Pastry Chef: Immoral and Unethical?



  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,210 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? So she will be preparing pastries and directly contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. What’s next, should I congratulate the Marlboro man on the new gourmet cigarette brand he is coming out with? I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes. And even worse, these are gourmet treats which people are likely to eat even more of!

    I don’t know. If it were me, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I knew I would be harming people like this long term. They are throwing her a going away party in a few weeks and she is going to be providing a sampling of her work for us. I’m still undecided if I should attend with these concerns. I’m not sure what kind of message that will be sending ya know?

    What you guys think? Am I right? Or should I ease up, be happy for my friend and go to the party even if I feel like I’m compromising on my morals and ethics?

    Um, you do know that pastry is an art, a scientific art. I assume you are sarcasming for fun. If not:

    I don't have the patience to read the thread and responses.
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,210 Member
    This is exactly why I got out of the business (I'm a professionally trained pastry chef, now working at a nonprofit)! As much as I love seeing the look on someone's face when they eat my creation, I couldn't get over the fact that I was contributing to society's obesity epidemic.

    I still make birthday/baby shower treats out of my home, but that's as far as I'll go.

    that is not a good reason.


    why did I scroll back to read more? Ugh...
  • Firstly, be happy for your friend and congratulate her. Secondly, your friend is going to better herself by going to school. And as to the providing sugary treats to others, she will NOT be doing that because she won't be forcing the stuff down people's throats....everybody is responsible for what goes into their own mouths. :frown:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This is the post that never ends,
    It just goes on and on my friends,
    Some people started commenting not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue commenting forever just because, this is the post that never ends,
    It just goes on and on my friends..............

    LOL is lamb chop even on anymore?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    When I pause to consider how many members joined MFP because they are obese, I am not surprised that most of them are against banning pastries. Even if they lose weight, they are still obese in their hearts.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Wow…I am still shocked my topic got this much attention. Quite frankly, I can’t say I’m surprised that the derisive and haughty comments have not abated but only seemingly intensified. Understanding the culture of this place will forever remain elusive to me it seems.

    To the many who PM’d me their words of support, I thank you. I understand now your hesitancy to place those comments publicly.

    To those who chose to save the most lethal of your arrows for PM’s, dipped in poison and ready to strike, well you have received your due reward.

    I’m not sure if I will go, not sure if it even matters anymore. For those interested I might update on what happens. I’ll just leave these words to remember as we back into the future. Hopefully a little wiser and more understanding.

    “One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”
    Well said. Do what feels right for you.
  • roosterfish81
    roosterfish81 Posts: 13 Member
    Self righteous as I think your post is, if you were really losing sleep over the obesity epidemic, then you'd be going after fast and processed food corporations who spend stupid millions of money working out how to get us to eat more instead of an independent little pastry chef on the smallest scale possible.
    Pick your battles man.
  • I just sat up and read all of the comments.And the 1st thing i noticed was if you spent half as much time trying to concentrate on hitting your goals as you do worrying about your friends occupation you would be in a better place and state of mind. Take the energy and focus that you're investing in your friend's profession and reinvest it on trying to hit your goals on an hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. Moderation will be your new friend. And after you've hit your goals set new goals. Make yourself accountable to your reflection in the mirror, Not your friend and his/her profession.
  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member
    If people can't use moderation to enjoy treats, how is that her fault? There are vast number of people who know how to enjoy a pastry. A in 1. Why does it make your friend wrong for wanting to do something she loves, simply because some people can't (or won't, which is me) control themselves with sweets. No one in the world should be able to have a treat ever because some people get fat? Really?
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I wonder if the pastry chef friend will make a roll?
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? So she will be preparing pastries and directly contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. What’s next, should I congratulate the Marlboro man on the new gourmet cigarette brand he is coming out with? I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes. And even worse, these are gourmet treats which people are likely to eat even more of!

    I don’t know. If it were me, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I knew I would be harming people like this long term. They are throwing her a going away party in a few weeks and she is going to be providing a sampling of her work for us. I’m still undecided if I should attend with these concerns. I’m not sure what kind of message that will be sending ya know?

    What you guys think? Am I right? Or should I ease up, be happy for my friend and go to the party even if I feel like I’m compromising on my morals and ethics?

    Um, you do know that pastry is an art, a scientific art. I assume you are sarcasming for fun. If not:

    I don't have the patience to read the thread and responses.
    You are SO missing out.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I think your stand is ridiculous and stupid OP

    Nothing worse than zealots - whether it be about religion, food,whatever.

    If you are joking, it s not a funny joke - kind of defeats the purpose of a joke if people don't recognise it as a joke.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    Your friend is basically Hitler.

    Don't forget the dreaded
    Mao Zedoughnut

    The list of ebil pastry chefs who cause obesity epidemics may never end... You smash one's hands or cut their hamstrings and another one rises in their place...
    and well really how can we not blame the poptartarazzi if they weren't feeding us the gifs all the time and bombarding our senses with images of these desirable delicacies, we may not feel as obliged to consume them.

    so I was wondering where do I go to get a cronut?
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Honestly I don't get where you're coming from. She isn't shoving pastries down anybody's throat, people have a choice whether they eat those things all the time, on occasion or not at all. She isn't evil and she isn't causing anyone harm - eating treats in moderation doesn't harm anybody. And if people choose to eat those things on a daily basis they're causing themselves harm and they have only themselves to blame.
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    Honestly I don't get where you're coming from. She isn't shoving pastries down anybody's throat, people have a choice whether they eat those things all the time, on occasion or not at all.
    Maybe not yet, maybe not yet,but we all now it's a small step from pastry chef to force feeding people sugary treats or even worse incjecting them intravenously :laugh:
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    When I pause to consider how many members joined MFP because they are obese, I am not surprised that most of them are against banning pastries. Even if they lose weight, they are still obese in their hearts.

    never been obese, but just so you know pastry in moderation can be enjoyed even by thin people.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Wow…I am still shocked my topic got this much attention. Quite frankly, I can’t say I’m surprised that the derisive and haughty comments have not abated but only seemingly intensified. Understanding the culture of this place will forever remain elusive to me it seems.

    To the many who PM’d me their words of support, I thank you. I understand now your hesitancy to place those comments publicly.

    To those who chose to save the most lethal of your arrows for PM’s, dipped in poison and ready to strike, well you have received your due reward.

    I’m not sure if I will go, not sure if it even matters anymore. For those interested I might update on what happens. I’ll just leave these words to remember as we back into the future. Hopefully a little wiser and more understanding.

    “One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”


    Monkey I appreciate the humor...I love this...Liar Liar was one of my favorite movies
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I think your stand is ridiculous and stupid OP

    Nothing worse than zealots - whether it be about religion, food,whatever.

    If you are joking, it s not a funny joke - kind of defeats the purpose of a joke if people don't recognise it as a joke.
    No. No, it doesn't.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I think your stand is ridiculous and stupid OP

    Nothing worse than zealots - whether it be about religion, food,whatever.

    If you are joking, it s not a funny joke - kind of defeats the purpose of a joke if people don't recognise it as a joke.

    How many calories is in what I can only assume is a chocolate lava cake in your profile? Enough to feed a family of five. All downed by one person in 5 minutes.