
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg - I'm just having another heart cath on Friday of next week. It appears that my first stent has closed up again, because the heart stress test showed part of my heart is blocked. The doc said it was a very long stent and sometimes those crimp shut like a garden hose. He warned that it could possibly need a bypass, but most likely not. They won't know till they get in there. I'm having it done at KU Med Center in Kansas City.

    It's another chilly morning here, but I have a warm puppy sleeping on my lap, so all is right with the world. He's like a furry little furnace. Too bad he doesn't sleep by my feet where I could really use his heat. This heart thing is really messing with my energy level. I just went to Walmart yesterday and to the pet store and was totally exhausted by the time I got home. I feel pressure in my chest and neck pain and some weakness in my arm. Of course it's probably all in my mind. They told me to take it easy and not exercise, so walking is all I am doing. And my weight is creeping up even with just 1200 calories. The hospital finally returned my call about the mixup on the meds, and is going to get it straightened out and call me back. I will be on FOUR blood pressure pills now. Sheesh!

    I hope everybody is having a great day. Take care!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I tend to rate a restaurant on how friendly they are about reservations, separate checks, and making all the substitutions I ask for when I order. If they can’t handle my needs, there’s no reason to go.

    :flowerforyou: About eating with food intolerances…..I don’t have many but I have enough restrictions to make it difficult for me to go the restaurants or be a guest at someone’s house. At home, I’ve created a few meals for myself and I rotate those and don’t try to find endless variety. My hubby likes more variety so some days we do “find it and fix it” and he makes his own meals and he never misses an opportunity to meet a friend for lunch at a restaurant.

    :flowerforyou: AnneCarol, what a shock to have that surgery…..glad you are on the road to recovery…I had a fall recently and am experiencing having to change my routine and be less active for awhile….keep posting and letting us know how you’re doing.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, it sounds like you’re getting your exercise the old fashioned way----by working hard……good for you making sure your dad gets healthy food not just the junky convenience packaged stuff.

    :bigsmile: Anamika, congrats on your weight loss….enjoy your trip to the wedding.

    :flowerforyou: Tina, when I eat peanut butter, it is the fresh ground kind from the health food store. It is a treat I have from time to time when I am very active. I’m not always moderate with it so sometimes I have to give it up completely for awhile and then try again at another time.

    :brokenheart: Katla, poor doggie……it’s such a hard lesson for all of us (people and dogs) to not serve people food to dogs.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I went to Jazzercise four days a week in the 1980’s and loved it. When we moved here, the only Jazzercise was 30+ minutes away so I didn’t even try to go. Now they’re teaching classes a few block from my house, but with line dance three or more times a week, I am unwilling to add additional classes.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, my husband had lots of trouble with low energy and trouble breathing until they got things straightened out with his heart….just take it one day at a time.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said that “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

    :flowerforyou: So I think I’ll go back to bed with the ice pack for awhile in preparation for the line dance class I’ll be helping to teach later this morning.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Not much sleep for this grandma-nap in the future when she goes home.I do love the time with her.
    Cooking up some things for the week.
    Have a great day!!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    @AnnCarolOne that surgery is a shock; to your body and your lifestyle - I know it changed mine in '07. Do take good care of yourself and let others wait on you for awhile; in the long run it is worth it.

    wow, @Michele I've never had any trouble with TX Roadhouse accommodating my requests but then I am usually already there dining. DH would be so sad if he couldn't go to TX Roadhouse; he loves their steaks.

    @Renny I have 7 grandchildren too! Youngest was born in April; he's a doll :bigsmile: with the next one being 9 y.o. and expecting #8 in March only she will be living in Denver and I know I won't see her as often as do #7. I am sure you will enjoy yours immensely too.

    @Barbie big fan of Abraham Lincoln and love that quote! being happy is a huge success :smile:

    @Sylvia will say a prayer for your heart stent surgery; may the good Lord keep you safe in His Hands :heart:

    @Tazgirl, the candy was chocolate but it had a lot of peanuts and other stuff so it was easy to resit; thank the Lord! Good to hear that you had a wonderful Anniversary dinner.

    @Anamika from Mumbai congrats on the loss! every one counts in the goal.

    @Susan love the red maple trees! are they as slow-growing as the oak? and what a deal you got on them too.

    @berwick13 thanks for the connect; I hope you come here often as you can find some awesome support from these ladies.

    well, I was only going to post that turkey pic and run but here I am :wink: it's already after noon and I have much to do today. I have already meet my activity goal for the week so I am looking for some extra incentives to help promote my weight loss especially this time of the year.

    Hears a quote that speaks volumes to me on gratitude:

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger iinto a friend. ~ Melody Beattie

    Teral in Plano
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 8th, what I am thankful for today. Well today I am thankful for my daughters. Today i will journal about my oldest, tomorrow the younger one. Christina is my oldest. When I was pregnant and found out we were having a girl we wanted a special name. My and my MIL middle name is Marie and we thought that Christina sounded good with that so that's what her name was. Oddly enough we didn't want it to be spelled Christina with the 'Christ' in it because we didn't want her to feel like Christ was part of her name therefor she feel pressured. Not really sure why we felt that but that's what it was. But the clerk spelled it wrong on the birth certificate and we were going to have to go through a lot of stuff to make it right so we left in. After all, we were so excited. This precious little girl was ours. Oh, she was beautiful, so warm, loved cuddling, loved her Daddy and he was equally besotten with her. She was the same little joy as she was growing up. That child was the best little girl, we hardly ever had to say no 2 times, she hardly ever questioned us, no terrible twos, we thought we had it made. Truly God's gift. She grew up with such a compassionate spirit, always loving anything that was God's creature, whether human or in the animal/bug kingdom. Perfect big sister, and yes, so Christlike. She evens signs her name in two different words yet connected 'Christ' with the T like a cross then the 'ina' at the end. Somehow she has turned into a wonderful Mom, not doing everything I would have done but the way she runs her house her children always know they have choices and if they make the wrong one then they talk about it and the next time they make the right one. She is my rock, She went to college wanting to be a psychologist in an inner city school and a minor with music. I had nightmares over that many times. She found her man instead the first day of college and didn't finish college. But God has used that desire to be a psychologist and she uses it daily. She jsut has a way of listening, offering gently solutions and guiding you through what different avenues would take you. Yes, she has some attitudes I feel takes advantage of our, meaning husbands, generosity. She considers it as a gift and therefore is just what it implies a gift. Our loans to her have not been repaid but she knows that her Dad would never make her pay it back. How she uses her money is always in helping people so it's easy to let it go. Throughout the years as our youngest daughter has grown up and has felt comfortable talking about their childhood together so that she, the YD, has told us the things that my dear little angel did when we didn't know it. So Christina wasn't the perfect child we always thought she was. But that's OK. She is still my rock, she is a wonderful mother and wife and a wonderful example for her children as they grow up. One time I asked her in college how she can continue to love her Dad so much when I know what kind of Dad he was to her as she was growing up. Her response was that the moment she realized that in spite of all the trouble she was that he still loved her unconditionally so why shouldn't she love him back the same way. I love you Christina!!!:heart:

    Sylvia, it worries me so much about my husbands stent. He was told right off that there was more work that needed to be done. He has cut back a little bit on his fat intake but still not good enough. He just says his cholesterol medicine will take care of it. I had hoped that he would have flunked his lipid profile but he didn't. I don't know if you were put on the drug Effient after your previous stent but he has to be on that for a full 365 days to insure the stent is still good. I wish you all the luck in your procedure next week.

    Oh, the reason I am so thankful for my children is that I got a call from SIL today. her son has Oppositional defiant disorder, ADD, ADHD, bipolar , and about any other kind of child hood mental illness. He was placed in a juvenile detention center this week while waiting for a bed in a chidrens mental hospital. He has been nothing but challenges and heart ache to his parents. His brother was the same but once he got a girl pregnant, something inside him switched on and he started on a journey to responsible adulthood. He las a long, long way to go yet but he is one of the good guys now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all

    My blahs have lifted a little; at least we had plenty of sun today. Major, major drama phone call from dd regarding a microbiology course she's not doing well with; so far she's been on the Deans List but this is kicking her butt so badly she's talking (well, crying, actually) about dropping the course..........and it's a prereq for vet school.....and this is her senior year (last chance to take it). Told her to stop working so many hours on campus (library and English tutor) and get some tutoring herself. She has a decision to make that I can't make for her; totally out of my hands. All she's worried about is missing out on the money she can earn for vet school if she spends those hours getting tutored herself; I really don't think she's thinking very clearly at this point.........if she doesn't get the microbiology credit, there will be no vet school. Arrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!

    Had lunch at a Thai place; introduced my friend to Mango Sticky Rice.............yum, yum...........and got caught up. Must be good the rest of the day foodwise.

    Spent time on phone this afternoon doing followup calls to solicit sponsors and gifties for the 5K race for the children's equine therapy charity. I think I forgot to mention that, at the ride last weekend we actually had a local newspaper and one tv station show up. The tv spot was well done.

    For the ones who asked; this was almost a week ago, about the items I had mentioned from Whole Foods---the orange brussels sprouts and cinnamon/honey butternut squash............both were very good but I found recipies online for them that are a LOT less expensive than Whole Foods now that I know I like them. Also, for b.s., if you roast cut in half and sprinkle with balsamic vinegar the last couple minutes, they are heavenly!

    Sylvia........glad you did well and dh is going along for the cath

    Annecarol........hope you improve every day post surg.

    On the cabbage rolls...........I never had much luck rolling, I would just chop up the cabbage and throw it in the pot and make a thick soup. Tasted the same.

    Hello to everyone else; welcome newbies!
  • foxspots
    foxspots Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there girls:)
    I just stumbled upon your group and I'm happy I did! It's good to have some sisters in our season of life to journey alongside:) I've tried many times to lose this excess weight...to no avail. This time though is different...I can feel it deep in my soul. I'm just finishing my first week, and I'm eating better, feeling better and down 8.2lbs:) That's good motivation to keep on keepin' on! Looking forward to encouraging y'all along the way and being encouraged as well. Have a fabulous weekend!

    Donna, Henderson NV
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Donna:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH & I spent the afternoon in the guest closet trying on old clothes and now have five garbage bags full to donate. Four are mine and one is DH’s. The real thrill is that all the clothes are too big! :bigsmile: Not to mention decades out of style in some cases.:laugh: I put on a pair of red wool pants that I wore at the University of Oregon in 1969. (These are not getting donated.) I needed a little help with the zipper, but they zipped. DH always thought they were stretch pants. They certainly stretched to their limit today. (I wouldn’t wear them out in public just yet or maybe ever.) I was surprised at how short they were. Did I get taller, or were long pants shorter back then? DH fit in the blazer he wore for our wedding. This was fun for both of us.

    Sylvia: Perhaps since you’ve mentally agreed to surgery in your own mind, you’re allowing yourself to notice how your body really feels. We learn to ignore so much pain and discomfort in our lives that we sometimes don’t really have a clue how we’re doing. I suspect and hope you’ll be happy you‘ve gone through all this when the procedures are done and you’re feeling like yourself again. I’m sending you hugs and prayers.:heart:

    Barbie: I love the Abraham Lincoln quote, “Most folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be.” I also love this one, “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” I’ve seen this attributed to George Washington and also to George Washington Carver. I hope your aches and pains ease soon.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Congratulations on your loss! :flowerforyou:

    Teral in Plano: I love your gratitude quote. Thank you for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Hugs going your way. I love your gratitudes.:flowerforyou:

    Foxspots: Welcome. Let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Your advice to get some tutoring is excellent. I hope DD takes it. The outside of a horse is great for the inside of a person. What a great way to help children!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to the chiropractor this afternoon after teaching the line dance class. My regular chiropractor doesn’t work on Fridays so I saw his partner. She said that my ribs were twisted and there was a tight spot in my shoulder. She worked on me for quite awhile and I feel a bit better already. I’ll go back to see her again on Monday. Jim will continue to walk the dogs for awhile.

    :flowerforyou: Donna, welcome….I hope you’ll keep coming back……this thread is like a family with all the best characteristics of support, encouragement, good listening, and availability

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Katla, there is something so satisfying about cleaning out closets and donating unneeded items and it’s a double delight when the clothes are too big….I love your quote “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

    Barbie from NW Washington


    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • Two suggestions fit me particularly...."say no to candy" and practice dance 20 minutes three times a week. I'll start here and hopefully maintain...great suggestions for me. Thanks!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Today I am thankful for the morning off. I cleaned off the dining room table (a major hot spot in our house) and made some serious inroads into clearing the clutter in my office. Then I walked 2.7 miles before showering and heading to work for the afternoon.

    Now for some more paperwork, then bed!
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all,
    I was reading the other threads on MFP and came across two that I thought were simple and true.

    LisaGNV wrote,"When you go back to the old way of eating, you go back to the old way of looking."

    Then, Mokey41 wrote,
    "As we age,
    we do less,
    eat more,
    gain weight,
    and lose muscle.
    Reverse all of those and you'll be fine."

    Now back to reading. Have a good day tomorry and things will get better. Prayers to the people of the Philippines, such lovely gracious people going through tragic devastation. I heard that Tacloban City was surged. Oh no.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Update on the veggies for my Pop. I par boiled carrots, okra, cauliflower, broccoli, red bell pepper, lima beans drizzled with olive oil. and portioned them into baggies. Now frozen and may be zapped in the microwave. Good and convenient.
    Katla- I bought some sweet potatoes and made baked fries. Great idea and Pop loved them! Thanks. Hope your little furry friend is feeling better. Maybe he ate something funky.:sick: It's upsetting when they have accidents bc they get all embarrassed and then you worry they might have something serious going on. Awww.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did a little food shopping for the items on sale then went to the Y to try what they call "all about the bosu" class. What a disappointment! There was absolutely nothing doing with the bosu. The music was very very loud and I realized that it was so loud so you can't hear the instructor because she was doing such a poor job of calling the steps. That's one class that I won't be going back to. Even with my earplugs on, it was still so loud! Saw the lady who does garment alterations, gave her some coupons and this shirt that I wore when we were working outside. It's really showing it's wear so I have another shirt but I'd like her to cut it down like the one I had. It had smaller shoulder straps and was cut lower. What I like was that when I was working outside, I could get a tan it worked quite well for the clothes that I have. Honestly, I probably could have cut it down myself especially since I'm not concerned about it looking great, just wearable. But I'm afraid that I'd get lazy and put it off and put it off and put it off. It's probably worth it to have her do it. Plus....she's a nice lady, I don't mind giving her my business.

    Tomorrow is yoga.

    jessica is supposed to come here today. I tried this new recipe for buttermilk chocolate muffins. They are quite good. At least she'll have something she can munch on. I made some shrimp gumbo for her and I'll give her some of the beef manicotti and spinach manicotti. she may not like the spinach ones, but Kris might. I also have another chocolate cobbler for her to take back with her.

    Went to Aldi, forgot to get more cukes but they aren't on sale. Butter is on sale and so are grapes (pretty soon I'll turn into a grape). Then stopped at Target for cat litter. It's on sale and if you buy 2 you get a $5 gift card, so I got 6 containers. Then took a pair of pants back to Belks. It looks like Target has discontinued the low fat brownie mix that I liked. Well, going to have to look for it in FL and maybe bring some back. Publix seems to have a lot of things that we can't get.

    Sad, sad day today. Today we put the cover on the pool. Well, I guess I should look on the bright side, no more leaves can get into it! And it'll feel so good when we open it. But it was still sad to close it up.

    AnneCarolOne - boy, you sure have had a scare. Please take care of youself.

    Susan - you take such great care of your dad. He's so lucky to have you. You know, after reading katla's post to you, there are sweet potato fries that you buy that are frozen, the people just have to heat them up.

    anamika - enjoy the wedding!

    tazgirl - I love grey's Anatomy, too. I seem to recall something about Sandra Oh leaving at the end of this season. Do you remember anything like this?

    katla - yes, there is an Outback Steakhouse near us. Not sure why we haven't gone because I know that Jessica likes it there. Vince isn't much for eating out and I'm not a big fan of it, mainly because so many times you don't know what it is you're getting.

    barbie - are the restrictions you have (food-wise) self-imposed or for health reasons?

    Welcome Donna

    susan - I like that quote about going back to the old way of eating.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies,
    well i got my butt out of bed and race walked for 45 minutes, iced my heel first and had lemon water before that, I have to tootle off to work in about 1/2 hr, till noon
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia :smile: Hope the procedure goes smoothly for you! Glad your hubby is going to be with you! Sounds like Bruno is a chewer! I kept Noel in her crate, I called it a playpen:laugh: , until she was almost 5, now she stays out all the time. She only chewed the edge of a leather cocktail table, I call them little love bites now:love: . Wishing you well:flowerforyou: !

    Viv :smile: So nice to see your smiling face again!!!

    Renny :smile: Congrats on the news of the new grandbaby:love: !!!

    Michele :smile: Your lunch sounds delish! It is sad to close the pool for the winter:cry: , especially since we had so much rain this past summer!!! Have you heard we might have a little snow this coming Wed.:noway: , way too early for me!!!

    AnnCarolOne :smile: Glad your surgery is over and you`re on the road to recovery:flowerforyou: !!

    Susan :smile: I really need to get a handyman and get some things taken care of in my house, you have inspired me:bigsmile: !!! You take such good care of your Dad:flowerforyou: !!!

    Anamika :smile: Congrats on the .5kg !!! Hope you enjoy the wedding!!!

    Tina :smile: Happy belated anniversary:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Grandmallie :smile: What a great shopping trip:love: !!!

    Katla :smile: Hugs to your sweet fur baby:love: !!! My little Noel gets only dog food, she has Pancreatitis:cry: , so I really have to watch her diet. It`s so nice to get closets cleaned out, especially when they`re all too big:bigsmile: !!!

    Barbie :smile: Hope you`re feeling better everyday:flowerforyou: ! I`m glad you`re taking it easy and letting Jake walk the fur kids! I love all your quotes!!! I`m glad you got an adjustment and are feeling a better!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope you got a well deserved nap:yawn: !!!

    Teral :smile: Love the profile pic of the turkey!!! Turkeys don`t have to worry about me, that`s one food I don`t eat:noway: !!! I love your quotes too!!!

    Joyce :smile: What lovely stories you have, it`s so nice to read your posts!

    Yanniejannie :smile: I`ve had the blahs too, think it`s because the flu made me sick, and I didn`t take the time to rest and recover and I`m still blowing my nose and coughing, it`s been 3 weeks:grumble: !!! Glad your blahs have lifted some!! Good luck to DD!!! Mango sticky rice sounds delish!!!

    Katiebug :smile: It feels good to declutter, I need to do some of that myself!

    Donna :smile: Hi! Welcome to best thread on MFP:flowerforyou: , great group of supportive women here! Come in often!!!

    I just went back to last page so I know I`ve missed lots of people:cry: . I enjoy reading all the posts and I wish you all well!!!
    Congrats to all the losers and hang in here for the ones struggling (like me)!!!
    Prayers and well wishes to all!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny:glasses: , yet cold NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sat.MIL`s birthday.Going to brunch with her,SILs,my mom and hubby.
    p.s did get a nap yesterday.:
    :tongue: :
  • lajpeck
    lajpeck Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    So I am off for the weekend and then work at least six days straight and probably more. Today is laundry and then out to the gym. Tomorrow will be shopping in the morning and then out to the gym in the afternoon. Have to plan my exercise days for next week. When I have these long stretches of work it can be challenging to get a good workout in especially sine part of those day are an 11 - 8 shift and I still don't really like to exercise in the morning.

    I am still getting to know everyone in the posts.

    Sylvia - take care until you get your surgery and don't overexert yourself too much.

    Grandmallie - great walk this morning!

    Thanks everyone for all the welcomes.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have five bags of clothes to drop off at the Senior Center thrift store here in town. We’re also going to purchase raffle tickets for a quilt that is a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels. The house is looking good and our wonderful DIL will be here sometime today for the weekend. I’m looking forward to her company.:bigsmile:

    Michele: We had a dear friend who was a model railroader and his whole basement was his train set. He created a landscape, scenery, bridges, village, switches—you name it. He even made the rocks and trees himself. Essentially it was a three dimensional story about trains. Jack has passed after a long, rich life. I hope his son still enjoys the trains. :heart: There is a wonderful alterations business in our town that is run by our neighbor’s daughter. We use her services as needed. We have sewing equipment but not the needed level of skill. :noway: Sorry that you had to put your pool “to bed” for the winter. You’ll be glad you did when spring cleanup time comes around. The worst thing I can say about the Outback Steakhouses we’ve visited is that they were busy and somewhat noisy.:flowerforyou:

    DrKatie: What a wonderfully productive day you had! Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    Susanrechter: I’m glad your dad liked the baked sweet potato fries. We love them, too. It looks like you’re doing a great job with boosting his nutrition.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I don’t know how you race-walk with a sore heel. Do you have special shoes? I admire your determination and hard work.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: It is great to see your post. I hope you’re over the illness that bothered you so long.:flowerforyou:

    Laura: This is an awesome and supportive group of women. Welcome to the group. Looking at your ticker, you have made a lot of progress. Congratulations on all your hard work. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily