Romance - Where did you meet your partner?



  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Where did you meet your partner?
    First month of high school, he was the best friend of my friends new boyfriend. I was walking up our sidewalk one evening and someone started talking to me from the tree in our front yard, he sang to me (can't remember what the song was) and I told him he was weird. He said he didn't like that word so we agreed that he was different : ) We dated off and on for a year or two and then we were just friends for a long time but there was always a connection and we've had horrible timing. Now after 7 years of being on and off again I think we're finally getting it right. Only took us 23 years : )

    What did you first notice about him/her?
    His voice, it's always soothing and kind, then his hair, I wondered how he got it up into spikes like that, and then his eyes, they are the most beautiful shade of blue/green.

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    He is kind to everyone and would help anyone he could.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I met him in high school. I was a freshmen, he a sophomore. We were in gym class and we had to square dance. He didn't want to and kicked a cone across the gym and got kicked out. I thought, "There is the guy for me." Fast forward to my junior year, we had car care class together. He had a the same girlfriend he had back when we met and I was dating a kid in the car care class but I would go sit next to my current guy. Fast forward to my senior year, after he graduated. I was working at Dairy Queen and one day he showed up and said he was single...the rest is history. This years we are celebrating our 15th year together! I always had a crush on him because he was a "bad boy". I had it so wrong. He is super sensitive, caring, patient, deeply loyal, puts up with all my bull**** (I'm very type A and I talk way too fast and way too much) and he is a fabulous partner (he is very type B) and an amazing parent. He still looks like a badass and kinda has a mean sense of humor though, I wouldn't trade him for the world!

    I first noticed his sideburns...I'm a sucker for sideburns...

    Best quality - absolutely his sense of humor, he is seriously the funniest person I've ever met. Makes me laugh so hard it feels like my eyelids are turning inside out. Even after all these years. Or maybe his loyalty. He is loyal to a fault. Ok, it is his loyalty, I think I just take that for granted though so sense of humor sticks out to me.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Where did you meet you partner? In a video game, I asked him if he liked to RP.
    What did you first notice about him/her? He was playing an elf. I was playing an elf. (And it turns out that he loves Tolkien lore as much as I do. fangirl: squeee!)
    What is their best quality you appreciate? Just one quality? Impossible! But to narrow it down, I'd say his gentleness, loyalty, unending kindness, and his patience with me. No matter how bad my day is, when I know I get to spend time with him, I feel better. He makes everything feel okay even when I feel like my life is tumbling down around me. I got 99 problems, but my man ain't one. ^_^
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    In a Denny's bathroom
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    I was bartending.

    his very blue eyes and nice hair

    He tipped me good and gave me a shy at first sight....ten years later and two kids :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I had a second job at a coffee shop. I went in on my day off to do some reading and saw her for the first time. She was the new assistant manager and was working that day. We'd never met and said nothing to each other that day but I knew the second we made eye contact that she was going to be important to me somehow. After a year of friendship and awkward, confusing 'flirting' (I'd only dated men before) we started dating. We've been together for over 10 years now and I've never been happier.
  • SofaKingRad_II
    I met my husband online in 1999, talking on AOL instant messenger. We talked online/phone for 4 mos, then met in person. Dated for 9 mos and got married that was almost 13 yrs ago and 4 kids later. :)

    HA! That's how I met my wife too. But in 2003. This was back when it was weird or creepy to meet people online! :drinker:
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    My wonderful boyfriend was actually my ex-boyfriend's boss. :P Awkward?

    The first thing I noticed was probably that he looks SUPER young for his age. He was 30 when we met and I was 17, and he looked closer to my age then I did. :P (Don't worry, we didn't start dating until I was 19).

    I couldn't tell you what quality I admire most because there is really nothing I dislike. But after being in an abusive relationship for 2.5 years with my ex, he is a breath of fresh air. He is respectful, generous, and very affectionate. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    She went to University with my then girlfriend at the time.

    Romantic, huh.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Online in a chat room. Liked his personality but had no idea what he looked like.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    I'm a bit of a romantic at heart. I would say I would have made a really great guy because I've read so many romance novels (not that I expect that's real life).

    So I'm curious...

    Where did you meet you partner?
    I met him in the elevator of my loft building. I had just come inside from walking my dog, he was coming in from a grabbing dinner. He said he was going to go check his mail and then saw me standing there and decided it could wait. We got in the elevator together and my dog tried to eat his takeout. That started the conversation. Apparently in 5 floors, I managed to give him my name, my unit number, what I did for a living and that we should grab drinks. 2 days later a note appeared on my door asking me to grab drinks. ( note: I just moved to Cleveland from Chicago and did not know a soul and couldn't make a friend, so I got a dog and that was when I started meeting people. However, when I met him I was so desperate to make a friend - I didn't bother to think wether or not I found him attractive.)
    What did you first notice about him/her?
    That he was tall, well dressed and had a great smile. I'm a sucker for good smiles.

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    That every day he makes me feel beautiful. That he is incredibly supportive and that he does not own, nor play a single video game - instead he restores boats as a hobby and can break every single thing in my house that I break.
  • wendycbee11
    I met my husband while we were both playing World of Warcraft :P He lived about 300 miles away, and we knew each other for over a year before we actually met. We were married just 10 months after meeting in person.
    The first thing (and only thing available at the time) was his voice, nice and deep.
    His best quality is his kind heart <3
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    I actually went to High School with my Husband. we DID NOT date or even hang out in High School.
    We officially meet when we both started on the local Fire Department at the same time. There was me and two guys my age that started. I knew them both and got chatting with them and things progressed from there. I was the first and only girl on the fire department, so it was hard for me to realize that - HEY girl - Romance??
    So after a year on the department, things were "heating" up, nothing serious....little things really. Sitting next to each other in meetings, helping each other at training and I always ended up staying late with him to clean up.
    Then at the end of that year, I had to leave to go back up North for Forest Fire with the MNR and when I came home for days off (4 days) he meet me in town and then we went out for drinks and then at the end of the night we kissed.
    THEN I had to leave again to go back up North for another three months. LONG three months let me tell you! And there was no cell service most of the time where I was.
    But when I got back, he was there and waiting for me. That was 12 years ago. We are now married and have a beautiful baby boy. So I will say it happens when you least expect it.
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 to the Long distance Love at first voice!! That is a yummy story! That is amazing!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I was working part time in a five-and-dime, My boss was Mr. McGee. He told me several times that he didn't like my kind, because I was a bit too leisurely. It seems that I was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before...and that's when I saw her - ooh - I saw her! She walked in through the "out" door, "out" door.

    She wore a Raspberry beret. The kind you find in a second hand store. A Raspberry beret, and if it was warm she wouldn't wear much more. Raspberry beret....I think I love her
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    At a campground we were working at. He came there to work part time as a ropes course facilitator (and I was also there working as one... and a lifegaurd and an archery instructor and general staff) and general maintenance. I noticed him when my boss drove up to the cafeteria with him in the passenger seat of the Polaris Ranger, my boss was driving him around in to show him the campus. I appreciate his ability to accomplish any task he sets his mind to, whether he knows how to do it going in or not.
  • f1usah
    f1usah Posts: 10
    I met my husband the summer of my junior year in highschool. He was a cook and I was a waitress at Pizza Hut. It was magical (lol).

    The first think I noticed about him was that he was very shy. Whenever I would say hi his face would blush and his ears would turn red. I remember thinking that it was very sweet.

    He has many qualities I love, but I think that the one that is the best is that I know that no matter what I can always count on him. We've been together for 20 yrs, married for 16+, have 3 crazy kids and two ridiculously handsome dogs :laugh:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Where did you meet you partner?

    He and I worked at the same high end steakhouse. He was a cook and I was a waitress. He kept trying to get me to go out with him for over 6 months. I finally gave in and went to his apartment to watch the Super Bowl. He came home with me a month later and never left. That was 23 years ago.

    What did you first notice about him/her?

    His gentle spirit. He had a really ugly skull tattoo on his arm and a thick NY accent. But then I saw him for who he really was.

    What is their best quality you appreciate?

    His kindness.
  • UpToTheChallenge
    Where did you meet you partner?
    At the gym I work at - he approached me while I was working.

    What did you first notice about him/her?
    How hot he was, how he reminded everyone of Shia Lebeouf & his great arms

    What is their best quality you appreciate?
    everything. my fiance is amazing.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Back alley...was going to charge him $20, but I only charged $10 and we've been together ever since.