Women over 40 looking for support



  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Just turned forty last month. Am in maintence now but am very active on here and happy to help, motivate and encourage. Feel free to add me just include a message so i know who you are :)
  • 0001Froggy
    0001Froggy Posts: 11 Member
    46 here and lost 11 pounds in the past 10 weeks, really working toward it now, Slow going but here daily. Feel free to add me.
  • Othala
    Othala Posts: 6
    Hey there, I'm 48 and 11 stone 2 pounds, aiming to get to 9 stone 7 pounds by June next year. I have very high cholesterol (8.3) and the Doc says lose weight or go on statins. My choice, so I have been dieting and exercising for the last 2 weeks. Joined MFP yesterday.

    I did 3.9k km on the elliptical trainer today and my husband said he could hear me panting and gasping for breath from the other side of the house. I thought I was dying, LOL.

    i'm happy to support and be supported.
  • makebanegron
    makebanegron Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I am 41 years old and am looking for support from others that are going through the same struggles as I am going through. I have been using myfitnesspal and just figured out how to get to the communities to get acquainted with more people that are trying to lose weight as well. I only want females to respond, though, please. Thanks!
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    Hey! Good luck in your journey!!

    40 here, got the exercise thing working well ... not so great on the dieting ... pretty good at cheering my mfp friends on!

    Still got weight I want to lose but in no rush. Been here nearly 500 days and work out 3-4x a week (lifting, karate, walking).

    Anyone feel free to add me if you need support, and can offer support in return :) xxx
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I am restarting my journey after a 6 month pity party :( .. ready to tackle this and get it done! I am 49 and would love to have this journey near goal by the time I turn 50 (July). Am just getting started again with both food and exercise so looking for new friends who are in the same boat!

    good luck to everyone!
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    Would love support. Trying to start over again at the age of 42. :smile:
  • DarleneK120
    DarleneK120 Posts: 2 Member
    Please feel free to add me ....
  • dawnms8
    dawnms8 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    I am 41 and really need some support. I have tried dieting so many times and fall off. I have just started at the Wharton Clinic as well and they have encouraged me to use this site for tracking.

    So anyone that wants to add me please do. I would love to trade ideas on what works for other people.

    Dawn :)
  • crsrchk
    crsrchk Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm new here (again) and would love to "meet" some friends for support/encouragement. As everyone knows, it's not easy getting back on the wagon.
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello, I turned 45 in May. This is my second time on MFP and this time something is working. I'm down 21 pounds in a little over 2 months. I'm here daily and VERY dedicated. I would love to have any one of you add me as a friend, I can use any and all supportive friends I can get. I live in the Pacific NW and mainly walk for exercise although, I think its time to step it up and add more to my plan.
  • Hello..46, soon to be 47 and single (no kids) here in the Midwest. 5'4" and just went to the doctor last week weighing in 10 # more than last year at 190. :-( I about cried. I know I have what feels like a long way and 50# to lose. Just started MFP last Wednesday and have gotten great feedback from Dr & nurses who use MFP as well. I lost 45#'s years ago in my 20's and it seemed easy back then. A whole week of sticking faithfully to my plan and didn't seem to drop any weight. My blood work came back normal which made me feel a bit worse..(I guess I was hoping for an excuse for this weight gain) but with MFP I am seeing where I was truly going wrong, yet when I dieted before, I lost almost 8 #'s just the first week! Is there anything I can do to help give my metabolism a boost or is that just a myth?

    I CAN'T GIVE UP...but why won't the weight come off?
  • Hi there, I am 40 and also just beginning and looking for support from the 40+ age group... Feel free to add me... I joined last week...
  • 47 year old working mommy looking for some support on this weigh-loss journey! Anybody out there? :smile: