Stomach bloat after eating ANYTHING.



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I find that since I don't eat bread,pasta rice or potatos anymore this doesn't happen much anymore. I find that more than 3 servings of dairy will get me a slight bloat. I can't tolerate large servings of sugary things either. As long as I keep protein at 40% of my macros I do best from a weight stablization and eliminating bloat. Nothing scientific, just personal experience.
  • prettyla
    I have the same issue and it really bothers me. I'll try probiotics for sure.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have the same problem!!!! Glad I'm not alone!!
  • kaydeewalter
    I have the same problem and have been tested and treated for everything. I haven't had any type of grains (obviously haven't had gluten either), dairy, legumes, soy, or sugar in months. I have been to so many doctors and they have done countless blood tests and other tests for my thyroid, parasites, etc. and I have had zero relief. I tried digestive enzymes and probiotics with still no relief. My stomach probably gets 3-4x larger than this picture. I also have very low energy, hair loss, and some yellowing of the skin. Anyone have any ideas or experience about this without the answer having to do with gluten/carbs, dairy, sugar, or probiotics? This has probably been the 2 hardest years of my life. It's rough looking pregnant all the time.
  • laura_elisabeth
    Have you tried going to the doctor for it? I used to have the same problem in addition to other complicated issues. I found out I have hypothyroidism after getting a whole bunch of tests done.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I have the same thing, I think it is just because I am petite, you don't look large yourself.
  • henriettevanittersum
    Happy to report that I have found something that works for me. Unhappy to report it is expensive... Anyone else tried Align? It works, but at almost 1.50 CAD it is expensive to take a pill a day :-(
  • Budmegmat
    My stomach does the SAME thing! I'm glad someone can relate to this, (sorry it's you) :( It's done it for like 20 yrs. I wake up with my tummy flat, then have coffee. It's over. I'm obsessed with my tummy too. Every morning I go straight into the bathroom and see what it looks like that day. I've done this forever too ;) I can literally notice the day after a ate like a pig. Other's tell me that's not possible. O.k.??? Did you find an answer? I just goggled it and this came up :) But the bloating is really irritating!!
  • Budmegmat
    I've never heard of it
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    My stomach can expand 4 inches in one day! It is worse if I have a lot of salt.

    I think i will try probiotics. They help with regularity too.
  • angelawilliamsdunford
    This happens to me because I have a SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and I have fructose malabsorption. Do some research on those. The only thing that really helps consistently is following a low FODMAP diet. Its completely worth looking into allergies, intolerances, Celiac disease, B12 deficiency, MTHFR gene defects as well, some of which I also have, because all of these can contribute to bloating and abdominal distention. This is a tricky issue but it is manageable if you are willing to do some detective work and trial and error within your diet.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    This is just conjure that I'm about to throw out here. You're eating too many carbs, more carbs than your muscles can absorb so it has no other place to put it than your belly. Carbs are stored in your muscles, liver, and fat cells. Actually, it's technically fat when it is stored in your fat cells. When your liver and muscles fill up, it has no other place to put it than your belly. Your body can store up to 3 days worth of carbs. To fix this, try adding a high and low carb day. Adding more muscle also helps as the more muscle you have, the more storage places you build for carbs.
  • mdeyhle
    Wow this happens to me. I have read through all the replies and it looks like avoiding gluten and/or adding probiotics seems to be the answer.
    How often does one take probiotics? I actually have a bottle in the fridge that i bought a couple of months ago but i never took more than a couple. How often does one take them? Daily?
    More water is a good idea ;)
  • nervavels
    Stomach bloating after eating = ALL MY LIFE and I don't gain any weight. What has resolved much of this (plus managing to keep weight on) is FODMAPs/food diary. Please, however hard it may seem, keep a food diary. Reheated starches, chewing gum, food sensitivities, gluten, sugar sensitivities, fructose intolerances, lactose intolerance - all these things can, with or without stress, induce that horrible feeling.

    My eating patterns changed drastically. I don't eat out much, I can't drink alcohol at all, I don't do fast food or snacks, and I cook everything I eat myself. I have a yogurt or greek yogurt a day, one fruit (no more, it also causes bloating). I avoid onions, breads, chocolate (makes me feel like i'm being poisoned), cakes, candies, chewing gum. I gingerly try exotic foods because anything outside my admittedly strict food regime can cause me to have a REALLY BAD DAY. I have a 26 waist normally. If I am not careful with what I put in my mouth, and what stresses I accept (Zen Buddhism has awesome koans to deflect stress) I can bloat up so painfully I look pregnant. I can't move (I dance as well as practice yoga and tai chi).

    It really is vitally important to, as an individual, keep a food diary and research YOUR symptoms and carefully experiment. A dietician, if you can afford one, is the ideal course to take. It took me almost 50 years to figure this out. I hope I have helped someone younger avoid the pain and discomfort and wierdness of being 'that person'. P.S. Yes, I have IBS. I didn't know it until a couple of years ago after doctors told me it was all in my head. No, it was in my gut. Listen to your gut.
  • nervavels
    Also: need to add that each of our digestive flora is distinct and different. Please don't think what works for one person or what triggers another is the same for you. I can't stress enough the importance of a food diary and careful experimentation. It really is a huge relief to be able to go out and dance and not worry about my belly (and associated things) making me feel uncomfortable or sick.
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    Ok I have read all of this thread and want to say to all the sceptics - this is a real issue - I know because my ten year old daughter gets it. I kept thinking I was imagining it because she has skinny arms and legs and a fairly flat tummy at the beginning of the day but sometimes by the end of the day her belly is huge. Of course I am reluctant to mention this to her or anyone else as I thought it might get better with age (plus I have improved her diet which was already just fine) and I don't want to give her a complex about it but by reading all of this thread I think I need to do something about it. Mostly because of the fact that her body is just not digesting food properly (?) and she does get really tired and grumpy - the two could be linked. Anyway might give the probiotics a go but will be keeping a close eye on it now thanks to the op raising the issue! Xx
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I had the same problem. Turns out I have celiac disease so gluten was the problem in my case.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    This thread is getting long, but I'll add my "me, too" to it anyway.

    I'm a very healthy eater, but I have gall stones. It wasn't until my gallbladder stopped working so well that I got this bloating problem. Now, even water causes bloating.

    I've been taking probiotics and digestive enzymes for several months, and they do help a bit.

    So, I just now drank some fresh lemon juice in a little seltzer, and I must say, I think that helped a lot. <burp>
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    It may be that your intestinal wall lining is irritated. Sometimes called IBS, but whatever!
    If you eat that contain the food ingredient "carrageenan" you might want to start avoiding it and see how you improve.
    Google it, it's added to lots of foods, and is an intestinal irritant (go figure??).
  • nazish17
    nazish17 Posts: 61 Member
    i have the exact same issue - damn is it annoying!

    I have tries the IBS route so far its much better than it was before but its still a predominate problem. I am going to attempt the gluten free diet see what happens.

    I am currently taking mebeverine to help, with lansoprazole and lactulose. I also have to occasionally take laxatives it gets that bad!