Green Coffee Bean Extract... results?



  • PsychoCygnet
    PsychoCygnet Posts: 10 Member
    It's been working pretty well for me. I've been taking the NatureMade green coffee extract for a bit, and not only did I manage not to gain any weight on vacation (when I was pretty much off my diet), but I've had a slightly easier time getting my extremely stubborn body to go along with my diet-and-exercise plan since I got back.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Green coffee bean extract burn fat. my father is biochemist and he says coffee bean fat burn.
    If u think im a joke, or not real, imagine Im euro style. Turns out its a fact idiot,
    im croatia, now at north america. So my tastes, info, and thoughts have backing. Enjoy life my man.

    I agree with the poster in the other thread.... you are my favorite troll.
    A pharmacist recommended me this ones, she even had one in her purse and gave me one to try. It's tasty and like a candy :)

    The first one is always free.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I have been taking them. Hate to tell you, but Dr Oz was only listening on this new stuff. He did not endorse it. It works! I have lost over 5 lbs. I will continue till I meet my goal. And that is 4 more lbs. :wink: I was really surprise.

    Are you serious???

    If its mentioned in ANY way on his show regardless of who mentioned it or for how long he's endorsing it. He gets paid for that.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Dr. Oz is such a jerk. Really his show is like an infomercial. Doesn't he have enough money already? He could be doing a great public service by talking about how to be healthy and what health means. But instead he would rather hawk some goods for profit.

    Agreed. He used to be more concerned with health when he was a guest on Oprah's show back in the day. Now that he has his own he's no good..

    Even with the first and second seasons it was more interesting and geared towards health and now it is all gimmicks. He's always promoting this stuff in First magazine too.

    Dr. Oz DOES NOT promote any product. If you watch his show you would know

    Good lord...-_-;;;
  • bruce12william
    uncertainty they'd perform anything distinct from people having some sort of glass as well as two associated with espresso.
  • JorisSt
    JorisSt Posts: 36
    Here's his video

    For me the Green Coffee Beans can help, some things are true and some are not. The Acid inside the coffee bean can help reduce fat. But always there are exceptions, dont forget that.

    Also you have to do it right, Dr Oz explains how you should do it. Its possible that you buy alot of junk on the internet!
  • cmt0624
    cmt0624 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been taking them for ten days and have lost four pounds and my stomach is noticeably smaller. I have been dieting and exercising lightly (arm workouts with 5 pounds weights, ab workouts, squats) to help the process along. I am no longer hungry all day, but I still do get hungry. I make sure to eat at least 1200 calories in order to still be healthy. Most days I go over 1200 calories but I eat less every meal and don't think about food as much!

    Hope this helps! I would recommend it to anyone.
  • deathoria
    the idea behind it is a pure caffeine ingredient.
    Similar to Green tea. yes it will make you loose weight. but you will loose more if you continue your normal calorie deficit.
    this is "GOOD ****" so use it that way.
  • stepleft
    stepleft Posts: 6 Member
    I've just ordered the vitacost 800 mg 120 tablets. On special right now for 10$ looks to be the cheapest I've found with the most quality :) I found out about this through a random trash site but they were all taking about the cgbx.. Spent alot if time doing my research.. Seems to work for most people but the price is too high for that one. The vitacost has the same mg and and ingredients. Wish me luck ill update as I go :)
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Caffeine raises your heart rate and reduces your appetite.

    Most success stories here will confirm that these two things are key to weight loss.

    Exercise to raise your heart rate has long term health benefits in excess of what caffeine can offer (although I am a fan of coffee for what it can do, just like I'm a fan of wine).

    Eating less is the most effective way to lose weight.
  • beanextractaus
    one small study (funded by—you guess it—a company that markets green coffee extract), which found that overweight people lost weight when they took a high-dose green coffee supplement. -
  • DavidTacoma
    Hi Everyone.!
    Such a nice and informative discussion guys. I am happy to read all the post in this thread. I like green coffee and its good to lose weight and improve health. Thanks for sharing this information. Have a nice day.
  • MNTom
    MNTom Posts: 18 Member
    Drugs/Foods that restrict absorption of food/nutrients will cause weight loss but they are dangerous to one's health. The only safe way to lose weight is what I call the "Four Word Diet". EAT LESS, DO MORE!

    Dr. Oz is a quack who has traded his medical diploma (if he has one) for a TV career.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    When I hear of a "magic pill" to help you lose weight I do a TON of research and dig into information for myself. I have read a ton of magazines and websites on Green Coffee Bean Extract and its a DUD. Its almost like taking a placebo pill and having your mind think it is being aided with losing weight. I use to be a weight loss pill taker and after almost dying from taking a certain weight loss pill, I stopped taking anything all together that my doctor didn't agree was needed.

    So everyone who is taking this, just stay safe and make sure to speak to your doctors about anything you wish to try and such as people may say its one thing, but in reality its totally different.
  • MirandaGeorge
    I recently bought the green coffee bean extract pills, today makes day
    5 of taking them and I have lost a total of 6 pounds. The first 3 days I lost 3 pounds... They do make you have more bowel movements. I take them with a glass of water and take 2 a day, 30 mins before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner. Do not take them before you go to bed, I made that mistake and it kept me up all night. I ordered mine from amazon because they were cheaper and I WOULD recommend them to someone that's looking to lose weight. I completely cut put out of my diet and now only drink water and sometimes Gatorade. I bought the 60 capsule 800 mg bottle. Don't listen to everyone's negativity. Try them yourself. Not a waste of money! Good luck! :)
  • MirandaGeorge
    Another thing if you eat greasy foods while taking them, you will set on the toilet for awhile LOL! I learned that yesterday.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I recently bought the green coffee bean extract pills, today makes day
    5 of taking them and I have lost a total of 6 pounds. The first 3 days I lost 3 pounds... They do make you have more bowel movements. I take them with a glass of water and take 2 a day, 30 mins before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner. Do not take them before you go to bed, I made that mistake and it kept me up all night. I ordered mine from amazon because they were cheaper and I WOULD recommend them to someone that's looking to lose weight. I completely cut put out of my diet and now only drink water and sometimes Gatorade. I bought the 60 capsule 800 mg bottle. Don't listen to everyone's negativity. Try them yourself. Not a waste of money! Good luck! :)

    LOL...Strong first post with earth shattering science behind it - if you poop constantly, you will show a loss on the scale.....:sad: :bigsmile:
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I tried adding them to my diet last year. I didn't see any results, other than a little extra jitteriness.

    like most fads, I think these "work" for people because it makes those people stop and think about what they're doing and putting into their bodies. and when they see fast results (water weight loss), it makes them feel better about themselves and therefore make healthier choices.

    long story short, I wasted $8. ;)
  • Aundrea242
    Another thing if you eat greasy foods while taking them, you will set on the toilet for awhile LOL! I learned that yesterday.

    I know this thread is a little old, but I was wondering if this was in my head. I take medicine that causes me to only have a bowl movement once to twice a week. I was taking a ton of fiber stuff from Whole Foods and it was helping me go every day, but I was also taking the green coffee bean extract. I quit taking the green coffee bean extract because I ran out and was short on money, but I kept taking the fiber. All of a sudden I am back to going to the bathroom once or twice a week. It now makes sense. If your stopped up, green coffee bean extract might come in handy and I can see why I lost three pounds in a short time.
  • sugarandswim
    Hey @yardiechick12! What brand of these pills are you taking? I'm interested in trying the green coffee bean extract too, but want to be sure I'm taking a quality product. Which ones do you take?