Are Oreos more addicting than cocaine/morphine?



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If sugar is addictive, how do you explain the fact that millions or billions of people can eat it occasionally and not have any withdrawal symptoms when they don't eat any?

    Sugar is not addictive. Some people might display compulsive eating behaviors, and may have a preference for sugary foods, but that doesn't mean it's addictive.

    same way millions of people responsibly enjoy drinking alcohol and are completely functional... and are not alcoholics- or even FUNCTIONAL alcoholics.

    I didn't say anything about being functional while on it.

    I asked about withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal is a thing. Sugar withdrawal is not.

    With rats it is. They exhibit depressive symptoms when sugar withdrawn after they have been allowed to become accustomed to it. Make of it what you will.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I'm gonna guess not since they're absolutely disgusting.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    Is this from Family Guy? Seems familiar to me...
    Soo funny.

    It is


    Both, from Family Guy and funny.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Why stop at oreos? If we're going to start naming names lets add Doritos and French Fries to the list!! I know for me, If I had open access to oreos, doritos or french fries I would eat until I was physically ill.... and not because I set out to do so. When I was younger my grandmother would keep doritos in the house for when I visited... I would eat an ENTIRE bag of doritos and then go up for some oreos, it's like th stop, you're full switch in my body got stuck with those products. Which is why i just don't buy them and I don't allow myself to eat them if they're not in an individual serving style container. I can make myself stop and move away... but if I'm at a party and they're out in a bowl or something I find myself in front of the bowl at least a few more times before they're gone. Luckily for me, I now can't eat even half of that amount before I feel sick so I guess I sort of created my own stop button...
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
    Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

    If someone put me in a maze, with unlimited access to oreos and / or cocaine.... I'd eat / snort it all too. Because.... once you're in that maze.... there's only one way you're coming out.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    "No, I HAVE to eat all the Oreos. Didn't you hear they are like meth?"

    Stop giving people excuses to be fat.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Thanks a lot OP. I've been Oreo clean for 10 years...months...days and silly comparisons of Oreo's and actual harmful drugs is my trigger. I just bought a sleeve (what we call it on the street) and I can't stop myself.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    (I'm a neuroscientist who has worked with a rat model of cocaine addiction and relapse.)

    Rats will work harder for sugar or similar (chocolate, saccharin) than for cocaine. We have an ongoing joke that rats like chocolate better than cocaine, but it's actually true to the point that it screws up our studies if someone leaves chocolate pellets in the training boxes when we're trying to study cocaine self-administration. It's funny that some of you think that this means that rats make better choices than humans! As if rats are aware that "drugs are bad"?

    The physical withdrawal from some drugs (especially heroin/morphine) is much worse than any physical effects of quitting sugar, which is what a lot of you are getting at in your comments, but sugar does have a higher reward value in that animals will work harder for it and will prefer it to various drugs of abuse when given a choice.

    Those of you who are saying that heroin addicts do extreme things to get it and people don't do that to get sugar-sugar is legal, cheap, and everywhere. Not a fair comparison.

    I think you are missing a very important point that sugar is actually food whereas cocaine is not. It is something that our bodies require, and it just so happens to appeal to us more than other foods. The rats were more interested in sugar than cocaine because their bodies need it as an energy source. Cocaine is not something are bodies are instinctually programmed to consume and enjoy. Those rats were familiar with sweet... they had to be introduced to cocaine.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
    Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

    If someone put me in a maze, with unlimited access to oreos and / or cocaine.... I'd eat / snort it all too. Because.... once you're in that maze.... there's only one way you're coming out.

    Excellent point! Free oreos for lab rats! Free oreos for lab rats!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Thanks a lot OP. I've been Oreo clean for 10 years...months...days and silly comparisons of Oreo's and actual harmful drugs is my trigger. I just bought a sleeve (what we call it on the street) and I can't stop myself.

    I think its about time for me to down a container of oreos
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Damn I'm getting hungry. :angry:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Thanks a lot OP. I've been Oreo clean for 10 years...months...days and silly comparisons of Oreo's and actual harmful drugs is my trigger. I just bought a sleeve (what we call it on the street) and I can't stop myself.

    I think its about time for me to down a container of oreos

    Mfp is just so triggering. How am I supposed to beat my Oreo addiction with threads like this around?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    No one sits around all day eating oreos until their life falls apart around them. There have been no instances back when sugar was a rare commodity (that I know of) where people killed so they could get their sugar fix. People who are seriously addicted to cocaine and heroin neglect to take care of themselves and that includes forgetting to eat. Even oreos.

    Personal anecdote but my life got to this point. I almost lost my job because I was caught taking extra food from the cafeteria, my boss came into my office and found it piled with empty soda cups, all I looked forward to after work was coming home and eating, I ate until it hurt, I'd leave the trash on the floor, I wouldnt talk to family, my coworkers started to comment on my hygiene and honestly I'd stay up all night eating, playing on the computer barely roll out of bed with no time for a shower. My binges and how I would create them was all I would really think about, working for each paycheck it went to rent, gas, and food, I could easily blow $500 for one week of binge just on going out to fast food and purchasing groceries. My Mom cried in front of me when she finally came out to visit. She was disgusted at the house and the weight I had gained. I truly had spiraled out of control. She did help me, but I would continue to lie and hide my addiction.

    I still have days when it literally hurts and I just want to binge so bad. I just want to hide myself and be with my food. The fight not to go back is tremendous it occurs with every meal, and if I dont fight then I easily fall back into addictive patterns (because food is the one substance you dont get to abstain from). Food numbs, it can take away pain, yes Virginia it is addictive.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    And they aren't looking for an excuse to be fat, da_bears1008. DBAA.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Someone said that you don't see people out at 3am buying oreos to feed their addiction... Are you kidding me? Obviously you've never struggled with an eating disorder. Some hoard food or steal food. They lie to their families to protect their secret. They think about food all day long. The spend entire days alternating between bingeing and purging and doing nothing else. Do you know how expensive these binges can be? We're not talking a bag of oreos. Try 3 large pizzas, an entire cake, 2 packages of oreos, /and/ a dozen donuts. It can obviously take an impact on one's financial situation day after day. And for god's sake, I know I'm not the only bulimic who's eaten out of the garbage. That being said....

    In my opinion, this is an eating disorder and not an addiction. The similarities are there on the outside, but they are NOT the same.

    And they aren't looking for an excuse to be fat, da_bears1008. DBAA.

    That's an eating disorder and NOT an addiction to any particular food or nutrient.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Someone said that you don't see people out at 3am buying oreos to feed their addiction... Are you kidding me? Obviously you've never struggled with an eating disorder. Some hoard food or steal food. They lie to their families to protect their secret. They think about food all day long. The spend entire days alternating between bingeing and purging and doing nothing else. Do you know how expensive these binges can be? We're not talking a bag of oreos. Try 3 large pizzas, an entire cake, 2 packages of oreos, /and/ a dozen donuts. It can obviously take an impact on one's financial situation day after day. And for god's sake, I know I'm not the only bulimic who's eaten out of the garbage. That being said....

    In my opinion, this is an eating disorder and not an addiction. The similarities are there on the outside, but they are NOT the same.

    And they aren't looking for an excuse to be fat, da_bears1008. DBAA.

    That's an eating disorder and NOT an addiction to any particular food or nutrient.

    Yep, that's literally just what I said.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Someone said that you don't see people out at 3am buying oreos to feed their addiction... Are you kidding me? Obviously you've never struggled with an eating disorder. Some hoard food or steal food. They lie to their families to protect their secret. They think about food all day long. The spend entire days alternating between bingeing and purging and doing nothing else. Do you know how expensive these binges can be? We're not talking a bag of oreos. Try 3 large pizzas, an entire cake, 2 packages of oreos, /and/ a dozen donuts. It can obviously take an impact on one's financial situation day after day. And for god's sake, I know I'm not the only bulimic who's eaten out of the garbage. That being said....

    In my opinion, this is an eating disorder and not an addiction. The similarities are there on the outside, but they are NOT the same.

    And they aren't looking for an excuse to be fat, da_bears1008. DBAA.

    That's an eating disorder and NOT an addiction to any particular food or nutrient.

    But both are compulsions.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Thanks a lot OP. I've been Oreo clean for 10 years...months...days and silly comparisons of Oreo's and actual harmful drugs is my trigger. I just bought a sleeve (what we call it on the street) and I can't stop myself.

    I've got that hookup yo. Just PM me anytime.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hate to say this but if you have a addictiver personality such as I, yes sugar is addicting I cannot eat just one oreo. My wife bought a package of cookies once and in one sitting I ate the whole fricking package. Call it what you will but for myself all jokes aside I cannot have just one or two ore three the whole package is a start then I want to go to the store to get another. Some things I do not buy too often Cookies and Ice cream are at the top of the list. If I could eat in moderation I would not be here.

    < Eats in moderation ..

    had half a serving of gelato and a few cookie thins the other night no problem..

    Moderation is the key to long term success...