3 Days in and not inspired



  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I kind of disagree. I did not count calories for the first 6 months of my fitness journey in last year and a half and lost 35 pounds by just eating cleaner. Eat less, eat better, move more, drink more water, and just be mindful. I counted calories for 30 years and all it got me was into a cycle of restriction and binges.

    Don't weigh yourself every day. Give it 30 days. You can do anything for 30 days. I don't care what anyone says. I've tried calories in vs. calories out and I know that when I tried to give myself NUTRITION, I was sick less, had more energy, and sustained my weight loss better than simply counting calories.

    Find yourself active hobbies you enjoy. Working out does not have to be something you dread. You can amp up your intensity and try new things as you go along, but right now, just get moving. Consistently.

    Do you want to lose weight or do you want to change your life? If you want to change your life, think of the person you want to be, imagine what that person does and eats, and do those things and eventually you will evolve into that person.
  • staceykristen
    staceykristen Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, before Monday for a few months I had been focused on just making sure I don't eat unreasonably. But it didn't help me to lose weight so now I'm trying to be more strict, but not limiting at all , that just happens to be what happened the last 3 days.

    Can someone tell me how to open my diary?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    K , again, if you're going to comment and just say "agree" to people who said I am an idiot then please don't bother commenting. I was overseas for a year and not exercising regularly or dieting. I only gained about 20 pounds probably the year I was overseas, but I went off birth control 3 months ago and it caused me to gain 20 more pounds in a short period of time. Yikeeees, posting on here has shown me that most people would rather make me feel dumb or defeated than be encouraging. Thanks to the people that are explaining how they feel in a nice manner.

    You are correct. People like to feel strong and in charge, even if only on the internet because they can't hack it in real life.

    a person cannot make you FEEL anything you don't CHOOSE to feel on your own. No one has said you are dumb. Or that you are defeated. In fact, there have been a lot of people saying you CAN DO IT - if you adjust your methods.

    You choose to hear what you want. You choose how you are going to react to it.

    In the end, you are an adult, and can choose to be insulted, angry, hurt, defeated, or any other myriad of emotions based on the tone that you apply to what you are reading. Try re reading the "meaner" posts in a kind voice in your head. Read them as if it was your best friend saying it to you. Then maybe you might be less hurt, and more willing to listen.

    Good luck. I do believe you CAN DO IT.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Eat real food and maintain a modest deficit from maintenance. You don't have to only eat spinach and unseasoned chicken. Do a little research in RE to proper nutrition...get yourself a cook book and start making some tasty meals that fit into your calorie goals and win.

    Also, you probably didn't really "gain"...your weight isn't static and weight loss isn't linear. Nobody weighs exactly XXX Lbs all of the time and nobody loses exactly X Lbs per week...weight control, whether you're talking about losing, maintaining, or gaining is a general trend over a much longer period of time.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Or we could just do this ...



    I don't think people are going out of their way to be rude. It's like when I say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, I mean that in the nicest possible way. :flowerforyou: See? Here's a flower...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Yes, before Monday for a few months I had been focused on just making sure I don't eat unreasonably. But it didn't help me to lose weight so now I'm trying to be more strict, but not limiting at all , that just happens to be what happened the last 3 days.

    Can someone tell me how to open my diary?

    get yourself a food scale and start weighing stuff out...
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm serious this time.. I feel like after 3 days I would at least maintain my weight or lose a couple of pounds but I seem to have almost gained a pound.

    This is not helping me to get motivated and continue! I'm not eating any bread or processed foods and only drinking water and really cutting back on carbs... Any suggestions?

    Give it much longer than 3 days!! Any 'loss' that can be made in 3 days can easily be put back on in one.

    If the scales are going to dictate how you feel so much, give them to a friend to look after for 30 days.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    As promised, here is my response to your PM to me....just to keep everyone up to date. I am not posting your message to me as I am not as rude as you seem to think.

    "You are in some sort of bubble if you didn't expect that post of yours to cause such responses. It has to be a troll post as I cannot comprehend someone seriously writing that and then responding the way you have been.

    You were ASKING for help and anyone who stated that what you are doing is not a sustainable path was met with argument from you. If you know it all already then just do it.

    Ok, I will be constructive...there, there you are a special snowflake and since you are trying so hard I am going to magically melt the fat off of your body for you (waves magic wand).

    I am generally not this bit**y to people but come on....really?

    I am posting my response to the thread...just because I can. Feel free to hit "ignore user" under my profile pic so you don't have to see anything I write."
  • ReadynWillin
    You are correct. People like to feel strong and in charge, even if only on the internet because they can't hack it in real life.
    Also, the BCP as a general rule only causes an average 5lb weight gain. (I work in the medical field before you try to argue with that).
    Darn those flyers! :tongue: But yeah, I agree.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.
    lol greetings from MFP you must be new here....

  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    bump to lurn
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I really don't want to give you any advise, because from looking at your very slender face I wonder why you want to lose ( at least according to your ticker ) 54 pounds and I fear that any advise anyone could give you would only support an unhealthy eating pattern. If my assumptions are wrong, I apologize.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I know that if I ate a restrictive diet for 6 months to lose a whole bunch of weight, and decided to "end my diet," I'd be super motivated and primed to learn a whole new way of healthy sustainable eating.


    After exhausting yourself for a period of time depriving yourself of foods you love in order to lose weight, when you do "finish" your diet, you're not going to go learn something totally new. You're going to go back to what you were doing before, because your'e so relieved to be "done."

    That's when you gain 40 lbs and have to go back on a diet.

    Sound familiar OP?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    As promised, here is my response to your PM to me....just to keep everyone up to date. I am not posting your message to me as I am not as rude as you seem to think.

    "You are in some sort of bubble if you didn't expect that post of yours to cause such responses. It has to be a troll post as I cannot comprehend someone seriously writing that and then responding the way you have been.

    You were ASKING for help and anyone who stated that what you are doing is not a sustainable path was met with argument from you. If you know it all already then just do it.

    Ok, I will be constructive...there, there you are a special snowflake and since you are trying so hard I am going to magically melt the fat off of your body for you (waves magic wand).

    I am generally not this bit**y to people but come on....really?

    I am posting my response to the thread...just because I can. Feel free to hit "ignore user" under my profile pic so you don't have to see anything I write."

    I can't for the life of me, figure out what you said to her in the thread that was so rude! But dang, now I'm curious as to what she PMed you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Jeez, I obviously am sticking to this longer than 3 days, I have lost 50 pounds in the past and can do it again. I was just surprised that I gained in the beginning when I drastically changed my exercise and eating habits. Please do not comment if you are going to be rude. This forum is for support.

    Your gain was probably due to using muscles again and the water retention that resulted. And your weight can fluctuate like 7 pound in one day for various reasons.

    Geez, do not argue if you are going to be rude and take helpful advice.
  • sgupstate
    sgupstate Posts: 15 Member
    "Go back to taking pictures with your cat."

    um.... what is that about?

    People are being honest about what they know and I think you are a little oversensitive. You need to reevaluate the way that you take criticism. Seriously, your defensive reaction about the cold weather to someone saying that soup is processed food is over the top. They were not even criticizing you, just saying that it is actually a processed item.
    People are not trying to mean to you, they are giving you their honest opinion about your question. No need to be defensive, even here I am trying to help by telling you that you are reacting to their advice as if it is negative criticism which is not what these people are trying to do.
    You don't want advice, don't ask, everyone has said something potentially helpful.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I can't for the life of me, figure out what you said to her in the thread that was so rude! But dang, now I'm curious as to what she PMed you.

    Thank you, me either.

    Since I posted my last response to your PM, here is my second one.

    "Well you obviously care about my opinion or you wouldn't have messaged me (twice).

    If you feel that you didn't word your original post properly then just say that - on the thread. People (myself included) are commenting things you don't seem to want to hear because of some of the things you wrote. You have been on MFP for a while so you must know the "hot buttons" to press by now. You pressed a bunch of them. THEN expected pats on the head?

    I am sorry that you feel you were attacked but I went back and re-read my contributions to the thread and I don't think I was all that rude until you PM'd me."
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    ...there, there you are a special snowflake and since you are trying so hard I am going to magically melt the fat off of your body for you (waves magic wand).

    Do mine next! Do mine next!
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    ...there, there you are a special snowflake and since you are trying so hard I am going to magically melt the fat off of your body for you (waves magic wand).

    Do mine next! Do mine next!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
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