Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • skks
    skks Posts: 8
    Way to go girl!!!!
  • scrumpy21
    scrumpy21 Posts: 19
    I have been staying under 2000 calories a day but now I want to stay under 1200 calories. Plus I need to make sure I get enough water. Atleast 62 oz of water a day and get off the diet coke! I realized that diet drinks make you crave sweets and your hunger goes up. And I mistake thirst for hunger.

    Oh, and by the way, I'm starting the nicotine patch tonight!!!!

    congrats on starting the patch!

    To get my water in I add "TRUE LEMON" or "TRUE LIME" they are little packages of dehydrated lemon and lime, it is like squeezing the real thing, I think they have an orange one now, I have to order on line as you can not buy it in Canada, so I do not know what is in the stores. The added ben to it is it has vit C.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    i'm under a doctor's care to help me with my weight loss, no pills or anything....just accountability. He also told me to drink a gallon of water a day and it really hasn't been that hard to do. I have these sports looking water bottles I bought at Walmart for $1.97 each, they are 32 oz each. I fill 4 up and drink two before noon and one between 12 and 4, then I take one with me to the gym and drink it makes it easier that way. I was a Coca-cola addict....I was drinking up to 6 a day and now ALL I drink is water. Sometimes I may drink some unsweetened iced tea with splenda but now the cokes tast blah!!
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :happy: just checking in, have been gone for a couple of days. I had an appointment out of town with an obesity specialist DR. I have really had a rough time this past month. Followed diet and exersized and gained 23 pounds. It is water weight as I am a CHF patient and the way I was eating seemed to pack the water on. The Dr. said I wasn't eating enough and I should be eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks for a total of 1600 to 1800 calories. Also, to eat 14 oz of protien a day. I am a carbohadrite junky and a lot of my calories before were carbs. Now the only carbs I am having are vegs. and 2 fruits a day. No potato, bread, or rice. I go back in 3 weeks and she will modify the diet then.

    I wanted to get a lap band or gastric bypass, but the Dr. said I was too high risk right now and that I had to take about 50 pounds off before he would re-evalueate the operation. What a bummer I have to lose weight to get help to lose weight. Sometime I feel like my whole life is a catch-22.

    I love this site and all of you who try so hard to get the weight off. I love the sharing of ideas the sucesses and even knowing that I'm not the only one who falls off the wagon. Keep going all you bb women & men. We'll all meet at the finish line some day.

    I'm in for the challange by holloween I will be down 50 pounds from my weight now 404, I started lower but that is the weight now. It will put it at about 25 pounds of real weight once I get the water off. Are you as confused as me??? I hope not. Any how have a great day log in, count your calories and excersize, Be Blessed, Connie
  • cnolovechild
    cnolovechild Posts: 179
    Just wanted to say I've lost another pound! I'm sooo excited to see this progress! I'm not weighing 227 and I haven't seen that weight in AT LEAST 7 years! I love this site! I don't keep up as well as I'd like to on the forums but I have been skimming the posts on this thread. Congrats to all of you on your ongoing progress! You all give me hope. :happy:
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    I know that we all will lose weight differently because of our starting weight, and I know it won't always come off this easily, but I have lost 11 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Now, that may not seem like a lot to many people, but I have never found anything (short of anorexia) that worked this well for me! And I think that the most important part for me is knowing that I'm not depriving myself of anything. If I want something, I'm eating it. I'm not eating nearly as much, and I'm exercising like it's my job, but I still feel satisfied! Looking forward to Halloween weigh-in time...! :bigsmile:
  • Hi all....I'm in....I've got a ton of weight to lose as well...and would greatly appreciate any and all hints, recipe's, and tips you all feel up to sharing. I've been a stay at home mom for going on 17 yrs now, and it's time for me....My goal is for my son to graduate High School, and for me to look awesome watching him walk across that stage to collect his diploma....then to be healthy enough to play with any and all future grandchildren I'm blessed with. If I can help anyone...I'm here for you as well.

    Thanks for the great thread...and good luck everyone!
  • :happy: just checking in, have been gone for a couple of days. I had an appointment out of town with an obesity specialist DR. I have really had a rough time this past month. Followed diet and exersized and gained 23 pounds. It is water weight as I am a CHF patient and the way I was eating seemed to pack the water on. The Dr. said I wasn't eating enough and I should be eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks for a total of 1600 to 1800 calories. Also, to eat 14 oz of protien a day. I am a carbohadrite junky and a lot of my calories before were carbs. Now the only carbs I am having are vegs. and 2 fruits a day. No potato, bread, or rice. I go back in 3 weeks and she will modify the diet then.

    I wanted to get a lap band or gastric bypass, but the Dr. said I was too high risk right now and that I had to take about 50 pounds off before he would re-evalueate the operation. What a bummer I have to lose weight to get help to lose weight. Sometime I feel like my whole life is a catch-22.

    I love this site and all of you who try so hard to get the weight off. I love the sharing of ideas the sucesses and even knowing that I'm not the only one who falls off the wagon. Keep going all you bb women & men. We'll all meet at the finish line some day.

    I'm in for the challange by holloween I will be down 50 pounds from my weight now 404, I started lower but that is the weight now. It will put it at about 25 pounds of real weight once I get the water off. Are you as confused as me??? I hope not. Any how have a great day log in, count your calories and excersize, Be Blessed, Connie

    I had the lap-band sugery at 422lbs so I do not see why you can't! But trust when I say this, the surgery is not some instant weightloss magical evolution. Actually its almost as hard as not having it. But it is a good tool if you can follow it, but its just a tool, unlike the bypass, you still can cheat (i have done it) and I am trying to do it now the right way!
  • Just wanted to say I've lost another pound! I'm sooo excited to see this progress! I'm not weighing 227 and I haven't seen that weight in AT LEAST 7 years! I love this site! I don't keep up as well as I'd like to on the forums but I have been skimming the posts on this thread. Congrats to all of you on your ongoing progress! You all give me hope. :happy:

    WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I know that we all will lose weight differently because of our starting weight, and I know it won't always come off this easily, but I have lost 11 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Now, that may not seem like a lot to many people, but I have never found anything (short of anorexia) that worked this well for me! And I think that the most important part for me is knowing that I'm not depriving myself of anything. If I want something, I'm eating it. I'm not eating nearly as much, and I'm exercising like it's my job, but I still feel satisfied! Looking forward to Halloween weigh-in time...! :bigsmile:

    CONGRAT'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* YOU are AWESOME! keep rockin it!
  • SO, I have been nicotine free now for 24 hours. I like this 14mg patch. So far its working. Also after much thought, I'm going to lower my goal for Halloween to a more realistic number. Now I want to loose 45lbs. Which will then put me under 300lbs!
  • AlleyM146
    AlleyM146 Posts: 9
    I just joined. I am truly trying to view this attempt as an attempt to get healthy....then as an attempt to lose weight. I am usually so focused on the scale (it has moved up and up and up :grumble: :grumble: So.....I was really excited to see this post. I am trying to lose 56 pounds. That is NOT my final goal weight, just the goal I have set for Christmas. Hope to exceed that, but I know that goal will REALLY help my health.
  • scrumpy21
    scrumpy21 Posts: 19
    does anyone have advise on going away and eating right, I am going to my moms, and I usually over eat there, she is a great cook, cheese, pasta, you name it!

    any ideas welcome, I have just started and do not want to fall off so soon.....
  • hi
    does anyone have advise on going away and eating right, I am going to my moms, and I usually over eat there, she is a great cook, cheese, pasta, you name it!

    any ideas welcome, I have just started and do not want to fall off so soon.....

    Pack your own basics!!!!!!!!!!!! Like little bags of rice crackers, celery and carrot, Bring low fat/non fat yogurt,splenda, Oatmeal for breakfast. Eat all of the wholesome basics, then take a few bites of what ever you want, just make sure your meal in its self is Healthy.

    I hope this helps!

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and sugar free jello pudding! its low cal, and if you make a crust of oats and crushed walnuts and add the pudding as pie filling and freeze, then dollop a spoon of low fat light cool whip, you wont feel so deprived!
  • I just joined. I am truly trying to view this attempt as an attempt to get healthy....then as an attempt to lose weight. I am usually so focused on the scale (it has moved up and up and up :grumble: :grumble: So.....I was really excited to see this post. I am trying to lose 56 pounds. That is NOT my final goal weight, just the goal I have set for Christmas. Hope to exceed that, but I know that goal will REALLY help my health.

    Thanks for joining!!!!!!!!!

    First off, I want you to know that no matter how many times you loose weight or gain it, we will be here for you, there is NO need to feel sad of bad, it's life and excuse my french but *kitten* happens! Just make sure you say to yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • scrumpy21
    scrumpy21 Posts: 19
    does anyone have advise on going away and eating right, I am going to my moms, and I usually over eat there, she is a great cook, cheese, pasta, you name it!

    any ideas welcome, I have just started and do not want to fall off so soon.....

    Pack your own basics!!!!!!!!!!!! Like little bags of rice crackers, celery and carrot, Bring low fat/non fat yogurt,splenda, Oatmeal for breakfast. Eat all of the wholesome basics, then take a few bites of what ever you want, just make sure your meal in its self is Healthy.

    I hope this helps!

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and sugar free jello pudding! its low cal, and if you make a crust of oats and crushed walnuts and add the pudding as pie filling and freeze, then dollop a spoon of low fat light cool whip, you wont feel so deprived!

    Thank you! I have to pack a cooler for my daughter, her milk and fav's, I will add my stuff...I love the jello pudding idea... I bought pudding cups for the first time yesterday, I love them!

    I can not wait to weigh in next week.. I always gain at my mom's, this time I hope to lose....

    I am off to pack, thanks
  • gbryans
    gbryans Posts: 8
    Hi - I'm in. I was 219 a couple years ago and lost to 183, gained back to 206, now down to 199. Gotta stop this roller coaster ride. Want to be at 145, but haven't been there in a lot of years and I could sure use all the support I can get. THANKS ALL - I have enjoyed reading the posts.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    SO, I have been nicotine free now for 24 hours. I like this 14mg patch. So far its working. Also after much thought, I'm going to lower my goal for Halloween to a more realistic number. Now I want to loose 45lbs. Which will then put me under 300lbs!
    :flowerforyou: Keep up the good jof and try not to smoke it's like anything else we love it's one day at a time. What helped me the most was a young man who told me it's hard cause you're an addict, when I acceped that as fact I was able to keep going. I have been smoke free now for 11 years and it's still one day at a time. Now I'm applying the same idea to the food, I'm an addict and I can't forget it.

    You keep going girl, you're not only worth it you desirve all the good things that being thin and smoke free will do for you. Be Blessed Connie
  • hey how do you get that little weight loss calculator going? Thanks:)
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :happy: just checking in, have been gone for a couple of days. I had an appointment out of town with an obesity specialist DR. I have really had a rough time this past month. Followed diet and exersized and gained 23 pounds. It is water weight as I am a CHF patient and the way I was eating seemed to pack the water on. The Dr. said I wasn't eating enough and I should be eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks for a total of 1600 to 1800 calories. Also, to eat 14 oz of protien a day. I am a carbohadrite junky and a lot of my calories before were carbs. Now the only carbs I am having are vegs. and 2 fruits a day. No potato, bread, or rice. I go back in 3 weeks and she will modify the diet then.

    I wanted to get a lap band or gastric bypass, but the Dr. said I was too high risk right now and that I had to take about 50 pounds off before he would re-evalueate the operation. What a bummer I have to lose weight to get help to lose weight. Sometime I feel like my whole life is a catch-22.

    I love this site and all of you who try so hard to get the weight off. I love the sharing of ideas the sucesses and even knowing that I'm not the only one who falls off the wagon. Keep going all you bb women & men. We'll all meet at the finish line some day.

    I'm in for the challange by holloween I will be down 50 pounds from my weight now 404, I started lower but that is the weight now. It will put it at about 25 pounds of real weight once I get the water off. Are you as confused as me??? I hope not. Any how have a great day log in, count your calories and excersize, Be Blessed, Connie

    I had the lap-band sugery at 422lbs so I do not see why you can't! But trust when I say this, the surgery is not some instant weightloss magical evolution. Actually its almost as hard as not having it. But it is a good tool if you can follow it, but its just a tool, unlike the bypass, you still can cheat (i have done it) and I am trying to do it now the right way!

    Hi Christy, the reason I can't do either the lap band or the gastric bypass now is I have a lot of medical problems that make it dangerous to be put to sleep. The Dr. feels that if I lose some of this weight it will be safer to operate. I know the lap-band is just a tool, and sometimes I wonder if it doesn't take more courage to go that route than to just do the plain ol diet and excersize route. Either way you're going to have to make choices and diet.
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