3 Days in and not inspired



  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You are making this way more complicated than it has to be......

    Exactly this.

    Calories in vs calories out.
    Stick to your calorie deficit while hitting your macros while enjoying the things you like.

    This^^ Be patient. You didn't gain all the weight you are trying to lose in 3 days. Breath and give yourself some room to move. Your plan needs to be sustainable to work.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    You're not inspired because that diet sounds like torture. You are overcomplicating things and trying too hard. If you get creative, you can eat foods that you enjoy and stay full while losing weight.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Stand by for a "Why is everyone here so mean?" post.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Quit making it so difficult. Lean chicken and spinach have no magic weight loss properties. Eat whatever food you want that fits in your calorie budget. You've also taken on a new exercise program at the same time which probably along with the sodium filled chicken soup has you retaining some water. You don't need a special diet ie: low carb to lose weight and it isn't a 3 day event.


    And I'd be depressed/uninspired after eating your diet too. Expecting a result in 3 days? You're in for a tough lesson if you expect that the entire time you try to lose weight.

    Edited after reading your second post: It's not rude if we explain to you why you may be uninspired. There are easier and more enjoyable ways to lose weight besides eating the same thing day in day out. Eat a piece of bread for goodness sake.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I think sometimes when we start on MFP we carry along with us the diet mentality from the past. Sounds like that's what you might be doing.. it takes a bit of time to get that out of our head and realize it's about moderation and treats on occasion.

    You can eat anything you'd like if it suits you, I try to steer clear of simple carbs simply because they trigger me to eat them to often. Spinach is good for you but if you don't like it, find something that you enjoy and doesn't bore you. Chicken is great but not everyday cooked in the same way.

    Check out threads on here for Crockpot recipes, chicken recipes and about any other type protein you can imagine, lots of great new ideas when you're starting out.

    How about steel cut oats for breakfast with some Sunflower nut butter mixed in and some eggs. You've got a great long lasting complex carbs, protein (nut butter or eggs) and healthy fats. That's how I plan my meals.. getting in fat/carb/protein of pretty much anything you enjoy.

    Maybe starting out you'll want to simply record the food you've typically eaten and go from there. Then swap out some less healthy foods for still tasty but maybe better choices to keep your energy up for the day. Then you learn to moderate those choices. Or simple things like getting in all your water. Hate water? Then drink each day than the day before even if you're not at 8 cups.

    See what I mean? Every change makes a huge difference not only for our healthy but mentally and emotionally..it's gives us a feeling of having some control instead of feeling out control.

    Hang in there... you're on your way... I've found the longer stretch I do this the more confident I become in my choices and that helps me to gain motivation. Also reading/looking through the before and after threads is incredibly mind blowing when you realize members started out the same as you and me and they've transformed themselves.

    You're doing fine, glad you posted for some help,

    EDIT: ugh! stuck in my own quote.. LOL OP... I think you'll figure out which part's mine.:flowerforyou:
    You're doing it wrong.

    Expecting to lose a couple of pounds after 3 days, limiting your self to spinach and chicken? Where are these crazy ideas coming from?

    Go back to step 1; Count calories. End.
    :huh: Dang... she's already come here for help, let's not chase her away!! I think sometimes we don't realize how we're coming across on the boards, or at least I hope some of these replies are intended to sound this way on purpose!
    You are making this way more complicated than it has to be......
    :noway: Sheesh... sounds like some of you forgot what it's like when you started out! I believe she posted for some help, not odd comments that aren't going to help anyone. No reason to act superior to anyone else on here, we are all here for basically the same reasons, to be healthy in whatever method we find works for us.
    Hi all,

    I'm serious this time.. if you look back on my diary you can see I started to do a low carb thing with gym and was sporadic about updating and then stopped. Starting Monday I have eaten nothing but spinach and grilled chicken with green bell pepper and red bell pepper for lunch with about a tablespoon of lite Italian dressing, snacking on almonds (never more than 15) when I get cravings during the work day and drinking lots of water. At dinner I have had the same, except last night I had a can of light progresso chicken noodle soup. I've mixed in some grilled zucchini here and there and eaten a banana and an apple here and there but that is pretty much it. I have also exercised all 3 days for at least an hour 2 of the 3 days doing high intensity interval type workouts on the treadmill elliptical and bike and follow it with lifting weights for my chest and arms to tone up and some hip abduction thigh machines. I feel like after 3 days I would at least maintain my weight or lose a couple of pounds but I seem to have almost gained a pound.

    This is not helping me to get motivated and continue! I'm not eating any bread or processed foods and only drinking water and really cutting back on carbs... Any suggestions?
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Count calories...it's easier.

    Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine make some great meals, as does Atkins. Had one for breakfast today. I have eaten them all...some were surprisingly good - some were awful. Message me for my likes/hates.

    If you want to increase protein and lower carbs, do that too but stick with calories as the main counting mechanism.
  • dk50
    dk50 Posts: 31 Member
    Give yourself more time ...This sight work's just make sure you're logging the right amount of calorie's for what your eating!!! And don't give up ....:wink:
  • staceykristen
    staceykristen Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not limiting myself to anything other than trying not to eat a bunch of heavy carbs and processed foods. Yes, yesterday I had a can of soup for dinner because it's freezing outside and I didn't have much time. And yes, I've eaten spinach and chicken for lunch for 3 days because I bought the bag and left it at work and it's been convienant and easy and to honest I'm not ever hungry at lunch but just eat for the nutrition and know I need to .. I usually eat salmon and veggies for dinner but I have been on a budget and just going through what I have right now. My point of the whole message was just to say that I was surprised that I didn't lose weight as a few years ago when I would have changed my habits like this it would have shown up on the scale.

    Again, please don't comment if you're trying to be rude or prove that you're some nutrition genius and that i'm oh so stupid and have no will power because I have lost a significant amount of weight before and I can stick to it.
  • staceykristen
    staceykristen Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for the helpful supportive comments! this is what I was looking for. Jeez I didn't expect such a harsh reaction. Thanks again <3
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i don't understand how you're expecting results in 3 days. i applaud the fact that you want to change and are making the effort. but rome wasn't built in a day. go long--3 month goal, say, and check in once a month. i think you can do this....but remember, things take time!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.

    congratulations. posts like these are what scare off the knowledgeable folks from trying to help. it's a giant red flag that says "i only want to hear what i want to hear". after they click away to amuse themselves with cat gifs on other threads, you'll be left with only the clean eaters and food shamers and fake coaches trying to sell you meal replacement shakes.

    also, this is NOT the support forum. this is the forum for general weight loss and diet advice. you asked for that and that's what you're getting... but not from me, because i'm easily distracted by cat gifs too.

    good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • katield83
    katield83 Posts: 228 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.

    You did say that you have worked out each day, so your body is just retaining water from the weights you have been lifting. In a few days you wil see the scale move in the direction you want it to. But, I do agree with the majority of all of the others posts that say eat what makes you feel good/happy as long as it fits into your calorie goal. I would not advise making such a drastic change to your diet rather smaller more sustainable ones that you can carry with you long term.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    Only weigh in once a week and take measurements and pictures
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Based on what you wrote, I guess I'm not sure what sort of response you expected.
  • 87monkey
    87monkey Posts: 83 Member
    spinach and chicken is delicious, and implementing more healthy foods into your diet is great, but you can still enjoy all of the other foods you have always enjoyed, just be within your calorie limit. If the fluctuations in weight discourage you then stay away from the scale for awhile., put it away for say a month but still stick to your calorie limit and exercise. I had to put my scale away for two weeks! aha and I still feel like I am trudging along but it's moving down over time :). It is normal to feel discouraged at the beginning of your journey because you are changing your lifestyle and feel like you are working so hard so you expect to see instant results, and when you don't you feel like why bother, but don't give in to that attitude! It has been a month and a half for me and I am now starting to get the hang of it, not worrying so much about the scale but more about how I feel! more energy, better sleep, more wiggle room in my clothes, soon you will notice these little things and more so don't fret ;)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Can't see your diary.

    Wait. That's all you're eating on top of exercising? Snap.

    How many calories is that?

    And it sounds miserable.

    Is what you are currently doing something you want to do for the rest of your life? No, I'm serious. If what you are doing is not sustainable, you probably don't need to be doing it.

    I've hit my base goal on things I like to eat; chocolate, wine, beef, pasta, bread, wine, cheeses, all kinds of veggies, an occasional piece of cake, ice cream, and did I mention wine? Granted, it took me almost ten months to drop forty-some pounds, and I've decided to drop my goal a little more, but I can do this for as long as I need to because I don't feel like this is a diet.

    Just my $0.02. :smile:

    Wine makes me happy!

    Me, too! :love:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.

    How many of those 50 did you regain?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you are at a deficit, the increase is due to water weight, most likely from starting to exercise.

    I would suggest reading this:

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Based on what you wrote, I guess I'm not sure what sort of response you expected.

    based on what I've read in response... I have to assume that the OP thinks that a different perspective = mean.

    I'm sorry OP, it's frustrating trying again, feeling like you are doing your best, and being unhappy about the lack of results.
    I don't think people on here were being mean, or even rude... they WERE saying that you do need to shift your point of view.

    If you can be open minded enough to shift your goals, you may find yourself more inspired than you've ever been.

    It takes time though.

    You CAN do it.
  • portpaw
    You did say that you have worked out each day, so your body is just retaining water from the weights you have been lifting. In a few days you wil see the scale move in the direction you want it to.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. If I work out a lot after being away from it, I always weigh more the next morning from water weight. It goes away quickly, but if I go a week or so without exercising (esp weight lifting), the effect happens again for a day or so. Once you get into an exercise routine, you will be fine.
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