1200cal/day really works.



  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I want to add my 2c. I don't think OP is saying 1) You HAVE to try this 2) DITCH whatever you are doing and do 1200 cals a day because that will work better 3) Is giving particular advice to anyone in particular. I DO think she feels excited, hopeful, and wanted to share her glee with other people. Tone is interpreted online in many different ways and I'm seeing a response that folks are taking it personal and instead of offering some factual info to "add on" (say remember folk to check your whatever TDEE is etc).

    I think OP wants to share that she feels GOOD about her accomplishments and it's just one more suggestion to other folks out there. It may work for some, not for others.

    What completely irritates me however is that people really, including myself, have no idea what is going on in someone else's life. They could be happy, they could be hopeful, they could have had someone die close to them recently or be really depressed and you never know what one thing might be their feeling of happiness in a world of dark...*not saying* this is what OP is going through BUT....I think people in the world online need to start caring a tad bit more about how they talk to eachother. Oh, and practice *not* getting defensive when someone like myself says this....

    All I see is OP apologizing, not wanting to create a whirlwind of stuff and to be accepted. But, alike to many other threads and forums online-folk just want to get into a who's right who's wrong debate. Yawn. I'm so over that....let's try to be encouraging, and supportive. We can disagree, we can offer other advice. We just don't have to come across as *kitten*...right??

    OP, I'm proud of you. Each day at a time, and progress is made! :)
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    It's not the number of 1200 that people are contesting per say. But rather the fact you were maintaining on 2000 calories and chose the absolute minimum allowed by adhering to an aggressive 2 lb weekly weight loss goal when you only had 39 lbs to lose. A more suitable weekly loss for someone with your degree of fat mass would be a 1 lb per week loss. If you continue, a lot of the weight you'll lose will come from lean mass. By sustaining a larger than needed deficit, you also run the risk of regaining a much greater amount of weight when you reach your goal and start increasing calories to maintenance.

    You have a point. I guess thats why someone asked how i was going to maintain the weight when i lose. You see, my goal is to try and lose all these weight before summer next year when i plan on exercising. I definitely do not intend to lose any lean mass and am aware of the probability of a gain in weight if i up my intake. but i plan on exercising then. Also I guess it was water weight and just about 1 or 2lb was fat. the next lloss might not be that much
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    With all due respect, I would not try to self diagnose (anything...I had yellow fever according to WebMD once...it was sciatica!). If you are concerned, get your doctor to do tests.

    High sugar is fine for many people. I would not assume that they will have it like you seemed to do in your post.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    What do you mean "abstain from sugar"? How are you going to do that?
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    I want to add my 2c. I don't think OP is saying 1) You HAVE to try this 2) DITCH whatever you are doing and do 1200 cals a day because that will work better 3) Is giving particular advice to anyone in particular. I DO think she feels excited, hopeful, and wanted to share her glee with other people. Tone is interpreted online in many different ways and I'm seeing a response that folks are taking it personal and instead of offering some factual info to "add on" (say remember folk to check your whatever TDEE is etc).

    I think OP wants to share that she feels GOOD about her accomplishments and it's just one more suggestion to other folks out there. It may work for some, not for others.

    What completely irritates me however is that people really, including myself, have no idea what is going on in someone else's life. They could be happy, they could be hopeful, they could have had someone die close to them recently or be really depressed and you never know what one thing might be their feeling of happiness in a world of dark...*not saying* this is what OP is going through BUT....I think people in the world online need to start caring a tad bit more about how they talk to eachother. Oh, and practice *not* getting defensive when someone like myself says this....

    All I see is OP apologizing, not wanting to create a whirlwind of stuff and to be accepted. But, alike to many other threads and forums online-folk just want to get into a who's right who's wrong debate. Yawn. I'm so over that....let's try to be encouraging, and supportive. We can disagree, we can offer other advice. We just don't have to come across as *kitten*...right??

    OP, I'm proud of you. Each day at a time, and progress is made! :)

    You absolutely get me! Thanks and good luck to your goals!
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    What do you mean "abstain from sugar"? How are you going to do that?

    I meant artificial sugar. I plan on eating fruits and all, but i am going to try to abstain from man made sugar
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    bumping for the eat more vs 1200 calorie arguments.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I just lost 4lbs in one week eating 1200cals a day. No exercise. I just want to say it really works. You should try it! Just one week and see the difference. Now am eager to get on with my weight loss. I wasn't losing any weight at first because of my diet. Now I can do and so can you!

    Erm, no thanks. I'm doing just fine on my current calorie amount.

    If I tried to stick to 1200, I'd probably eat my arm out of desperation. I get sooo hangry!

    Not saying that it doesn't work for everyone. My mom does 1200 + exercise calories … but she's 66 years old and 4'9"
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    With all due respect, I would not try to self diagnose (anything...I had yellow fever according to WebMD once...it was sciatica!). If you are concerned, get your doctor to do tests.

    High sugar is fine for many people. I would not assume that they will have it like you seemed to do in your post.

    Oh no i wasn't assuming she had it. I just wanted her to read a lil about what artificial sugar does to the body, ofcourse if ingesting it in great quantities. Am sure when i read "high" I just assumed she was having it in large quantities so i mentioned she looks up insulin resistance.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    My God, she was sharing her success and you people are bullying her. Yes, BULLYING. Commend her on her excitement of losing weight, and move on. Great work hon! Keep it up with healthy meals, and you'll be at your goal before you know it!
  • KittenIsLosingIt
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    With all due respect, I would not try to self diagnose (anything...I had yellow fever according to WebMD once...it was sciatica!). If you are concerned, get your doctor to do tests.

    High sugar is fine for many people. I would not assume that they will have it like you seemed to do in your post.

    Oh no i wasn't assuming she had it. I just wanted her to read a lil about what artificial sugar does to the body, ofcourse if ingesting it in great quantities. Am sure when i read "high" I just assumed she was having it in large quantities so i mentioned she looks up insulin resistance.

    Do you mean processed sugar? Or do you mean things like splenda?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My God, she was sharing her success and you people are bullying her. Yes, BULLYING. Commend her on her excitement of losing weight, and move on. Great work hon! Keep it up with healthy meals, and you'll be at your goal before you know it!

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    What do you mean "abstain from sugar"? How are you going to do that?

    I meant artificial sugar. I plan on eating fruits and all, but i am going to try to abstain from man made sugar

    How do you think these sugars (artificial, man made, and natural) differ at a structural level? How are you going to let your body know to handle the natural sugar differently than it would "artificial" or "man made" sugar?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Congrats on your loss.

    I am losing on 1600/day (more when I exercise) while enjoying my very high in sugar :devil: White Mocha. Gonna stick to my plan!!

    I wonder how you lose on high sugar. If I did that, my weight would escalate. I drink my tea and coffee with no sugar. Have you heard about insulin resistance? you should check it out!

    Maybe you should do some research.

    Are you insulin resistant? As diagnosed by a medical professional?

    Oh no i have not been diagnosed. I am just convinced I am from all what i have read. Maybe am being a lil paranoid but i seriously want to abstain from sugar for a while during this weight loss process. I have been told its not the enemy but I think it is to me much more than fat.

    With all due respect, I would not try to self diagnose (anything...I had yellow fever according to WebMD once...it was sciatica!). If you are concerned, get your doctor to do tests.

    High sugar is fine for many people. I would not assume that they will have it like you seemed to do in your post.

    Oh no i wasn't assuming she had it. I just wanted her to read a lil about what artificial sugar does to the body, ofcourse if ingesting it in great quantities. Am sure when i read "high" I just assumed she was having it in large quantities so i mentioned she looks up insulin resistance.

    Artificial sugar?

    She was talking about sugar.

    I actually think you may be a bit confused about it. If you are active, and unless you have a pre-existing medical condition, you really do not need to worry about it unless it displaces other nutrients in your diet to a degree you are deficient in them (and assuming your calories are at an appropriate level for your goals).
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    My God, she was sharing her success and you people are bullying her. Yes, BULLYING. Commend her on her excitement of losing weight, and move on. Great work hon! Keep it up with healthy meals, and you'll be at your goal before you know it!

    Okay first, this is not bullying. People were snarky and abrupt, but it's the internet. I seriously want your life if this is what you consider bullying. Try being treated like dirt everyday for ten years then get back to me. Sorry, but people throwing that term around really gets me.

    2nd, to the OP, congrats on your weight loss and wanting to make a change! Please know that 90% of the snarky comments are really just people who are concerned for you - I know they have a funny way of showing it! The fact is, yes 1200 works for jump starting weight loss. It can be a great motivator to help you keep going. But long term it becomes unsustainable, and people have a tendency to plateau and/or gain back a lot of weight. Also, like some people mentioned, you can lose a lot of lean body mass (muscle) so even though you weigh less, you won't looks as good. Lastly, you are basically running your body on bare minimum, which can be damaging over time.

    I say this from first hand experience, eating about 1000 calories a day. I lost a lot of weight but after about a year I couldn't maintain that and when I started eating more I gradually gained weight back. It was pretty traumatizing. It also caused me to have an unhealthy relationship with food because I was so used to eating so little.
    So some tips I have are to eat a lot of low calorie, high density foods, like soup (low sodium), and tons of veggies. They will keep you full while being low calorie, and are also full of vitamins and things your body needs. Be sure to get enough protein too. And even though you have kids, maybe you could work out a little during nap time or after they go to bed? Look up fitness blender on YouTube - they have a ton of free workout videos and some are really short. A little bit is better than nothing!

    Good luck losing weight!

    ETA: I now eat around 2000 calories a day and am still losing weight on that. It's much more sustainable. It's slower, but It's a journey- not a race.
  • KittenIsLosingIt
    My God, she was sharing her success and you people are bullying her. Yes, BULLYING. Commend her on her excitement of losing weight, and move on. Great work hon! Keep it up with healthy meals, and you'll be at your goal before you know it!

    With all due respect, coming in with a post about how 1,200 calories worked for her and will work for everyone if only they'd just give it a shot, after only one week of being on 1,200 calories, was never going to be well received. Most of the posters have been frank that it's difficult to keep up with that restrictive of a diet and that their own diets are working for them. There is no blanket diet that works for one and all. It has been fairly civil, actually, and the OP has since amended her original statement multiple times and shown that she has, in fact, gained some insight from the other posters. Stating that something is not going to work for everyone is not bullying.

    OP: Congratulations on your success. Four pounds is a huge deal, and I hope that you celebrate every loss with the vigor of these first four. I know that it can be rough to lose weight with one kid, and can't even imagine doing it with two! You're right that the life of a stay-at-home mom can absolutely feel sedentary. There's only so much picking up that a woman can do, and once you've child proofed, there's not much to keep them out of either! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
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