any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I do intervals on the elliptical. I definitely burn a lot and have fun. Admittedly, my body type doesn't store as much belly fat, but I think eliminating things like alcohol (esp beer) and high fructose corn syrup - two proven belly fat promoters would help, as well as cutting down on other simple carbs. I think abs are 70% kitchen, you still have to engage them in almost everything you do to have great ones.
  • I do intervals on the elliptical. I definitely burn a lot and have fun. Admittedly, my body type doesn't store as much belly fat, but I think eliminating things like alcohol (esp beer) and high fructose corn syrup - two proven belly fat promoters would help, as well as cutting down on other simple carbs. I think abs are 70% kitchen, you still have to engage them in almost everything you do to have great ones.

    Haha I tried alcohol for the first time (getting drunk) after I moved to Taiwan. I only had a bunch because I was at a summer camp and we went clubbing every other night or played drinking games, but haven't touched a drop since! And HFCS is pretty rare to find in food here (thank goodness!) so I think I am good on those two points! Will have to try staying under my calories and doing more working out :D Thanks for all the tips, ladies!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, going to really push it this week while hubby is out of town. I can do this!
  • wow thought it was just me. I started out a year and half ago to lose 10 lbs and ended up losing 20 and loved the way I looked. Then I started allowing an occasional treat and I am back up 10 and hate it. I am having such a hard time losing again its driving me nuts and no one supports me because "you look fine". I don;t want to look fine i want to look great!! I am glad there are others out there with the same drive. I am facing an activity altering surgery in january and need to start lean so i don;t totally end up back where I started. Good luck to all of you I will be right there with you.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ugh, i'm trying not to be frustrated, and although I promised myself I would stay off the scale until Nov. 2nd, I hopped on it today and have not lost any weight in over 2 wks. My waist size has stayed the same too, so it's not that I'm gaining muscle.... Actually, the scale says I'm 126, instead of my 124 weigh in from a couple weeks ago. I am on my period, but it's almost over now.... so I really really hope that explains this. I'm sticking to my calories, working out almost every day too! I want to be 115 by Christmas, but at this rate, I'll never get there!


    definitely gotta start doing interval training this week (not today - it's raining!), but what makes things really difficult is that I'm doing the 30 Day Slim Down challenge and right now we're doing a min. of 2 of JM's workouts daily until the end of the month. Not sure I have enough energy to also do interval training! I think in November and December I'm going to focus on cardio/intervals and maybe just do the 30DS a few times throughout the week...

    Does anybody have any ideas? I"m not a SUPER clean eater, but I do make an effort. Part of my problem is 1) i have a major sweet tooth and I am not a big fruit eater, so I do tend to lean toward baked goods or candy... not that eat a ton of it, but i know i eat more than someone on a diet should. Also, I love my diet pepsi and i struggle w/ that a lot... and also struggle w/ drinking enough water half the time. Some days it's easy, other days it's hard.

    I fail most diets because I lose patience when I stop seeing results, but I'm so determined this time to do it right and get it done - to reach my goals! I'm mad at myself that I even look the way I do and refuse to stay like this any longer... please give me any advice you can!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, Wytbyerdoc! You did it before and you can do it again.
    cutmd, what's your plan for the week? I was two pounds over my goal weight this morn, I don't think I have ever been at goal weight on Monday, so I better swtich back to 1200 cals, instead of 1400 maintenance cals.
    Jen, I know what you mean about the eating, while I can stay under cals I cannot do away with carbs or sweets, I budget for a piece of chocolate, and my diet, well, I had waffles and fried chicken on Saturday and even though it wasn't over on cals, it's not the best way to eat.
    Maybe we should just pick one thing, could you eliminate the candy, or the baked goods, or the pepsi?
    And give yourself a water challenge, if you had a 10 oz glass when you wake up and before every meal that would get you pretty close to having enough.
    Could you pick one fruit that you do like and just stock up? have one for morning and one for afternoon snack?
    I am confused about your slimdown challenge though-oh, wait a minimum of 2 Jillian Michaels? I thought you meant a minute of 2-so 2 minutes of working out! In a way, 30 DS is intervals, you do the cardio and then continue to burn through the ab and strength portions, right? I have not done any of her other workouts, but anything cardio can be altered into intervals! read this:
    Maybe you could do that instead of 1 of the JM workouts?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome, Wytbyerdoc! You did it before and you can do it again.
    cutmd, what's your plan for the week? I was two pounds over my goal weight this morn, I don't think I have ever been at goal weight on Monday, so I better swtich back to 1200 cals, instead of 1400 maintenance cals.
    Jen, I know what you mean about the eating, while I can stay under cals I cannot do away with carbs or sweets, I budget for a piece of chocolate, and my diet, well, I had waffles and fried chicken on Saturday and even though it wasn't over on cals, it's not the best way to eat.
    Maybe we should just pick one thing, could you eliminate the candy, or the baked goods, or the pepsi?
    And give yourself a water challenge, if you had a 10 oz glass when you wake up and before every meal that would get you pretty close to having enough.
    Could you pick one fruit that you do like and just stock up? have one for morning and one for afternoon snack?
    I am confused about your slimdown challenge though-oh, wait a minimum of 2 Jillian Michaels? I thought you meant a minute of 2-so 2 minutes of working out! In a way, 30 DS is intervals, you do the cardio and then continue to burn through the ab and strength portions, right? I have not done any of her other workouts, but anything cardio can be altered into intervals! read this:
    Maybe you could do that instead of 1 of the JM workouts?

    thanks for the ideas... it's not that i hate fruit. i just tend to eat more of other types of sweets. but i joined a thread that has a challenge to eat 2 fruits and 3 veggies a day for the next week :) i think i'll make sure to keep that one ongoing.
    i'm going to also try zig-zagging my calories throughout the week and see if that makes any difference... upping my cardio, upping my water... i might drop 100 calories one day a week too... but not until i try the other stuff first. if i still sit still then i will drop 100 cals and see if that makes any diff. and of course there is always carb loading as well.... not sure i wanna do that though - too much thinking!!!

    i really wish dieting was simple and not so all consuming! i just want to eat my calories, do my exercise, drink my water and not think, but all i seem to do all day long is think about my diet!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    bumping for later :smile:
  • thanks for the ideas... it's not that i hate fruit. i just tend to eat more of other types of sweets. but i joined a thread that has a challenge to eat 2 fruits and 3 veggies a day for the next week :) i think i'll make sure to keep that one ongoing.


    i really wish dieting was simple and not so all consuming! i just want to eat my calories, do my exercise, drink my water and not think, but all i seem to do all day long is think about my diet!

    That sounds like a good challenge! Looking at my food diary, it is VERY carb heavy and not so good on fruit and veggies :frown: I think I will challenge myself too!

    Definitely feel you on the all-consuming part! But I think this is a real lifestyle change, not a "diet" you get on and off of. Eventually it will be second nature and we will naturally choose the healthy choice and not overeat... until then, mindful eating and exercising!
  • jjwoods
    jjwoods Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 124. Got down to 117 this summer and want to get back to that weight. It just seemed to pile on in Sept. and Oct. Still working out almost every day and trying to stay under my calories. Hope to make my goal by Thanksgiving.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jenjabbour - sorry you are struggling. Since you have a sweet tooth maybe you should try my new favorite - frozen grapes! Soooo sweet and yummy. I also use raw kale as my salad base instead of lettuce. Calorie cycling is a good idea, also make sure your numbers are correct by using a food scale and hrm if you haven't already. It is very all-consuming but that's what you get for pursuing the vanity pounds :wink:

    Asjerven - ack, how could you have gained 2lbs on 1400 calories a day? Are you sure that's accurate? 1200 for maintenance seems kinda low.... My plan for this week is 3 sessions of eat stop eat and lots of cardio/strength training/calorie burn. I'm on my second fasting session now. I love food but ESE seems to be the only way I can lose weight these days. It is working so far :smile:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Hi, great thread! It's so good to know that loads of people are finding the last few pounds really slow to get rid of as well :drinker:
    I started MFP at 5ft7 and 133 which is my bodys favourite weight... always seem to get back to it. I'm now down to 126 and those 7lbs came off really nicely at 2lbs a week. So satisfying! But ive now been at a plateau with another 7lbs to go for something like 6 weeks so ive switched to maintenance calories for a week to see if that helps.. very frustrating :grumble: Does anyone have any tips? Im exercising a lot (both cardio and strength), switched round on the machines and experimented with the number of calories im taking in. I just want the flat stomach ive always dreamed of :love: haha
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    hey everyone, you wanna drop at least 5 lbs in 24hrs? it's true, it can work!!! get the stomach flu!!! bwahahahaha! ok, seriously, i wouldn't wish it on anyone, but i hope the 5+ lbs i lost yesterday doesn't come back, or at least not all of it! still not eating much today either... not moving much either, though. hope to be back to normal tomorrow. my tummy actually looks toned though! at least i know the muscles are in there somewhere!
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    I am doing the same thing...losing weight for ME. I'm also 5'7" 136lbs. MFP is great for everyone, it really helps you stay on track and has such a great community!!
  • I'm 5'4 and I weigh 133 so yeah I'm also just trying to lose "Just for Me". I'm in the normal range but have experienced signs of concern from not eating correctly. Myfitnesspal is new for me but I'm hoping it helps me keep track of my eating & help me maintain a good & healthy weight. My goal is 118. Oh, and I don't drink enough water and the water "reminder" is VERY helpful!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think the 5lbs you lost was fat, jen, you can expect to get most of that weight back since you are probably dehydrated! hope you feel better-stomach flu is the worst.
    welcome to the new girls.
    and, cutmd, I did not likely gain weight on 1400 cals, it was more likely because this weekend I had my mom visiting and I was taking her to all my favorite places that she can't get in the small town where she lives. I entered "waffle" for breakfast and "fried chicken breast" for lunch, but really, that was together and brunch!
    we got thai and I never do curry, I had no idea the cals were so high on that!
    I keep saying that I am going to stop worrying about the number on the scale, but I can't. And I am not doing a great job on eating better, either. But I haven't had any alcohol yet this week and I get an apple and a salad each day, so, baby steps. I got a freezer full of food so that helps me not eat out!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    jen, hope you're feeling better! Congrats on the abs :wink:

    Welcome to newcomers xmaxine, keysr and martin! We can do this together!

    asjerven, I'm sure you're fine, though I understand your anxiety, especially since your body probably isn't used to your new weight and it's plotting against you. Just eat at maintenance for a few weeks and it will become second nature :flowerforyou:

    Worthy friends, if you don't already own one, please BUY A FOOD SCALE AND USE IT!!!! I got a cheap one from walmart for 5 bucks, and was dismayed to learn that what I thought was 4 oz of chicken breast was actually 6, my plum isn't 30 calories, it's 90 by weight, etc, etc. Since most of us are working with small deficits our true serving sizes can make or break us! :grumble:

    I think starvation mode is very rare and most of us not losing need to triple check our energy balance.

    Going to workout today to have a lot of calories available for an evening with my mom :tongue:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I forgot to say, I hit a milestone yesterday! I was working out in the gym and sat down to stretch. Suddenly, I looked in the mirror and realized my belly was wrinkling up the way the women on the exercise dvds do rather than pouching out! YAY!!!

    I secretly always wanted that but didn't think it would happen! :blushing:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    cutmd, yay for the milestone! i know i want that too... mine rolls, not

    I'm feeling better, but still not back to normal. i'm having issues even getting in 1000 calories. hoping today i'll be able to break 1,000. we'll see. still haven't gained the weight back. i might've went up a lb. i will weigh in next week and that should be a pretty honest weigh-in. i'm just ready to feel normal again. i'll probably hold off on workouts until next week too, just to make sure my body has time to fully recover. nasty virus! ugh!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Yup.....Right there with you.....Funny how people can be so unsympathetic when I talk about losing weight.....! Like because I am not overweight my weight doesn't matter!!!! At 5' 7", I am at a healthy weight, but not at the weight where I feel good about myself.
    Thanks for posting this....The many responses show me that I'm not alone here! That I'm not "crazy" for wanting to lose more weight!
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