The scariest thing that ever happened to you?

Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
I need creepy tales to keep me awake at work.

I'll start y'all off with mine.
I work in a police station as the night security. It's mostly uneventful but one night we had this guy come in. He came into the civilian area which is separated from my booth by a locked door, but I'm quite visible through a pane of glass in the civilian area.
Anyway this guy comes up to my window, he's about 45 very scraggly and vacant looking. He asks me if he's in the right place, and I tell him that he is but we are outside of operating hours. He says he wants to turn himself in for something. I have to stop him before he says what for because we aren't meant to be privy to that information, so I let him know he can come back in the morning. He gets pretty upset and says that he needs to be locked up NOW. This is actually pretty common and the people that say it are normally a little unhinged but generally also quite harmless.

However i still call up some officers from the 24 hour station and let him know they'll be with us soon. He nods and goes outside for a cigarette. The officers show up but the guy is gone. He must have bolted off after his smoke. The officers leave and write it off as one of the city homeless looking for a bed and a meal.

I leave work a couple of hours later, and start walking to my apartment. It's early morning and still dark out but it isn't far so I'm never too troubled about making the walk. Suddenly the same guy comes out from behind the bus stop near our building. He starts shouting about how he needs to be locked up and grabs my arm and starts pulling at me. I pushed him off and ran back into work, called the cops but they never got him. I wouldn't walk home myself for about a month.

Anyway, what's the scariest thing that's happened to you?


  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    One time I got my **** stuck in my zipper. That was pretty scary.
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I used to live in Florida, so I swam in the Gulf on the regular. One time though, and I saw a huuuuge dark mass coming toward me in the water, about 30 feet away. My heart stopped, I was convinced I was about to be eaten by a huge f#cking shark.

    I put my snorkeling goggles on and poked my head underwater to check... it was a manatee. :)

    Never been so scared in my whole life, though!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I was deployed to Somalia in '94.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    One time I got my **** stuck in my zipper. That was pretty scary.

    I hate it when that happens
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    My newborn baby almost died. :cry:
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    I almost drown twice...

    water sucks.
    Water sucks..Say what?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Thankfully, I've only had two close calls. One was when I was younger and camping with family and friends. A neighbor girl and I used to ride our bikes all over the state park trails and there was one kind of hidden trail along a ravine with a lake below. They are obviously meant for walking and not biking and she went down. I was sure she was going to die as it was a long way down to the lake below and too jagged and steep. Somehow she stopped herself and he bolted back to the park> Camped there several times and never went on that trail again.

    The second scariest thing I've encountered was a dream. I lived in an old Victorian house that was haunted, the whole time I lived there I had a reoccurring dream that 3 Amish men (maybe they weren't Amish but dressed from an older time) hanged my brother in our barn. It was extremely vivid and real to me and though I was between 7-10 during the time I had that dream, I still remember it vividly. I haven't thought about that in a long time but I still remember it clearly! Would like to know what that meant or if I was being visited by past residents in my sleep. :frown:
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    My newborn baby almost died. :cry:

    I'm glad your baby is ok
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    My newborn baby almost died. :cry:

    I'm glad your baby is ok

    Thank you! I am glad that man didn't make you put the lotion on the skin. ;) (really, I am!)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant with my ex husband and there was a "big storm" and when we drove home (just a couple of blocks) a third of our city was totally gone including our home. It all just looked like a gigantic flattened corn field with smoke rising up from it. (Joplin, MO tornado in 2011)
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    When I was about 17, my HS had Spirit week (right around Halloween/Homecoming). One day was Toga day. I thought I had my toga pinned pretty securely so I only had my bra & underwear on under it but brought a shirt & shorts just in case. After 6 period let out I was walking down the hallway & felt a draft on my backside. I immediately put my back up against the wall of lockers trying to pull my sheet back together to fasten it until I could get to bathroom. Meanwhile one of the biggest jerk football players in the school came by with his friends & proceeded to say "Hey, nice toga!" While acting like they were going to rip it off of me. Finally they laughed & walked away. I went into the bathroom & cried then put my shirt & shorts on for the rest of the day.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    When I was young and stupid I was on a major drug bender and was pretty damn sure that I was going to get busted or killed for my stuff so I had a moment of clarity and flushed it. Nothing ever came of it, but we left right after that, so who knows. I still get completely tense when I think of that night or day. I'm not really sure if it was night or day.

    And then, brain surgery.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Missed being blown up by terrorists by about a half hour. I took a friend to the Rome airport and we had coffee and sandwiches while sitting outside. A state police man told us we couldn't sit there so we went inside. My friend went to her gate, I hopped the bus to get back to the train station to take me 3 hours north to home. When I got there, my husband was pacing the platform. There was an explosion RIGHT WHERE WE HAD BEEN SITTING and the café owner on the inside had been killed by the blast.
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    I was walking home from a friends house early morning when I was in Jr. High. I was wearing a skirt and platform flip flops. It was snowing and I was freezing. A lady slowed down next to me and asked if I wanted a ride. I was tempted because I was freezing, but I hate small talk with strangers so I turned her down. She asked if I was sure several times.

    A week or so later I saw her picture on the news. She was arrested for sexual assault on young girls! She had a gun and threatened to kill them if they didn't do what she wanted.

    I've had a lot of close calls. I jumped out of a moving vehicle which I'm sure saved me from being raped before. I think I have a guardian angel
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I used to work in a bank and was out in the drive thru booth with another girl working that line. A man sent in a fraudulent check and fake id and we confiscated it and refused to give it back to him. He then proceeded to pull his car up, get out of it and pound on the door screaming to let him in or give it back. We called security and they walked out there from the other building. Right before they got there another teller had just walked in the door to the booth and asked us "why did you all not lock this door?" We were a little freaked out because the guy had been turning the knob to get in, but somehow it did not open and he sped away. Don't know why the door did not open for him, but opened for her. Needless to say it was still nerve racking.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    One time I got my **** stuck in my zipper. That was pretty scary.
    ^Same as this but, I was 4, wearing Footie Pjs, no tighty whities and got out of bed to pee after parent's threatened to let the "Closet Troll" out if I got out of bed one more time.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    As a child, I lived in an old house(think 17-1800's) that was originally a log cabin. One night I woke up because I felt someone holding my hand. I remember seeing the sillhoette of a person beside my bed. I yelled, "Mom?!" and it disappeared. I asked my parents the next day and they had been downstairs the whole time.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    On my first trip to Vegas (21) I met a guy at a blackjack table (I think he was really cute but don't have the best memory from that night). I was completely s***faced and didn't want to go back to my room with my friends (also totally wasted). So when he offered to take me back to my room later I somehow thought it was a grand idea.

    When we were walking to his car (yes car and not cab) in the parking garage...I totally thought I was going to end up a statistic and a cautionary tale told for years to come. As we drove though some really not great parts of Vegas I was like...yup...and my mom is going to think I'm a tramp.

    Lucky for me, he actually was a gentleman. I think he sensed that I was completely freaked out.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I just had a scare this morning. I just came from the office in my building where they sent two guys to accompany me because I thought someone was in my apartment when I returned home. It turns out my husband and I did enough things differently this morning to leave some breezes happening and when I opened the front door that created enough of a gust/cross breeze to send some colored paper clipped papers flying from a high shelf that made enough motion that from my angle looked like someone might be in my apartment when I walked in. There was motion in what should be a motionless place and I took no chances. I sought some pretty easy to get help and they were more than kind enough to make sure it was all clear. I am pleased it was nothing but more pleased that I live in a place that takes things like this seriously and had a good plan if there had been an intruder. No one laughed at the fact that it turned out to be gusts and paper. I appreciated that.

    ETA: Oops that's not the scariest thing that ever happened to me though. The scariest thing was when an ex BF tried to kill me. He was very strong and well trained and it took me by surprise. Quick wits and ruthlessness saved me though. It's too long and ugly of a story to tell here though, but yeah, that was pretty scary.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I was held up at gunpoint while walking home from a bar blitzed drunk a couple of years ago. Instead of just throwing my stuff and running I decided to try to be billy badass and talk **** and mock them. A car pulled up as it was happening and they ran off. Wasn't until the next morning when I woke up I realized just how incredibly stupid I was for doing that.