"You're still fat"



  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Well done, dont dwell on it as you will come out of this a much stronger confident person then you are now. Wake up tomorrow, its a new day the past is the past. Keep up with the exercise. ;)

    Heres another great track to ad to the play list - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hSruxzzKb8
  • mrsslls
    mrsslls Posts: 41 Member
    Your post bought tears to my eyes........don't let those girls win! I think your a champion just for getting out there x
  • RachaelKaye4
    RachaelKaye4 Posts: 57 Member
    *kitten* them, you're amazing! Keep at it!!!! xxxxx
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    This has happened to me, and I think about it every time I'm out walking. Wondering how many people see me as a 'fat lady', not realizing where I've been or what journey I'm on and how hard I've worked to get here. I also wonder about those people and how much they must dislike themselves to say mean things to others. I read that people dont actually dislike other people, they actually dislike or fear things in others that they dont like or fear about themselves.

    So I guess I'm trying to say that it wasnt you, it was her, and I'm sorry you're damaged by her pain. Hugs.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    Don't let it get to you, they must lead pretty empty lives if they have to resort to something that pathetic to have 'fun'!
    You know what you are doing is for you and nobody else.
    Keep up the good work, you're doing great!!!
  • mitsyb
    mitsyb Posts: 2 Member
    Keep your head up. You are the only person you have to please and you are on the right track. I had a similar occurance yesterday. I have been working out and dieting for 2 years now. I am down 30 lbs, but have been stuck for 1 year now. We just had our health assessments at work yesterday and I am the exact same weight, but my BMI supposedly went up along with my cholesterol. I was devistated that all this work seems to be for nothing, then I remembered, I'm doing this for me not them.
  • Delighted to hear that it hasn't deterred you at all
    Imagine how good it will feel when you reach your goal and stay focused on that
    Fair play, I am too conscious to go running myself as I hate how I look but I'm working on it as well
    Until then it's brisk walking for me
    Keep up the great work !
    Lisa x
  • Karma has a funny way of working these things out. All the pretty, skinny girls that used to taunt me in junior high are now fat women with fat little kids. I wouldn't wish weight issues on anyone, especially a child, but when I see those mean girls schlepping around with their obese children, I have to wonder if they remember how terribly they treated girls that look just like their own kids, and can only hope they've learned how to be nice to someone regardless of their weight.

    I'm proud of you for working through the shame those strangers hurled at you. Keep up the good work!

    This is also true for me.. all the skinny girls are now unattractive women... KARMA baby. just keep doing what you're doing and know you're doing a fantastic job. It take balls to go out and exercise, don't let ignorant idiots stop you. x
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    You know, you may be overweight, but you are working to change that. They can't do anything to change their ugliness.
    Keep going. It is hard. I've had people yell at me whilst I've been cycling. Just pity them and keep working hard.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly, I am so proud of you- and I don't even know you! Any time I see anyone jogging/walking/moving while I am driving by, I think in my head "YOU GO GIRL (or boy)!!"- and I get even more happy when I see people who have some weight to lose working it. Ignore those silly little girls and keep up the good work. You are better than them!

    Totally agree. I feel the same way, and I know most other people do too. My dad used to always say that ladies at the Air Force base gym that took working out serious were the overweight ones, and he felt a kinship to them as people dedicated to fitness. The skinny ladies with make up on chatting and taking up space...he had noooo patience for them!

    Seriously, most people would think good for you. I feel bad for the girls that yelled at you. They must be super insecure and unhappy.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    OMG - she is what us irish chicks call a "weapon". She obviously has little else going on in her miserable little life.

    So glad it hasn't stopped you hun. Someday she will have a baby or something and she will be the fat one out for
    a jog trying to shift some of the "extra insulation" and I hope some other weapon makes fun of her; cause I believe
    in karma and it will come around.

    Keep your head up, you are doing great x
  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    Don't let what those girls said get you down. They are unaware of the world around them. Their lives consist of texting and nailpolish color. They will hopefully mature a little more and become somewhat productive adults. Maybe not. Just don't let other people get you down. This strength has to come from inside. In the end when its all said and done you will be a much stronger person inside and out.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    You so didn't deserve that!! Some people are so incredibly stupid... I feel sorry for them for not being able to empathise with someone who is kicking butt and taking matters in her own hands.

    Whenever I see someone our running or jogging, I can't help but admire them. My friends will sometimes be the same and make a comment like 'look at him go', and it pisses me off. I reply "Yes, I sure see him go. Kicking *kitten* and getting stronger and better every day. When was the last time you got off your *kitten*?" It shuts them up immediately and puts it in perspective.

    I love how you've handeld the situation and are not backing down or giving up. Seriousely, that shows character. I'm proud of you and people like you make my day.

    Keep going strong and NEVER give up! Karma will take care of the others.

  • ms_sugah
    ms_sugah Posts: 8 Member
    You may be "still fat" like I am "still fat" but I am not (nor you) as fat as I was a week ago. And we are in control of our destiny. Those girls...will always be ugly with an attitude like that.. And unless they change, ugly will stick with them. Ugly is hard to get rid of.....Bless their hearts! LOL
  • People use a lot of different methods to mask insecurities. Creulty is just one. I agree with everyone that says that Karma has a way of working things out. Don't sweat it, keep doing what you are doing. Don't let anyone steal your joy.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Words are powerful. They can hurt and do damage or they can empower and strengthen.
    Your determination and perseverance are stronger than the words that these thoughtless girls spewed.
    There is no cure for rudeness.
    Continue with what you are accomplishing. You have the support and understanding of the MFP family!
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Happened to me, too. The worst time was when, like you, I was walking along, feeling good about myself, when a pickup truck full of rednecks pass me. One leans out the window and yells at me, "If you walked faster you'd lose more weight! Har har har!"

    The sad thing is, even if we were perfect, there would be people in the world who can't wait to tear us down for any perceived flaw. Those people will always exist.

    The good news is that those people have nothing to do with you. You are the strong, amazing person you are without them.

    PS I weigh over 200 lbs. I am easily one of the fattest, slowest people working out at the park. But who cares? I'm doing it. And so are you. Great job, and keep going, no matter what. :)
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    Skinny Biotches in a car, you, walking and putting in effort.

    Those girls will gain the freshman 50 soon, and karma will bite them right in the *kitten*!

    You do you. Mean girls get what's coming :)
  • Ignore them.
    Just think, you're much smarter and wiser then them.

  • aimeev2
    aimeev2 Posts: 49 Member
    Big congrats on getting to 4 miles! No matter your weight, you are working toward and achieving your goals, which is amazing!