Thoughts on pepper spray?



  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I do live in a somewhat sketchy area and I carry pepper spray hooked on my dog leash and I have my CCW and carry a firearm. I think the three dogs are the best deterrent though. My reward for when I break 200lbs is going to be Krav Maga classes.
  • Sarahcuda
    Take a self defense class. I used to teach women's street self defense and it was amazing.

    A weapon can always be used against you. The most important weapons you have are your body parts (arms, fingers, teeth, knee, feet, etc!)
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I should have noted in the original post that I run as part of my commute to work so taking a dog or a gun (I work on federal property) aren't options for me. The inspiration for the post was three drunk frat boys cat calling me at 4:30am on this morning's run. I think the common thread is a self defense class, which seems like a necessity whether you run with a dog (or a horse!), spray, gun, or just your wits.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    It's great that you are thinking about your safety when you are out running. The problem with pepper spray is that so much can go wrong with it: the wind changes, your attacker gets it away from you, etc. If you choose pepper spray, get some training with it so you can be effective and DON"T SHOW IT until you're ready to use it. Weapons are not to be used as threats.

    That said, I teach that a flashlight is better- something like this:

    I get a cheap version of this at the local sporting goods store (Big 5) for $4. You can beam him in the face and assertively ask him what he's doing, and that should make you unattractive enough to him to move on. Otherwise, you can hit him with the scalloped edge of the light after you beam him (beam him and brain him, lol). Then the police will have a nice pattern/scar/cut for them to look for when you report it.

    Keep in mind that the priority for all attackers is that he doesn't want to get caught, and he doesn't want a fight. With this in mind, run in populated and well-lit places as much as you can. Feel free to msg me if you have any questions, or see my website at

  • Rawfoodsho
    From what I use to see when they used it on dog the bounty hunter, anyone in a vicinity gets effected.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Self defense classes are highly recommended for everyone, if only because you need confidence and most of all, awareness in any dangerous situation. A lot of the time, being aggressive and loud will be enough to make an attacker consider you too much trouble.

    I recommend sticks - try to find a class that will teach you how to effectively use sticks from walking stick-sized ones to pen sized ones. You can easily walk with a walking stick in hand and a simple piece of 6" dowel can be a devastating close-quarter weapon that can be carried comfortably in the hand when running, if you know you are going into a dodgy area.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    i asked a friend about this (he is a cop) and he said don't carry pepper spray. it never works out that it is effectively used.

    i got a really loud whistle instead. it goes right on the house keys - which will go with me if i drive or walk. i use a carabiner and keep it clipped to the front strap of my sports bra (near my shoulder). it would be easy and ready to use if needed!!

    just look for sport whistles - they are about $5 online.
  • runshellersrun
    I always carry pepper spray with me when I run. For human and dog attackers! I have young kids too, and I just keep it high up.  The only thing I will say is I actually thought I would need to use it once, however it was extremely windy, and I was down wind. That would not have worked out well! I happened to be on a bike ride, rather than a run, so I was able to hop on my bike and ride away like the wind. Anyway. point is that I have put a lot of faith in my pepper spray, and it wouldn't have done me a bit of good in that situation.
    Something else to consider is one of those small stun guns, although I know they are illegal in many areas, and you would probably need some kind of zipper pocket to keep in in, making it difficult to access anyway.
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    I should have noted in the original post that I run as part of my commute to work so taking a dog or a gun (I work on federal property) aren't options for me. The inspiration for the post was three drunk frat boys cat calling me at 4:30am on this morning's run. I think the common thread is a self defense class, which seems like a necessity whether you run with a dog (or a horse!), spray, gun, or just your wits.

    You would use a pepper spray for street harassment? I'd run out of pepper spray - I get cat called/harassed almost every day.
    I don't actually think that in the eyes of the law, pepper spray is an appropriate response to cat calling.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I should have noted in the original post that I run as part of my commute to work so taking a dog or a gun (I work on federal property) aren't options for me.

    Really? I work for the state and I have co-workers who open carry. Of course, this is Utah...
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I am amazed and alarmed that ordinary folk feel the need to carry firearms on a daily basis, let alone pepper spray.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    this is my running defense:


    tho, he usually looks like this:


    in a less silly answer, while I do run with my dog, I also trained in martial arts for 5 years and there's a thing or two most non-trained folks (especially women) can learn from taking a self defense course.

    it is also good exercise.

    ETA: one of the things I learned in my martial arts was to consider before carrying a weapon whether or not you could defend yourself against that weapon if it is taken from you. Also, from my experience with guns, don't carry if you aren't skilled, willing, and prepared to use it.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    The problem with that is - in the UK at least - if you best friend set about an attacker, he or she would most likely have to be put to sleep. That's a risk I won't take with my own dog.

    There's also the possibility that in the heat of an attack your dog may turn on you.

    ETA: the best defence - and awesome exercise - was attending Aikido classes and yes, we did learn the dangers of carrying and having a weapon turned back on us. Any weapon can be used against you by an attacker.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    It works for hot sauce in a pinch, and it gives the added security of no longer being afraid of the burritos I'm eating.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Pepper spray is no joke. If carrying, practice with exposure. And enclosed spaces are lol.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    The problem with that is - in the UK at least - if you best friend set about an attacker, he or she would most likely have to be put to sleep. That's a risk I won't take with my own dog.

    There's also the possibility that in the heat of an attack your dog may turn on you.

    ETA: the best defence - and awesome exercise - was attending Aikido classes and yes, we did learn the dangers of carrying and having a weapon turned back on us. Any weapon can be used against you by an attacker.

    He is actually a deterrent. In the event of an attack, I expect to be the one defending him. He's just a puppy!

    also ETA: where I live dogs have to bit more than once to be put down. And they are always given a chance to move out of the jurisdiction. This is based on laws that are just about dogs biting. I'm looking to see if there are any laws that recognize if a dog is fighting off an attacker.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm in the UK, so firearms are illegal to carry for civilians, as is pepper spray. However, when I arrived at university the female students were given rape alarms (I'm in a really safe city, so most of us found this unsettling). A good rape alarm should be enough to disable your attacker as the noise actually stops people in their tracks. As you're expecting it, it would give you time to run, and the noise would be enough for a cowardly attacker to run away once they've recovered from the paralyzing noise! Just an alternative option!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    The problem with that is - in the UK at least - if you best friend set about an attacker, he or she would most likely have to be put to sleep. That's a risk I won't take with my own dog.

    There's also the possibility that in the heat of an attack your dog may turn on you.

    ETA: the best defence - and awesome exercise - was attending Aikido classes and yes, we did learn the dangers of carrying and having a weapon turned back on us. Any weapon can be used against you by an attacker.

    He is actually a deterrent. In the event of an attack, I expect to be the one defending him. He's just a puppy!

    also ETA: where I live dogs have to bit more than once to be put down. And they are always given a chance to move out of the jurisdiction. This is based on laws that are just about dogs biting. I'm looking to see if there are any laws that recognize if a dog is fighting off an attacker.

    I think you're right. If you can train your dog to bark on command and stop on command the deterrent would be enough in the majority of cases - and he looks the part!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    RCW 16.08.060. Provocation as a defense

    Proof of provocation of the attack by the injured person shall be a complete defense to an action for damages.


    if any mofo hurts me and my dog bites, my defense is right here. I <3 Washington state!

    eta: this is in the Washington state law section addressing dogs and dog bites. Also interesting to note that a dog biting a trespasser is not illegal under the RCWs
  • Penfoldsplace
    Carrying weapons is illegal here in the uk so I have never considered it myself. I do live in a city though, I can understand feeling more vulnerable in the middle of nowhere. I think if you would feel more safe with it then see if you can find a self defence course that includes training with pepper spray. I would be more worried it could be turned on me, and your sight is paramount to getting away from someone. If I am going somewhere alone and late I carry an alarm with a long strap that can go around my neck so I don't have to find it in my bag if something happened. It's no guarantee, but it would be off putting to an attacker. Keep to well lit, populated areas if possible.