Shockingly bad foods



  • sowinstead
    sowinstead Posts: 13 Member
    Subway!. I have been playing around with the nutrition calculator and a 6 inch can easily be over 550 kcal. So at subway, flatbread, no cheese, no sauce is the best way to go. Here is a link to it for those of you who enjoy subway. It's really interesting!
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Pretty much almost all the food sold in (Fast food) Restaurants. People should cook at home more often and going out to eat should be the exception.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hubby brought home a frozen Marie Callendar's peanut butter pie. Dinner was over and I still had about 250 calories left for the day, so I asked him if I could see the box to determine how big a slice I could have. One slice was 600 calories, and the slice wasn't even that big. I couldn't even have half of one! So I took a pass, ate something healthier, and saved up to have half a slice the next day. And it wasn't even that good. :/
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Avacado, cause gross. All that hype and it is just so blech.

    Cauliflower. Same as above.

    Everything else, food wise, is fine by my standards.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    theres no such thing as bad food

    No matter how many times I see this posted on MFP, it never gets less ridiculous

    Because it's the food's fault if you overindulge in something... Mmm hmm.

    Because that's what I said ... Mmm hmm.

    Since you're unwilling (or unable) to elaborate, here's a gif, which I feel adequately represents where this conversation is going.


    Good day.

    Sorry, the gif is blocked, but I'm sure it was very apropos. Not sure what elaboration you are looking for, but I think it's ridiculous to say there are no bad foods. Or to suggest that overindulging being food's fault is the only thing that could make a food bad.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Earlier this month I had the "worst" food day since I began logging. I went to Cheesecake Factory for my birthday, and these numbers are forever burned into my brain. Carrot cake cheesecake... 960 calories. Fish and chips... 2296 calories. That ended up being a 4000 calorie day for me. Obviously fried fish isn't going to be low cal, but at most restaurants it is in the 1000 calorie range. And they were little dinky pieces of fish. I wish I would have got something else. I don't regret the cheesecake at all - delicious!

    I just did some extra exercise that week and I still lost 1.5 lbs. =)
  • mfoulkebrown
    mfoulkebrown Posts: 94 Member
    Flour tortillas!

    I bought a package thinking that they'd be lower calorie than bread, only to discover that 1 clocks in at 150 calories! I love bread, so I decided I'd much rather spend those cals on good bread or spend 90 on the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    theres no such thing as bad food

    No matter how many times I see this posted on MFP, it never gets less ridiculous

    Understanding comes slowly to some, never to others.

    That pizza you keep knocking is reasonably nutritious.
    Whether it fits your calorie strategy is another question.
    I'd say most fast food pizza does not give me much bang for the buck (in terms of macros and micros), but a good home made pizza, or high quality pizza may.
    I eat pizza from time to time, just not Papa Johns type pizza. I just don't find it worth it macro/micro/calorie wise. I can do so much better with something as tasty.
  • nippoleon
    nippoleon Posts: 43 Member
    Honey Oat bread at Subway is the highest calorie bread on the menu, but people who appear to be dieting based on all their other choices (no cheese, no sauce, etc.) seem to choose it a LOT of the time.

    The House Sandwich Sauce being the worst threw me for a loop, though. It just... looks healthy.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    I was shocked at the calorie count of most everything at Applebees. Wow, I've been there once since I started actively tracking 9 months ago and was taken by surprise at how high in calories they were.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Is a Doner like a gyro? Or a fajita?

    So. confused.

    Gyro, basically. In Canada we put french fries on our gyros, but not our donairs (that's what we call them, not Doners)... that's the only difference lol
  • malteasers. you think theyre full of air but its really all just calories. over 500cals in 100g
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    When I worked at Starbucks in high school and people would be like - "A venti skim with whip white mocha. MAKE SURE THAT IS SKIM I'M ON A DIET."

    Lady, even with the skim, it's like 600 calories for a drink and the whipped cream alone is 100. Let me put some extra whip on that for you, eh?
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    theres no such thing as bad food

    No matter how many times I see this posted on MFP, it never gets less ridiculous

    Because it's the food's fault if you overindulge in something... Mmm hmm.

    Because that's what I said ... Mmm hmm.

    Since you're unwilling (or unable) to elaborate, here's a gif, which I feel adequately represents where this conversation is going.


    Good day.

    Sorry, the gif is blocked, but I'm sure it was very apropos. Not sure what elaboration you are looking for, but I think it's ridiculous to say there are no bad foods. Or to suggest that overindulging being food's fault is the only thing that could make a food bad.


    Ok, I guess we're just going to wade into this. There are no bad foods. There are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Many foods have varying levels of these three macro nutrients, as well as any number of sundry micro nutrients. These are available in a wide range of calorie options.

    I think it's ridiculous to demonize some food for not being whatever you consider to be an ideal combination of the above factors.


    I said good day!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    theres no such thing as bad food

    No matter how many times I see this posted on MFP, it never gets less ridiculous

    Because it's the food's fault if you overindulge in something... Mmm hmm.

    Because that's what I said ... Mmm hmm.

    Since you're unwilling (or unable) to elaborate, here's a gif, which I feel adequately represents where this conversation is going.


    Good day.

    Sorry, the gif is blocked, but I'm sure it was very apropos. Not sure what elaboration you are looking for, but I think it's ridiculous to say there are no bad foods. Or to suggest that overindulging being food's fault is the only thing that could make a food bad.

    Now if you say you don't like a food because in your opinion it *tastes* bad, then that's one thing. But to claim that it's wrong to eat something is just silly.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Beets are obviously bad foods. They taste awful, no matter how they are prepared. Also, cabbage. *shudder*

    As for foods that are much higher in calories than you would otherwise guess, I wouldn't put pizza on the list. It is generally calorie dense, but it is also tasty and awesome. My husband makes the best pizza, and I work it into my calories for the day because it is that good.

    I once drank an iced green tea from Panera. I assumed, wrongly, that it would be unsweetened like all of their other iced teas. Yeah, 120 calories in one drink. No way would I spend 120 calories on a stupid beverage.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Is a Doner like a gyro? Or a fajita?

    So. confused.
    Yes, essentially like a gyro. It is spit roasted meat in a flat bread (though I always get the wraps and they come in a huge tortilla) with lettuce, tomatoe, feta, cucumber, a slaw of sorts and a tzatziki sauce!!! Mmmmmmhhhhhh. I believe, from what I have read, it is the flatbread or wrap, the greasy meat and the cheese (and spicy sauce if you get it) that make it so high calorie!

    Sounds delicious even though I'd swap the meat for falafel or tempeh! Thanks for explaining, I had never heard of a Doner
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Pineapple. I grabbed about 6 rings in the chow hall at breakfast, figuring it would be healthy enough. When I entered it in my diary I found those six rings put me over my sugar max for the entire day - over 45 g of sugar in one shot.

    Discovered strawberries are way better and actually have some fiber as well.

    pineapple has fibre in....

    Yeah, but pineapple's percentage of sugar that is fructose is more than double that of strawberries, and it has more total sugar as well. Berries in general are much better for you than pineapples.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Cashews. 320 calories in 1/4 cup. :cry:

    Cashews are awesome. They are very nutrient dense!
    Try pistachoes instead.... 3-4 calories each...weird. I know, more work and not as yummy but still a nut!

    Ewww Ick!

    Those are nasty. I like cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, but pistachios are absolutely disgusting. (Talk about bad food. hahaha)

    Stop the food shaming! Look how much fun pistachios are! So they have bad taste in music, but still. Yum!

  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Whenever my food's bad I put it in a time out chair for awhile. I used to spank my food when it was bad, which is why I'm banned from Denny's for life.