

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!
    Off to church.
    So grateful for this group.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :smile: Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend,

    Juanita in sudbury where its foggy and raining but no snow hooray!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I continue to send good thoughts for a peaceful frame of mind for your DH. Anxiety is no fun at all. I have had enough in my life to know. I take generic Welbutrin and recently added a second dose. It helps me keep my anxieties in check and is also an antidepressant. I want lemon shortbread biscuits, if I can avoid butter. They sound yummy! My DH also has health issues. Although they are quite different medically, I understand how you feel about the satisfaction that comes from being able to help.

    Grandmallie: How long will you stay in Florida this time? I hope you enjoy it. Everyone is ahead of me on Christmas shopping. It looks like we’re going to be home alone this year. DD & family were coming but now says they can’t. Or won’t. It is the same result for us. I’m experiencing a bit of self-pity over it.

    BJ: We had a neighbor with frontal lobe dementia. Her husband took her to his ranch for the end stage of the disease. It is a heartbreaking condition. I am sorry for your friend who has lost herself, and especially sorry for her husband.

    DeeDee: A Wonder Horse is a child’s toy. There is a plastic molded horse that is suspended by springs in a metal frame. The child rides the horse by shifting their weight forward and back, and can be quite vigorous. My cousins had one when I was growing up and I was jealous, so I made sure my own kids had one. If you google it you’ll find pictures. I’m glad to hear you have your holiday spirit back. The decorations help liven up a particularly dark and dreary time of year for those of us who live north of the equator. The farther north you go, the more dark and dreary it becomes. Enjoy your time bossing “the boys.”

    My beloved Ducks football team won their game last night and Stanford lost, so the competition for bowl games has shifted in our favor for the moment. The season is not over yet. It is still early morning here and we’re about to have breakfast. DH is wondering what we should do with our day. I’m wondering, too, and will be brainstorming possibilities.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sunday! Patches of blue sky overhead, could we please have a little sunshine? :glasses:

    I made the boysenberry tarts yesterday and of course had to sample a few. :huh: They're OK, need to tweak the recipe a bit.

    Can it be that I really did Yoga last night? :noway: Ohhhh it felt good. I think I'm on to something here. :wink:

    Taking a drive out to the country later to check on a friend's house, she's away on vacation. Other than that I need to continue with little cleaning projects (ignoring the big ones) :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day, reminding myself to "Eat to Live, not Live to Eat".

    :smile: jb in breezy-partly-cloudy Portland
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I know I can't be the only one who loves the journey of the seasons and enjoys the wet, cold, dark days of fall and winter.

    :flowerforyou: I just came back from a dog walk----one dog at a time. It's not raining here now but it's cold and the sky is threatening. I'll watch some more figure skating, then ice my back, and then go out with the dogs again.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi all.

    No time to read the last two days that I have missed. I will do it later. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

    We went to the Marine Corps Ball with my son and dil on Friday night. It was lovely and impressive. We really enjoyed it.

    Then we left at 5:30 am the next morning...got home at 5 to 8. But I had to leave at 8 with a friend to go to Universal City Studios for a fund-raiser. Another almost 3 hours in the car. The fund-raiser was nice and then we had park tickets so we did some of the things you can do there. I especially liked the park tour where they show you buildings and outside movie sets and so on. There was a 3-d experience with King Kong...Wow. We didn't plan to stay as long as we did, but it was fun. And even after a total of 8 hours in the car I had 12,000 steps on my fitbit and a lot of stairs.

    So now I have a sore throat. I'll make it to church, but I'm skipping Bible class. Then I'm going to come home and rest so I can make it through the school week.

    Our front yard is done being re-landscaped and looks wonderful. We had a great designer/landscaper.

    Gotta get ready for church. I'll catch up later.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Katla - sorry that you might be spending Christmas by yourselves.. Last year we went to DSIL after Christmas so used Christmas day to do and have exactly what we liked. We had Dover Sole, among other yummy things. We didn't bother with a tree though. :cry: I am still trying to fix something up with DS#1.:grumble: I haven't made the biscuits yet. Will do them tomorrow. Guests arriving late afternoon.

    Grandmalie - sorry your trip out was spoiled. It's often hard to guess at what is really troubling men. They never tell us outright! There's usually something bubbling away underneath!:ohwell:

    Barbie - sounds like you are getting some nice 'alone' time. It's lovely when it doesn't go on for too long! I love to watch my foreign films when I am left alone. I have one now I am dying to watch, set in Hong Kong.
    What is the photo you posted? ?

    Time for my nightly Pernod!
    Heather UK
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Just rolling along to stay with the thread.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, your graphics are awesome, how do you do that? Also, just dropping in to mark my spot on the new thread. Just came back from jazzercise and bumped into an old friend.

    :bigsmile: Hitting the shower nowm so ttyl:bigsmile:

    in rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Very rainy and dreary here with a lot of thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings popping up. I am grateful that the weather is not worse! I always get nervous with storms since we flooded two years in a row, in 2006 and 2007, so just staying close to home today. If the weather clears up later, I hope to get to the grocery store. Have a good day all! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in stormy IL :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member


    :flowerforyou: Heather, I found this picture on glitter graphics and posted it to say that the wet, cold, dark of this time of year are beautiful and should be embraced :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I go to a site called www.glittergraphics.com and search for images, then copy the BB code and paste in my post.....:bigsmile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just bumping to save!
  • ShellyLynnConley
    I am new to myfitnesspal.com and good to see women over 50 encouraging each other through this lifestyle process of transforming into healthier women. I look forward to participating in the group too.

    When I see some of your posts of rain and snowy weather, this is something we have been praying for in the central valley of California for years as we are experiencing serious drought conditions, and currently are experiencing an Indian summer, with temperatures in the 70's. I would welcome winter back into the valley which would be a blessing too.

    I am a single mother of four beautiful children, and six grandchildren, and I am very proud of each one of them too.

    I am still trying to adjust to the empty nest syndrome, and being single can become very lonely. Despite being single and lonely, I have found a good support group within the community, I have been in therapy for over ten years. I believe that I have finally reached a point where I realize that I must exercise and eat right to not only lose weight, yet, to fully recover in a wholistic healthy way.

    I look forward to hearing from you ladies, and thanks for having this forum to share.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome-ShellyLynncon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We had tornado warnings,passed thru some tomes nearby.Thankful for being safe.
    Barbie,love the pic u posted.
    HUGS to u all:heart::heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome ShellyLynncon - you have come to a supportive group of women. I often drop in to take in some Vitamin F (F stands for friends). I like the way these women support each other and not judge each other. I wish you well on your journey.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Meg - when we go away, we have someone who comes into the house. They feed the cats, play with them, give any meds that are needed. It's worth it. Would you believe that Vince started putting up the Christmas tree today? Yes, it is depressing. But on the other hand, I know that Christmas is so soon after Thanksgiving this year (it's late this year), and if I leave the Christmas things to do until after Thanksgiving, there is no way that I'll get everything done. There was still popcorn from last year on the tree! When you're coloring your hair, you must have some clothing that you wear that you don't care if the color gets on. I colored my roots the other day and got some of the dye on my bra. Fortunately, I only had on my bra and panties at the time.

    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Then made a pepsi cake (never made that before). I was going to take it to Jessica's but it stuck to the pan. I'm thinking that it really needed to cool in the pan longer. So I made another one, but this one I'm going to let cool in the pan longer. Right now I have a beer bread in the oven. I'm not a beer drinker so I have no idea if it'll be good or not. This is the first time I'm trying this recipe. Well, what's the worst that can happen? Update: the cake is still sticking to the pan and it's been cooling for almost 45 minutes. I'm thinking that maybe its sticking because it's so sweet, there is just so much sugar in it.

    Tomorrow I'll do some yoga at home, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class. That cola cake that stuck to the pan? I'll give half of it to the people at the place where I take the extremepump class. The other half I'll take to mahjongg tomorrow night.

    Ohhhh..I got this email from someone samm-some numbers. This person told me that they'd like to *kitten* to my picture. I blocked this person. Unfortunately, MFP doesn't notify them that they've been blocked, you just don't get their messages. I want nothing to do with this. How disgusting can you get!

    Tomorrow there is a get together of the Busy Hands group. This is basically a group where you do handcrafts. Then they're playing rummikub at 1 (I probably won't go that early if I go at all). Then mahjongg at night. If I go to the Busy Hands or rummikub will depend on the weather. We got more of these water cylinders to hold the pool cover down so if it's good weather we'll probably put those up.

    We went to Lowe's Hardward, Vince needed more stakes for the decorations and he got some pressuretreated lumber which he's thinking that he'll put under the connections between the extension cords so that he doesn't have to wrap them in electrical tape but yet they'll be up off the ground and not sitting in standing water.

    We go to see TSO this coming Saturday. I know that Lynette wants to go out to dinner afterwards. I need to make something for Jessica and Kris to have -- I'm thinking one of the triple chocolate cheesecakes. Not sure if Kris likes cheesecake or not.Every time I just look at that deep fried apple pie, my stomach feels yukky. Oh, I wish Vince would finish it, or else try it and let me throw the rest out.

    DeeDee - you show those boys whose boss!!!! lol

    katla - not everyone is ahead of you on Christmas shopping....I'm not! Haven't even started. Jessica had one of those Wonder Horses when she was a baby. She used to rock so hard that she actually broke the head off it. We used to put the back end under the sofa so that she wouldn't ride it all over the living room. Did she ever wear away the rug under where it was! But she really did enjoy it!

    Shelly - welcome!

    Well, since this is a new thread, I'll post this now to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 17th. Today I am thankful for God's wonderful protection. He has brought me through so many things and today may be another one. My family thinks I am a cat since it appears I have nine lives. Some day I may tell you about some of my near death experiences. I am grateful for His protection daily.

    Tornadoes all around us, some have been devastating but so far we are OK. In fact we have a pretty blue sky out there.

    Last night I tried doing a plank. I'm not sure if I had my back as straight as it should have been but I did 30 seconds. I think riding 10 miles a day for several days in a row has really made me tired today. I't 3:20 in the afternoon and I am still in my jammies.

    I can relate very much to a husband making you feel like you are worthless. I know it isn't my husbands opinion of me but when he gets angry that what he does. I know sometimes he is actually mad at himself and instead of calling himself names he extends it to me. One thing he does that he knows pushes my button all the wrong way is to call some one who has a handicap placard on their car mentally handicapped. Now granted the person driving the car is doing something irresponsible but that doesn't mean they are mentally handicapped. I have really had to learn how to pick my battles with him.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I am amazed at how busy you all are, and so sorry to hear about the car crashes several of you have had and the difficult hospital times some of you have been through. I will gradually catch up as I get to know you better!

    My weekend sounds very tame, and is nearly over... and haven't done much... have turned in the evening, always a time that is difficult, to crisps, etc. I did a collection stint for Rotary in the nearby shopping mall in aid of the typhoon in the Phillipines (counted that as exercise walking up and down with the heavy bucket!) and then long session yesterday and today (after church) trying to reclaim our garden which over the years we have neglected (being political, every March, April and May, we are working hard delivering leaflets, so weeds take hold, and we never catch up). The brambles are rampant, and all the shrubs have grown into trees, while trees have seeded themselves! Still pulling them out and chopping them down is like a 'green gym'. And we have endless work to do, so am trying to spend a couple of hours every day, weather permitting, out there.

    Unfortunately... well fortunately, really... DS#1 who lives in Japan skyped us, with his partner, and had a lovely long chat to them both. Meanwhile caught up on emails and admin jobs that needed doing (like renewing my computer virus protection), and booking a hotel for our Lib Dem national conference next March.

    Anyway, aiming to get down to the gym a couple of times this week, and be out delivering leaflets so getting some exercise too!! Have a good Monday, you all, better health and drive carefully!
    Cheers from South coast of UK
    Faith (florawanda are my first two names I only use online)
  • Kelly_Girl
    Kelly_Girl Posts: 22 Member
    :smile: Looking for or willing to start a weekly check in group.

    I'm looking for folks that want to check in weekly on how they are doing. I can't quite do it daily and just getting my food and exercise into the system is a lot daily so doing a daily check in for other items isn't realistic for my schedule. Check ins can be framed anyway you/we want. If you want to do weight or food or exercise, planning all the above, whatever your starting point is remembering not to do too much at once and just add in what is doable.

    If you are interested get in touch with me and we can figure out what works.

    I'm 49, about 175 lbs (maybe - I weigh in tomorrow for the real number) and looking to get on the move for losing weight. Haven't picked a number yet just want to get started.

    Hope to hear from you.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    I am never going to lose anymore weight at this rate:grumble: I am starving....
    i just downed 2 bowls of plain shredded wheat bites with unsweetened almond milk, and It will take me all the way up to my exercise calorie.:noway:
    its depressing, but I guess it could have been something worse