30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • msnyder10
    msnyder10 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to lose 30 pounds by Christmas!! I'm in!

    SW: 178
    CW: 148

    Thanks for the invite!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    REMEMBER to add me as a friend if you would like daily challenges! That way we can all stay updated!

    Also, If you want to post daily accountibility you can... Like..." I drank 12 glasses of water today but didn't exercise" (example only!)

    OK...so I'm going to go post challenge for tomorrow! Our team just keeps growing! Hang in there everyone!
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I can't find where all the challenges for today are posted so I'm trying to remember them:

    45 minutes of continuous movement: Done! I just got back from a 50 minute walk with my hubby and kids. Plus I walked around campus today.

    Drink 10 glasses of water: Done as far as I know. The only thing I've drank today besides water was a cup of milk. I always keep water beside me. I kept track of how much water I drank when I joined MFP but I don't anymore because I think its too tedious.

    Be under your calorie goal by not more than 50 calories: I'll be under my goal for sure but I don't know about the 50 calorie part. I earned a lot of calories today from exercise and I don't want to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry.

    If any of these goals are wrong please correct me.
  • madhousenmich
    madhousenmich Posts: 45 Member
    I would like to join SW 215
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    I'd like to join too!!! That would put me within 10 lbs of my very absolute ultimate goal!!!! What a Christmas present :)

    SW: 170.8
    Goal 140.8!!
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys! I would absolutely LOVE to join. This is keep me accountable through the holidays :) I have joined other challenges and have never really followed through. I am dedicated this time and I weighed today!

    Starting weight: 209
    Current weight: 171.2
    Christmas: 142
    Goal: 135
  • I am in all the way, I am tired of this extra weight.
    Sw: 250-252(keeps changing)
    Hopeful Weight by Christmas:220-222!!!

    What are the daily challenges??
    I am so in and pumped to start, Hope this feeling doesn't fade.
    I loose faith in myself a lot so I need all the A** kicking I can get to make me keep on myself.
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    would love to join I want to lose 20lbs by christmas
    CW 150LBS
    GW 130LBS
  • I would love to join as well!

    SW: 190 (4 months ago got that high due to gaining 80 lbs from pregnancy. my DD is now 4 months old)

    CW: 170
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I can't find where all the challenges for today are posted so I'm trying to remember them:

    45 minutes of continuous movement: Done! I just got back from a 50 minute walk with my hubby and kids. Plus I walked around campus today.

    Drink 10 glasses of water: Done as far as I know. The only thing I've drank today besides water was a cup of milk. I always keep water beside me. I kept track of how much water I drank when I joined MFP but I don't anymore because I think its too tedious.

    Be under your calorie goal by not more than 50 calories: I'll be under my goal for sure but I don't know about the 50 calorie part. I earned a lot of calories today from exercise and I don't want to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry.

    If any of these goals are wrong please correct me.

    You got it right!! I am having trouble eating my exercise calories too!

    For the challenges if you look on my profile, the comments I make are on the right side. You can look for challenges there.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I don't see the challenges either... hmmm.... Maybe you could post the challenges in here?

    Today I did 54 minutes of cardio... 471 calories burned and ate all my base calories, but not my exercise calories!! woot woot!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    To everyone"

    You can find the daily challenges by adding me as a friend. After adding me view my profile. To the right side of the screen it shows the posts I have made. There you can find the challenges.

    Challenges for tomorrow:

    Same as today but added one thing!

    45 minutes of continuous exercise

    10 glasses of Water

    At or under calorie goal ( trying to be within 50 calories)

    AND...... Purchase a NEW HEALTHY treat you have never tried before. Post if you liked it and where you got it so that we can all try it too!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I got my exercise in and my 10 cups of water. Well I did 35 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of cleaning, so that's good enough for me because I haven't been exercising much lately.
  • I would love to join!!!! I actually started today and got on here for the first time......been using the app on my phone! Good luck to all!!!!
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey is it too late for me to join? I need some motivation! I have 25 lbs to loose to meet my healthy BMI. Starting weight is 144.
  • Lugenna
    Lugenna Posts: 28
    Weighing in at a staggering 267 lbs
    Willing, ready & able to drop 30 jaw dropping lbs to 230 by Dec 25, 2010!!
    ....must add... the race won't nearly be finished, but that cheering crowd at the end of the race....is sure in view!!
  • So excited to join in on this challenge. I would love to be able to lose 30lbs by Christmas. I just started counting my calories yesterday, and I have to say that it's the hardest thing I have ever done. Well, maybe not the hardest, but damn close. I'm trying to stay right around 1500, but have went over slightly. I just keep telling myself that it will get easier. I can't even begin to imagine how many calories I WAS eating before starting to log them. Big wake-up call.

    Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and doing this challenge with all of you.

    SW: 254
    CW: 254
    Christmas 2010: 224
    End Goal: 150

  • monday 10/18 - 181

    christmas goal!
  • I'm in...but shooting for 20lbs. I know myself and bod...it will be a push but do-able.

    I actually had set this goal for myself a month or two ago so that I would be 199 by my 39th bday. AT GOAL by 40 in December 27th 2011!

    Current 219
    Christmas Goal 199

    Will there be a daily thread or just Monday's?
  • SanDiegoUbermom
    SanDiegoUbermom Posts: 36 Member
    This is what I needed! Been in a funk.
    Thanks for posting.

    Okay to add me as a friend too.

    SW 186
    XmasGW 156
    GW 140

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