Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    I feel i've had a bad week this week. I haven't managed to do much excersise and i've gone over my calories on 3 occasions (by no more than 100 cals but i still shouldn't have gone over!!)
    I just hope i dont gain weight this week :(

    Hey Sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself. Do the best you can each day, and when you slip, just pick yourself up and start over. What we are doing here is not an all or nothing thing, it is a lifetime of small choices we have to make. So you blow it one day - who doesn't, forget it and start over. The scale is just a tool in this process, it is not the end all be all in your life, what really matters is how you are feeling , are you eating healthy, doing the best you can with excersise, the numbers will take care of themselfs. If you let the scale rule you, you're in for a bumpy ride, as women our weight will change daily because of water. So only weigh once a week or every 2 weeks and you will get a truer picture of what is going on. From your note it doesn't sound like you are doing all that bad, so be kind to you, you're worth it. Be Blessed, Connie

    I went over again today :( I didn't dare add it to my food journal. It was a special occasion so we had an Indian take away. We were meant to be going swimming tomorrow but it doesn't look like we will be so i won't even get a chance to work it off. I'll have to go for a walk or something in the morning. It's just so frustrating, i know i'm doing wrong yet i just CANT help myself!!
    Thank you for your support though Connie, it means a lot x
  • HEY ALL! I hope everyone is doing great! Hey, Don't worry about a slip up here and there, we are all addicts to food and a relapse is bound to happen but just know that tomorrow is another day and it will show us another way to our dreams! I do not go to the gym as of yet although I am in talks with a personal trainer to better myself but until I do get into the roll of working out, I like to do other small things Like, Parking farther from the store, Having my part time job, Walking outside, up the hill in front on my parents house or house work. Just by doing things other than sitting I know I'm burning more calories than just using a finger to point and click the remote.
    I have also found some good choices in food, like, Multi grain cheerios and Natures whole bran organic cereal and also soy milk!
    I have a goal now of 41lbs because once I reach that I will be under 300lbs. I am getting used to hunger pains and I smile when I feel it because in my crazy mind I picture fat falling off! I wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow I am going to our new apartment to finish putting things away and finally move in, So until the cable/internet guy gets in I will be post once or twice a week, Mostly on weekends but I will keep a ledger with stats to update and I can't wait to get back and read all of you guy's comments on your own life!

    The bad news- I started back smoking... argh.... Well I noticed I wanted food more when I tried to quit so I am going to try and quit after this 41lbs comes off!

    Love and light to you all!

  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hey all, just checking in...went way over my calories today while my family and I were out of town on our mini-vacation today, but I ate light yesterday and exercised last night in hopes of "banking" some calories for was a special occasion so I let myself splurge, but tomorrow it's back to the plan...
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Hello everyone, just joining in to this challenge. It has been wk 2 so far since I started again, trying not to go over my cal goal and excersicing at least 1.5hrs 5 times a week.
    So far lost 5 pounds. It's frustrating how much I can gain in a week and how long in takes too loose half of it. But I guess slowly but surely right girls?
    I've been having stomach problems for the last couple of days so that's not helping eating as a should. I think i might have an ulcer so i have to very careful on what I eat. =(. it sucks!

  • Hello everyone. I am just checking in. Today has been tough like all weekends are. I stayed under my MFP calories but over where I try to stay with them. I try to stay around 1800 calories a day. With my workouts 6 days a week MFP says over 3000. I just can not wrap my head around that number. tomorrow will be even harder since my gym is closed on Sunday. I know that it should not be bad for me to have one out of 7 days as a day of rest but for me one day can turn into 4 or five. I need to keep up the momentum. Each day that I do not feel like going I tell myself "if you miss today you will break your everyday streak." I have a park about a block away so tomorrow I will try to make myself go shoot hoops or maybe hit the tennis court. Walking outside still scares me since I have to walk back. what if I walk to far away and get too tired to walk back. (besides there are hills out there) :noway:
  • Let's see if this thing works this time. :embarassed:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    hey everyone. I had an interesting day. I am so over in carb, LIKE DOUBLE. weekends, awww and friends. The fair thing we went to did not help I was not going to get an elephant ear then everyone else did. OH it was so good though. Now I eel so sick though. Anyways hope everyone is great.

  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    I feel i've had a bad week this week. I haven't managed to do much excersise and i've gone over my calories on 3 occasions (by no more than 100 cals but i still shouldn't have gone over!!)
    I just hope i dont gain weight this week :(

    Hey Sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself. Do the best you can each day, and when you slip, just pick yourself up and start over. What we are doing here is not an all or nothing thing, it is a lifetime of small choices we have to make. So you blow it one day - who doesn't, forget it and start over. The scale is just a tool in this process, it is not the end all be all in your life, what really matters is how you are feeling , are you eating healthy, doing the best you can with excersise, the numbers will take care of themselfs. If you let the scale rule you, you're in for a bumpy ride, as women our weight will change daily because of water. So only weigh once a week or every 2 weeks and you will get a truer picture of what is going on. From your note it doesn't sound like you are doing all that bad, so be kind to you, you're worth it. Be Blessed, Connie

    I went over again today :( I didn't dare add it to my food journal. It was a special occasion so we had an Indian take away. We were meant to be going swimming tomorrow but it doesn't look like we will be so i won't even get a chance to work it off. I'll have to go for a walk or something in the morning. It's just so frustrating, i know i'm doing wrong yet i just CANT help myself!!
    Thank you for your support though Connie, it means a lot x
    Hey Girl, there you go beating yourself up again, remember it's one day at a time.. Go for that walk and enjoy the sunshine and all the beauty we're surrounded with. Write what you eat in your food diary, sometimes it's a surprise to find out we haven't done as bad as we think we have, and then sometimes we have done bad,:cry: but either way you have a record to look back on. It's a big thing to set out to lose all the weight we have, but with all of us helping each other we can do it.
    Take baby steps and do all that youcan for yourself, eat half of the cheat food, walk a few steps further, whatever it takes. Remember this is a lifetime trip so enjoy yourself along the way, there is no food in the world worth your health and happiness, so go for it while you are young and enjoy the trip.
    Be Blessed and hang in there , Connie:flowerforyou:
  • I seen alot of relapses this week and guess what? YOU are NOT ALONE! I had a slice of pizza last night and today, ugh... and late last night I caught myself binging on crackers, hummus and half a sandwich. I feel totally down today... I just want to cry... Sometimes I feel like I would just throw it all up.... And other times I want to cut this fat off!!! Its like a jail sentence in my own body! I am tired of being down, fat, looked at, Laughed upon by super skinny teeny boppers.
    For once in my life I would like to buy a cute dress that actually looks like a dress and not a darn tent! I want to WALK like the rest of the population and not have to feel bad or embarressed because I have to stop and rest. I want to see my VIRGINA for the first time in years! I'm tired of showering obsessive and putting on TONS of baby powder to make sure I dont sweat and cause a rash! I'm tired of having 8 boobs instead of two!!!! I would like to go to the movies and sit with everyone else and not in the FAT SEAT! I'd like to travel on a plane to other countries without the fear of a seatbelt extender and a double priced fare!!! I am fed up at this moment with my excusses and my own self distruction and maybe I might just be going nuts but THIS time I am going to do this right, NOT starting tomorrow but TONIGHT!
  • anniec
    anniec Posts: 23
    I just joined MFP on Thursday. I am soooo glad I found this site, and especially this topic board. Thanks, Christy for starting it !!

    I have 144 pounds to lose.. and this HAS to be it. I have tried too many diets, this has to be a LIFE CHANGE !! I am hoping for at least 2 pounds per week, but I can't exercise yet due to a surgery I had in January (cyst on my tailbone that is taking a looooong time to heal). Hopefully by labor day I can start exercising. BUT... I can still make good food choices.

    This really has to be it. I'm so tired of doing this to myself. Hey, there is progress with a group.

    Good luck to all of us.
  • I just joined MFP on Thursday. I am soooo glad I found this site, and especially this topic board. Thanks, Christy for starting it !!

    I have 144 pounds to lose.. and this HAS to be it. I have tried too many diets, this has to be a LIFE CHANGE !! I am hoping for at least 2 pounds per week, but I can't exercise yet due to a surgery I had in January (cyst on my tailbone that is taking a looooong time to heal). Hopefully by labor day I can start exercising. BUT... I can still make good food choices.

    This really has to be it. I'm so tired of doing this to myself. Hey, there is progress with a group.

    Good luck to all of us.

    I'm right there with you and I thank you for stepping up to a more healthier you! I know that it takes time to change, after all we didnt get this way over night! If you need anything at all, please feel free to contact me!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I made it inot the gym today. I am so proud of myslef. I put it off all last week and came up with every reason I could not to go. I went for lots of walks last week but never actully made it into the gym.
  • anniec
    anniec Posts: 23
    I just joined MFP on Thursday. I am soooo glad I found this site, and especially this topic board. Thanks, Christy for starting it !!

    I have 144 pounds to lose.. and this HAS to be it. I have tried too many diets, this has to be a LIFE CHANGE !! I am hoping for at least 2 pounds per week, but I can't exercise yet due to a surgery I had in January (cyst on my tailbone that is taking a looooong time to heal). Hopefully by labor day I can start exercising. BUT... I can still make good food choices.

    This really has to be it. I'm so tired of doing this to myself. Hey, there is progress with a group.

    Good luck to all of us.

    I'm right there with you and I thank you for stepping up to a more healthier you! I know that it takes time to change, after all we didnt get this way over night! If you need anything at all, please feel free to contact me!

    Thanks again, Christy! I will definitely participate on the boards. And I hope it will keep me honest! :bigsmile:
  • anniec
    anniec Posts: 23
    I made it inot the gym today. I am so proud of myslef. I put it off all last week and came up with every reason I could not to go. I went for lots of walks last week but never actully made it into the gym.

    You should be proud!!! We all have to start somewhere. But the walks were still great. I need to get into a schedule and walk after work.

    How many times are you planning on going to the gym this week ? :flowerforyou:

    <Cute furballs on the sofa, too!>
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all.. This weekend was VERY HARD.. my parents were in town, so that meant eating out all weekend long... it was my nieces first bday so we all had dariy queen man she loves that BUT its monday now they are all gone and hopefully i will be back on track... Still walkin to work so this will help this week. BUT its just frustrating how much I can yo yo in just a few days... UGH thanks for listening
  • nurse6939
    nurse6939 Posts: 3
    I am in I started this a little over a month ago, and have lost 14 lbs. so far and have 88 to go. It is a slow journey, but with alot of support we all can make it. Way to go everyone!!! Keep hanging in there.
    Probably one of the hardest things we will ever do in life. I really like this site, you guys are so like me and so understanding. Good luck to all of you and have a great day. :flowerforyou:

    My HW : 232
    Current : 218
    My goal : 130

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Hey Gang, Just weighed in with a loss of 2.6 lbs over the last week. I am pretty happy.:happy:
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :flowerforyou: Hi all, checking in with all of you, thanks for keeping me on track. It is so easy to just give up sometimes. I have been following the diet the Dr. reccomened and I haven't had a problem with wanting to eat - just the opposit I don't know if I can face another meal. I'm pretty down in the dumps today and I haven't done any excercise - no bike - no pool, just pity party's. I pray I can hang in there and get my legs back again and have some sort of life. Sorry for being such a bummer today but I'm just down. Mabe tomorrow the sun will shine, I hope so, I am so tired of feeling so sad. Good luck to all. Connie
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I made it inot the gym today. I am so proud of myslef. I put it off all last week and came up with every reason I could not to go. I went for lots of walks last week but never actully made it into the gym.

    You should be proud!!! We all have to start somewhere. But the walks were still great. I need to get into a schedule and walk after work.

    How many times are you planning on going to the gym this week ? :flowerforyou:

    <Cute furballs on the sofa, too!>

    probubly 4 maybe 5 I have ALL of last week to make up for.

    yeah the cats are cute, except when the furball end up on the carpet, most of our house it hard wood floors, they always find the carpet. I love them though, they are my babies.
  • I am getting where I hate food, Like a total non interest in it what so ever...... Today was so bad, I had the worst heart burn of my life! It totally burnt my throat and now when I try to drink or eat it feels like razors going down.... I'm so going to the doctors tomorrow... Its 9pm here and I've only had like 100 calories today, blah, I feel like going to bed...
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