Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I do thanks...
  • I'm on day 7 of the 24 day challenge. This was husbands idea needless to say I wasn't excited. Im a sweets addict and have many upcoming events with lots of goodies to look forward to. However I'm so glad we started this. Im never hungry and have been able to manage my very strong cravings. I dont drink caffeine on a regular basis so wasnt at all excited about having to drink Spark(caffeinated) on a daily basis even though it tastes great and gives a lot of energy. But once I found out about Advocares noncaffeinated energy drink called V16 ive been on board. I'm down 3lbs. My energy level and mood are up. I'm able to manage cravings even while fixing food for my 5 and 3 year old. They eat the healthy dinners but sometimes i have to break out a frozen pizza or chicken nuggets for them for lunch. I can't believe I've been successful on this. I've never done a diet or a cleanse before because I didn't think I'd have the willpower. This has proved me wrong because its not about willpower its about eating the right kinds of foods to manage hunger throughout the day. My goal is to make this the start of a lifestyle change forever. 6 days clean and 1 day treat is something I could live with. No matter what plan you do ... it's a good one if it makes you stick to it. Good luck to all no matter what plan you choose!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm on day 7 of the 24 day challenge. This was husbands idea needless to say I wasn't excited. Im a sweets addict and have many upcoming events with lots of goodies to look forward to. However I'm so glad we started this. Im never hungry and have been able to manage my very strong cravings. I dont drink caffeine on a regular basis so wasnt at all excited about having to drink Spark(caffeinated) on a daily basis even though it tastes great and gives a lot of energy. But once I found out about Advocares noncaffeinated energy drink called V16 ive been on board. I'm down 3lbs. My energy level and mood are up. I'm able to manage cravings even while fixing food for my 5 and 3 year old. They eat the healthy dinners but sometimes i have to break out a frozen pizza or chicken nuggets for them for lunch. I can't believe I've been successful on this. I've never done a diet or a cleanse before because I didn't think I'd have the willpower. This has proved me wrong because its not about willpower its about eating the right kinds of foods to manage hunger throughout the day. My goal is to make this the start of a lifestyle change forever. 6 days clean and 1 day treat is something I could live with. No matter what plan you do ... it's a good one if it makes you stick to it. Good luck to all no matter what plan you choose!

    Awesome! Thank you for sharing!
  • 1baseballmomof3
    1baseballmomof3 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry for bardging in, since I dont post much.
    I did Advocare, was a distributor for over a year, and actually still am. I took all products, ate better, etc. I would loose on the cleanse and then put back on + a few after. After a year of doing the cleanse every 3-4 months and taking the MNS I was up about 10 lbs over the previous year, but loved how the products made me feel! I love the Spark... but found it was making me very angry. I had a very short tollerance when it came to my kids and was ALWAYS on edge! Anyone have any advice on how I can continue Spark (as I have a LOT of it) and not have the constant angry, short temper feelings?
    PSJJJS Posts: 3
    I am on day 10 of the challenge, and I have to say that at first I was skeptical. I was even able to see result pictures from a very close friend. Even after seeing those photos I was still unsure. I did tons and tons of research on the challenge and finally gave in. I know that I am only on day 10, but I have already dropped 5lbs and I can see the difference in the mirror. I am looking forward to the next 14 days. I know that it has helped me to stop drinking energy drinks. I haven't had one nor have I had the desire to drink one, to me that and the way that I feel is worth the money in itself. Good luck to you! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Sorry for bardging in, since I dont post much.
    I did Advocare, was a distributor for over a year, and actually still am. I took all products, ate better, etc. I would loose on the cleanse and then put back on + a few after. After a year of doing the cleanse every 3-4 months and taking the MNS I was up about 10 lbs over the previous year, but loved how the products made me feel! I love the Spark... but found it was making me very angry. I had a very short tollerance when it came to my kids and was ALWAYS on edge! Anyone have any advice on how I can continue Spark (as I have a LOT of it) and not have the constant angry, short temper feelings?

    How much of it were you drinking? It has Sucralose in it. There are studies that sucralose affects the glucose and insulin response. And it has caffeine, supposedly the equivalent of a cup of coffee. If you are sensitive to caffeine and are drinking more than one or two of them, I would imagine you might have some irritability. It also has gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which works in your brain and is supposed to be for anti-anxiety.

    It doesn't sound very smart to put something in your body to jack you up and at the same time try to calm you down by messing with your neurotransmitters. Just my opinion. You should sell the stuff on Craigslist or something.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    I have not done it myself yet (I start the 24 day challenge this coming Sunday!!!!!) but I have seen the results real time! My best friend just finished just the cleanse portion and lost 6 pounds and 12 inches total! On top of telling me she just feels better, more energy, and her joint problems aren't bugging her as much!

    While your body might not need a cleanse per say it is a good way to get a jump start on eating healthy and either kickstarting or restarting weight loss. Think of it like a shower for you take for your insides to start off squeaky clean and get the best results out of your new meal plan (while still watching calorie intake and output).

    I like the fact that it isn't so much a diet as it is a meal plan and is just eating SUPER DUPER clean. While the products are expensive...they are just dietary supplements! Most everyone should already be taking vitamins/supplements and the price of Advocare is actually quite comparable to other high quality supplements when you break it down. While you can pick up fish oil at the Grocery Outlet for 2 isn't good quality and is stuffed with all kinds of fillers to make it cheap!

    I am really excited to start my cleanse! Hoping that it will kick me off my plateau I have been riding on for the last few months. And help me to continue to improve my eating habits and enhancing a more healthful lifestyle. I won't stop tracking my meals on here either, because I do still believe you need a calorie deficit to lose...Pretty sure much of what you will lose in that first 10 days is water weight and will go away if you don't continue to eat clean and watch your intake.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have not done it myself yet (I start the 24 day challenge this coming Sunday!!!!!) but I have seen the results real time! My best friend just finished just the cleanse portion and lost 6 pounds and 12 inches total! On top of telling me she just feels better, more energy, and her joint problems aren't bugging her as much!

    While your body might not need a cleanse per say it is a good way to get a jump start on eating healthy and either kickstarting or restarting weight loss. Think of it like a shower for you take for your insides to start off squeaky clean and get the best results out of your new meal plan (while still watching calorie intake and output).

    I like the fact that it isn't so much a diet as it is a meal plan and is just eating SUPER DUPER clean. While the products are expensive...they are just dietary supplements! Most everyone should already be taking vitamins/supplements and the price of Advocare is actually quite comparable to other high quality supplements when you break it down. While you can pick up fish oil at the Grocery Outlet for 2 isn't good quality and is stuffed with all kinds of fillers to make it cheap!

    I am really excited to start my cleanse! Hoping that it will kick me off my plateau I have been riding on for the last few months. And help me to continue to improve my eating habits and enhancing a more healthful lifestyle. I won't stop tracking my meals on here either, because I do still believe you need a calorie deficit to lose...Pretty sure much of what you will lose in that first 10 days is water weight and will go away if you don't continue to eat clean and watch your intake.

    Good luck. If you have any question please do not hesitate to ask.
  • I am on day 8 of the challege. yesterday i was actually happy because the scale said i lost 1 pound. but then i weighed myself again tonight, on the same scale, wearing the same clothes (and yes, around the same time of day) and it said I gained 6lbs from last night. very pissed that i paid over 200 to gain even more weight. it doesn't seem like anyone else has had this problem though so i don't expect anyone to be able to explain why my body is so messed up. i've tried tons of different weight loss products, i completely changed up my eating habits and i am in the gym 5-6 times a week with a personal trainer once a week, and i have yet to lose a single pound since i started working out and everything 65 days ago.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am on day 8 of the challege. yesterday i was actually happy because the scale said i lost 1 pound. but then i weighed myself again tonight, on the same scale, wearing the same clothes (and yes, around the same time of day) and it said I gained 6lbs from last night. very pissed that i paid over 200 to gain even more weight. it doesn't seem like anyone else has had this problem though so i don't expect anyone to be able to explain why my body is so messed up. i've tried tons of different weight loss products, i completely changed up my eating habits and i am in the gym 5-6 times a week with a personal trainer once a week, and i have yet to lose a single pound since i started working out and everything 65 days ago.

    Did you take your before pictures and measurements?
  • yes- i do not look any different in the photos, and my clothes are not fitting any looser
  • mommyofsteele
    mommyofsteele Posts: 1 Member
    I am SO bummed! I used to drink 44 to 88 oz. of diet soda a day (for the last 4 years since my twins were born...literally EVERY DAY!) and I am not a huge fan of vegetables but normally eat generally healthy. Just finished the 24th day yesterday and weighed myself first thing this morning. I lost .2 lbs in 24 days! REALLY?! POINT TWO?! I made such DRASTIC changes! I used to go to bed between 2 and 4am every day and I have been going to bed (neglecting work) between 10 and 12 instead which is really, really good for me. I worked out a lot of the time like normal. Haven't had a soda in 25 days now and ate SO many vegetables I just couldn't believe it. I tried so many new things and learned new ways of eating and still be able to enjoy it. I don't know WHY I can't ever lose weight like everyone else?! It makes me SO mad! I used to be an ACE certified personal trainer and my Bachelors degree is in Physical Education. I have had all the classes on nutrition, exercise physiology, kinesiology, etc. I understand how it all works yet my body just doesn't follow the typical rules or formulas. I am so beyond frustrated. And no, I don't know exactly what I have lost in inches yet. Will be measuring later today at my sisters house. I know I am almost fitting into my jeans that are one size smaller, but for as restrictive as that was and for the amount of money I spent and the HUGE changes I made, I just can't BELIEVE! I started at 227.4 and was 227.2 this morning. Really frustrated right now.
  • Kirby216
    Kirby216 Posts: 3 Member
    Today I'm starting Day 5 of the 24 day challenge. I'm video blogging my experience.

    As of this morning, I am down 3.5 pounds.

    To answer the original question on this post. Since this is my first ever cleanse and first ever time using the AdvoCare products, I am pleased, but not 100% happy. I am pleased that I'm not starving and I'm down in weight. I do not find enough information in the literature which makes me really happy for those who blog about their experiences and also for those who post recipes.

    I had been doing Weight Watchers for a year and a half and lost 35 pounds, but I needed a new challenge. That's why this 24 day challenge is good for me.

    I've very happy to know I'm not the only one out there right now who chose to do this challenge over Thanksgiving. Y'all rock in my book!
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Like some products- don't like others. Not a big fan of the shake replacement plan. Spark is great. I did not see a change with catalyst. I take fish oil anyway so no difference there.
  • That's a bummer... Hate to be frustrated like that!! Hang in there! What were the inches lost? Did you go down a Jean size? I think that's awesome right? Positive!! @rsc5830
  • I saw someone's post about how this topic seems fishy with all the new posters (which is actually what made me sign up and post)...

    I've used myfitnesspal for a while now, and found this 24 Day Challenge thread while searching "24 Day Challenge Reviews" on google. Decided to try and post an unbiased opinion on it.

    My fiancé and I decided to try it out and are on day 2 of the challenge right now, which is day 2 of the cleanse. Both of us are in good shape and exercise routinely, so this was more about actually doing a good cleanse than losing weight.

    The diet isn't hard to stick to at all. It doesn't make you do stupid stuff like not eat carbs or anything like that. Every morning we've had eggs, oatmeal, and fruit, and then for lunch and dinner have split up anything from lean red meat, chicken, or fish, and then some greens and whole grain rice or something like that.

    I will say, however, that the fiber drink you have to take in the morning on the cleanse is absolutely awful to take by itself. The taste isn't that bad, but the consistency is enough that I barely finished mine, and my fiancé actually threw up. The second day we mixed it up with the Spark and it was more tolerable, although still nasty.

    After the first night of taking the Herbal Cleanse Caplets before bed, I woke up feeling fine, but I will say that I tossed and turned a ton last night. Don't know if it was from all the vitamins and stuff in it that kept me up or what, but the same thing happened to my fiancé.

    Midway through day 2, I feel great except for a slight headache that I am 100% sure is caffeine withdrawal because I used to drink a ton of diet soda and coffee. I've had regular bowel movements as well, which is good because I thought it was going to be a little crazier.

    My fiancé, however, said she is having major headaches. She doesn't drink a lot of soda, but used to do a lot of coffee, so I don't know if it's caffeine or not. Could be sodium, cause she used to eat a lot of pork and red meat. She also said that she feels empty even though we've been eating, and her bowel movements seem to be a little worse than mine from what she says.

    I guess everyone's bodies are different, so we'll see. I'll keep my progress posted.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I saw someone's post about how this topic seems fishy with all the new posters (which is actually what made me sign up and post)...

    I've used myfitnesspal for a while now, and found this 24 Day Challenge thread while searching "24 Day Challenge Reviews" on google. Decided to try and post an unbiased opinion on it.

    My fiancé and I decided to try it out and are on day 2 of the challenge right now, which is day 2 of the cleanse. Both of us are in good shape and exercise routinely, so this was more about actually doing a good cleanse than losing weight.

    The diet isn't hard to stick to at all. It doesn't make you do stupid stuff like not eat carbs or anything like that. Every morning we've had eggs, oatmeal, and fruit, and then for lunch and dinner have split up anything from lean red meat, chicken, or fish, and then some greens and whole grain rice or something like that.

    I will say, however, that the fiber drink you have to take in the morning on the cleanse is absolutely awful to take by itself. The taste isn't that bad, but the consistency is enough that I barely finished mine, and my fiancé actually threw up. The second day we mixed it up with the Spark and it was more tolerable, although still nasty.

    After the first night of taking the Herbal Cleanse Caplets before bed, I woke up feeling fine, but I will say that I tossed and turned a ton last night. Don't know if it was from all the vitamins and stuff in it that kept me up or what, but the same thing happened to my fiancé.

    Midway through day 2, I feel great except for a slight headache that I am 100% sure is caffeine withdrawal because I used to drink a ton of diet soda and coffee. I've had regular bowel movements as well, which is good because I thought it was going to be a little crazier.

    My fiancé, however, said she is having major headaches. She doesn't drink a lot of soda, but used to do a lot of coffee, so I don't know if it's caffeine or not. Could be sodium, cause she used to eat a lot of pork and red meat. She also said that she feels empty even though we've been eating, and her bowel movements seem to be a little worse than mine from what she says.

    I guess everyone's bodies are different, so we'll see. I'll keep my progress posted.

    In regards to the headaches are you drinking spark?
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    Brings to mind an old quote..."There's a sucker born every minute."
  • I honestly don't believe this program is for suckers. I think that if you really follow the plan and take the stuff that's laid out for you, it'll work well.

    However, I do believe a lot of people are getting suckered into it without getting the proper knowledge first. Luckily, I have friends who have done this before and also have a health instructor helping me out with it, so I feel like I'll be fine. I'm a fan of trying a lot of different health methods to see what works best for my body.

    After the challenge is over, I'll let ya'll know how it goes.
  • In regards to the headaches are you drinking spark?
