Romance - Where did you meet your partner?



  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?

    High school. We had several mutual friends but had never met. I still remember chem 1 the first day of my sophomore year, talking to a friend of mine, when he walked into the room. He walked right up and started talking to me like we'd known each other forever. He was nice, kind, cute, and friendly. The only thing missing was the audible "click". We became fast friends, then best friends, then started dating. But he broke my heart when another girl kissed him, and he decided he wanted to date her (ugh, I still remember that pain). But we dated again the next year, broke up amicably (lots of stuff happening in my family at the time). The summer between our 2nd and 3rd year of college we were inseparable. He proposed just before his 4 year of college, we married a year after he graduated, and have been happy :):heart:

    What did you first notice about him/her?

    His eyes. Physically he looks a bit like my dad (who was very handsome in his younger days), with his dark hair, intense blue eyes, and slender frame, but his personality couldn't be more different (THANK GOD).

    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    He is completely non-biased. I tell everyone this. It doesn't matter what color you are, what size you are, where you're from, what you look like, he doesn't judge on appearances. He was never taught to do so. His dad is the same way, they take you as you are, and don't expect you to change to fit their ideals. He's also super responsible with money, and you don't know how much that is needed in a marriage if you didn't grow up around it. My mom would hide stuff, and I always hated that. I vowed I would never do that to my husband, and I don't :)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    At a discotheque. He asked me "What are you doing in Amsterdam?". I said "Looking for some sixteen year Dutch boys to take home with me." He batted his eyelashes and said "I'm only fourteen, but would I do?". He was 32 at the time.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Online. I've never sought out dating sites, we met in a chat room :)

    We started as.. DUN DUN DUN.. enemies.

    Then we turned to friends with insults (I was doing most of the insulting, btw bc I thought he was something he wasn't, and didn't believe him when he said he wasn't lol).. Then we went to normal friends, then we fell in love.

    Here we are, together many years later and he's the best gift life has given me, apart from my pudgy body bahah :P :)
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member

    For real?!

    Met my bf at a party when I was 20. The first thing that attracted me to him was his ability to drink a lot of horrible, cheap beer. No really, it was his butt. We started hanging out and were "bros", then friends with benefits. We both had just got out of horrible relationships and refused to admit we really wanted to be together. One day he was just like "I love you dude" and I was like "I love you too dude". Three years later he is still my best "bro" and can compliment my sense of humor better than anyone else. We moved 1000 miles away together and are having a great adventure :)
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Met her 19 years ago. We were both Members of a local Chat BBS (Computer bulletin board system)
    So basically we met on line. Coming up on 18 years of marriage.
  • lauradenslinger
    lauradenslinger Posts: 6 Member
    In a running group. Now we never run and only want to lift heavy and CF. swolemates.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm a bit of a romantic at heart. I would say I would have made a really great guy because I've read so many romance novels (not that I expect that's real life).

    So I'm curious...

    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    I would comment but I'm that's why I'm curious :p

    In a club....
    How good looking he was, and still is....
    His best quality is that he loves me too!
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    At work. We were not working together but we had to deal with each other because of work. He was working in town only for the summer.
    What did you first notice about him/her? His shaggy brown hair and the fact that he was tall and sexy
    What is their best quality you appreciate? His down to earth, calm side and his romantic side
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    pre-computer days dateing service, his roommate joined the dating service and that is how we met
    (we have now been married 31 years)
    His blue eyes
    tall and lean
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    In a running group. Now we never run and only want to lift heavy and CF. swolemates.

    Wow you have a great profile shot! You must have really decreased your Body Fat percentage! Awesome job!
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a bit of a romantic at heart. I would say I would have made a really great guy because I've read so many romance novels (not that I expect that's real life).

    So I'm curious...

    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    I would comment but I'm that's why I'm curious :p

    Where did you meet you partner? In Kuwait after the party that a bunch of us were at got broken up by security. We went back to one of the guy's house who was at the original party and that turned out to be my husband's roommate

    What did you first notice about him/her? How full of life and laughter he is.

    What is their best quality you appreciate? He trusts easily, but that also makes his best quality his worst quality :)
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    12 years ago I was widowed and never wanted to marry again.
    Nine years ago I went online to find a "friend"
    Met my "friend" face to face within three days of meeting online.
    I was immediately attracted to this tall, sweet very nice man. (he had been rejected by many women because he was "nice:)
    We have been happily married for five years and now share two lovely grandchildren.

    PS he is tall and has an almost perfect build, I am fat and have been since the day we met (working on that now though).

  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?

    On MFP, but I moved 850 miles to be with him :-)

    What did you first notice about him/her?

    First, that he was gorgeous and had amazing muscles and could relate to me because we had both lost a crap ton of weight. The less superficial stuff came later :-)

    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    Too many to name just one. He is the strongest man I know - not just physically, but his strength of character is incredible. He is an amazing father (to both his son and mine). He is infinitely patient and incredibly hard working and soooooooooooo funny and crazy smart and crazy about me. He gives me hope when I feel hopeless about my physical limitations... Annnnnnnnd the sex is unbelievably great. :-)
  • love2lift_85
    love2lift_85 Posts: 356 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    --Met my husband (we've been together almost 10 yrs, married for 6) in college, we were in the "All American" Marching Band together and we had a lot of mutual friends, we all hung around together during the Bowl trip late December... so that's where we first started talking/flirting :-)

    --Noticed he was tall and handsome (with perfect blue eyes) and liked to tickle me :-) We had friends in common so I had a hunch we'd get along pretty well.

    --These days, I couldn't just pick one quality to appreciate most about him. He's forgiving and gracious, does not raise his voice at me, is very good at taking care of me while I'm sick, he's very patient and extremely intelligent. And he is turning out to be a fabulous father to our almost-5-mo old :-)
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?
    I met him online originally but in person at a walgreens pharmacy.

    What did you first notice about him/her?
    His smile, secondly he is shaped like a sexy football player

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    That he can make me laugh and he's not afraid to be honest

    Been with my husband for 9 years
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    I probably didn't notice him. XD
    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    I really can't choose just *one* quality as his best quality. He has a series of qualities which create the man I love and admire. He is exceptionally intelligent, hard working, ambitious, generous, compassionate, incredibly open minded, honest, sensual, passionate, patient, modest... to name a few.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    Where did you meet? On xbox!!!
    Where did you meet IRL? Outside of a Loblaws grocery store

    What did you first notice? That he was extremely smart and pretty good at Halo..
    What did you first notice IRL? Wow, he's even hotter in real life, and omg look at his car (insert some sort of fan girling or something)

    What is their best quality you appreciate? He's funny, smart, he has a lot of patience with me and can explain all the answers to the questions I have easily.. And of course we play video games so that just gives us more to do together..

    I've been in an LDR for 3 years now so I have 2 different meetings.. I was just visiting him for 2 months and he's back home with me now for a week or so.. Now I'm just all excited thinking about this again.. Thanks OP <3
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I met my husband online in 1999, talking on AOL instant messenger. We talked online/phone for 4 mos, then met in person. Dated for 9 mos and got married that was almost 13 yrs ago and 4 kids later. :)
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member

    For real?!

    For real. I'm her. So I guess that makes my answer the same. :heart:

    What first attracted me to him was his sense of humor. And though I acted crazy sometimes, he always could see through it and see the real me. Even before we ever met.
  • Britters101
    Britters101 Posts: 10 Member
    First met my guy on Facebook in 2011 and we've been dating online ever since (we met in person twice so far), and soon to be moving in together. His great sense of humor was the first thing to grab my attention, but my favorite quality that he has is his kindness and dedication.