Biggest Loser 10 Talk



  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    I thought this week's episode was rather meh. The drama in the beginning about wanting to go home, which was funny come elimination time as the 2 that wanted to hit the road were given the chance to get voted off! I'm still waiting for Aaron to come up with some big numbers. Hopefully having to get saved and thinking about his son at home will allow him to supercharge his workouts over the next week can come above the yellow line.

    Frado better hope his alliance can keep him alive, because with the numbers he was throwing down this week, if it keeps up we'll see how well he can do in the elimination challenge next week.
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    Love, LOVE the Biggest Loser!!! I didn't know it had started so I haven't caught up with the show yet. So glad for the online option! When I do get caught up (this weekend), I'd love to talk about the show!
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    The show is FINALLY getting more interesting! I loved the Red Line surprise & I hope they keep that. Next week they're bringing people back who didn't make it during the 1st show!!! That should be interesting!

    I loved how Frado & Brendan were trying to get Ada to join their alliance against Adam. I think this poor guy's gotta work his butt off to make sure he never falls below that yellow line or he might be a goner!

    I'm glad Burgandy was voted off. There was something about her that irked me. I can't put my finger on it but she annoyed the heck out of me.
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Whaaaaaaaaaaat?? OK, so they kick off all those people, and now they bring back the contestants that didn't make it at the city challenge. Seems like it's going to get interesting now. We've seen for a month now who puts in thier time at the gym and the alliances, and the little games. But now that we have new players its going to change the entire dynamic of the show. Next week should be really good.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    can I just say....I don't like Brendan! Not sure what it is about him (kinda like SP0472 and Burgandy, lol) but I think it's the way he's "playing" the game so much. It did seem like they were voting ppl off kinda quick, so the fact that they're bringing some more on makes sense. Can't wait to try that cupcake recipe!!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    I feel that way about Frado. I just don't like him. Maybe because he is really pushing the whole "playing the game" thing and then his comment about hiding from Bob and Jillian in the gym. But he also lost 20 lbs so clearly he's not goofing off too much. I agree that next week should be pretty exciting!

    Also - I loved Sophia's update! She looks great!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Whaaaaaaaaaaat?? OK, so they kick off all those people, and now they bring back the contestants that didn't make it at the city challenge. Seems like it's going to get interesting now. We've seen for a month now who puts in thier time at the gym and the alliances, and the little games. But now that we have new players its going to change the entire dynamic of the show. Next week should be really good.

    I knew the people that did the city challenge would get a second chance, but that always suck for the people still on the show. I hope it puts a wrench in those tight a alliances though. Yeah, Frado and his pal bug the heck out of me. Mr. Boston bugs me more.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Mr. Boston bugs me more.

    It's the way he talks, lol.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Not really, I don't really mind the way he talks. I actually like the Bostonian accent, lol. I can appreciate it because out here in Cali we really don't have an accent. Naw, I just don't really like him. LOL
  • shinybonnie
    Ready for some BL tonight! I was glad to see the "3rd wheels" who'd been left behind the first episode show up in the preview for this week. I hope the guy from Alaska gets to come on, but then again, we don't need ANOTHER guy on there losing double digits. This yellow line in the middle really sucks for the girls and I hope they change it fast!
  • shinybonnie
    PS - who do you think will be back from episode 1?
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Does anyone feel bad for Ada, the Vietnamese girl who is hated by her parents,,,,,,,,,she was the one they accused of letting her little brother drown in the pool, and then accused her of killing her other brother the day she got her drivers license

    poor girl, she just cant win with those, now everyone knows that they left their son with a little girl , unsupervised......I wonder what child care is going to say about that........I hope Ada does well ,I feel her parents are really pigs and they are responsible for her behavior..........
  • shinybonnie
    Yeah, I do feel bad for Ada. That story is pretty crazy. But I noticed almost all the contestants had some sympathetic back story this season.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Shiny bone......can you imagine telling your daughter, that they wished that Ada had been the one to die, instead of her brother? Whoa, I mean, whats up with those 2 whack jobs?

    AND..........just who left the toddler with a young inexperienced kid, a young girl with no parental skills? Id call Child Protective Services on those 2....

    but I cant imagine telling your daughter that you wished that she had been the one to drown instead of her, some really deranged people there............Well, Im rooting for her.....maybe she can take the money and run.......get the hell away from those 2 psychos...........
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I like Ada too.

    I hate the elimination. I hate all the dramatic crying. I know it must be emotional being there, but come on already. You're voting them off a show, not sending them to the electric chair.
  • shinybonnie
    come on already. You're voting them off a show, not sending them to the electric chair.

    HAhahaha! And I don't know how many times I've heard one of the contestants say, "nobody knows how hard it is until you get here. No one who hasn't been to the ranch can understand how TRULY hard it is." Pfffft! Come on. You've known the person, what, 10 weeks tops?
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    A 41 pound loss in a week? O.M.G. I too missed the beginning but I can't believe they lost that much in a week! Those men were kicking out 30-40lb losses left and right! Unreal.
    It was actually 2 weeks but still crazy!

    I always thought the weigh ins were weekly too. Now I understand why the women don't like seeing the low numbers like 5 or 6 compared to what the guys are losing
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    A 41 pound loss in a week? O.M.G. I too missed the beginning but I can't believe they lost that much in a week! Those men were kicking out 30-40lb losses left and right! Unreal.
    It was actually 2 weeks but still crazy!

    I always thought the weigh ins were weekly too. Now I understand why the women don't like seeing the low numbers like 5 or 6 compared to what the guys are losing
    I think they are weekly, but the 1st one was 2 weeks...from the time they weighed in their home town, to the first weigh in on the ranch.
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Hmm, I wonder how the show would have been if Anna would have picked immunity for herself and put Patrick on the black team. Oh well, can't change the past.

    Was anyone buying Brendan's 2 pound loss as "playing it straight"?
  • shinybonnie
    I don't think Brendon was playing it straight! 2 pounds? No way. Him and Frado have been very outspoken about "playing the game," from episode 2! I wish Anna had known to separate those boys. I think they made a mistake with who they chose to vote off...

    **********************SPOILER ALERT**************************************

    They said they voted Rick off because Patrick's allegiance would be stronger towards him because they were both green team. I think they are over-thinking this stuff. They are thinking like 5 weeks ahead! Their teamates really need to understand that as long as that threesome exists, anytime the black team has to vote someone off, it's going to be anna, elizabeth, or ... who was the other member? Anyhow, the others on that black team need to bust up that allegiance fast!

    Anyhow, next week is going to be tough for Blue. The Black team are going to be formidable opponents. For one thing, they are tough, physically. For another thing, I assume that Patrick AND Brendon both drank a bunch of water before the weigh-in, so NEXT week, those two's numbers are gonna be insane and they'll be safe.