The worst beer you've ever had?



  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. Tasted like I was ingesting a melted candle. I typically never order stuff like that, I don't know why I did. I typically enjoy Schlafly though. The bartender kept trying to make me order a new one, but I said I was finishing it, I'm tough. He said I know you are tough, but I would be happy to get you a new one. I said, no, dammit, it has alcohol, I'll finish it. Grossest. Beer. Ever. Besides anything from the big three...

    On a side note, on Sunday morning I was at the alehouse for beer and $3 Bloody Mary's...doing the Sunday crossword. The new bartender said he thought I was a secret assassin...what?

    WUT!? That's my favorite pumpkin beer this season. I think it's awesome. Not super sweet like a lot of pumpkin beers but you can really taste the pumpkin. I think maybe you just don't like pumpkin beers. I've only heard good things from other people too.

    I don't like pumpkin beers, it was just an impulse order. I typically drink pales or ipas, I just got a hair up my *kitten*... When the bartender asked if I like it and I said it was the worst beer I've had, he had said how it was his fave pumpkin one too...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. Tasted like I was ingesting a melted candle. I typically never order stuff like that, I don't know why I did. I typically enjoy Schlafly though. The bartender kept trying to make me order a new one, but I said I was finishing it, I'm tough. He said I know you are tough, but I would be happy to get you a new one. I said, no, dammit, it has alcohol, I'll finish it. Grossest. Beer. Ever. Besides anything from the big three...

    On a side note, on Sunday morning I was at the alehouse for beer and $3 Bloody Mary's...doing the Sunday crossword. The new bartender said he thought I was a secret assassin...what?

    That's surprising. Schlafly makes my favorite pumpkin ale and I'm not alone. Currently ranked as #3 in the world:

    Maybe you got a bad bottle/keg or something? Do you like other pumpkin ales?

    I'm not saying it isn't a GOOD beer, I just personally thought it was the worst I have had...and no, I don't like pumpkin beers or any other spiced was just an impulse. That I regretted! I am not a fan of most Belgians but I try them over and over and usually dislike them but never as intensely as that one!
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member

    See, there is no need for Murder...We should be consoling each other for both our teams and their early playoff exits...Plus we beat the Rangers

    <- Red Sox fan

    *skips away gleefully with a Guinness and a smoking gun*

    I hate the Red Sox, but I want you guys to beat the Tigers since we couldn't.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    See, there is no need for Murder...We should be consoling each other for both our teams and their early playoff exits...Plus we beat the Rangers

    <- Red Sox fan

    *skips away gleefully with a Guinness and a smoking gun*

    I hate the Red Sox, but I want you guys to beat the Tigers since we couldn't.

    x2...Gotta represent the AL East proudly..

    Yankees is my murder trigger
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member

    I hate the Red Sox, but I want you guys to beat the Tigers since we couldn't.

    x2...Gotta represent the AL East proudly..

    Yankees is my murder trigger

    I hate the Yankees and the Packers with a deep passion.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    If you hand me a beer, I AM going to drink it. While I chose not to purchase macro brews for myself, if that is all that is at a party, I will drink it. While the style may not be my preferred style, Bud et al are very good at turning out a consistent product (aimed, apparently, at a large segment of the market with no taste buds).

    But, with that said, the worst beer I've drunk would be:

    (a) Any pumpkin ale. In fact, just about any vegetable beer at all. And I've judged some "good" ones at homebrew comps - I just hate them!

    (b) A good beer on a bad tap, or otherwise spoiled through bad cellarmanship. You know, when you sit down at the bar, order what you know to be an excellent beer, and it just tastes... off. So disappointing.

    (c) Some of my own homebrew. Most of what I make is very good, but everyone has a bad day! An infection with a lactic acid-producing bacteria can ruin a great batch! I've only had to dump two down the drain though.

    I do also want to point out that the colour of a beer is not necessarily an indication of it's flavour. Yes, Guinness is dark and so is Murphy's. But not all dark beers are roasty stouts. It could be a more subtle porter, or a creamy mild. You could even order a black/cascadian IPA - black and hoppy, and surely not a stout.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    I hate the Red Sox, but I want you guys to beat the Tigers since we couldn't.

    x2...Gotta represent the AL East proudly..

    Yankees is my murder trigger

    I hate the Yankees and the Packers with a deep passion.

    Amen my friend...Amen
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    You could even order a black/cascadian IPA - black and hoppy, and surely not a stout.

    Wookey Jack, please. You just made my mouth water, sir.
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    I thoroughly dislike anything hopsey...Yuck!

    My absolute forever-and-always Faaaavorite is Seven-Tier Double Chocolate Stout. It tastes like an alcoholic chocolate truffle. Yum. <3
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. Tasted like I was ingesting a melted candle. I typically never order stuff like that, I don't know why I did. I typically enjoy Schlafly though. The bartender kept trying to make me order a new one, but I said I was finishing it, I'm tough. He said I know you are tough, but I would be happy to get you a new one. I said, no, dammit, it has alcohol, I'll finish it. Grossest. Beer. Ever. Besides anything from the big three...

    On a side note, on Sunday morning I was at the alehouse for beer and $3 Bloody Mary's...doing the Sunday crossword. The new bartender said he thought I was a secret assassin...what?

    WUT!? That's my favorite pumpkin beer this season. I think it's awesome. Not super sweet like a lot of pumpkin beers but you can really taste the pumpkin. I think maybe you just don't like pumpkin beers. I've only heard good things from other people too.

    I don't like pumpkin beers, it was just an impulse order. I typically drink pales or ipas, I just got a hair up my *kitten*... When the bartender asked if I like it and I said it was the worst beer I've had, he had said how it was his fave pumpkin one too...

    Almost every pumpkin beer I have had goes WAY overboard with the allspice and it makes me want to spit it out...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. Tasted like I was ingesting a melted candle. I typically never order stuff like that, I don't know why I did. I typically enjoy Schlafly though. The bartender kept trying to make me order a new one, but I said I was finishing it, I'm tough. He said I know you are tough, but I would be happy to get you a new one. I said, no, dammit, it has alcohol, I'll finish it. Grossest. Beer. Ever. Besides anything from the big three...

    On a side note, on Sunday morning I was at the alehouse for beer and $3 Bloody Mary's...doing the Sunday crossword. The new bartender said he thought I was a secret assassin...what?

    WUT!? That's my favorite pumpkin beer this season. I think it's awesome. Not super sweet like a lot of pumpkin beers but you can really taste the pumpkin. I think maybe you just don't like pumpkin beers. I've only heard good things from other people too.

    I don't like pumpkin beers, it was just an impulse order. I typically drink pales or ipas, I just got a hair up my *kitten*... When the bartender asked if I like it and I said it was the worst beer I've had, he had said how it was his fave pumpkin one too...

    Almost every pumpkin beer I have had goes WAY overboard with the allspice and it makes me want to spit it out...

    That is SO Schlafly's pumpkin...tasted like drinking a Yankee Candle...waaaay too spiced.

    And I catch walleyes. Well, I prefer muskies, but whatev...I love me a toothy critter. :bigsmile:
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    I'd say Miller Light. It has a nasty after-taste that lingers on and on...:sick:
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    The worst beer I've ever had would be NO BEER AT ALL!!
    Actually, the worst beer ever is called VOODOO Donut Maple Bacon beer. Sounds amazeballs, tastes like balls. The large pink bottle drew me in. The $9.95 per beer price told me it was a bad idea. I bought that **** anyways. GROOOOOOOOSSSS
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    when I was a teenager we would buy $5 40s of disgusting Olde English and drink it in the park :drinker:

    just kidding! that would be illegal... :smile:

    You paid $5 for 40 oz-ers when you were a kid? They don't cost that much today. I paid for O.E. in college and it was $1.99.

    I know this will draw some hate, but here goes. Worst beer ever: Blue Moon.

    Alright, worst beer for what people say passes for good. I hate anything pumpkin, or anything so gimmicky (fruity, spicy, sweet, etc.) that it starts to not taste like beer.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    Great Lakes Pumpkin Ale

    I can't figure out how to add the picture : (

    Seriously?? I love this stuff!!!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    The worst beer I've ever had would be NO BEER AT ALL!!
    Actually, the worst beer ever is called VOODOO Donut Maple Bacon beer. Sounds amazeballs, tastes like balls. The large pink bottle drew me in. The $9.95 per beer price told me it was a bad idea. I bought that **** anyways. GROOOOOOOOSSSS

    I sooo wanted to try that. I just KNOW how bad it woud be, but me and donuts are like this *crossing her fingers*. Ok, well, not anymore...I haven't had a donut in months. Gimmicky beers are always bad but dammit, I want just a taste!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    The worst beer I've ever had would be NO BEER AT ALL!!
    Actually, the worst beer ever is called VOODOO Donut Maple Bacon beer. Sounds amazeballs, tastes like balls. The large pink bottle drew me in. The $9.95 per beer price told me it was a bad idea. I bought that **** anyways. GROOOOOOOOSSSS

    I sooo wanted to try that. I just KNOW how bad it woud be, but me and donuts are like this *crossing her fingers*. Ok, well, not anymore...I haven't had a donut in months. Gimmicky beers are always bad but dammit, I want just a taste!
    It tastes nothing like donuts. Or beer. Or maple. Or bacon. What it DOES taste like is and old half empty being used as an ashtray.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Gluten free beer. Blech!!!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    The worst beer I've ever had would be NO BEER AT ALL!!
    Actually, the worst beer ever is called VOODOO Donut Maple Bacon beer. Sounds amazeballs, tastes like balls. The large pink bottle drew me in. The $9.95 per beer price told me it was a bad idea. I bought that **** anyways. GROOOOOOOOSSSS

    I sooo wanted to try that. I just KNOW how bad it woud be, but me and donuts are like this *crossing her fingers*. Ok, well, not anymore...I haven't had a donut in months. Gimmicky beers are always bad but dammit, I want just a taste!
    It tastes nothing like donuts. Or beer. Or maple. Or bacon. What it DOES taste like is and old half empty being used as an ashtray.

    Phew. Ok, I think that made it so I don't feel so compelled to have a little sippy of it now. Thanks.
  • the old days, we use to try the generic "beer" - literally, that's what the label said "beer".

    Could not get that stuff cold enough to drink...

    Holy crap, I remember that! White label with clck lettering.