Bad things that have happened since I starting losing weight



  • Doingit145
    I love thrift stores!!! I am looking forward to losing a lot so I can get more awesome clothes :-)
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Great topic.

    1. It's awful that I have to keep adding heavier weights to my squats, lifts, etc......
    2. People think I'm anti-social cause I'm looking things up and logging into MFP on my phone constantly.
    3. Having to say...."but I just bought that" when clothes are too big now.
    4. Not being able to go out after work cause I WANT to go work out.
    5. Getting less value for the $ at the buffet cause I can't eat as much as I once did.
    6. Apparently I don't have a "nice personality" anymore since I don't hear that as much to describe me.
    7. Do you KNOW how much running shoes cost??????
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    1. Im always cold now!!
    2. Money saved on not eating fast food for lunch is now being spent on Gym membership & my obsession with Quest Bars. I love those damn things!! I blame MFP for turning me on to them in the first place!! :tongue: :laugh: :wink:

    3. Most of my wardrobe doesn't fit me anymore causing me to spend extra money to buy new clothes.
    4. My new best friend is my belt.
    5. My tailbone hurts when I sit on something hard or for long periods of time since the extra fluff is gone.
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member

    I need a double thickness of mat at Pilates as my tailbone and hip ones hurt during floor work.
    I no longer have a pair of dress pants that fit me. I've been looking for a new pair and can't find any that rock me the way my old ones did. (Quality doesn't seem as good !!)
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    a) money saved from not eating at a surplus
    b) money again saved from not buying clothes until i lose more
    c) people expectations raised

    are these good or bad?? umm dont know
  • Whereismycoffee
    Whereismycoffee Posts: 130 Member
    1) Hubby is getting mad since I have had to stop wearing my wedding ring set, they kept falling off.
    2) Hubby just loves that I park at the farthest spot away from any where we go.
    3) You ladies might appreciate this one. ~~ Had to go spend money on a new bra after my favorite soft comfy one got to big that when I reached up to get something off a high shelf, my girls fell out the bottom.
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    1) No longer have to worry about sitting at a both at a restaurant.
    2) Not afraid to sit in those plastic or folding lawn chairs.
    3) Don't have to pay that $2 extra charge on bigger clothes.
  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    Funny. Congrats on your weight loss and renewed energy and family life. Looking forward to getting there ,too.
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    1. Definitely noticably colder than I was before I lost weight.
    2. I'm actually helping the economy because I enjoy buying clothes. Before, I hated it. Nothing cute comes in fat girl sizes (in my opinion).
    3. Skinny jeans and boots. I cannot get enough of them and I really need to stop spending money on these.
    4. I'm going to end up drinking all the almond milk in the world and there will be none for the rest of you.
    5. I can buy VS bras in the store now. Nothing hurts the wallet more than seeing how awesome the girls look in a VS bra. More helping the economy.
    6. No longer being scared of riding the carnival rides with my son. I can comfortably fit in the kiddie rides with him. I must now buy extra tickets.

    My weightloss seems to be helping the economy. :ohwell: :grumble:
  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    You're not a freak. You aren't comfortable in your new skin and the constant attention makes that feeling more significant. Some people enjoy the attention, some don't care, some don't enjoy the attention. My eldest daughter (20) is very pretty, great size-3 figure and hates when she gets male attention. However, as her old, married, mom (46)--not gonna lie, I love it!!! (smile)

    2. I'm an introvert, and am embarrassed by the compliments I receive regarding how my appearance has changed.

    There are days where I'd much rather be fat and ignored than noticed. Seriously. I do not love the being noticed and complimented part.

    Apparently I am a freak of a woman.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    what used to be a walk by "love pat" by my husband, who has very large heavy hands... is now like a consentration camp beating, with the lack of padding on my butt...
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    I can run so much better and without losing my I can't use that as an excuse to stop running anymore :P
  • Wolfeaj19
    Wolfeaj19 Posts: 8 Member
    Love the thread. Hope to add to it some day!
  • egaters
    ^^ this
  • saeedawright
    saeedawright Posts: 1 Member
    This made me snile today. Thank you for your post! :-)
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member

    While getting in shape is great, it's not without it's downside. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I present my list of the top "bad" things that have happened since I began getting fit:

    1. I need to buy a new wardrobe - my clothes are too big!
    2. I'm an introvert, and am embarrassed by the compliments I receive regarding how my appearance has changed.
    3. Exercise has made my "bum knee" stronger so I can't use it to get out of heavy labor any more.
    4. My stamina has increased, so when my daughter wants to play, I can't use the "daddy's too tired" excuse any more.
    5. I am no longer too heavy for my household ladder's rating, so I have to get to all those high up chores now.
    6. I have more energy, so I don't get to sleep in as much (I wake up early and full of energy...)
    7. I'm hurting the economy because I use less soap when I shower.
    8. #7 again, but this time because I no longer need BP meds.
    9. I need to get my wedding ring re-sized so it won't fall off my finger.
    10. When I catch my reflection out of the corner of my eye, I have no idea who it is.

    What are some of the "bad" things that you've noticed?

    hahhahaa!! thats an awesome list and a lot of them apply to me as well.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Not all bad, but recently:

    1. I was told that I likely never had a weight problem in my life and can eat anything I want. <what! I count every calorie!>
    2. My inspiration for losing weight told me that I am now smaller than she is.
    3. I tried on, and fit in, a size 4 dress.
    4. Some of the size 6 dresses that I just bought look baggy! < just went through my closet and packed away the size 10-12 items that I thought still fit but are really baggy on me>
    5. I too had to buy new bras, and my underwear had to be replaced because they were falling off!
    6. My running tights fell down my hips , had to buy size small :)
    7. I am now getting my kids to run with me, my son is in the running club, and we have done a number of 5K runs together.
    8. I have wasted a ton of money on physical therapy for my knee, because the pain went away with a little bit of personal training.
    9. I am constantly surprised at my image in the mirror.
    10. I no longer wear my class ring because it fell off. It is now in my safe. My wedding and engagement rings are loose but not to the point of falling off. I foresee visiting the jeweler soon.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I now get saddle sores when I ride for more than 40 minutes in both of my saddles and one is extra padded.
  • clm888
    I have just had to spend £54 getting my engagement ring reduced by 3 sizes!! Only thought it was 1.5 sizes too big so was really shocked (and pleased). I did double-check with the assistant that it was definitely 3 sizes!I have lost just over 4stone and am now the same ring size as when I met my other half ????❤
  • StarFit4Life
    StarFit4Life Posts: 43 Member
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