1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    In terms of weight loss, which is what this thread is about, every calorie is created equal.

    True, but don't you think it's important to take health in consideration when you are losing weight? Who cares if you are thin if you keel over from a bad heart....

    For most people, weight loss itself fixes a lot of medical problems.

    Also, read this:
  • rickylou87
    rickylou87 Posts: 12 Member
    I understand that you are not setting yourself up for success if you limit your cravings and never indulge on the fatty foods. I personally have my cheat day every Saturday but am very strict the rest of the week and I have been consistently losing a pound a week and I eat 1500 calories per day. But my point is that it is dangerous and misleading to tell people that they don't need to limit things like condiments, sugars etc in order to lose weight. Those are EXACTLY the things you should limit (not remove completely).
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I understand that you are not setting yourself up for success if you limit your cravings and never indulge on the fatty foods. I personally have my cheat day every Saturday but am very strict the rest of the week and I have been consistently losing a pound a week and I eat 1500 calories per day. But my point is that it is dangerous and misleading to tell people that they don't need to limit things like condiments, sugars etc in order to lose weight. Those are EXACTLY the things you should limit (not remove completely).

    The only people that need to restrict certain foods are those that have medical conditions that require restrictions. In that case, a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist, should advise those people on what to cut out of their diet. Everyone else can (and I would say should) practice moderation.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I understand that you are not setting yourself up for success if you limit your cravings and never indulge on the fatty foods. I personally have my cheat day every Saturday but am very strict the rest of the week and I have been consistently losing a pound a week and I eat 1500 calories per day. But my point is that it is dangerous and misleading to tell people that they don't need to limit things like condiments, sugars etc in order to lose weight. Those are EXACTLY the things you should limit (not remove completely).
    Eating fewer calories is going to sort that out, anyway.

    People learn quickly that if they eat Twinkies every day, they can't eat as much satisfying food and they change their diet.

    Or they don't, but do you really think people don't know Twinkies are healthy?
  • rickylou87
    rickylou87 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.
    If they're tracking it, they will quickly understand.

    But I'll point out that full fat mayo has 60 calories per tablespoon. If you're putting mayo on a sandwich, you're probably using less than half of that.

    A teaspoon of sugar is 15 calories.

    They really aren't that bad if you're not going overboard. And fat is perfectly fine. You need fat.
  • MrsBingley
    If I were to stick to a 1200 calorie diet, when exactly would I starve to death? I think the word "starving" is a bit overused. I eat about 1500 most days for weight loss, but my 5'0 grandma who is mostly sedentary keeps her weight stable with about 1200 a day.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.
  • AprilMae1975
    I am at 1200/day and feeling great! I am 5'2 (barely) and this is what it has taken to finally see results. I still eat cheese and mayo (olive oil) and I start my day with plain ol' water. I don't ever feel like I am starving. By limiting my calories I now actually feel full after a meal. This is what I needed to finally break the vicious cycle of overeating. May not work for some but it works for me :)
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    People have different needs based on age, sex, height, body type, activity level, and lifestyle. 1200 is not too low for some people. Research has shown that slow and steady is not necessarily the best way to lose weight for everyone. So long as they don't revert to their old habits, some people get a boost from sticking to a strict diet and seeing fairly fast results. Maybe they're not on MFP because they're successful, but they do exist.

    Blanket statements help no one.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I am at 1200/day and feeling great! I am 5'2 (barely) and this is what it has taken to finally see results. I still eat cheese and mayo (olive oil) and I start my day with plain ol' water. I don't ever feel like I am starving. By limiting my calories I now actually feel full after a meal. This is what I needed to finally break the vicious cycle of overeating. May not work for some but it works for me :)

    I'm 5'2 too. If I'm in active weight loss mode I have to be below 1200.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.

    Eating in moderation is fine, IF YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO IT. Some people can't. Certain foods are trigger foods. Dieter, know thyself.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.

    No, Holly. Some of us limit or eliminate certain things in our diet because they are bad for our diet plan. Whether they are bad for my health is not the point...they are bad for my successfully controlling "calories in" and ultimately, for my weight loss or maintenance. I don't need a doctor of nutritionist to support what I know works for me. Saying I "should" eat them in moderation because you do is a bit...ridiculous. I am happy your diet works for you. And I am thrilled mine works for me. This is not black and white. I am not right and you are wrong. We are just different. Keep up the good work - I think it is great you found a WOE that suits you and your goals.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Eating in moderation is fine, IF YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO IT. Some people can't. Certain foods are trigger foods. Dieter, know thyself.

    Amen, sistah! The best diet is the one you can stick with.
  • AFGyrl
    AFGyrl Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I can do the 1200 calorie diet If........ I drink my 8-10 glasses of water per day. (154lbs)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.

    No, Holly. Some of us limit or eliminate certain things in our diet because they are bad for our diet plan. Whether they are bad for my health is not the point...they are bad for my successfully controlling "calories in" and ultimately, for my weight loss or maintenance. I don't need a doctor of nutritionist to support what I know works for me. Saying I "should" eat them in moderation because you do is a bit...ridiculous. I am happy your diet works for you. And I am thrilled mine works for me. This is not black and white. I am not right and you are wrong. We are just different. Keep up the good work - I think it is great you found a WOE that suits you and your goals.
    I think you misread what Holly wrote.

    Nowhere did she say no one should ever, under any circumstances, cut anything out.

    What she said was that none of those things are inherently unhealthy and telling someone he or she CANNOT have something that person might easily work unto his or her plan is ridiculous.

    I don't keep certain things in my house because I will overeat those things. But just because *I* can't have moose tracks ice ceam in my house doesn't mean you can't. The people she's talking about will come here and say, "I can't moderate XYZ so NO ONE SHOULD EAT XYZ."
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.

    No, Holly. Some of us limit or eliminate certain things in our diet because they are bad for our diet plan. Whether they are bad for my health is not the point...they are bad for my successfully controlling "calories in" and ultimately, for my weight loss or maintenance. I don't need a doctor of nutritionist to support what I know works for me. Saying I "should" eat them in moderation because you do is a bit...ridiculous. I am happy your diet works for you. And I am thrilled mine works for me. This is not black and white. I am not right and you are wrong. We are just different. Keep up the good work - I think it is great you found a WOE that suits you and your goals.

    Um...not what I meant.

    Okay, Jane lost weight by limiting candy bars from her diet. Jane tells Ashley to limit candy bars from her diet because they are bad and this will help her lose weight. This is wrong.

    Now if Jane told Ashley that limiting trigger foods and eating in moderation will help her lose weight (because that is how she lost weight), that would be right.

    ETA: A doctor is only going to say "Limit your carbs" or "Eat gluten-free" if you have a medical condition that supports that lifestyle. That was my point. No doctor is going to say eat oreos if NOT eating oreos has helped you lose weight. Geez.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm saying that I think people underestimate exactly how much sugar and fat can be in condiments. And again...I will emphasize the word "limit" I did not say eliminate. To me, limit means moderation. I still eat ketchup and mayonnaise but not in the amounts I used to. AND if it's going to take away 100 calories that I could put towards something more nutritional like a chicken or veggies then I am going to make the better choice.

    That is actually an excellent strategy. The point people here are trying to make is that telling people to eat things in moderation is very different from telling people to limit mayo. By telling people to cut out or limit mayo or fats or sugars or anything specific, that person is saying those specific things are bad when they are actually not.

    No, Holly. Some of us limit or eliminate certain things in our diet because they are bad for our diet plan. Whether they are bad for my health is not the point...they are bad for my successfully controlling "calories in" and ultimately, for my weight loss or maintenance. I don't need a doctor of nutritionist to support what I know works for me. Saying I "should" eat them in moderation because you do is a bit...ridiculous. I am happy your diet works for you. And I am thrilled mine works for me. This is not black and white. I am not right and you are wrong. We are just different. Keep up the good work - I think it is great you found a WOE that suits you and your goals.
    I think you misread what Holly wrote.

    Nowhere did she say no one should ever, under any circumstances, cut anything out.

    What she said was that none of those things are inherently unhealthy and telling someone he or she CANNOT have something that person might easily work unto his or her plan is ridiculous.

    I don't keep certain things in my house because I will overeat those things. But just because *I* can't have moose tracks ice ceam in my house doesn't mean you can't. The people she's talking about will come here and say, "I can't moderate XYZ so NO ONE SHOULD EAT XYZ."

    Yes, thank you!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    My God why do people get so up in arms over posts? It's not that serious. At the end of the day everyone has their opinions & what works for some won't work for others. I'm sure this guy was just sharing what he thinks & meant no harm. This is honestly why I rarely post anything, because people get so crazy over the dumbest things & I know for a fact that most of the people on here who get all rude, condescending & high & mighty wouldn't speak this way if they were face to face with the OT, keyboard warriors really amuse me. But all in all there are serious things going on in this world & this isn't one of them. So relax.