40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Humping!! I mean Hump day =P

    Beeps - thanks for sharing that. 'Systems' keep me sane =) Love that your hubby is such a support for you. Hope you share the results of that test!!

    I got my liting in this morning, I get to increase my bench and pendlay rows next go around!! Also tacked on a 15 minute tabata for good measure =)
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    44 male here.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I AM 32.7% BODYFAT!


    5' 8 3/4" this morning and 146.6 lbs on the DEXA scale stuff.

    And, yep, I am 32.7% BODYFAT - even my *lean* torso is not that f*cking lean - 28.6%. Each leg is 40%.

    Sooooooooooo, I was HOPING I wasn't "30%" - for 2 YEARS I've been aiming for 20%. And, in fact, I am 32.7% BODYFAT.

    I am feeling AWFUL about myself right now - will perk up tomorrow (I also had my flu shot, today).

    Unbelievable how DELUSIONAL I have been.

    Also, totally UNBELIEVABLE what the "naked eye" sees, compared to a DEXA. Just sayin'....

    (Can you IMAGINE what I must have been, in my "before" picture - omg, I bet I was 50%-friggin'-bodyfat!!! Ugh.)
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Don't beat yourself up too much, Beeps!
    First off, you LOOK fantastic. And since you don't walk around with your numbers showing, no one will know except you.
    Just use it as another number to plug into your system.
    You have made such amazing progress, I know you've got this too!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps~ Take some deep breaths. You'll be fine. You've got this. I have had this in my file for some time now. I find it helpful to read every so often. Hopefully some of it will be helpful to you too...

    M - Make short term goals.
    O- Out with the negative thoughts.
    T- Think of why we want it.
    I - Imagine how you will feel.
    V - Visualize the future.
    A - Acknowledge your success'
    T - Treat yourself with respect.
    I - Investigate new ideas and foods.
    O - Observe your healthy lifestyle
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am totally with RM on this one... you look fantastic and I would NEVER have thought 32.7%, EVER. My guess would have been 25% tops. Keep it in a spreadsheet somewhere, not in your head to fester with self-doubt. The little I know about you thus far, you will take this as a challenge and push yourself harder! Get back to the mindset you had before the test!! =)
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi there, just joining in. I am 42 yrs old and mother of 1. Hoping to change gears from weight loss to body recomposition.

    Beeps, I am totally inspired by your story and your progress. You look great, and you should take pride in the fact that you are far healthier, fitter and stronger that you were and that you will move forward!

    Thanks for all of you and your inspiration!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Thanks gang - I appreciate it, for sure.....

    self-flaggelation just gets SO BORING, SO FAST!


    I really *like* that M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N saying, KellySue....I'll have to USE THAT!

    Keep on truckin'....I'm going to!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Morning Cook Kids! Got some lifting in today, and now for a busy last day of work (for this week) for me. Meetings on our new insurance costs for next year and all kinds of other fun stuff. OFF tomorrow to spend some time with my grandson! Can't wait!!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member

    1. You look fantastic.
    2. You have made amazing progress!
    3. You are an inspiration to many others on MFP.

    I have several MFP friends that have made major overhauls in their diet and have gone from couch potato to workout king or queen; and still the scale isn't moving.

    Numbers alone never tell the whole story.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Halloween!!

    Got in my walk this morning and doing a HIIT session after work to help with the 'treating' today!!

    Have an awesome day!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    WhataBroad- Love the costume!!! Happy Halloween to you as well and to all the 40 plus peeps who celebrate! :drinker:
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Happy Halloween Kiddos!

    So we have rolled once again...AWESOME!!!!!

    So I have a little time on my hands so I did some figuring....lol

    For the month of October:

    1. I have lost for 19 days, 18.2 lbs
    2. I have gained for 10 days, 7.2 lbs
    3. I have had 2 days with no change

    So that comes to a net loss of 11 lbs. :D Goes to prove that weight loss is definately not linear.

    This also proves that losing weight is done in the kitchen as I have been sidelined with an injury.

    All that being said, looking forward to the coming holidays and keeping in mind that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just 2 days and that I don't have to eat like they are 2 months long! :D
  • amontanye
    amontanye Posts: 36 Member
    44 here and just found this thread. don't come to the boards as often as I should.
  • amontanye
    amontanye Posts: 36 Member
    Just out of curiosity, have you all thought about just creating a group here? rather than extending a thread? Kinda of like your own board? or maybe you tried already and this works better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Happy Halloween!

  • Debbieboston
    I'm 40 how do i sign up..
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in!

    Happy Halloween, everyone!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    bkw - 11lbs is awesome!, weight loss is far from linear!! if you eat at a deficit, you will lose, it really is that simple!

    amontanye - I for one, prefer this thread because in a group, there would be waaayyy too many topics created. This way, you just scroll and catch up =)

    Debbieboston - no signing up necessary! just join in the chat =)
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    So Broad....how much does your gumballs cost? LOL