What was your best 5k time?



  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    My best race time for 5k is 25:31. I've done a few of them and usually place at least top 10 for my age group. (36 years old). So I don't think a 25 minute time is very realistic for a beginner.

    You just run fast, i don't think it is realistic for a beginner. Most women start out at 10 minutes miles!!!
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I did one on the 4th of July (I've done them before but this is my first during my weight loss journey) and I am ECSTATIC to say I clocked in at 34:57! Yeah, that probably isn't the best time but DAMN it felt so awesome!
  • Jedensuscg
    I have yet to do an official 5K race, as I just started really running in the last few months. But the first time I did a practice 5K was about 35 minutes I think, and my second one(today) was 31 exactly on a fairly hilly course, but I walked a few bits so really pushed myself the last .5-1K, that's a 10:16 mile.

    I am doing a color run in August, so it will be my first group run. Even though I know it's not timed really, I hope running with others will push me below the 30 minute mark.
  • mlhoward11
    mlhoward11 Posts: 2 Member
    I just completed my first 5k and my time was 27.48!
    That was about 2 minutes faster than all my practice times, I guess competition motivates me!
  • alsdkfh
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    28:22 I was just happy to break 30
  • NetmanNH
    22:45 was my best 5K time
  • DublinDanny
    20:19 was my best time ever, but that was before I discovered how to make chocolate fudge brownies and sit around all day and eat them.
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member

    I too was happy to finally break 30 minutes!
  • mal2v10
    mal2v10 Posts: 6 Member
    When I ran varsity cross-country in high school (seven years ago!), my best time was 23:40.

    Since the beginning of my lifestyle change in December 2012, I've already lost almost 30 pounds...but I was just happy to run a 33min 5K two weeks ago! XD
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    43 years old and male

    My best 5K time was 28:15, I generally run 5Ks arond 29:30

    ^ That was me in May^

    I ran a 5K this past september, the 1/2 way to St. Pats 5K 26:12

    My 1/2 marathon training is DONE (ran it last weekend \m/ ) and it's no races longer than a 5K until March.

    I'm hoping to maybe break 25 minutes for my New Years Day 5K. The one on Thanksgiving is too crowded to really cut loose.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    28:13 is my best 5k so far.
    57:12 is my best 10k.
  • IndianMuslim
    First time around I did it in 44 minutes ( I was 3 months postpartum). My latest was 35 minutes.
  • Hollybot2
    I've only done one 5k and it was a trail run. My time was 49:49 and I couldn't be more proud of myself :)
  • Quantumn
    Quantumn Posts: 6 Member
    Just started running in June, after a 20-year hiatus (I'm male, mid-forties). Ran my first two 5K's in the last two weeks. Times were fairly consistent; 24:14 and 24:04. Hoping to get under 24:00 by the end of October!
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    29:12 is my best time!
  • TerryR012448
    I'm a 65 YO guy. Started running late June, then saw a sign for a 5k in September. I decided to challenge myself, signed up to run and started training. September 14th I ran my first ever 5k. I had 3 goals, #1 to run the entire distance, #2 finish under 30 minutes, #3 NOT be last. I had no idea what to expect. There were two heats. I was in the first heat with 9 others. I finished 4th out of 10 people with a time of 29:42. There were a total of 38 people in the 2 heats, 12 men and 18 women. I finished 19th out of 38, and 6th out 12 men so I was right in the middle. Not bad for my first attempt with no formal training and no experience.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Best time was 2 years ago at 24:59, at 39 years old, about 10 months after I started running. A few months after, I got a stress fracture, and I stopped focusing on speed and racing. I just run for fun now, and a lot slower.
  • vmr2811
    vmr2811 Posts: 36
    bump to see everyone's amazing results for inspiration...I run my first 5K Nov 9th and love reading these!
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I think my very first 5k was one of those mass-participation "Race for Life" cancer charity jobs at around 32mins.

    My PB is 25:45 on a timed park run but to be honest I rarely used to race short distances....

    I'm surprised that you'd come 5th with a 35min time and I guess it was a very small field?

    Looking at our park run results all first 5 female runners post sub 21mins.