
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Pat (Phoo in AZ) yes Tazgirl is good. I will ask about the pedometer, thank you

    Tina in Fla
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We’re meeting our DIL for lunch today in Olympia WA and will have to leave fairly soon. We’re planning a trip to the punkin’ patch, too. It looks like we may have a nice day for it. She’s been on her own since our son was deployed in August. Being married to a military person is not for the faint hearted. I keep both of them in my prayers.:heart:

    Joyce: I’m with you on the lobster. I love its little cousins, the prawns, shrimp, and crawfish, but my experience with lobster is that it is tough. Maybe I just had an unusually bad one. Regarding your DH, men are stubborn and tend to believe what they want to believe. He probably hopes he can still eat all his favorites and let the medicine take care of him. My husband had been taking blood pressure for years and never considered the possibility he was at risk for a stroke. He understands much better now, but it has cost him the ability to see well enough to drive.:cry: It could have been so much worse, and I'm grateful he can still do most of the things he always did.:heart:

    Vicki: Good luck taking care of yourself during this crisis. My thoughts are with you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: One day at a time, my friend. You’re worrying about things that might not happen. I’m a “what-iffer” and think of all sorts of alternatives. It drives people around me nuts but I think it keeps my mind flexible. Could your DH visit his grand kids while you have your Bath adventure? I dropped my DH off at his sister’s for a visit when I went to take care of DGD last spring.:flowerforyou:

    On another subject entirely, Wow! You have transformed yourself. I haven’t put any before pictures up yet, but I’m building a file on my desktop. I did use a before and after set to decide I like my face much better now than before I lost weight after two women told me I was starting to look haggard. The “before and afters” do help.:flowerforyou:

    Tina: How about a snack that is tea and 5 or 10 unsalted almonds? Or veggie snacks like carrots and celery? You do know yourself best so I know you’ll figure it out. I’m a moderator and can live with limits on portions. Barbie is a strong abstainer who stops eating things that are hard for her to control. Everybody has her own best strategies and you’ll have to find yours.:flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo): You deserve to be proud of yourself. Congratulations on good problem solving. I think the people who don’t understand food issues lack understanding and are not very motivated to learn something new. In a word, they are lazy. I finally made my SIL understand my milk issues. She went out and bought margarine for me when we visited, but it had milk in it. So we took in back to the store and got margarine without milk. I also persuaded her to make a pie without butter in the crust. It turned out just fine with margarine. It was an “ah ha” for her. This same visit, she kept adding salt to my husband’s food despite knowing he’s had a stroke and has blood pressure issues.:noway: He wasn’t pushy about it. I would have been.:ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: thanks for all the well-wishes for my race. Finished! Pretty darn good result too, despite a slow start, due to the crowds. . The weather was spectacular and the crowds awesome. Love the fantastic feeling of accomplishment. And my back seems to be okay too. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks for cheering me on, ladies.

    Have a great day :heart:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Viki,wow,what a blessing.Enjoy your time with your dad.
    Have a good day.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I just don't have time for much so going to reply to last page only.

    Good for you to get up early and get those bars done. But I wouldn't ice them i'd call them health bars.

    My trip won't be to the pumpkin patch but to my grocery store to find the biggest pumpkin of them all on Tuesday
    I like to make puree for my custards and smoothies. And I have a great big zucchini a friend gave me need to puree it to.
    I put them in zip lock bags in two cup portion because most recipes call for two cups.

    Knew you could do that race your turning into a running machine.

    Well time to hit the shower going on 1:30 and suppose to be at nephews for thanksgiving gathering. For 2:00.
    We had a beautiful supper at cottage with son wife and the grandbabies one son in at work for 7 days and one out hunting.
    So just a few us but was great. I did have a nice piece of double chocolate cheese cake but didn't go over calories. The water and lemon must be what is making me lose the weight. Wii said down 1.1 again this morning and that's after a big breakfast.
    Hope none of this finds me tomorrow but as long as I stay under 200 i'm still sporting a loss for this week.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    Hello to all:

    Joyce - I use plain yogurt and add vanilla whey protein powder to it. I just stir in the powder. That increases my protein without a lot of calories and flavors the yogurt too.

    Vicki - So glad you got to spend some quality time with your dad. That is awesome.

    Pat(phoo) - Do you label things that you take that are gluten-free? Congrats on getting up early. I have a friend who is like you, early mornings are not her forte.

    We went to see Sleepy Hollow, A musical tale last night. It was a lot of fun.

    Well tomorrow is my first day back at work after five and one-half months on leave for my shoulder injury. Things will be good but I think I am going to be one tired puppy tomorrow night.

    Healing angels to those who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Went to the Y and there was couple on both of the bikes with TVs.:laugh: so I had to take another bike and just use my Pandora. I couldn't get the seat just right and my tummy started rumbling like I knew I needed to get home. So I only rode 5 miles. But that was 250 calories so I burned some. I seem stuck on this 191 or 192 even though I am exercising my legs off. So I am quite baffled. My husband just says, 'Joyce I don't know what to say'. I tell him I need encouragement to keep on going, to say that if I continue I will get going again. So he gives me a big pep talk. I told him that he does know how to give me encouragement and that I really need it. I know I get a lot of encouragement here but I still need it from my husband. I really never thought I was an insecure person but maybe I do have some insecurities. I think we all have some in some little way.

    I hope you are all having the same wonderful weather as we are having here. It is invigorating to be outside. I wish I could open my windows or have a back door I could open. But our windows are old, builders grade and some of you may remember that if you want to open a window it has to be propped open. My husband in all of his intelligence will frequently prop it open with the bathroom plunger! The screen on our sliding back door is off and the door doesn't slide well so it just stays closed. I would love to have a wonderful deck with french doors or a all season room with french doors all the room would have a lot of windows that could be open. I can just imagine how my cat would feel about it!!!! Such bliss. But even though we have what we think is good money for our retiring years, now that we are in those we have a tough time opening those pocket books to do that. I can also imagine what it would do to the resale value of the home.

    OK, done rambling for now. Tummy is rumbling again. Joyce
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all my friends. Just a quick note. Busy day today I feel like I’m running around like crazy. We had a wonderful dinner last night; one of those places where dinner takes 2-3 hours. Had steak with an oscar topping, au gratin potatoes, cesar salad, bread (small thin roll; I only had one piece) and a truffle. I did fine with the carbs. DH got us tickets to Les Miserables next week. I can’t wait!

    Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes!

    Heather love your runny cheese story!

    Puzzler: welcome!

    Joyce: congrats on the fitness achievement.

    Barbie: re being an abstainer….it’s so funny you said you don’t understand how people can only have one chip etc! I don’t understand giving up food! But it’s great we each have our own ways of dealing with it! We still have that entire bag of Milano mint chocolate cookies from a few days ago. DH and I each ate 2. No temptations either! It’s so good we find our own ways and not have to stick with one or two set ways. Congrats on being able to abstain for so long; that takes real commitment!

    Sandy: good for you to get on with the trainer!

    Renny: good luck! Good luck!

    Katla: kids! If they’d just do what we tell them to LOL! I read an interview with a rabbi here in Omaha who is the leader of the inter faith movement. His daughter is marrying a Catholic. When asked if he objected or protested he said “No one listens to the father even if he’s the rabbi!” I thought that was very wise!

    Susan: I read your paragraph and now I need a nap!

    Michele: your days sound so busy!

    Sylvia: poor Bruno!

    Vicki: what a wonderful gift you got being able to talk to dad again! I think it is delightful he told the doctor he was taking a nap
    and that’s why he didn’t respond. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts.

    Heather: you have so much on your plate with DH and you are so kind to keep caring for him!

    Anamika: so glad to hear the cyclone was on the other side of India and you and family are safe. My foreign geography is quite bad so I wasn’t sure where you are related to the storm. Enjoy your festival! Thank you for the blessings! That is always appreciated!

    Pat: I will email you the recipe probably tomorrow.

    Well girls I’m off running again. I missed several of you but you are all in my thoughts. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh......I have been sooooooo lazy, between this horrrible weather (yes, it is STILL rainy......5th day now, please, somebody just shoot me) and my foot which is now rather black on top. I did go to tai chi Saturday am and that was fine but my foot couldn't make it through yoga, so I spent a bit of time in poses the rest weren't dong and explained to Maura (instructor) later what was going on with me. It is black from the toes to the top of the ankle but I can walk and even do steps fine, just very minor swelling; good old soft tissue damage This morning was our regular second Sunday of the month gym breakfast at Golden Corral. Very glad I drove through 2 downpours to make it, I really needed to just relax, talk and see people........counted it as 600 cals. as I had 2 (small) slices of the cakes; then had a very late lunch of just a piece of sharp cheese and an apple. Dinner will be probably haddock and veggies. Went to an estate sale in the afternoon, trying to collect some items for dd next year when she is in grad school and will most likely have to outfit an apartment; wasn't really thinking a couple years ago when I cleaned out my own house for a friend of dd's to set up a place of her own. Oh, well.

    My notes to others will be a mishmash as I've been reading hit and miss and remembering somethings that I meant to say last time.

    Meg........Happy Anniversary!!! Very glad that your dd'd bf turned out to be so nice; that's always a concern, esp. when they can be so secretive about them. Girls!!!

    Vicki..........I was in tears reading about how your dad woke up and knew you all; will be thinking of you.

    Katla..........When our kids go, no matter how far, they take our hearts with them and we ache for them and still want to help solve all their problems; I think we are all like that and it's hard to not do so. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in having dreams that can leave me with the mood of the dream.

    Pat..........congrats on your early rising........I'm much more an early person than I used to be.

    Sandy.........Enjoy your personal trainer, keep us posted on what you learn and are doing. It's great that your kids want to go with you to meet their uncle, I think that speaks volumes about how wonderful they are.......good job, mom!!!

    Drkatiebug..........WTG..........congrats, excellent!!!! Onward to the half and full marathons!

    Rebel Renny..........Same to you!!! Congrats!!! Great time!

    Anamika...........Stay safe, I understand the eastern side of India is getting all the rain now. Thanks for the info on the festival of Dusshera and the goddess; I had never heard of it before.

    Heather.........All I can say is to not worry about what may never happen; easy for me to say, I know. Fingers crossed for your dh to be put on the right combo of meds and have success. Your transformation has been simply stunning!!!!

    And, last, but not least
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our friends in Canada!!!!

    mid-Atlantic..........soaked and then some!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :heart: :flowerforyou: Vicki, sending you hugs…it is so important to stay in the moment and savor each blessing.

    :bigsmile: Heather, you are doing an admirable job of balancing your needs with your desire to be there for your husband….thanks for posting a “before” picture so we can really appreciate all your progress.

    :heart: Anamika, I wish you a blessed holiday…any time that focuses on introspection, prayers, and dancing sounds special to me. As with all the food centered holidays, I wish you balance and moderation as you celebrate.

    :brokenheart: Sylvia, poor Bruno…….he’s so lucky to have a good mom to rescue him.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, I gave up baking four years ago when I started this journey and it was a great choice for me…..I gave away all my baking pans and ingredients and decided that I’d have to be known for something other than my baking skills.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, my husband ignored a lot of doctor’s suggestions about healthy eating for a long time and then he met the right doctor and gave up smoking and changed his eating habits….the change came along with angioplasty and two stents.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Renny, congratulations on your success in the race…..I knew you would do well….we do have some great weather up here.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, I put pumpkin in two cup portions in zip lock bags, too. I don’t puree it because we eat it as a vegetable and don’t mind a few chunks and lumps.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, enjoy your return to work…..I hope you have a nap and an easy meal planned for when you get home.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, one of my big challenges is scheduling walks, dance classes, and workouts so I’m not too hungry and also not too soon after eating.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, one of the greatest gift of MFP and this thread is learning about different approaches to food so I could experiment and find out what worked for me. On this thread, no one lectures that their way is best or correct…we get to find our own way and then share it so that others can learn about all the alternatives.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I always have a terrible time resting when I have an injury….I usually overdo and then it takes longer to heal.

    :flowerforyou: When I started making applesauce to freeze several years ago, I read recipes in many cookbooks including one that was my mother’s and was written about 80 years ago. It was interesting that the older the cookbook, the less sugar was included in the applesauce recipe. I make my applesauce with no sugar at all. It has been my experience that the longer I go without sugary things, the sweeter everything tastes without sugar.

    :bigsmile: We are doing a cleanse day today---we haven’t done this in a long time…….it makes for a sort of lazy day---laundry, dog walking, and a lot of TV watching. Our football team won the game so that made afternoon TV watching extra special…..I’ll walk the dogs one more time before dark and then we’ll head for bed.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today with one more dog walk before bedtime
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read to here but just to tired to respond it's been a long day and I ate to much. Thank God Thanksgiving comes but once a year. Sure hope I didn't undo in one day what I did in my last four days or more. I don't think so only went over by close 200 calories i'm sure I burnt them moving around.

    Be back tomorrow with what wii says. Hope it's good.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    The 5k today was super fun. Dave shaved 5 minutes off his time from yesterday and I shaved 4 off mine. We walked across the finish line together. Isn't that romantic? LOL he was second in his age group and I was third in mine. We got tiaras today instead of medals. Dave's was blue and mine was white. First place was pink. Many people ran in their tutus since it was the princess Katie 5k. There were many more walking today and just having a good time for the cause. There were cupcakes and everybody sang happy birthday to Katie, who turned seven on Friday. It has only been two months since her heart transplant, but she looks great.

    Just so you know, Dave and I did not have tutus, but it was fun seeing so many. One man was wearing a camouflage tutu!
  • Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. I could only skim tonight but enjoyed seeing everyone's posts. Today my exercise was waling around a mall with three friends whom I haven't seen for months and months. I'm hoping that counts cuz it feels like miles. :-) We ate out for supper and I stayed within my planned calorie limit so I feel good about that.

    I'll try to contribute more to the general conversations in the future. Meanwhile thanks again, and have a great healthy eating week!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Welcome Fall! :happy: Have to enjoy it while it lasts because today’s newscast is already mentioning snow for my area of the Rockies.

    Strength training with my PT Rose has been a good investment. It’s gotten me out of my exercise rut and introduced me to a wonderful variety of physical challenges. Her work has focused on exercises I can do while travelling, as I never know what kind of equipment, if any, will be in hotel gyms. I’m enthralled with all I can do with therabands. :love:

    Joyce: Can I tell you something? I have been working out on a recumbent bike 4-5 times a week for two years and after about 5 miles I am spent. Your ability to do 10 miles shows you are STRONG. Now, take your strong self to the next level at the Y. You can do it!

    Barbie: Peonies are my favorite flower. My understanding is that they can take a couple of years to bloom so best of luck to you with your new plantings. I make sugar-free applesauce as well. Just this morning I combined pippens with honeycrisps in my slow cooker with a little water and lemon juice. I did not know applesauce freezes well, so will try that.

    Jane: I’ve had a groin pull and can relate to the discomfort. I hate icing injuries, but it does work. Take care.

    Sandy: I was estranged from my step-sister for 25 years. She is 14 years older and always resented my mother, the younger woman our dad married. However, as mature women we met up again and it has developed into a very sweet relationship. I wish the same with you and your brother. I am so glad you found a personal trainer for extra support and exercise intelligence.

    SusanRechter: I loved reading all the details of your cleanout and makeover. I was similarly occupied yesterday at a much smaller scale as I live in a three bedroom condo. The ‘hobby’ room really needed a decluttering. Felt so good to get it done, that today I tackled the closet in my office. It also inspired my DH to tackle the ‘junk’ drawer in our kitchen. Hallelujah!!! Sometimes it’s not the work itself that is difficult. It’s the all the tough decisions along the way that sap my energy….Keep? Pitch? Give to Goodwill?

    Michele: Thank you for the suggestion about putting popcorn out for the birds. I decorate the massive blue spruce outside my door as opposed to buying and trimming a tree inside. Will definitely make popcorn garland.

    Vicki: How wonderful to be with your dad. I’m sure he is comforted by your presence as he makes his transition. Hugs to you.

    Heather: I hope you have a great trip to Bath. Your DH is so blessed to have your tender care and understanding. Can hardly believe that is you in the 'before' picture.

    Anamika: May this festival of Dusshera be the start for you to conquer your demons.

    Grandmallie: Wishing you much fun and rest on your well deserved vacation.

    Pat: Props to you for getting up early to bake. What a demonstration of love and respect for members of your church family who have gluten issues. Your modified recipes sound yummy and I sure were much appreciated.

    Katla: So glad you got to spend time with your DIL. I feel for all the spouses of our troops deployed overseas.

    Renny: Bravo! You are a strong woman!

    Linda: Keep up whatever you are doing! Congrats on the loss.

    Sue: How wonderful that you are getting back to work. Take care.

    Meg: Belated happy anniversary. Enjoy Les Mis!

    Yanniejannie: I bruise very easily and swear by arnica gel and the homeopathic pellets you take orally. Makes a huge difference in the healing time.

    DrKatiebug: So proud of you. Can we see a picture of you in your hard-earned tiara?

    My DH is underweight and only recently he admitted that tooth pain has been keeping him from eating any tough, hard or stringy foods. Men! Geez! :explode: :explode: We have excellent dental insurance through my job, so this something that can easily be taken care of. Well, I’m on it.

    Meanwhile, the vet has told us that Mars the cat has to lose a couple of pounds. Is there MFP for fur babies? :embarassed: We now measure out his meals and treats for the day. I have added a second walk (yes, on a leash like a dog) to his regime. He loves going outside, but with the coyotes, foxes and raptors we have in this neighborhood, going solo is not an option. We give him a lot of inside play as well. Would love to hear from others who have dealt with this issue.

    I’m looking forward to a day off tomorrow. :smile: We’ll have window and lighting specialists coming in to give us quotes for some repairs and upgrades. When I’m home, I’m a total nester and love making home improvements here and there. I leave on Wednesday for NYC. Then next week it's South Dakota for a full week. :glasses:

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    October Goals:
     Cardio with intervals as prescribed by Rose 4x per week
     Body weight strength training routine 3x per week
     Leg stretches every day
     Hit my daily protein and fiber goals 4x per week
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rori, thank you for your kind words. I do plan on picking it up. I have a busy week this week. I have MS and it comes into play a lot of times. One such time will be this week. We are leaving Tuesday to go to see my oldest daughter and my grand kids and then the next day continuing on another hour or so the next day for all of us to see my brother and his whole family. There are two precious babies, one of which none of the rest of the family has met/ So I will be the first!!!! Yippee skippee!!!! We are going to a small petting zoo and a couple of other small things that won't cost a lot. But then I will pay for it on Thursday. We get home around Midnight n Wednesday and I will sleep pretty much all day Thursday. I hope I have enough energy to at least do something at the Y on Friday. I will try. But then the next week I plan on joining a beginners strength exercise class. It meets twice a week. also the manager at the Y has been working up a specific plan for me. Not any old plan for a 63 year old woman but a 63 year old woman with MS that affects this part and this part, etc. We are to meet on Oct 22nd so I will see what all she has for me to do. I know I can then do it on my own since I am not going to spend $40/hour for a personal trainer. That is enough push right there to make me do it on my own. So yes, I will step it up. But until she meets with me she has told me to just ride my bike, join the class when I can and she gave me some simple arm exercises I can do with a 3 pound barbell I found at Goodwill.

    Although I would hate to live in the Rockies in the winter I can only imagine the beauty of it. Joyce
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Well, DH is going to come with me today to Bath. I have told the others. Once he is there he will be fine. I expect he will leave us to have our restaurant meals in our group. He will be happy in the pub and meeting up afterwards. Or before. Tomorrow is an England match anyway, so he will be glued to the TV! His sister kept offering to take him, but he would have to get there and, at his worst, he wasn't up to going anywhere. He had a good night last night with a sleeping pill.

    One of my friends has pranged her car, so she is coming by train, the other has had the suicides to contend with and that is probably just the beginning of all the gossip we have to get through! Should be a fun meal tonight.:bigsmile:

    Packing now, but I'm not as panicky as airport packing. Can take more stuff! Will be taking kettle and tea bags as, unusually for Britain, the hotel doesn't have a tea station in the room. Also will be taking healthy snacks.

    I haven't checked if there is Wi Fi, but I am taking my tablet anyway. I hope to be able to fill you in on our adventures.

    Congrats to Katie and Renny for your wonderful race achievements. I am still worrying about my knee, but would love to do something one day.

    See you all later.
    Heather UK
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Monday Morning Ladies! It's off to another Busy week, this time of year they all seem to be that way. I will be traveling about 500 miles this week, so wish me luck on not munching in the car. :glasses:

    Katla: Thank you for the advice on snacks, I love tea and almonds, I will give it a try.

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful day. :flowerforyou: :

    Tina in Florida
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. I could only skim tonight but enjoyed seeing everyone's posts. Today my exercise was waling around a mall with three friends whom I haven't seen for months and months. I'm hoping that counts cuz it feels like miles. :-) We ate out for supper and I stayed within my planned calorie limit so I feel good about that.

    I'll try to contribute more to the general conversations in the future. Meanwhile thanks again, and have a great healthy eating week!

    :flowerforyou: yes, walking counts as exercise.......I meet my friends for a walk instead of a meal.....we talk a lot, get a lot of exercise, and don't spend dollars or calories unnecessarily. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Rori, thanks for the reminder that peonies take a few years to get going...I remember being so sad that my lilac bush didn't bloom the first year we had her in our yard.......I freeze applesauce in glass canning jars, ordinary jars, plastic cottage cheese or yogurt containers..anything with a lid and it lasted a year in my freezer.....when Haifa, our cat from the past, had to lose weight i felt like the meanest mom not leaving a self feeder bowl of dry food out for him all the time.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    morning ladies,
    went to the gym this morning, only worked out for 20 minutes, then rode my bike over here to the pool, the La Casa ladies are doing pool exercises, maybe I will join in before weeks end lol. now they are singing row your boat, so cute..
    I am mostly staying under calorie count and trying not to go out to eat to much, when I do, I do pick well, at least Im not gaining
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today (Sun). Tomorrow is yoga, hold my plank, and then the extremepump class.

    Made pork chops with apples and thyme for dinner this week. Also made some shrimp gumbo for this week. Then Jessica and I went to PetSmart, I just wanted some Fancy Feast food to use for treats for the cats when I give Loki his med, Jessica needed collars for her cats and a brush (which I paid for for her, it wasn't that expensive), then she got some Cat Chow for them.

    Sylvia - so glad that Bruno is OK and you got to him. Animals are funny, they do things we'd never dream they'd do.

    Joyce - one of the problems I'm finding is that a lot of stores don't carry the plain variety of yogurt, just the super-sweet bluebberry, strawberry, etc. I much prefer the plain and then add fruit or honey on my own. I can only get the plain Okios yogurt at 2 different stores, fortunately WalMart is one of them and their prices are pretty low

    Vicki - amazing that your dad woke up! But you're right, the day was a blessing. Guess God just wasn't ready for your father quite yet.

    Heather - I make a chocolate fudge cake but don't put any icing on it. Sometimes nothing at all, other times just a dusting of confectioner's sugar. Vince likes it, but to me it is too choclatey. I am in constant awe so how wonderful you are with your dh
    Heather - thanks for shring that photo. Is that REALLY you?????

    Pat - there is one lady who needs gluten free foods who comes to Rummikub. I'd like to make something that she can have the next time I'm hosting. Anyway, for those pumpkin bars, can you just use gluten free cake mix in place of regular mix?

    I'd kind of like to go out on the deck to string more popcorn, but I do want to be in the house for when Jessica leaves. I don't want to ask her "when are you leaving", seems like I don't want her or it may come across that way. Packed up some of the chocolate chip cake for her, the rest of the brownies she's been eating (little does she know that they're made with tofu), and the fudge I made for her. Also, I get these small bottles of orange juice, going to give the rest to her since we really don't drink it and it'd expire by the next time she'd down here.

    yanniejannie - sending healing thoughts to you

    Wasn't there someone on here (I don't remember who) who was doing HCT - those hormone shots? I think those are the letters. How's it going?

    barbie - I agree, going without sugar makes you realize just how sweet foods are. The problem comes in when manufacturers add sugar, many times it tastes too too sweet! Like I'd prefer the plain yogurt and then add my own fruits/honey, but the yogurt you get with the added fruit is so so sweet and that's what most stores carry.

    I go for my routine physical this Friday. For the rest of the week going to really watch my fats.

    Rori - what kinds of exercises do your PT recommend? I'm many times on the outlook for things that I can do when I'm away. Popcorn garland on your tree sounds so cool. Bet the birds will really like it. Post a pic of it if you can. Don't you have to put the arnica jel on right after the injury? Sometimes it doesn't swell/turn black and blue until a while later and I'm always wondering if it's too late to use the arnica. When we had PJ (cat) who was overweight and now Loki when the vet told us that he needed to lose weight what we've done is put out the dry cat food that is "weight management". Only for PJ (who was diabetic) we had to get the special food at the vet's which was expensive.

    Heather - so glad hubby is going to Bath with you. I do hope they have wifi. Your adventures are such an interesting read, makes me feel like I'm right there and want to visit

    Tina - good luck in the car

    After Jessica left yesterday, I did go on the deck and strung some popcorn. I stopped because it was starting to get breezy. Hopefully, I can do some today after the extremepump class. If I need to, I guess I can always put a chair under the awning that's over the grill.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Michele in NC