What Are These 'so called' Parents Doing!!



  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Their should be a test before one can have children...

    ...and before one can teach?
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    Wait a second...Dunkaroos still exist?!? I haven't seen those tasty devils in stores for at least 10 years.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I can't believe the majority of people commenting actually assert that it is NOT the teacher's business what "food" the children are eating at school! When a child is at school they are expected to pay attention, follow instructions and learn. As the mother of a very active child what I feed my child matters, not just at school, but every day, all day. I want my child to be healthy and happy. A healthy, happy brain requires nutrient dense, healthy foods, not just sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc. I get no enjoyment from seeing her be miserable and struggle and it's certainly unfair to expect the school to deal with bad behaviour due to poor nutrition. Yes, I put in a lot of effort making meals and proving a healthy environment, but I think it's totally worth it. It's my responsibility to raise a healthy, functioning, contributing member of society that does more in her life than just consume, consume, consume. But I suppose it makes more sense to the IIFYM people here that I would feed her all the "food-like" crap, then drug her so that she can "behave" in school. :huh:
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I find it most interesting that the OP.has not backed THEIR 'so called' argument at all.! If i ever found a teacher acting like this at my sons school i wouldn't rest until they were sacked? Especially when they have an eating problem themselves!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you're wondering why 5 yr old children are overweight,there's your answer.
    We can't just not care.This is why 35% of the population is obese and why 3 out of 4 adults will be by 2050.
    Because from what I've seen those aren't just snacks in moderation...
    That's quite a bit of junk food.

    Unbelievably, people can have snacks like those posted and not be overweight or unhealthy. You seem to have a very limited understanding of what causes obesity. It's sad, really.
    Yes, they can.
    In moderation,which by your responses I assume you know little about..

    Oh look, doesn't know how to form coherent arguments without making personal attacks. Conversation over, reported to mods. Have an excellent day now.
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't normally jump on these type of post but "who the HELL are you" it is their children. There is not a thing wrong with any of the snacks you took photos of. Like many other have said " Mind your own danm business! And get off your high horse before you fall.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I can't believe the majority of people commenting actually assert that it is NOT the teacher's business what "food" the children are eating at school! When a child is at school they are expected to pay attention, follow instructions and learn. As the mother of a very active child what I feed my child matters, not just at school, but every day, all day. I want my child to be healthy and happy. A healthy, happy brain requires nutrient dense, healthy foods, not just sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc. I get no enjoyment from seeing her be miserable and struggle and it's certainly unfair to expect the school to deal with bad behaviour due to poor nutrition. Yes, I put in a lot of effort making meals and proving a healthy environment, but I think it's totally worth it. It's my responsibility to raise a healthy, functioning, contributing member of society that does more in her life than just consume, consume, consume. But I suppose it makes more sense to the IIFYM people here that I would feed her all the "food-like" crap, then drug her so that she can "behave" in school. :huh:

    So do you agree with this unprofessional behaviour? There would be some validity in the post if it wasn't a shaming *****fest!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Do your grade one students know the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? Maybe they can help you out. :wink: Sorry, couldn't resist. :blushing:

    Well don't I feel stupid...I was SO 'into' posting these pics that I didn't edit this at all...I also left out the word 'day' too!
    What can you do???LOL

    Ah so you were so "into" shaming your students and the snacks and lunches that you can not PROOFREAD. Ah well I see where your priorities are ....

    Shame on your for being so obsessed with SHAMING your students!! I wish I knew where you worked because I would be having a conversation with your principal and superintendent.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I can't believe the majority of people commenting actually assert that it is NOT the teacher's business what "food" the children are eating at school! When a child is at school they are expected to pay attention, follow instructions and learn. As the mother of a very active child what I feed my child matters, not just at school, but every day, all day. I want my child to be healthy and happy. A healthy, happy brain requires nutrient dense, healthy foods, not just sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives, etc. I get no enjoyment from seeing her be miserable and struggle and it's certainly unfair to expect the school to deal with bad behaviour due to poor nutrition. Yes, I put in a lot of effort making meals and proving a healthy environment, but I think it's totally worth it. It's my responsibility to raise a healthy, functioning, contributing member of society that does more in her life than just consume, consume, consume. But I suppose it makes more sense to the IIFYM people here that I would feed her all the "food-like" crap, then drug her so that she can "behave" in school. :huh:

    It's a teachers job to teach. Unless there is some concern about a child's growth or behavior that is interfering with the learning process, I really don't think what a child eats at school is their concern because it's not the whole picture.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Wait a second...Dunkaroos still exist?!? I haven't seen those tasty devils in stores for at least 10 years.

    Came here just for this. Where the hell does OP live??
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    so you are taking pictures - surreptitiously, I assume? - to mock them and post them on a website where any parent could see? And then you casually throw out "sorry if you are one of those parents?"

    As I see it, you aren't sorry. What you are is a bully and shame on you. You don't know these parents circumstances. You don't know how hard it is to pack a lunch for a kid who may have food challenges. You don't know these families' circumstances. It's so easy to judge from your high horse, isn't it? How is the view up there, looking down on the peons?

  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I think the point was made early on that the thing that is unacceptable here is that a teacher deems it OK to take photographs of the lunch/snacks of her charges and to post them on a public forum and to ridicule the parents.

    When you get past that wholly unprofessional attitude you start on the other questions: why is fruit unhealthy? and all the other questions previously raised.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Check out the morning snacks and lunches that are sent with some of my grade one students. This is not just one either...this happens everyday.
    Their should be a test before one can have children...Sorry if you are one of those parents reading this!

    [img]http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r707/shartran/Lunches For My Grade One OMG/485a4a89-13ab-4dd6-8a6d-4627f8226109_zps257e9c18.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r707/shartran/Lunches For My Grade One OMG/52e7b896-2978-4454-96ef-8de07905d400_zps0c590dc3.jpg[/img]
    What did you eat when you were a kid....everything healthy?I ate some junk when I was a kid but I was very active so it didn't effect me...Kids don't have to worry as much...let kids be kids WTF?
    [img]http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r707/shartran/Lunches For My Grade One OMG/9a79620b-610e-4f01-ad65-da50f6760e70_zps984fea98.jpg[/img]
  • goodnamegone
    It does seem lazy to give them this kind of food and it does seem ignorant about what is healthy. That said probably they are crazy busy trying to work enough hours to pay for everything and they think they are giving the kids a little treat. I think it shows that they care a lot because they make the snacks in the first place. You really can see all the love in those little snacks.

    Healthy snacks would be better yes I agree.
  • PaintedSwan
    My parents never let me eat crap like that.
    And I don't think it's right to let them either.
    This is why we have an obesity problem,because people get mad if you judge them on how unhealthy their diet is...and it is unhealthy.Since when are goldfish nutritionally sound?!

    We have an obesity problem because people consume more calories than they burn. The reason for this is multifaceted and complex, encompassing access to excess and lack of access to quality. A myriad of psychological and socioecomonic factors are at play. Your analysis is painfully short sighted and naive.

    The healthfulness of one's diet doesn't the person more or less morally superior.
    And why do you think that happens?hmm
    Because the food we are consuming today is physically and genetically different then the food grown in my grandparents day.
    It is true that we have an overwhelming surplus of choices when it comes to what we eat,but there is no viable reason for us to choose artificially and nutrient deficient items marketed to us from companies who,at the end of the day could care less about our health & well being.
    As to being morally superior,
    If you know the difference but still choose the opposition ,your actions speak for themselves.


    Are you aware that there is a significant portion of the population does not have access to fresh produce by virtue of where they were born and their parents' socioeconomic status? A lot of people do not have the choices that you have with regard to food -- you have a vast amount of unchecked privileged that is true(truly) sickening. In addition, disordered eating affects people in a host of ways from under eating, to over eating, to extreme aversion.

    Your argument about moral superiority is painfully embarrassing.
    Well,Your little snarks about my apparent "moral superiority" are becoming quite Boring.

    Firstly,I am undoubtably aware of those who are in a position where nothing is available to them.
    Which is the reason I believe we need to help them.
    And I am not anywhere close to being privileged in that regard.If anything I'm just an average citizen.
    Secondly you are making a post with no relation to the current thread whatsoever...
    I am personally a victim of disordered eating(EDNOS)recovered,so do not DARE to bring anything of that nature into your argument.
    None of which has anything to do with the lunches these children are receiving..
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    Do your grade one students know the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? Maybe they can help you out. :wink: Sorry, couldn't resist. :blushing:

    Well don't I feel stupid...I was SO 'into' posting these pics that I didn't edit this at all...I also left out the word 'day' too!
    What can you do???LOL

    What can you do? You can stop posting pictures to shame people, step down off of your soapbox and get the pole out of your butt. How do you know the circumstances in these kids' homes? "Teachers" like you should be fired.

    We can only hope she would be fired, BUT she probably has tenure, so that wouldn't happen.

    Of course, tenure is a whole other issue/rant ...
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Just curious OP, what does the '15 weeks after treatment' mean?

    Obviously something to do with ED Treatment, looking through her posts and profile, those who judge shall be judged themselves!

    Wait, but then are you not judging her? By your logic, you now need to be judged. Where does it end? Is her life REALLY that important to you that you take the time to look through everything she's ever done on MFP? Why judge her? It's silly. I may not agree with what she has said, but I won't make claims about her personal life when I know nothing about her.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Thats not that bad there is fruit,juice,a couple of cookies...whats wrong with that?They are kids they burn it off they have lots of energy it doesn't go straight to there thighs.You sound self centered and stuck up.I use to drink MT dew everyday and have lots of candy and eat chips and all kinds of stuff I didn't grow up fat.I was always thin because I was always out playing with friends and was very active..It's Video games that get kids to stop using there imagination abilities and how to socialize and be more active.
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member

    Can I come to your house for Thanksgiving?


    AHH!!! Two of my favorite things EVER!!! :D
  • PaintedSwan
    If you're wondering why 5 yr old children are overweight,there's your answer.
    We can't just not care.This is why 35% of the population is obese and why 3 out of 4 adults will be by 2050.
    Because from what I've seen those aren't just snacks in moderation...
    That's quite a bit of junk food.

    Unbelievably, people can have snacks like those posted and not be overweight or unhealthy. You seem to have a very limited understanding of what causes obesity. It's sad, really.
    Yes, they can.
    In moderation,which by your responses I assume you know little about..

    Oh look, doesn't know how to form coherent arguments without making personal attacks. Conversation over, reported to mods. Have an excellent day now.
    I could report you for your triggering statements as well,but I won't .
    People who can't win arguments,shouldn't make them.
This discussion has been closed.