Lady to give out "you're too fat for candy" letters?



  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    My mother doesn't hand out candy at all for this reason...but, then she doesn't hand out healthy snacks either (too many children with allergies or special diets, in her opinion), so she hands out unsharpened pencils in crazy colors and patterns. I live across the street...and I hand out little packs of crayons.

    ETA: There is a lady in our neighborhood who hands out little prayer booklets on the evils of Halloween...we just shake our heads and wonder why she even answers her door and leaves her light on...

    Tell me they're Chick Tracts. Those things are the epitome of comedy ..
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    She's a nosy self-righteous *****, and I hope the next big news story about her features a nice big picture of her cleaning eggs and toilet paper off her house.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    All the outrage and "If that happened to MY kid .. " posts are fun and all, but in giving this careful consideration .. I don't believe the story. Or at least the narrative as it seems popularly presented today.

    Do I believe a lady sent a sample letter and called a radio station to say she was doing this? Yep.

    Do I believe a lady will actually be doing this? Nooooooo.

    This was a nice little troll by some woman .. she's sitting back and watching everyone lose their ****ing minds. And probably having a chuckle.

    I just don't believe a human being could be THAT stupid. If this happens, her name is certain to get out. An angry neighbor could snap a couple pics of her house, post her address on a public forum. Right or wrong, her house will be targeted by pranksters (vandals, whatever) on halloween night AND in the future. The script kiddies and /b/tards will go their normal harassing phone calls 24/7 and daily massive pizza orders to her house once she's been doxed ...

    I reject the idea that she either doesn't understand this or doesn't give a damn.

    I believe we as a nation have had our chain yanked.

    Yeah, but throwing stones at even an imaginary foe is cathartic.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Next she'll be telling them there is no Santa...:angry:
    What do you mean there is no Santa Claus???????????
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    More power to her, was following a school bus the other day home(sigh) and almost all the kids that got off were obese or at least overweight.

    It's the parents place to guide their children on proper eating. Do you even have kids?

    Hey, don't lump all childless people in with this twit. I don't have kids and don't want any, but I'd never be ridiculous enough to defend this kind of hatefulness. ;)
  • HeartlessHurricane
    Wait. What? What do you mean, "there's no Santa?"
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    This woman will not be brave enough to give that "note" to children whose parents are nearby.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    What's the point of her even passing out candy to the kids who are NOT "in [her] opinion, moderately obese and should not be consuming sugar and treats to the extent of some children this Halloween season," if she doesn't want the kids to have candy? She just shouldn't pass out the candy at all!
  • PaminTewksbury
    PaminTewksbury Posts: 19 Member
    She is going to get egged and TP'd!!!


    ...repeatedly I'm sure
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    She's a nosy self-righteous *****, and I hope the next big news story about her features a nice big picture of her cleaning eggs and toilet paper off her house.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    If my little brother got that crap I would go ballistic. I don't even have kids and I'm pissed off. What makes that uppity, self righteous biznotch even think she has the right?!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Even if she's spot on about childhood obesity, which she probably is, she's completely wrong in giving out letters. Just don't participate in handing out candy. Simple. Done. If she wants to effect some change she should become a health educator, nutritionist, trainer, or something similar. In short, it's not her business to randomly give advice.
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    Next she'll be telling them there is no Santa...:angry:
    What do you mean there is no Santa Claus???????????

    I am so sorry...:sad: Santa does exist, he does.! Poor example.:embarassed:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I also like the logic of a lady who thinks some children got obese from eating tons of candy ONE DAY of the year. Also the tiny detail of her saying parents send their children out "begging" for "free" candy belies her issue is more of a financial one than perhaps a health one. Methinks she is just using the health craze and obesity "epidemic" to gloss over a miserly attitude that she could not just say out loud without sounding like a betch. backfired. You a betch anyways. Which just goes to show you, if you a betch OWN it, don't try to hide behind something else you think is popular to be mad at because if you a betch you can't really see the forest for the trees and yer gonna screw it up. Royally.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    My mother doesn't hand out candy at all for this reason...but, then she doesn't hand out healthy snacks either (too many children with allergies or special diets, in her opinion), so she hands out unsharpened pencils in crazy colors and patterns. I live across the street...and I hand out little packs of crayons.

    ETA: There is a lady in our neighborhood who hands out little prayer booklets on the evils of Halloween...we just shake our heads and wonder why she even answers her door and leaves her light on...

    Tell me they're Chick Tracts. Those things are the epitome of comedy ..

    My husband is fond of the D&D tract.
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    All the outrage and "If that happened to MY kid .. " posts are fun and all, but in giving this careful consideration .. I don't believe the story. Or at least the narrative as it seems popularly presented today.

    Do I believe a lady sent a sample letter and called a radio station to say she was doing this? Yep.

    Do I believe a lady will actually be doing this? Nooooooo.

    This was a nice little troll by some woman .. she's sitting back and watching everyone lose their ****ing minds. And probably having a chuckle.

    I just don't believe a human being could be THAT stupid. If this happens, her name is certain to get out. An angry neighbor could snap a couple pics of her house, post her address on a public forum. Right or wrong, her house will be targeted by pranksters (vandals, whatever) on halloween night AND in the future. The script kiddies and /b/tards will go their normal harassing phone calls 24/7 and daily massive pizza orders to her house once she's been doxed ...

    I reject the idea that she either doesn't understand this or doesn't give a damn.

    I believe we as a nation have had our chain yanked.

    Then you obviously, bless your heart, have much more faith in humanity than I do. There are, indeed, people in the world who are mean enough, self-righteous enough, and judgmental enough to do something like this. I got a letter very similar to that one the Halloween I was eight. That was my last year of trick-or-treating, not coincidentally. I was, in a word, devastated.

    True, that wasn't in the age of the internet, but still. I really do believe that there are people out there who are cruel enough to do this, and to think that they're above being "caught."
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    All I can comment on is my experience as an obese child.
    •Would it have stopped me from being obese? -- No.

    •Would a letter such as that have even made it to my parents? -- Doubtful, I would have been too ashamed to show them.

    •Would I still be obese after reading it? -- Yes, because I was never obese because of Halloween candy. I was obese from poor daily eating habits. My parents did not care about nutrition or exercise and that was the example they set for me. For many, many years, I just thought I was destined to be fat. I had no idea it came from the tons of junk that was freely given to me at any time.

    •Would my parents have made a change if they had found the letter? --Highly unprobable. I feel fairly certain that my parents would have ignored the letter, continued doing whatever they wanted and tell me, "Yeah, you're fat, but you have a pretty face and you're smart, so get over it!" (I heard this a lot as a child).

    •If I had kept it from my parents but read it myself and took it seriously, would I have been shamed into changing my eating habits? -- No. I was always an emotional binge eater and that would have sent me in the opposite direction. Back then (and even now sometimes), if I had a bad day at school, I'd sneak food on the bus... or I'd come home and eat 5 or 6 slices of white bread covered in pancake syrup because I was too little to use the stove to make real pancakes... or I'd eat all the chips in the house and get in trouble for it, but by then I was in a small food coma and didn't care.

    People are free to speak their minds no matter how it makes other people feel. These days, if it "takes a village" to raise a child, then it seems we're going to raise them to either feel horribly ashamed of themselves or to ignore any points of view that are not their own. My family would never have done something like this at Halloween. Of course, my family wasn't very good at a lot of child rearing to begin with... It still seems like someone with their nose in other people's business who would be more classy about their message. For frack's sake... she could give the children that she's judging and making assumptions about a toothbrush instead of a letter. I would hate to see the reaction that a friend of mine would have had if her child had gotten this letter while he was just starting chemo... he was on a ton of steroids and was extremely bloated and gained weight rapidly. Although he wasn't given unhealthy foods (his food choices were upped to the most healthy and 'clean' by his parents to keep his body fighting cancer), he looked severely obese in a matter of weeks. I guess he would have gotten a letter. This lady doesn't know every child's home life and can't presume to understand every situation.
  • paulylovesme
    What a pathetic excuse of a human. She is being a bully and I hate bullies! I saw we burn her house. Well maybe that goes a little to far but hey I am a mother! Thankfully my kids are not celebrating Halloween at all. I would so choke-a-hoe if she did that to my kids and no they are not fat.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    Seriously...think about it...just who is the victim here. I find it hard to believe that we have sunk so low that we truly believe its the children.

    Ummm, huh? So, you've turned it around so that SHE is the victim?
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    All the outrage and "If that happened to MY kid .. " posts are fun and all, but in giving this careful consideration .. I don't believe the story. Or at least the narrative as it seems popularly presented today.

    Do I believe a lady sent a sample letter and called a radio station to say she was doing this? Yep.

    Do I believe a lady will actually be doing this? Nooooooo.

    This was a nice little troll by some woman .. she's sitting back and watching everyone lose their ****ing minds. And probably having a chuckle.

    I just don't believe a human being could be THAT stupid. If this happens, her name is certain to get out. An angry neighbor could snap a couple pics of her house, post her address on a public forum. Right or wrong, her house will be targeted by pranksters (vandals, whatever) on halloween night AND in the future. The script kiddies and /b/tards will go their normal harassing phone calls 24/7 and daily massive pizza orders to her house once she's been doxed ...

    I reject the idea that she either doesn't understand this or doesn't give a damn.

    I believe we as a nation have had our chain yanked.

    But what's worse? Doing something like this, or saying you would do something like this just to get a rise out of people? Either way, she's bats**t crazy. I feel that way about "True Life" or the "Strange Addictions" folks. Maybe you're faking it, but you're willing to let the world believe you're not, and that's even weirder.