Any gamers out there?



  • jclark0523
    jclark0523 Posts: 47 Member
    The Last of Us was the best game I've ever played. Kinda wish I didn't play it cause now any new games I play feel weak in comparison. I'm hoping I can get my hands on a PS4 next Friday. I'll probably grab NBA 2K14 if I'm able to find one.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    In the middle of The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. Both are fantastic! My boyfriend is really into DC Universe online at the moment, it's pretty fun to watch but I haven't played it yet.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    In the middle of The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. Both are fantastic! My boyfriend is really into DC Universe online at the moment, it's pretty fun to watch but I haven't played it yet.

    DC Universe is fun. Very fun actually. Highly recommend it. Best MMO out right now (with the exception of EVE Online).
  • Waitingfornothing
    Currently playing final fantasy 14. WOW played its course after playing since 05. Diablo 3 is a bust.

    Regarding wow, pandarian dailies got old after two days. I can play that game for a few months at a time but then I always stop and then go back later.
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    If so, what is your favourite game or a game you're currently playing right now?

    I'm playing the Assassin's Creed series. Yes, I know it's been out for ages but I only just got back into it. :)

    Rocksmith 2014 - with a doubt, the best game/software I have EVER purchased. Simply the best, fastest, easiest way to learn the guitar.

    Also playing the AC series, currently on Revelations.

    Also thought about getting rocksmith. I own a 1962 Fender Jazzmaster, and I can't play it.? *Yikes*

    I've always said - If you are thinking about learning to play the guitar, then get Rocksmith. If you are thinking about quitting the guitar, get Rocksmith.

    I've been toying with the idea of picking up a bass just to try that aspect of the game.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    My only problem with Mac's, especially in our country, is the price vs performance problem. For what I would pay for a mac, I can build a monster pc.

    Just my 2 cents.

    I felt it was worth the price for the nice screen and the fact it doesn't have windows on it lol

    You can get the nice screen for pretty much any computer.

    Girls, girls, you're both pretty!! :laugh: :wink: It really doesn't matter, whatever tickles your fancy. The cornerstone of gaming is enjoying yourself, and if that is on a mac or pc or console, we're still all in it for the love of the game.

    Exactly! We all love to game at the end of the day. :P
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    If so, what is your favourite game or a game you're currently playing right now?

    I'm playing the Assassin's Creed series. Yes, I know it's been out for ages but I only just got back into it. :)

    Rocksmith 2014 - with a doubt, the best game/software I have EVER purchased. Simply the best, fastest, easiest way to learn the guitar.

    Also playing the AC series, currently on Revelations.

    Also thought about getting rocksmith. I own a 1962 Fender Jazzmaster, and I can't play it.? *Yikes*

    I've always said - If you are thinking about learning to play the guitar, then get Rocksmith. If you are thinking about quitting the guitar, get Rocksmith.

    I've been toying with the idea of picking up a bass just to try that aspect of the game.

    And how does it help with learning guitar? Lol.
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    It's not rockband or guitar hero. Just google it, and you will see. You play it with a real guitar. Ps. Love the new profile pic.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    starcraft 2
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Recovering WoW player.

    If I had the time I would be too!
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Diablo III & old school Shining Force for the Sega CD. Man I missed that game!
  • jasonalvear
    jasonalvear Posts: 72 Member
    Love me some Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, mass effect series, played Star Wars: The Old Republic for a bit, currently playing wow with some friends atm, nothing serious :)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    It's not rockband or guitar hero. Just google it, and you will see. You play it with a real guitar. Ps. Love the new profile pic.

    Maybe I shall. I have an acoustic and electric guitar and don't know how to play neither of them. Lol. Ps. Thank you. :D
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Fully admitting I didn't read most of the thread, so hoping it's still pretty much along the same lines as the first page …

    I'm a gamer.
    I grew up a gamer.
    Played my first RPG at 7. This was the good old paper and dice, lead figures, and hex-mats.
    DM'ed my first scenario at 9. Yep, with adults playing (okay, so it was the parents who introduced me into gaming :laugh:)

    Got my first video game console at 10 or 11. My brother and I saved for MONTHS to get the Nintendo (NES 8 bit) that came with Super Mario Bro.s and Duck Hunt. Santa finally chipped in the last bit so we could have it on Christmas morning.

    I currently play WoW (Alliance, Vek'Nilash … 90 Rogue, Hunter, SPriest, Warrior). I won't try any other games because I have time for just one while juggling family, 2 orchestras, house, writing, etc. Kinda busy here (Did I mention a 2 year old? :tongue:) So I'm sticking with WoW for now 'cause I still love it, Pandas and all.

    But at heart I'm still a paper-and-dice gamer missing her old gaming group.
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    currently on batman arkham origins...COD ghosts...battlefield 4...and a load of others i bought but dont have time to play cause of work.
  • FrontBoard
    Another gamer here, World of Warcraft was my 'thing' for 7 years (yes, 7) but I quit when they gave us pandas. Because pandas. 'nuff said.

    Playing League of Legends now, come meet me on EUW, midlane Talon wtfpwing everything ;)

    WOW was what brought me back to PC gaming initially after completely abandoning it in favor of consoles when the wave of 32 bit consoles hit (Saturn, Playstation). I played from Vanilla through BC. I quit shortly before the Lich King expansion came out, because I realized that I had absolutely no patience for the grind and all I wanted to do was PVP. Also, real life happened and I no longer had the time to devote 4-5 hours to it every time I logged on, which is something more or less required by MMOs at endgame. [snipped]

    I played WoW from just after release to a little after the release of the Sunwell Island during BC. DId a fair bit of true end-game raiding....Quit for a few years due to military depolyments and such, then I came back for the Lich King expansion, played a few months and took a break... I was gonna get back into it right after the Ulduar expansion and was watching a friend play....his Priest had almost 100k hp in raid gear....mind was blown. When I was raiding MC in 09, tanks had 7-8k hp, and when I stopped in 10, tanks had 50k raid HEALERS have 100k HP?

    Talk about mud-flation. eff that.

    Oh man, the good old days... Back when UBRS was a 15-man raid instance and LBRS took a few hours to clear.

    Original WoW for more year than I'd like to admit... MC, Ony, BWL, AQ, TK, BT, Hyjal. Always been an RPG fan since the first FF back on NES. Lately been playing casual games because I don't have the time for much else. Hearthstone beta has been fun when I get the chance to play though!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Original WoW for more year than I'd like to admit... MC, Ony, BWL, AQ, TK, BT, Hyjal. Always been an RPG fan since the first FF back on NES. Lately been playing casual games because I don't have the time for much else. Hearthstone beta has been fun when I get the chance to play though!

    Oh, wow, yeah, I remember the original FF. I loved that game!! (It was the first game on NES I could beat before my brother did :laugh: I would love to find it again.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Kinect zumba n spoet
  • MimiLovesHorror
    MimiLovesHorror Posts: 47 Member
    I am an avid mmorpg player - WoW, Swtor, GW2, TSW. I am a sucker for RPG games as a whole i especially love Bioware's games. I also enjoy real time strategy and adventure games! Sometimes i am a little reluctant to share my hobby/obsession, because many people look down on you if you admit to so much gaming :(
  • jstacarbn
    World of Warcraft has been my game on and off and it has been 5 years with this relationship.