40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics

singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I hope you all found this new thread ok!!!

Welcome, and remember to post often. We NEED everyone's participation to make this work. Even if you just say hello, that great!



  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning, found it. Just wanted to post to bookmark the new thread....;..
  • Yeah! Now I won't feel like a lost newbie :)

    I've weighed the same for 3 days in a row now...does this happen to you all often??? Typically, when does the scale move down for you if you stick with the program???
  • JustSharon
    JustSharon Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm new here. I've been lurking for a while.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Found you!

    Mayor Sing...Thanks for keeping so organized as always.

    Funny: the best thing you can do for yourself is not to weigh yourself so often. It will mess with your head!

    JustSharon, Welcome, you've found the best group ever
  • Hi all! Found you!

    My husband and I did the Jackolatern jog this morning. Lots of families doing the run together. Nice cool morning. We finally got there early enough to get our tshirts. Even though we preregister, they always seem to be out when we got there, so we got there early this time.

    Mayor Sing, thanks for the new thread.

    I am going to Minneapolis tomorrow for a conference. I am not sure how often I can check in. Take care all! TxMs
  • finally1415
    finally1415 Posts: 18 Member
    Just stopping by to say hi. I am new to the MFP and I am looking forward to success.:happy:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I found it!!! Thanks Sing! :flowerforyou:

    :smokin: What the heck??? When did they put this one on here?
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone.... You're not getting rid of me that easy!:wink: Hope you all are doing well. I love this fall weather. Ran 10.5 today getting ready for the philly half marathon in November.......now if I could only tape my mouth shut and stop eating everything in site!:explode:

    Going to the Giants game tomorrow with my son. Stopping to see my mom in Jersey....tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my dad's passing.......will be a bitter sweet day.

    Hope you are all doing well.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Found you!!! Nothing to report today except it was a lost day. No exercise and bad food. Spent the day with friends at a sheep and wool festival...it was fun, but I am back on track tomorrow!

    Here's to the fall!!!! Let's enjoy getting healthy and more active!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Glad I found all my 40+ friends.

    I knew Sing would take care of us all.:smile:

    Sorry I've been MIA: Round 3 of Chemo really kicked my butt (which isn't saying much because I just realized the other day I'm losing my butt - need to at least do some squats or something :wink: )

    Stiring: Sorry to hear this move has been so difficult. I know if you were closer to a fitness center all the other problems would not seem that bad. I hope you are getting closer to a permanent home and eating healthy dinners at home.

    Now that I can find you I will try to be more present. Happy Fall All!
  • I lost .5 a pound this a.m. so to answer my earlier question...about 4 days and it should move :P

    Do any of you girls ever mentally go to your goal weight and just feel like you already weigh that amount? I'm so ready to be there even though I have 19.5 pounds to lose...Mentally, it does keep me motivated for a while. I can hardly wait to be under 160!!! Then I'll say I never want to see that again, haha and I won't this time!!! Yipee!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, I said MORNING!!!! I am officially back on day shift after so many weeks with Dracula. I must say that it was nice to be able to sleep in my own bed last night, rather than on an office chair!

    I am also going back to the Gym at the hospital today. My strength training has suffered, since I was usually too tired to work out, other than bike or hike. I need to really concentrate on diet and exercise these next few months. Fall is a stressful time here at work, since I need to organize and oversee our huge year-end inventory. I just dread it each year. So, if I can eat right and get some regular exercise, that should help a bit.

    Duffy, it's good to hear from you! I think of you often and am praying for you. You are strong and faithful, I just know great things will happen for you! You have good friends here. Lean on us!!

    Hey, where is Alf? She hasn't been around in quite a while! I sent her a message the other day, but no reply yet. I hope all is well in San Antonio!!

    Have a great day all!
  • Good Morning everyone,

    I'm new today and ready to meet my challenge of loosing 60 lbs ugg that is hard to say. Anyway hope I can join the group and bring some motivation everyones way. Going to walk 3 miles today as usual I need to start keeping track of what I put in my mouth LOL Hope everyone has a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome Chrissy. I think you will enjoy our group.

    Sing: Good to see you out and about in the daylight. You can work on our tan now. I can't imagine your inventory would be worse than the hours that you have put in lately, so I know you can get through it!
  • @Duffy, I'm sorry you have to go through that. I pray you find strength and healing...
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    singfree, thanks for starting the new thread. So happy to hear you are back on days. I can't imagine the office chair was a comfortable place to sleep. I hope you are feeling well and that the last lingering bit of dizziness you've been experiencing is finally leaving you. Like you, I need to get back to weight work. I'm really beginning to feel the difference in my strength, stamina and body shape since I have not done any in nearly a month. I'm so hoping we get our household goods this week so I can start back up next Monday. But if not....it will have to wait another week.

    duffy, thanks for checking in, and thanks for your kind words about my move. No doubt I would feel better about it all if I were able to eat properly and get a decent weight workout in. I'm thinking we might move into the house on Wednesday regardless of whether we have any furniture or not. At least I could do a little better with some meals than I have been doing provided I buy a couple of pans and some kitchen utensils. But I figure investing in those kinds of things will be, in the long run, much less expensive than this constant eating out is for us. I'm hoping your next round of chemo goes better though, from reading your blog, I understand that's not to be expected. But I'm still hoping! :flowerforyou:

    zippy, so good to see you again!! Congratulations on the great running effort!! Sounds like you are almost ready for that half marathon.

    funnygirl, I was definitely motivated by imagining how I would feel when I got to my goal weight. I don't know if that is the same as what you are doing, but whatever is keeping you motivated...I say 'Go For It'! Regarding weighing yourself, I weighed myself every day throughout my weight loss process, but I didn't get upset if the scale went down one day, up the next, etc as long as the weekly (or bi-weekly as I got closer to my goal) trend was downward. The Friday check-in here on this thread (which I joined shortly after I started losing the weight) really kept me more focused on that weekly trend than I was on the daily numbers. So don't sweat it if you don't see a change for a few days or even if you gain a couple of days as long as your overall trend is downwards. It looks like you are doing great!

    JustSharon, finally1016 and Chrissy....WELCOME!!! Hope you all keep posting. Please tell us something about yourself and feel free to share your frustrations, successes and such with us.

    tron, I think that emoticon has been on here for awhile, though I don't understand it on a fitness site!! :huh: Anyhow, you asked about the delay in moving into our house. It is because our furniture hasn't arrived from Korea yet. It will be two months ago tomorrow that we shipped it. I'm more than ready to see it again, that's for sure. It is supposed to arrive in the area tomorrow, but there is no telling when we will be able to set up delivery. I'm hoping for Wednesday, but I'm afraid that's a tad optimistic right now. :ohwell:

    cardigirl, your Saturday sounds like my yesterday! Oh, well. Back on track today, right?

    Things here are going well. We spent the weekend working on the new house, and it is ready to be moved into now. I got a short workout in on Saturday (HiiT workout) but nothing yesterday. My eating has been about as good as it can be (minus the bits..some bigger than others :blushing: ...of chocolate) under the circumstances, but I feel really....big....right now. Not a feeling I like. I started my last week on this Insanity rotation today. :drinker: I can't believe that I will have done two Insanity rotations this year by the time this one gets completed...and both because of moving. I've enjoyed it, though it is hard on my body. Just like I felt during my last week of my last rotation, I woke up this morning wondering if I REALLY wanted to do one more week of this, but I decided 'yes'. I'm glad I did, but it took all of my mental strength to push 'play' on the DVD player this morning. :laugh: Here's hoping I have the same strength over the next four/five days. I also did P90X Chest/Back again (no weights on the back section). I did it last week for the first time in a year and felt it most in my abs. :noway: I think it was all those pushups challenging my core strength. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. :tongue:

    Hope you all are enjoying a great Monday.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Finally found the new thread.............hey everybody!!!

    Had a good weekend; and actually lost a pound by the scale this morning!!
    I started it out right...........worked out on my way home Friday night. Still, I was quite surprised at the 1 pound loss, considering we and the neighbors went out for brunch on Saturday to this awesome little cafe that has a liquor license. There's usually a 20-30 minute wait for a table, so of course we have bloody marys while we wait . So.......had two bloody marys, but ate less than half of my 2-fer brunch (2 eggs, 2 slices crispy bacon, hash browns and english muffin with warm strawberry jam). Didn't eat all afternoon, as we were on a beautiful motorcycle cruise through about 80 miles of the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. Yes..............Kansas is NOT FLAT and it is gorgeous this time of the year! :wink: Went out for dinner with friends; had an awesome cranberry-cashew chicken salad on spring greens with tomato vinegarette dressing.......yumm!!!! Ate smart yesterday -homemade coffee cake and scrambled eggs for late breakfast, apple and cheese for lunch/snack and made my crockpot chicken with lime and cilantro Ro-tel tomatoes and enchilada sauce for dinner; served it over homemade spanish rice. I take the broth from the crockpot and use it to make the rice........my husband LOVES it :bigsmile: I rarely get compliments out of him for any of my cooking, so it makes me feel great when he gushes over this meal.

    I'm going to try my darndest to work out 3 times this week. Wed. is my birthday, and I'm NOT going to use that as an excuse to skip workouts!!!:laugh: 48 is going to find me as heavy as I was a year ago, and I don't like that at all!:noway: :noway:

    Gotta finish prepping for a meeting...............take care all!!
  • spulido01
    spulido01 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone, I am somewhat new hear. I was on a couple of years ago. I restarted my efforts to lose weight in January of this year and have succeeded somewhat, but still have 36lbs to goal. Will keep on trucking. Looking forward to making some new friends here.
  • Hi Spulido01 and welcome back! You're going to succeed!!! :)

    So, there is a weigh in for the club on Friday's??? Do I understand that correctly?
  • Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for the nice welcome- Im a pediatric nurse for 10 yrs have 3 kids 16,15, 12 and have worked the evening shift for awhile and found my big problem past few years is when I get home from a busy night Im hungry even if a eat a really healthy dinner and I feel that is why I have not lost the weight. I lost 30 lb 3 yrs ago and kept it off and Im looking to loose another 30 lb. If anyone has any suggestions on how to keep myself occupied and not eat at night any advice in appreciated.

    I am very active walk 10 miles race walking a week and I believe that is why I have just maintained (which is good) but really want to loose and feel more healthy. I think being able to keep track of what I put in my mouth is going to be a big help and with encouragement of this board hope Im on my way-enoug about me.

    spulid-welcome we seem like we came on at same time us newbees can motivate each and take the wise advice at the rest of the group who seem to be doing an awesome job of loosing and being health.

    I look forward to getting to know the rest of you!
    Have a great day!
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