30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 592 Member
    Forgot to weigh in yesterday:

    Sadly it to report a gain of 2#'s

    Okay, I couldn't count yesterday...I was up 3 pounds :{

    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes exercise, 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training
    Water: did 11
    Under Cals: done
    50 Min exercise: done/ DH & I walked for 75 min and walked 3.5 miles..I'm tired
    10 Stretching/Yoga: No, didn't get there

    Posh: glad you had a great time & welcome home!


    For Thursdays challenge:

    12 glasses water!! ( come on!!)
    50 Minutes exercise cardio
    10 minutes weight training
    Under calories
    Make a list of what you are looking forward to when reaching your goal by Christmas! Tell us about it!

    Thursday will be an interesting read w/everyone's lists.
    For me i had no energy left after standing in the kitchen all day (apart from lunch) we carved pumpkins, i used the insides for making pumpkin cookies (low cal) & also choc chip pumpkin muffins. The kids love them which is gd.
    but when i put into the exercise thingy i found u use a loads of cals up. yay which meant i was under my cals after i put it in. (i was over by a lot). I got in about 4 pints of water ( not sure how many glasses that is).
    I dont know if i will get to exercise today as were cleaning the house as we have friends coming to stay, i think on monday i will have put weight on, not looking forward to weigh-in.

    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes exercise, 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training

    Water: 3 water bottles=6 cups =[
    Exercise: Epic Fail with 30 mins housework
    10 min stretching: 0 mins

    Yesterday was a bad day, but I wont let it bog down today

    Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake. ~Author Unknown
  • I am not very good at checking in… I am having a little trouble following the use of the platform… but I am going to try to do better… as for the challenges here goes..

    - 10 Water – 4 Cups of water FAIL!
    - Under Calories – Under Calories – WooHoo!
    - 50 minutes exercise – 90 mintues of exercise (30 Bike, 30 HIIT Treadmill, and 30 Weight Training)
    - 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training - I stretch every morning when I get out of bed.. I follow Dr. Oz’z 7 minute Stretch… and then I stretch before and after my workout every day… so I prob did more like 20 minutes…

    Thursday –
    - 12 glasses water!! ( come on!!) - So far maybe 2
    - 50 Minutes exercise cardio – 60 minutes of Cardio (30 bike, 30 HIIT Treadmill)
    - 10 minutes weight training – 20 minutes of weight training
    - Under calories – Day is not over yet but having being doing well with staying under calories
    - Make a list of what you are looking forward to when reaching your goal by Christmas! Tell us about it!
    o I am looking forward to buying a new dress and actually wearing it… I hardly wear dresses because I always look huge… but I am determined to wear one this Christmas.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hey ladies....

    Is this is a woman exclusive deal or is this for us guys that want to shed a bit of weigh as well?

    ANYONE is welcome to join at ANY time! Just post your starting weight, weigh ins are Mondays, and look for daily challenges. The daily challenges aren't required, just a fun challenge to help us stay on track if you so choose to attempt them! Welcome aboard!
  • nolasaints
    nolasaints Posts: 32 Member
    The spread sheet is awesome! Thank you for making it.
    I'll be out of town on Monday and will have to check in Tuesday instead. I'm going to be in New Orleans for Halloween and will consider it a MAJOR success if I just don't gain anything. :)
    Good luck, everyone!
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    Normally i would say todays goals are very reachable, but PMS:explode: is kickin my tail this week!!!

    Everyone is doing a great job. Keep up the great work!!!!!:wink:
  • snoopy1107
    snoopy1107 Posts: 17 Member
    You and me both sister! I pray that next weigh in will finally show so results.
  • Hi All

    Can i join this group or thread...my family and friends don't help they say i look great and don't have to loose weight..but i'm 219lbs and going to Disney World next may and would like to lost weight.

  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Hi All:

    I started with good intentions in the early part of the day, ran five miles at 8:05 average pace, drank some water (sometimes I never do, so that was a plus) but when I arrived home, all heck broke lose and I blew the calorie goal. Let's say I was waaay over. Drats!

    Anyway, I hope to stay on track today.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Normally i would say todays goals are very reachable, but PMS:explode: is kickin my tail this week!!!

    Everyone is doing a great job. Keep up the great work!!!!!:wink:

    Ummm...yeah, I have to agree with this...PMS = candy and chips for me. Blah!
  • snoopy1107
    snoopy1107 Posts: 17 Member
    You are putting too much stress on yourself. Yes, we all want to reach our goals as fast as possible. But little setbacks like missing a day of training is not something to sweat. Just do not get depressed about it and make it up the next day by running the stairs 10 extra minutes as punishment. Negative emotions causes a rise in cortisol. So stay positive. Close your eyes, breath deep and visualise how you are going to tear it up at the gym tomorrow.

    I toally agree with this! We are way to hard on ourselves :) This is a positive change in our lives and no one said it would be eay. But we have to stay positive to acheive our goals.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    So here I go, I have another challenge that weigh's in on wed & I ran out of the house yesterday, and didn't weigh in. This morning i weighed in at 209, compared to my weigh in on Monday for this challenge at 213.

    I don't have issues getting my water intake, but i occassionally drink a diet coke depends on the meal. I want to share that I am starting to feel how I get fuller quicker when eating. Good sign right!
  • madhousenmich
    madhousenmich Posts: 45 Member
    I'm still here this board is so hard to read, I wish that once you read a post it would dissappear. Havent checked in but still here and going.
  • I am way under calories for today, but have a formal event tonight that I may use them at. I will probably get some exercise from dancing tonight! I need to up my water intake.
  • I think this board is hard to read to..
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    I have seen alot of people that are having trouble following the thread (it is a little hard to follow with all of our members). So, I have a suggestion...could we start new threads? One thread for weigh ins and one for daily challenges, check ins and chat. That way we would have specified places to go depending on what we needed to do. We are all new at this and it is learning process just thought that may help us organize things a little better.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hey Y'all!!

    I got my exercise in! Woo hoo... first day back in the gym after being out of town.

    Working on my water...I'm a little behind today since the challenge is 12 cups.

    As far as calories go...I still have over 1600, so I know I'm going to be under.

    Here's some of the things on my list I'm looking forward to:

    1. Vacation to Hawaii in September 2011 with my husband.

    2. Shopping in the Average size stores. (misses?? I think that's what its called.)

    3. New energy to keep up with my little boy.

    4. Being excited for weigh-ins instead of dreading them.

    5. Saying "GOODBYE" to the 200's FOREVER!!

    6. Running my first 5K race! I've always wanted to do this!

    These are just a few.... I'm sure I'll think of more!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247

    10 Water
    50 Minutes Cardio
    15 Minutes Weight training
    Acheive your Fiber intake for the day by increasing Fruits and Veggies! I've been slacking in the fruit/veggie department. Plus, Fiber helps rid our body of extra weight we are carrying around! Win win situation!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    sounds good. ready for tomorrow
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I am exhausted, so I am skipping exercise today. I have exercised for the past 6 days in a row I believe. I got very little sleep last night, then worked a 10 hour day. I've had 6 cups of water so far, but will probably have a few more. I'm over my calories a bit, but that's because I gave into my sweet tooth and had chocolate donuts at work this morning. I will be exercising tomorrow.

    One thing I am looking forward to after losing the weight is not wanting to hide from cameras when family wants to take pictures at Christmas! Also, I just want to feel better and have more energy.
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