Any way to lose fat on legs but NOT gain muscle?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    General weight loss is key. Whilst losing, walking is good for gentle toning. Slower, long-distance running (rather than short but fast) is good for long and lean muscles, as is yoga. Stretch well and often. I wouldn't rule out squats as these will define your thigh muscles rather than build them, making them look slimmer as a result- just don't add weight when squatting.
    Gotta disagree with the "long lean muscle" statement. Stretching doesn't lengthen them (meaning from point to point) either. People that look "longer and leaner" have lower body fat and lack muscle size. To achieve this if you have sizable muscles already, is to cause atrophy. And way to do that is to not work out on them and consume very low amounts of protein. Of course, that would also mean that one could invariably gain more fat.

    To the OP, keep up calorie deficit. They will get smaller over time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Trust me, you are not gaining muscle on your legs from walking.
    This. If anything, you're losing it.

    This. I walked about 15 miles a week for several years and my legs were horribly flabby. I'm lifting heavy now to try and fix it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    why do people feel the need to be such *kitten*?

    I'm amazed MFP will censor d#ck, but not *kitten*.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    There's obviously no way to actually lengthen them, its supposed to create the perception maybe? I didn't come up with it, the ridiculous magazines that plaster yoga throughout them make that claim.
    Which is why the information should be corrected instead of having people go on a quest of yoga or stretching for a period of time and find out it doesn't work that way.
    Yeah there can be less sarcasm, but at the very least the information is correct. That should be the takeaway and not think that there was any personalization from the post.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    I would say change to running... The theory of slow vs fast cardio applies here, since doing a more intense workout can reduce your fat/muscle of the leg whereas slow cardio targets the fat primarily so you'll be left with huge muscular legs ... But you can see how Olympic marathon runners have tiny legs and they train for hours on end daily
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Do whatever ballerinas do.

    Which I think involves lots of ballet and steep calorie deficits.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I made my muscles too long and this happened


    Am I the only one that finds this mildly terrifying?

    no, it is pretty creepy! i'm glad i am not in the office on my own right now!

    also, sooooooooooooooooooo glad i clicked on this post, comedy GOLD!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I would say change to running... The theory of slow vs fast cardio applies here, since doing a more intense workout can reduce your fat/muscle of the leg whereas slow cardio targets the fat primarily so you'll be left with huge muscular legs ... But you can see how Olympic marathon runners have tiny legs and they train for hours on end daily

    Slow cardio targets primarily fat?


    That must be why all these women trudging away on the treadmill day after day, month after month look either the same, or like slightly smaller copies of their old selves, right?

  • First of all, some ppl gain muscle mass very easily, and not the trim and slim kind. I have struggled with that all my life. Body builders may like this but women in general do not. Cardio such as running or aerobics is the best way to trim down the fat on your legs while not bulking up. Add a little bit of toning exercises like leg lifts (no weight added) and this will tighten the already existing muscle making you smaller. Just don't overdo these types of exercises or ever add any weight as it will bulk you up almost immediately if you have this body type. Squats are NOT what you want to do. They will bulk you up if you already have a tendency toward large legs. Try not to eat too much protein either or this can add more muscle when mixed with exercise. Eat less fats, and try to stick with more veggies and lean proteins like chicken and fish, hummus dip, etc. Good luck!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I know you probably know this, but you can spot reduce just the fat on your legs. If you lose weight overrall, the fat will come off your legs at some point though certain body parts show weight loss ahead others.

    Out of curiosity, why don't you want muscle gains in your legs? When I started doing squats and lunges regularly, I got definition in my legs, not bulk.

    Yes, I know. I was just hoping I was wrong and that there was something else I could. I wouldnt mind the muscle, if my legs were not so huge. I just want them smaller. :grumble:

    They are huge because they are fat. I would be more worried about the fat on the belly.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    First of all, some ppl gain muscle mass very easily, and not the trim and slim kind. I have struggled with that all my life. Body builders may like this but women in general do not. Cardio such as running or aerobics is the best way to trim down the fat on your legs while not bulking up. Add a little bit of toning exercises like leg lifts (no weight added) and this will tighten the already existing muscle making you smaller. Just don't overdo these types of exercises or ever add any weight as it will bulk you up almost immediately if you have this body type. Squats are NOT what you want to do. They will bulk you up if you already have a tendency toward large legs. Try not to eat too much protein either or this can add more muscle when mixed with exercise. Eat less fats, and try to stick with more veggies and lean proteins like chicken and fish, hummus dip, etc. Good luck!

    A whole lot of bad advice right there.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Muscle is more dense then fat, so why wouldn't you want some muscle in your leg? A little leg muscle is sexy.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Spot reduction is a myth.

    Yup, had a whole chapter on it in my high school mythology class.

    i heard unicorns can spot reduce their horns
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    First of all, some ppl gain muscle mass very easily, and not the trim and slim kind.
    Who are these people? People can get heavier easily, but putting on muscle is actually quite hard to do.
    I have struggled with that all my life. Body builders may like this but women in general do not. Cardio such as running or aerobics is the best way to trim down the fat on your legs while not bulking up. Add a little bit of toning exercises like leg lifts (no weight added) and this will tighten the already existing muscle making you smaller. Just don't overdo these types of exercises or ever add any weight as it will bulk you up almost immediately if you have this body type. Squats are NOT what you want to do. They will bulk you up if you already have a tendency toward large legs. Try not to eat too much protein either or this can add more muscle when mixed with exercise. Eat less fats, and try to stick with more veggies and lean proteins like chicken and fish, hummus dip, etc. Good luck!
    If one is in calorie deficit (and not a newbie, returning athlete, or extremely overweight/obese) the chances of adding any muscle is improbable. To add muscle is to add weight, and adding weight (lean mass) doesn't happen in calorie deficit. What you're stating is long time broscience that's been passed around as truth when it isn't.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    to answer the question i'm a thick legged gal and i went from a size 22 pants to size 14 pants by heavy weight lifting with weights.. squats , deadlifts, turkish get ups and by heavy i mean my deadlifts were over my body weight.

    and once again i repeat i'm naturally thick legged.

    the key is to eat at a slight calorie deficit.

    so yeah, start weight lifting. learn the form correctly before increasing weight. look up programs like starting strength, strong lifts and wendler 5-3-1. lift weights like a beast. eat at a deficit and watch your fat melt and dont even waste time with the "gentle toning" stuff. if that stuff worked then just about every woman at the gym would have the body of her dreams
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    First of all, some ppl gain muscle mass very easily, and not the trim and slim kind. I have struggled with that all my life. Body builders may like this but women in general do not. Cardio such as running or aerobics is the best way to trim down the fat on your legs while not bulking up. Add a little bit of toning exercises like leg lifts (no weight added) and this will tighten the already existing muscle making you smaller. Just don't overdo these types of exercises or ever add any weight as it will bulk you up almost immediately if you have this body type. Squats are NOT what you want to do. They will bulk you up if you already have a tendency toward large legs. Try not to eat too much protein either or this can add more muscle when mixed with exercise. Eat less fats, and try to stick with more veggies and lean proteins like chicken and fish, hummus dip, etc. Good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    First of all, some ppl gain muscle mass very easily, and not the trim and slim kind. I have struggled with that all my life. Body builders may like this but women in general do not. Cardio such as running or aerobics is the best way to trim down the fat on your legs while not bulking up. Add a little bit of toning exercises like leg lifts (no weight added) and this will tighten the already existing muscle making you smaller. Just don't overdo these types of exercises or ever add any weight as it will bulk you up almost immediately if you have this body type. Squats are NOT what you want to do. They will bulk you up if you already have a tendency toward large legs. Try not to eat too much protein either or this can add more muscle when mixed with exercise. Eat less fats, and try to stick with more veggies and lean proteins like chicken and fish, hummus dip, etc. Good luck!

    Yah okay. Somebody else trying to scare women away from "muscles". Leg lifts with weights and squats WILL NOT BULK YOU UP IMMEDIATELY

    Eating too much protien at a deficet will not add muscle.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    why do people feel the need to be such *kitten*? obviously there's no way to lengthen muscles but i have heard that stretching, yoga, etc can make them appear more toned and "longer" looking but jesus chill out. i understand wanting to trim leg muscles down. not everyone wants big strong legs that certain sports and workouts can create. cracking jokes at others' expense is just stupid. whether its just not written properly or an uneducated response, i hate seeing people get attacked.

    someone please, come back and post something obnoxious about this post now.

    Okay you said to...

    *Alert* *Alert*

    White knight present to defend someone who posted something that is just not true.

    Bullies abound.

    btw no name calling in the general forums it goes against the ToS as do personal attacks such as your post...just an FYI.


    Stop attacking people you hate it when it happens yet here you are doing exactly what you hate...ah pot/kettle/black
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I love how "some people gain muscle easily" is such a common belief, yet pro bodybuilders can spend years trying to gain a few pounds of lean muscle.


    Muscles have fixed attachment points. Unless you are making your bones longer too, good luck making your muscles longer. They grow or shrink. Hypertrophy or Atrophy. Nothing else.
  • alimay66
    alimay66 Posts: 10 Member
    I made my muscles too long and this happened


    Am I the only one that finds this mildly terrifying?

    No. It's extremely unsettling :(