickly. Cyber hugs to you. Thanks for the information on cholesterol. I know it bothered my parents, but with their diet it was not a surprise. I still wonder whether losing weight has any impact on cholesterol numbers.:huh:

    Jenn: I love using a crockpot to cook, too. It is especially good for a working mom who is also in charge of dinner. I’m sorry I don’t have any recipes to share. I usually make beef stew. I cut beef into chunks and add favorite veggies. Carrots, potatoes, peas and onion always finds their way in, along with pepper. I put garlic powder on my beef before I brown it and dust it with rice flour, which makes lovely gravy. I no longer salt things while cooking due to DH’s health issues. We add at the table. I add salt and he adds salt substitute. BTW, it is nice to know I wasn’t the only person having trouble with computer updates.:ohwell:

    Diane in NC: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: I’m also a plateau resident frequently. Just keep doing the right thing, and eventually you’ll be rewarded with a loss. My losses often come when I remember to drink lots of water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, Ladies! I am back from the scrapbooking crop, and I am exhausted! It was a huge success, with many projects completed well, and a couple of projects not so well. It was fun, and I made some awesome new friends!

    My eating at meals was just fine, but the snacking was out of control! So, back at it I go, again! I am tired of starting over, but start over I will. I will not be stopped by my own weaknesses, at least, not this time, and with all of you cheering me on. The most tasty snack I found, which I probably overdid, was dark chocolate covered acai berries. Dr. Oz said they were good and good for us, dang, he was right. Don't think I will ever buy a bag, though, because they are just too tempting!

    Kathy- I am sure you will do well in school. What classes are you taking and for what degree or certificate?

    Michele- Our scrapbooking retreat included a murder mystery also, and it was lots of fun. I didn't win because I missed a really obvious clue, but it was fun!

    AdaShelley- Welcome!

    Molly- Oh, I am so sorry that your grandpuppy has passed. Our pets and grandpets are so precious to us, and it is a great loss.

    Sandy- I hope your headache disappears very, very soon!

    JB- You look so very "glam" in your picture! Love the radiant smile and the outfit! Your sass and joy shine through! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

    BarbieCat- It sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Time for me to go off to bed. I am really ready for my own pillow! Happy Dreams, my friends.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    adashelley - wlecome! Keep checking in and posting, you won't be able to help getting motivation

    Heather - I forgot to mention that I also brought cream of mushroom soup. Made it from scratch. I didn't realize that I needed to chop up the mushrooms real small. Oh, well, it just took longer than I had anticipated. But everyone seemed to like it. There is the site about.com and they have French items so that's where I got the recipes for the cream of mushroom soup and the glazed carrots.

    grandmalle - what was it about today? I slept in, too. Didn't get up until almost 9:30. Congrats on going down!

    Molly - Brogan sounds like a really special pet. Sorry you and your daughter are going thru so much, but he's no longer in pain.

    yanniejannie - now I know what that funny feeling I had was! You're waving!

    Diane in NC - hey there to another North Carolinean!

    Joyce - OUCH!!!!

    patceoh - best of luck!

    jb - you look absolutely lovely!

    barbie - when Jesica was training the service dog, we had to take him into restaurants. We were even told to drop food but he wasn't allowed to touch it. Interesting!

    This is going to be short today. Don't know what it is, but I was exceptionally tired last night, slept in until 9:30 today. Then made this coffee cake to take with me to mahjongg (it's one of the girl's birthdays Wednesday) but for some reason it stuck to the pan. I swear, every time I used that cofeee cake pan, the cake would stick. So I finally just threw it out. Went to Food Lion and got an aluminum one, made another cake which I didn't even try to take out of the pan. I'll take that one with me. What I like is that there is lots of crumbs and very little cake. I had when I order a crumb cake and I get all cake and practically no crumb. Then helped Vince mow the front yard, he used the tractor and I used the mower. He used the weedwacker and I swept the grass clippings. Then we trimmed the bushes. Getting ready to put up the Halloween decorations. Came inside and made the second cake, then had dinner, then made chicken for during the week. Now I'm on the computer but I need to get off soon to go take a shower.

    Didn't do any "formal" exercise, but got lots of exercise raking the bush clippins, sweeping, pushing the mower, etc. Tomorrow is yoga, will hold my plank, and then the extremepump class. This one gal used to teach it, but, and I really don't know the whole story, then for a while she wasn't, now she's supposed to start again tomorrow. In one sense, I'm not crazy about it. She's very nice and knowedgable, but the music is so LOUD that I wear earplugs in her class.

    Michele in NC
    who has to wait for Vince to put the pic of her in her 30's outfit on the shared drive and then I can probably post it.
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you all for the compassionate and warm caring understanding of losing a beloved pet ~grand puppy~:flowerforyou:
    I sat here and cried but it was a good cry.:heart:

    A HUGE thank you .:flowerforyou:
    It reminds me there is so much good in the world.
    Molly from WV
    Now in Colorado

    P,S. going to some day check out the mini Grand Canyon :wink:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    morning,I am up,but woke up alot last night:grumble: , I am up a lb but im guessing it is from the fried clams, oh well ce la vie.. my heel is really bothering me this morning, so again I am icing it, I dont want to have any issues for vacation, so maybe I will just do the recumbent bike at the gym today.. I have to be in work at 7:30 this morning,so for me it will be a long day on my feet.
    the DH says how can your heel hurt from sitting, what a ding dong, I was on my feet yesterday most of the day.
    I baked him his favorite cookies and put some in a bag for the flight,and put some in tupperware in my suitcase for him to have with tea down there..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    oh help!!! I am sitting here in almost tears, I messed up my computer and wiped out all my downloads, everything is gone I think.. Oh dear
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. It's Monday, I made it thru the weekend with no junk food added, YEAH!!!! :happy: Hopefully on my way to my goal this month of 8 lbs gone, :bigsmile: Will be packing lunch and not snacking, wish me luck. Have a wonderfully blessed day! :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Waiting for the rental agency to ring me back. Grrrrr! Again woke up worrying about it. I'm still in Rome in my dreams, so I dreamt about renting out a flat in Rome! That Colosseum and Forum has got firmly stuck in my head! I always have that when I get back from a holiday, especially one that makes a visual impression. It took me a month to get Peru out of my system!

    Did 27 squats this morning with a 16 lb weight. Aim for the month is 30 so I'm getting there. I didn't do my plank as I was feeling so agitated, but managed all the other things. I just hate that plank!
    I'm cooking green lentils for lunch to have with red beetroot and Philly. Other salad bits as well. I'm doing enough for 2 days as I love it. DH nearly always has a sandwich so I got him 3 small rolls out of the freezer. I'm afraid I'm easily bored and like to vary things. He LOATHES beets.:laugh:
    I'm also making sourdough bread. I haven't made it in a while and the starter has been in the fridge for ages. When I got it out it was all brown and stinking on the top, but the yeast underneath survived save and sound, so I just scraped off the mess and started the culture off again. It's been bubbling away so I hope it's ready for breadmaking. Last time I made it I didn't leave the first rise long enough so it was a bit of a brick, but when it works I love it. I always put some rye flour in which gives the crust a nice, tasty twang.
    I think we will get to the garden centre today. Tomorrow yoga. Can't wait to see all my lovely ladies again!:love: I won't be able to go next week again as I will be in Bath with my old schoolfriends. I hate missing it, not just because I've paid for it!
    Next week is going to be super busy. Bath for 3 days, then DH's birthday (he wants to go to the Historic Dockyards in Portsmouth), then up to London to see the grandchildren. Then total collapse, I think. It's a good job this week is quiet. Hair doing on Saturday.

    Love to all. Jb2011 you look fabulous! Grandmalie, I hope your trip goes super well. Pat, glad your weekend went well. Yes, some of the things that are 'good' for us are also high in calories. I feel that way about olive oil!!!!:laugh: I could drink it! Barbie, your weekend sounds great. Katla, how annoying about the chloresterol! Meg is right, most of it is genetic. I used to eat loads of fat and mine was normal, though I had high blood pressure. One of the thinnest people I ever knew had sky high Chloresterol.

    Bye for now. Heather in misty, autumnal Hampshire, UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Molly :smile: My heart just breaks for you and your daughter:brokenheart: , I`m so sorry about your grandpuppy:sad: . Our fur babies bring such special joy into our lives!!! Congrats on 18 pounds gone!

    Joyce :smile: Hope your tongue is better today…ouch!

    Meg :smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

    Jenn :smile: Glad hubby is feeling better! If you`re still in the cleaning mode you can come to my house:laugh: !!!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Hi!!! Biltmore is absolutely beautiful:love: ! Glad you had a nice time!!! Waving right back at you!

    Diane :smile: Hi! What part of NC are you from? I`m in the Winston Salem area. It was an awesome weekend:glasses: , and now we get rain:ohwell: !

    Sandy in ON :smile: Hope your migraine is better today!

    Jb :smile: You look awesome:flowerforyou: !!!!!

    Barbie :smile: Glad your home!!! Sounds like a very nice weekend! I know you`re ready to see your fur babies:love: !!!

    Katla :smile: Your crock pot beef stew sounds delish!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: Sounds like you had a very nice weekend! It always feels good to get back to our own bed!!!

    Michele :smile: Sounds like a fun time at the dinner! Tell Vince to hurry up, we want to see your pic!

    Tazgirl :smile: Congrats on a no junk weekend!!!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, it was absolutely beautiful here:glasses: ! Raining today and a chance of rain everyday this week:grumble: . Shouldn’t complain, we actually need a bit of rain now. I`ve taken a few days off this week, it feels good not to be rushing around this morning! My brother has surgery tomorrow, he has a tumor in his ear, they say it’s a complicated surgery; good thoughts for him would be appreciated!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy NC ,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and my scale said I had lost another .4 pounds! It's going to be a good day here. Hubby just left for work and I'm sitting here with Bruno on my lap. Yesterday I felt like I ate a ton, including an ice cream cone and a 321 cobbler, but finished right at 1200 calories, so it wasn't as bad as I thought. Today I'm going to lunch with a friend. We're going to a soup and salad place, so hopefully I can stick to the salad bar and stay away from the salty soups. Afterward I'll hit the gym.

    DeeDee - I love Winston-Salem! My sister in law lives there, so we visit once or twice a year. I'm always amazed at the height of the trees there. Our biggest trees in Kansas aren't half as tall.

    Molly - I too am sorry about your grandpuppy. I have a real soft spot for those gentle giants. Once there was a Great Dane who saved me from an abusive ex husband. Long story, but I loved that dog and he loved me. He really was gentle with everybody else. One of my friends has a Saint Bernard who is a giant softie, in every way. I also love your name. Molly is the name of my whippet. And I love that part of Colorado. The canyon is really amazing.

    Have a great day!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    I stepped on the scale this morning with much trepidation, fear, and shaking after being away from MFP for all those days........AND.........weighed exactly as I was before I left!!!!! WHEW!!!! Thanks probably to the MANY steps at Biltmore; anyway, I'll take it. Oh, I for got to tell you about the best NSV of all........got dressed for dinner one night; I had on an above the knee small horizontally stripped straight light knit dress and thought about changing and my dd said, "Don't change, you look CUTE, mom"........WOW, WOW!!!!

    Will see you all later, tons to get caught up on today, but had to add my nsv. Welcome newbies!!!
    Congrats to all those with losses!!!!

  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I feel terrible. Ashamed of myself. I failed yet again. I feel pretty hopeless, in its literally sense -- without hope. I've struggled to keep to one diet or another for 35 years now. I am a failure, let's face it.

    I went to Poland for a week and I fell off the wagon but only a little bit, and was determined to drop those few additions to my diet soon as I arrived back in the UK. Didn't happen. Instead I contracted an illness and comforted myself with junk. Then could not give up the junk. I am now into my second day of being back on the wagon. I don't feel optimistic. I am craving the junk and am using all my willpower NOT to go outside to the shop and buy junk.

    It's so hard.

    I've booked another holiday starting 24th December so I have ever incentive to reduce my bulk so as to be more comfortable in a plane seat and with all the darned walking through airports, and sightseeing. I have about ten weeks to take-off. If I were really strict I might be able to lose 20lb in that 10 weeks. That would be great. How can I make myself stick to the diet for 10 weeks?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB: You look fabulous. It can’t be said too often.:bigsmile:

    Pat (Phoo in AZ): I’ve made many missteps along the way, but I don’t consider it to be an occasion to start over. I just keep going and try to do better. For me, “starting over” is really taxing emotionally but keeping on and trying to do better keeps me energetic and motivated. From the outside looking in, you’re doing a great job working at improving your health.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Sorry you’re having computer frustrations.:grumble: Mine seem to be resolved for now. hang in there.:flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: Congratulations on a good weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve had my sourdough starter since 1970 and have had to scrape it off and refresh it too many times to remember. It is very resilient. This particular culture came to Oregon on a covered wagon in 1901. It was passed down in the pioneer family and one of them gave a start to my friend. She gave it to me, and here I am all these years later with heirloom starter. I’ve given starts to my kids, but they don’t take care of them or roommates/spouses see the brown top and throw them out. I’ll give them starts again if they ask. We mostly use ours to make waffles. In fact, we just had sourdough waffles the other day. Bliss.:love:

    Yanniejannie: Compliments from your daughter are a great NSV. Congratulations on looking cute in your dress.:bigsmile:

    366to266: I am so sorry you’re feeling shame. It is such a negative emotion. You’ve found a group of very supportive women and I hope you stick around a while. Some of us have already reached goals and stick around to give and receive moral support. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m getting close. I’ve been at this nearly a year and will report honestly that I have not been perfect. I’ve learned that perfection is not a requirement for success. I have done well enough to lose weight consistently and am nearing my goal. Persistence is what is necessary. You have a fresh start each and every day and will succeed if you do your best and don’t give up. Plan to stick to your new way of life forever, 10 weeks is just the beginning of a happier, healthier life.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Misty NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Hopefully, this will work

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    OK, why did some of it get cut off, and how do I resize it? I used tinypic.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Popped on to add my compliments to jb
    you look fabulous!!!!

    Michele.........You look just like the actress Julianne Moore!!! Has anyone else ever noticed this? Great pic!

    366to 266.........I agree with Katla (I think it was Katla), that shame is useless and a wasted emotion; just pick up and keep on from here, you can do this. Put that shame behind you right now. Motivation must come from you, but we can and will encourage you.

  • Hi, I am new and will be 50 next June. I have read many of your posts and it is truly amazing!!! I have struggled all my life with weight and I am at my largest 220lbs. I will watch and join this group as it is truly uplifting :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Let's see if this makes it any smaller:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    jb,good to see you.You look glam.
    Michele-love the pic.
    366to 266-don`t be so hard on yourself.We are all in this to be healthy.It takes time and no one gets right the 1st or like me,many times.I lost 100 lbs recently and gained 50-60 lbs back.lack of exercise due to surgeries etc.Ive wanted to quit so many times,but I don`t want diabetes,I want to live as long as I can and be able to enjoy life.
    We are a very supportive group.I`m so glad to be part of it.
    everyone else,have a good day.
    My friend Thelma had surgery on her shoulder last night.My friend Melody is in ICU with a n infection that has made her neck and face swell,can use prayers.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Michele - you look absolutely fabulous!! Just a quick note - busy, busy day today!! :drinker: :drinker: