Romance - Where did you meet your partner?



  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    At a pub for a work friends birthday (that I didn't really want to go to so I took my brother along)...

    I noticed his good taste in music first :laugh:

    The best quality about him is that he is caring/nurturing. :love:
  • kris472
    kris472 Posts: 61 Member
    Online.....he started out our first contact with a witty comment, we talked online for about a week then on the phone. I hate the phone, but we talked for 3 hours. We have been together ever since and are now engaged! He calms me when I am stressed or upset, and he is the first person I want to talk to when something good happens.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    We were book freaks, we met in high school in the library.
    He was blue-eyed and red-haired, and a little wacko, funny, intelligent. All of which I liked. He was interested in me; I was only 17 and not at all interested in boys, but, reluctantly, and with my mom pushing hard for me to start dating, I went out with him. And then again. And again...
    We've been married for 42 years, and he's no longer red-haired, but still is funny, intelligent, and more than a little wacko. Best friend I've ever had.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    How we met:
    We met 32 yrs. ago when I came with a friend for a long weekend at the beach in a town where he was stationed. She knew his roommate through her brother who was also in the Navy. I did not want to even meet him (had just ended a bad one) but the roomate brought him along anyway and my first memory is running off to the bathroom as I had been lounging nearly naked on the bed with my sunburn as my friend opened the room door to let them in.

    What I first noticed:
    I first noticed that he was a good conversationalist and he smelled good.

    His best quality:
    Lets me be me; always has.

    ps.....met in August, married in December.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Yahoo, I'll refrain but it wasn't positive, he's reliable and he's never lazy
  • happy_angi09
    happy_angi09 Posts: 46 Member
    I met my hubby on a website called Tagged. When we first met I thought he had a goofy laugh but it grew on me. His sense of humor is the best.
  • 1'st day of high school!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm a bit of a romantic at heart. I would say I would have made a really great guy because I've read so many romance novels (not that I expect that's real life).

    So I'm curious...

    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    I would comment but I'm that's why I'm curious :p

    Met my wife online at a dating website almost 8 years ago.
    She was/is attractive, intelligent, determined, and knew what she wanted out of life
    Her sense of humor
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Open racquetball time at the gym. His partner was a no show, mine was late/no show. We decided to play a game. And here we are!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Met her 19 years ago. We were both Members of a local Chat BBS (Computer bulletin board system)
    So basically we met on line. Coming up on 18 years of marriage.
    Old school!!! Love this!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Where did you meet you partner? I was a prospective student (in my last year of high school) visiting my top choice college for an overnight stay. I had already turned in my acceptance letter.

    What did you first notice about him/her? I was in the dining hall. He came in quick, with tons of energy and asked, "Does anyone want to go white river rafting this weekend?" I really wanted to go white river rafting, so the first thing I noticed was that he was happy, energetic, adventurous and active. I also noticed his sweet eyes and smile, and his long dark hair that was in dreadlocks (he has very curly hair when he grows it long and it was in dread locks when I first met him).

    What is their best quality you appreciate? Well it's a combo of his intelligence, kindness and he is very introspective. So I guess that would be his mental and emotional intelligence. Both of those aspects of his intelligence are his best quality. He is also a very hard worker in everything that he does.

    I met him when I was 18 and this next year that will be 18 years ago (but I started dating him when I was 20).
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?
    The first time I saw him, he was on his hands and knees pulling weeds from the apartment building lawn. He was the owner, as I found out later.

    What did you first notice about him/her?
    He has really nice eyes and a wonderful smile.

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    He is so kind and very smart.
    We've been married 34 years this past August. He is my partner and soul mate. We have a wonderful life. I'd do it all over again.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Two-steppin' in a honky tonk.

    She asked me to dance to a song that I could not stand and I almost declined. Common sense got the better of me however and the rest was fate.
  • CharlzO
    CharlzO Posts: 96 Member
    I've met a few in random ways. My last relationship, I met her playing World of Warcraft. Lasted about 5 years or so, had some ups and downs though, lots of drama from outside influences, which ultimately led to it just not working. There was a distance thing, but nothing I wasn't willing to try to overcome. It's a long drawn out story of hopelessness on my part, and one that I can look back and go "why on earth did you put yourself through so much?". Simply, love. Not much more I can attribute it to.
  • 8th grade bio class.
    That he was a complete jerk (I would have never believed that we'd end up friends let alone married for 13 years and counting).
    Too many things to count.
  • Braz76
    Braz76 Posts: 28 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?

    Oasis dating website - though it turned out that he only lived not even 2k up the road

    What did you first notice about him/her?

    His smile - it lights up everything and everyone around him

    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    His energy and enthusiasm for the simple things in life
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Met online 3.5 years ago, talked on the phone for a week, went out for coffee (ended up sitting there for 5 hours talking until they closed), been together ever since :)

    What I noticed about him first: he was TALL! I'm 6'2", he is 6'7". It was meant to be!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Where did you meet you partner? I first saw him on stage at a concert. We met 3 year later in the band room where we both worked. I was married. He had a girl friend. We became good friends. I moved away, went through an ugly divorce. When I moved back home we started dating. I had to ask him out.

    What did you first notice about him/her? His amazing green eyes.

    What is their best quality you appreciate? His loyalty.
  • DH and I met in American History when we were Juniors in High School. There was something about him that intrigued me, but I am not sure what it was. He was a little annoying, so I tried to distance myself from him. My friends told me, "you don't want to date someone like him".

    I was raised not to date outside of my religion (Southern Baptist), he was raised Nazarene.

    We had classes together throughout our Junior year and became friends. During summer break he asked a mutual friend for my phone number. He called and asked me on a date and the rest is history. We have been together since 1981 and married since 1985.

    His best quality is his desire to help people.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Where did you meet your partner?
    First month of high school, he was the best friend of my friends new boyfriend. I was walking up our sidewalk one evening and someone started talking to me from the tree in our front yard, he sang to me (can't remember what the song was) and I told him he was weird. He said he didn't like that word so we agreed that he was different : ) We dated off and on for a year or two and then we were just friends for a long time but there was always a connection and we've had horrible timing. Now after 7 years of being on and off again I think we're finally getting it right. Only took us 23 years : )

    What did you first notice about him/her?
    His voice, it's always soothing and kind, then his hair, I wondered how he got it up into spikes like that, and then his eyes, they are the most beautiful shade of blue/green.

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    He is kind to everyone and would help anyone he could.